New Features
- Added Virus Sample functionality in Campaign
- AI Director will randomly spawn containers with Virus Sample that players can pick up
- Virus samples can spawn from Bombers that are taken down without them exploding.
- The containers are fragile and they will begin to apply negative effects to players as they break.
- If players will manage to finish the mission with containers intact, they will get increased rewards
- AI Director can spawn several Virus Samples, Bomber will also drop them
- Added 4 new weapon variants with unique perks
- Pistol - Increased penetration and damage vs special zombies.
- Machine Pistol - Full auto variant, reloads primary weapon after a special zombie kill.
- Classic Battle Rifle - Semi auto variant, no penetration but deals a lot of damage.
- Battle Rifle - Full auto variant.
- Thumper Grenade Launcher - Incendiary grenades.
- War Heroes character skin pack (included for Season Pass owners)
Horde Mode
- Slightly reduced difficulty in Hard mode
- Significantly reduced difficulty in Normal mode
- Less Special Zombies will spawn in Normal mode
- Increased preparation timer between waves by 20% in Normal mode
- Supply points rewards will begin to scale down later in Normal mode
- Added significantly more random pickups in Normal mode
- Increased Auto Turret maximum ammo
- Capped by 10 the amount of Auto Turrets that could be placed simultaneously
- Fixed one of the shops not spawning items
- Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by 50%
- Reduced ammo crate cost from 100 to 70
- Significantly increased both XP and currency rewards
- Tweaked Extreme difficulty settings to restore pre-patch balance (it was changed to support crossplay)
- AI Director will spawn less secondary weapon pickups
- Reworked Bomber drop, he will spawn better Primary and Heavy weapons when killed
- Fixed several issues with perks stacking
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
- Fixed issue that allowed players to clip through geometry in some places
PC Specific Fixes
- Added crossplay between Xbox in PvE
New Features
- Added The Professionals character skin pack (included for Season Pass owners)
Horde Mode
- The goal is to have shorter but more fun and much more rewarding sessions
- Overall difficulty is greatly increased
- Rewards for beating wave 10 and higher are greatly increased
- Wave difficulty increases much faster
- The amount of resources player get is slightly reduced, especially after wave 20
- Introduced a limit to the number of defense kits of the same type that can be deployed simultaneously
- Reduced cost of equipment bags from 30 to 25
- Reduced auto turrets ammo by 25%, thus players have to reload them more often
- Wave preparation time will begin to decrease after wave 15
- Reduced the amount of resources players can get by using breaching charges from 150 to 100
- Rejoining the same session in horde mode will now not restore ammo and health to full
- Added option to restore environmental objects like gasoline pools and gas cylinders via shop
- Added new side objectives
- Search bodies
- Capture area
- Bomber takes 20% more damage to limbs; this makes him easier to bring down
- Reduced Bomber move speed by 10%
- Fixed issue that would make Bomber explode even if player had not hit his detonator
- Heavy Sniper Rifle
- Increased damage by 100%
- Classic Battle Rifle
- Increased damage by 10%
- Increased maximum ammo carried by 1 extra mag
- Fixed issue with Thrifty perk not working as intended
- Fixer’s “Scavenger” perk (a chance to restore defense kit) is now less efficient in Horde Mode
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed issue with UI not being shown after mission complete screen in rare cases
- Fixed critical issue that caused the game to spawn less zombies with more waves in Horde Mode
- Fixed issue that caused desync in zombie positions in Horde Mode
- Fixed server performance and memory degradation in Horde Mode
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
- Fixed issue that allowed players to clip through geometry in some places
General fixes
- Fixed issue that caused supply bags to be unusable after a while
- Fixed issue that caused flares from unbuilt Auto Turrets to appear when joining a game in progress
- Fixed issue that prevented a player from selecting a character when joining a game in progress
- Fixed issue that caused friendly fire from allied gunship on NY4 episode
- Fixed issue that prevented players from getting rewards if a party leader left the game in rare cases
PC Specific Fixes
- Fixed key binds being reset after each game launch if certain buttons were used for mapping
- Fixed issue that would cause players to get stuck in the lobby when matchmaking via Quickplay
- Fixed an issue that was causing significant performance drop
- Fixed zombie desync that would accumulate between waves in Horde Mode
Horde Mode
- Fixed and issue that would prevent zombies from spawning at Wave 20+
- Reduced maximum number of Auto Turret refills from 3 to 2
- Increased Auto Turret cost from 50 to 70
- Fixed an issue that was causing Heavy Weapons to spawn in a wrong place when purchased
- All rewards (including yellow and blue currency) are now growing up to Wave 40 instead of Wave 20
- Reduced XP rewards growth by 20% to compensate overall rewards increase
General fixes
- Fixed an issue that would allow to launch Horde Mode with mutators, resulting in unexpected crashes during gameplay
- Fixed an issue that would prevent weapons from leveling up if they got a few XP left
- Fixed an issue with certain mutators not reducing game rewards as originally intended in Private Lobby
New Features
- Added a new game mode: Horde Mode
- Added new Bomber special zombie that will spawn in all modes and levels
- Added Special Operations Forces skin pack (included for Season Pass owners)
- Activating certain mutators in private lobby will result in reduced currency and XP rewards
- The Flare gun can now spawn as a rare weapon on all levels. When fired, it will distract and burn zombies.
- Fixed Screamer not moving to attack player in some cases
- Bots will not attempt to finish off Spitter in melee if it is very far away from them
- Fixed issue with Hellraiser’s Technician perk not increasing the maximum number of targets.
- Fixed issue with prestige perks reducing max ammo instead of increasing it.
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
General fixes
- Fixed issue with all ammo affecting mutators, that would result in giving players wrong amount of ammo
- Fixed issue with flamethrower continuing to fire even if player swapped to a different weapon
- Fixed another issue with prestige levels not saving correctly in some cases
- Reduced volume of Sniper Rifle firing sound
- Adjusted hit marker sound, now it is more subtle and will be affected by SFX slider in audio settings
- Improved stats of Golden Assault Rifle, Pistol and Advanced SMG so now they are identical to their level 5 upgradable versions
- Prestige Scout Rifle. Increased damage and accuracy
- Prestige Classic Battle Rifle. Increased accuracy.
- Prestige Crossbow. Increased max ammo, damage and accuracy.
- Prestige Combat Shotgun. Increased max ammo.
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed several server crashes resulting in disconnects
- Fixed a large number of gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels. especially in New York 4 and Moscow 4 levels
General fixes
- Fixed issue with prestige levels not saving correctly in some cases
- Fixed issue with maximum completed difficulty display in Episodes screen
- Completing levels with mutators in private lobby will not count towards earning unique weapon rewards
- Fixed major connectivity and matchmaking issue
New Features
- Added a new chapter in the NY Episode
- Added a new chapter in the Moscow Episode
- Added Prestige Ranks that will grant players unique rewards:
- Prestige perks
- Unique weapon variants
- Portrait frames
- Added Flamethrower heavy weapon
- Added option to enable any mutators in private lobby
- PvP characters will now use character customization from PvE
- Added option to play Challenge Mode offline
- Added Halloween trinket reward for playing at least one match during Halloween week Oct 25 - Nov 5.
- Infector is now 25% more vulnerable to normal firearms
- Fixed issue with melee sometimes not pushing back zombies in front of the player
- Removed 4 Skulls (“VERY HARD”) difficulty, as it was the least played difficulty
- HARD difficulty is slightly harder:
- Reduced player health from 75 to 60
- Reduced player revive limit from 3 to 2
- Increased number of zombies by 10%
- INSANE is slightly easier:
- Increased player health from 25 to 30
- Reduced Normal and Special Zombies difficulty health modifier from +100% to +75%
- Improved random feature for all perks that have a chance to trigger. Instead of pure random, the game will use weighted random. For example, if a perk has a 25% chance to trigger, this means that it is guaranteed to trigger on the 4th try. This will result in less unlucky or lucky streaks for perks like “% chance not to use med kit when healing”.
- “Sugar Coated” perk will now grant temporary health to the player who got healed, just as it is written in the description
- "Second Wind” perk will now also grant 3 second masking effect on activation
- Added potential rewards display in Episode screen
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed number of explosive charges spawning in Japan 2 level
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
General fixes
- Fixed issue with “Comfort Zone” mutator that was causing damage to players even if the distance conditions were met
- Fixed issue that was launching player into the air on uneven surfaces
- Fixed issue that was causing players to clip through geometry during vault animations
- Fixed rare issue that was resulting in players picking up additional magazine for heavy weapons
- Fixed issue with Molotov dealing damage directly to health instead of temporary health that was granted by Stim Pistol or other sources
PC Specific Fixes
- Added ultra-wide resolution support in game (main menu still uses letterbox)
- Fixed voice chat mute on PC (you need to click on player in the scoreboard to mute him)
New Features
- Added new Weekly Challenge Mode - This is a separate playlist that offers a combination of three unique gameplay modifiers, which rotate every week
- Successfully completing weekly challenges will reward you with Challenge Coins.
- This special currency is spent on unlocking customization options such as character skins, headgear, backpack attachments and more
- Added Character Outfit Customization feature
- Added skins, headgear and backpack attachments for each character
- Added new Classic Battle Rifle weapon and its variants
- Added Biohazard DLC weapon variants
- Players under masking effects will no longer get hit by zombies that are attacking other teammates
- The Bull special zombie will not grab players under masking effects even if he was charging at another player and the masked player was in his way
- The Bull and Lurker special zombies will no longer deal instant damage when grabbing players, providing a small window to prevent damage if the special zombies are quickly killed by teammates
Quality of Life
- Added option to swap triggers and buttons on a controller
- Added option to toggle aim
- Added option to toggle crouch
- Players will be able to sprint if they are holding sprint button as soon as sprint stamina is regenerated. Previously players had to depress and press sprint button again
- Weapon stats progress bars now more accurately display actual gameplay stats. This resulted in some visual changes across all weapons. However, actual gameplay stats did not change
- PvE assists are now rewarded for these actions:
- Healing teammates with a stim pistol
- Healing teammates with a medkit
- Saving a teammate who has been grabbed
- Reviving a teammate
- Teammates using your supply bag
- Killing Infector that infected your teammate
- Added ping display in PvP
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Pump Action Shotgun. Increased damage by 7%.
- Combat Shotgun. Increased rate of fire by 25%.
- Compact Shotgun. Increased rate of fire by 25%. Increased damage by 5% for versions 4 and 5.
- BF25 Payload Rifle. Increased damage by 25%. Improved version is also affected and has 50% more ammo
- Improved Stun Gun aiming at point blank distances
- Improved effectiveness of vertical Voltage Grid defense kit
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
General fixes
- Fixed Bullet Dodger perk which was giving friendly fire resistance for an inconsistent amount of time
- Fixed issue that caused newly acquired weapons to have less than full ammunition in some cases
- Fixed issue that kept the “Clear Infection” prompt from being displayed on the HUD if player was using melee
- Crossbow bolts will now explode properly if fired by an AI bot (no friendly fire, don’t worry)
- Fixed Stun Gun dealing inconsistent amounts of damage
- Fixed issue that caused already burnt gasoline barrels and puddles to appear as targets for aim assist target selection
- Chainsaw will no longer waste fuel if used against dead bodies
- Fixed issue with scoreboard staying on screen in outro cinematics
- Fixed issue that caused players to be unable to shoot while being healed in some cases
- Fixed issue with shotguns sometimes reloading 2 extra rounds in one reload cycle
- Fixed Infector spit effect staying on the screen after respawn
- Igniting gasoline puddles, using Taser and throwing Molotovs will no longer fail stealth checks
- Fixed issue with “zombies are close” warning sound triggering incorrectly
- Angel no longer loses his head during cinematics
PC Specific Fixes
- Player can now switch shoulders when aiming with Dual Sights Sniper Rifle
- Added option to disable Vulkan Dynamic Resolution in video settings
- Added option to disable Vulkan FidelityFX CAS in video settings
New Features
- Added new 6 skulls difficulty mode.
- Added Wakizashi melee weapon for completing any level on the new difficulty mode.
- Added unique Sniper Rifle variant for completing all levels on the new difficulty mode.
- Ammo crates now have limited ammo available based on difficulty level. The amount of ammunition drained from the ammo crate depends on the weapon and how much ammo the player has left. On average, the distribution is:
- Easy – unlimited refills.
- Normal – unlimited refills.
- Hard – 12 full refills.
- Insane – 6 full refills.
- Extreme – 6 full refills.
- Slightly reduced the number of special zombies that can spawn in idle state.
- Reduced the total number of special zombies that can be present simultaneously from 6 to 4 on all difficulties except Extreme difficulty, which will have 5.
- Slightly increased cooldown between special zombie spawns.
- Very slightly reduced the total number of zombies that can spawn during non-swarm waves.
- Increased AI bots’ efficiency on Insane difficulty.
- Improved balance of zombie waves when playing without AI bots.
- Improved friendly auto turrets on higher difficulties (previously their damage did not scale).
- Enemy auto turrets will deal slightly less damage on higher difficulties, but will have more health.
- Fixed issue that was preventing AI bots from attacking zombies when they were under masking effect.
- Special zombies will no longer be able to grab player through thin walls.
- Improved Lurker jump behavior; he will be able to spot and jump on players from above more efficiently.
- Greengold and Svetlana friendly NPCs will use silenced pistols and will no longer undermine stealth for players.
Quality of Life
- AI bots will no longer explode barrels and mines by accidental shooting.
- Added HUD icon when teammates are carrying car parts on Jerusalem 2.
- Added HUD icon when teammates are carrying explosive charges on Tokyo 2.
- Added sound notification when zombie is approaching or attacking from behind.
- Added a 6 second masking effect for players that respawn or join the game in progress (without screen effect).
- Added a 2 second masking effect for players that are revived (without screen effect).
- Added an indicator for remaining mortar shots.
- Added weapon perks display on Weapon Customization screen.
- Minor UI and localization fixes.
- Added missing laser sight beam effect for Assault Carbine and Assault Rifle.
- MAG5 Machine Gun’s damage increased by 50% (in PvE only).
- Chainsaw will now generate noise in all of its attack modes.
- Fixed issue that was causing the Chainsaw to not stagger zombies in some cases.
- Sleight of hand. Weapon switch speed increased from 50% to 100%.
- Last Resort. When both primary and secondary weapon magazines are dry you can perform 4 (was 2) more melee strikes without fatigue and damage 2 (was 1) more targets with each melee strike.
- Desperado. Pistol damage increased from 25% to 50%.
- Free Refill. Primary weapon ammo restored 2% (was 1%) for each kill made with equipment.
- Executioner. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 60 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- Switcheroo. Switching between primary and secondary weapons increases firearm damage by 50% (was 25%) for 3 seconds.
- Thrifty. Reloading a weapon with less than 25% ammo in the magazine provides a 35% firearm damage boost (was 25%) for 5 seconds.
- Gun Fanatic. Fixed perk conditions triggering early in some cases.
- Unshakeable. Self inflicted explosive damage is reduced by 90% (was 60%).
- Pickpocket. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 60 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- I'll Take That. Killing a special zombie gives 100% (was 25%) chance to restore one equipment charge (cooldown 60 seconds, was 10).
- Deep Pockets. Heavy weapon ammo capacity increased by 35% (was 25%).
- Predator. Killing special zombies boosts firearm damage by 100% (was 50%) for 10 seconds.
- Combat Medic. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 50% (was 10%) chance to receive a Medkit (cooldown 180 seconds, was 10).
- Pickpocket. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 30 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- I'll Take That. Killing a special zombie gives 100% (was 25%) chance to restore one equipment charge (cooldown 30 seconds, was 10).
- Patch Up. Fixed issue that was causing the perk to not trigger correctly in some cases.
- Lobotomy. Fixed issue that was causing the perk to trigger with non-SMG weapons in some cases.
- Armory. Using a Supply Bag gives a 25% (was 15%) chance to restore one equipment charge.
- Stand By Me. Increase firearm damage by 100% (was 50%) for 10 seconds when reviving or unpinning a teammate.
- Pickpocket. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 90 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- I'll Take That. Killing a special zombie gives 100% (was 25%) chance to restore one equipment charge (cooldown 90 seconds, was 10).
- Go Get 'Em. Reviving a teammate will restore 25% (was 15%) of primary weapon's ammunition for you and your teammate.
- Efficiency. Supply Bag contains 25% more explosive ammo. Masking Grenade effect duration increased by 2 (was 5) seconds.
- Darkness Falls. Masking Grenade gas cloud duration is increased by 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Bullet-dodger - Take 100% (was 90%) less friendly fire from bullets while performing melee attacks.
- With My Last Breath - Melee strikes damage 2 (was 1) more targets when health is below 25%.
- Third Hand - Killing 5 (was 10) zombies with melee attacks in rapid succession instantly reloads your primary weapon.
- Bloodlust - Killing special zombies with a melee weapon will increase firearm damage by 100% (was 50%) for 10 seconds.
- Pickpocket - Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 60 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- Heavy Metal I. Fixed issue that was causing improved Chainsaw not to receive proper 50% damage increase.
- Dragon Hide. Fire resistance increased by 100% (was 90%).
- Pickpocket. Killing 15 zombies in rapid succession gives 100% (was 25%) chance to refill one equipment charge (cooldown 60 seconds, was 10 seconds).
- Thrifty. 25% (was 15%) chance of using the Claymore or Molotov without depleting an equipment charge.
- Fixed several gameplay crashes.
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels.
- Improved navigation on NY 1 level.
- Reduced the number of crates player has to deliver on NY 1 when playing solo.
- Prevented several options to farm XP by suicide rushing Moscow 1, NY 3 and Tokyo 1.
General fixes
- Fixed issue with item pickup progress not showing up in some cases.
- Fixed issue with player overhead marker not showing up upon respawn in PvP in some cases.
- Fixed issue with receiving party lead privileges causing soft lock in menus in some cases.
- Fixed soft lock in menus when entering game settings while respawning in PvP.
- Fixed Infector effect staying on screen in outro cinematics.
- Fixed voice chat not being output to connected headset in some cases.
- Fixed issue that was moving player over large distances when grabbed by a zombie swarm.
- Fixed issue causing AI bots trying to shoot through walls.
- Fixed issue causing scoreboard to stay on screen in outro cinematics.
- Fixed issue causing Medkit progress bar to appear briefly upon respawn.
- Fixed issue causing zombies to not receive melee damage in certain doorways.
- Fixed issue causing Medkit healing to constantly interrupt in certain locations.
- Fixed issue with a certain combination of perks causing Slasher to heal when receiving friendly fire.
- Fixed issue causing player to receive another player's melee weapon when joining a game in progress.
- Added sound for receiving medals in PvP.
- Sho is no longer wearing 2 helmets at the same time like a true badass.
PC Specific Fixes
- Increased bleed out timer on Insane difficulty from 20 to 30 seconds (PC only).
- Fixed issue with DLC weapons selection reset upon game restart.
- Added FidelityFX Sharpening feature
New Content:
- Added Tokyo 3 level.
- Added new special zombie that will spawn on all levels.
New Features
- Added private lobbies.
- Added ability to host the game locally in private lobbies. (Only on Xbox and PS4 at the moment, same functionality will be available on PC later)
- Added ability to disable bots in private lobbies.
- Added UI that shows maximum difficulty each level was completed on.
- Added FoV scale slider.
- Added option to change PvP loadout during the game.
- Added feature that will prevent Lurker from spawning near players that are joining the game in progress.
- Tripled delay, which governs how often Lurker can spawn in the exact same position.
- Constant sprinting will now aggro zombies from a bigger distance.
- Reworked “zombie stagger” mechanics. When hit, zombies used to play a long hit animation based on gun caliber and an element of randomness. Now they will play hit animations based on gun caliber and if they are hit repeatedly in a short period. This will make shotguns and fast firing weapons more consistent at staggering zombies.
- AI Director will spawn less primary weapons if players are already carrying tier 3 weapons.
- When AI Director decides to spawn a small wave of zombies, it will contain more zombies, but the wave duration will be shorter.
- Made stealth more consistent across all levels; executing perfect stealth will delay the first wave of non-swarm zombies.
- Increased chance of spawning special zombies in idle state.
- Compact SMG. Non-silenced version deals 8% more damage.
- Machine Pistol. Bottom branch version 5 deals 6% more damage.
- Machine Pistol. Increased rate of fire by 9% for all versions.
- Sporting Carbine. Top branch versions deal 5% more damage.
- Sporting Carbine. Bottom branch versions’ mag size is increased by 3.
- Advanced SMG. Non-silenced version 5 deals 5% more damage.
- Advanced SMG. Increased accuracy of both version 4’s.
- Sniper Rifle. Top branch now has a bigger magazine and better handling.
- Sniper Rifle. Bottom branch deals bigger damage with more penetration and accuracy.
- Heavy Sniper Rifle. Reduced projectile size to prevent accidental detonations.
- Revolver. Significantly increased damage. It will be able to kill a zombie on the highest difficulty with 1 shot.
- Double-Barreled Shotgun. Doubled the distance at which damage begins to reduce.
- Double-Barreled Shotgun. Reduced damage in PvP by 8%.
- Secondary Grenade Launcher. Increased max ammo from 3 to 5.
- Improved hit detection in PvP.
- C4 will no longer detonate in midair if hit by a friendly fire (it still can be detonated after it lands on something).
- Fixed some of the visual upgrades not showing up properly in weapon customization screen.
- Fixed some of the weapon variant icons not reflecting actual visual weapon upgrades on that weapon.
- Fixed Pump-Action shotgun displaying LOD model as well as the actual model.
- Fixed gun recoil reset when swapping weapons.
- Stim Pistol will now prioritize players in downed state when multiple targets are available.
- If multiple players are using “Please Stand Up” perk, only one will trigger if the entire team is down.
- All “Spawn with a Heavy Weapon” type perks will now properly adjust heavy weapons that are picked up during gameplay.
- Improved performance.
- Fixed several gameplay crashes.
- Fixed several issues causing disconnects when joining friend’s game in progress.
- Fixed issue that was causing 2 players appearing as the same character in game.
- Fixed a large number of gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels.
- Made some adjustments to AI Director that will make Moscow 3, Tokyo 2, Jerusalem 1, Jerusalem 3, and NY 3 slightly harder and Jerusalem 2 and Tokyo 1 slightly easier.
- Improved navigation on Moscow 2 level.
- Fixed issue that was causing zombie health scaling to trigger incorrectly for some zombies. In general, this makes Very Hard and Insane difficulties a little bit harder.
General fixes
- Fixed issue that was causing Aim Assist to work even if it was disabled in options.
- Improved pickup selection system when multiple objects could be picked up by player.
- Fixed issue that was causing player to respawn with 0 ammo.
- Fixed issue that was preventing dead players turning into zombies in some cases.
- Added backpacks for character models in “Collection” screen.
- Fixed crash on party leader change during session start countdown.
- Fixed issue that was causing pickup progress bar not to appear in some cases.
- Fixed player and specialization level display sync in scoreboard and in lobby.
- Fixed Barricade defense kit icon display on HUD.
- Backstory unlocked UI indicator will no longer display if you have already unlocked the backstory video.
- Fixed issue that was causing some weapons to deal less damage with explosive ammo active in PvP.
- Fixed friendly/enemy player overhead marker not appearing in some cases.
- Fixed “Floor is Lava” trophy not triggering correctly.
- Player will no longer drop defense kits when picking up C4 charges in Japan 2 level.
PC Difficulty
- Zombies are harder to stagger on Very Hard and Insane difficulty (PC only).
- Zombies take 25% less damage from body shots on Insane difficulty (PC only).
- Reduced player revive timer from 40 to 20 on Insane difficulty (PC only).
PC Specific Fixes
- Fixed friend list displayed as empty for some of the players.
- Fixed issue with rebinding Sprint button on right shift button.
- Added Animation Quality slider that adjusts animation LODs, number of ragdolls and number of dead bodies in general.
- Slightly reduced time to kill other players in PvP for all weapons.
- Improved Vulkan performance.
- Improved Vulkan stability.
- Fixed GPU idle calculations in benchmark mode.
- Fixed blood decals rendering when using Vulkan.
- Fixed flickering on some objects when using Vulkan.
Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 4、およびXbox One 版発売
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Prestige Classic Battle Rifleのことでしょうか?2019/10/25のUnique weapon variantsがそれに該当します。
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