- このページに記載されている情報を利用し、FCSで設定変更することで容易にゲームのバランスを崩すことができます。
それによりkenshiが面白くなくなる可能性があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 - このページにあるのは、実際にFCSを見ながら参照していただかないと訳が分からない情報ばかりです。
- ゲーム開始状態の設定
- [Game Starts]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
description | 説明文 | |
difficulty | 説明文に表示される「難易度」 | |
money | ゲーム開始時の所持金 | |
style | 説明文に表示される「プレイスタイル」 | |
position | force start pos | |
position | start pos X | |
position | start pos Z | |
faction relations | (Addボタンで選択) | 他勢力との友好度の初期値 (Object Type:FACTION から選択) |
research | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:RESEARCH から選択) |
squad | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:SQUAD_TEMPLATE から選択) |
town | (Addボタンで選択) | 開始時の都市・拠点 (Object Type:TOWN から選択) |
- 部位の設定
- [Locational Damage]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
body part type | ||
bone name | ||
bone name 2 | ||
bone name 3 | ||
damage effects 0-1 | affects move speed | |
damage effects 0-1 | affects skills | |
end result | collapse part | |
end result | collapes | |
end result | death | |
end result | KO mult | |
end result | severance | |
pain anim | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:ANIMATION から選択) |
Object Type:「ANIMATION」
- [Animation]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
anim name | ||
category | ||
diabled | ||
disables movement | ||
has weappon L | ||
has weappon R | ||
is action | ||
is combat mode | ||
layer | ||
loop | ||
normalise | ||
play speed | ||
relocates | ||
stealth mode | ||
synch offset | ||
synchs | ||
affects characters | weather type | |
category | being carried | |
category | carrying lefg | |
category | carrying right | |
category | prone | |
category | uses left arm | |
category | uses right arm | |
entry/exit | reverse looping | |
idle | idle | |
idle | idle chance | |
idle | idle time max | |
idle | idle time min | |
injury 0-100 | L leg damage ideal | |
injury 0-100 | L leg damage max | |
injury 0-100 | L leg damage min | |
injury 0-100 | R leg damage ideal | |
injury 0-100 | R leg damage max | |
injury 0-100 | R leg damage min | |
movement | max speed | |
movement | min speed | |
movement | move speed | |
movement | strafe speed max | |
overrides | override head | |
overrides | override L arm | |
overrides | override R arm | |
overrides | slave anim | |
stumble | big stumble | |
stumble | chance | |
stumble | stumble from | |
track exclusion | delete below waist | |
track exclusion | delete body head | |
track exclusion | delete L arm | |
track exclusion | delete R arm | |
track exclusion | delete root | |
track exclusion | delete spine0 | |
track exclusion | delete tail | |
track exclusion | delete weapons | |
type | 1 handed | |
type | blunt | |
type | hackers | |
type | heavy weapons | |
type | katanas | |
type | polearm | |
type | sabre | |
type | unarmed | |
events | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:ANIMATION_EVENT から選択) |
stumbles | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:LOCATIONAL_DAMAGE から選択) |
- [Animation]-[Animation Events]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
Audio | event | |
Audio | override state | |
Audio | override value | |
Audio | stop | |
Effects | bone | |
Effects | ground effect | |
Other | other |
- [Animation]-[Animal Animations]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
anim name | ||
disables movement | ||
is combat mode | ||
layer | ||
loop | ||
normalise | ||
play speed | ||
relocates | ||
stealth mode | ||
synch offset | ||
synchs | ||
category | being carried | |
category | carrying left | |
category | carrying right | |
entry/exit | reverse looping | |
idle | idle | |
idle | idle chance | |
idle | idle time max | |
idle | idle time min | |
movement | max speed | |
movement | min speed | |
movement | move speed | |
movement | strafe speed max | |
stumble | big stumble | |
stumble | chance | |
stumble | stumble from | |
track exclusion | delete root | |
events | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:ANIMATION_EVENT から選択) |
stumbles | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:LOCATIONAL_DAMAGE から選択) |
- [Animation]-[Combat Techniques]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
attack distance | ||
attack distance min vs static | ||
chance | ||
disabled | ||
is block | ||
is dodge | ||
is prone | ||
is stumble dodge | ||
num techniques | ||
animation | anim hesitate point | |
animation | anim name | |
animation | anim speed mult | |
animation | gains ground | |
hits | acceptable end time | |
hits | anim blocked frame 1 | |
hits | anim blocked frame 2 | |
hits | anim stop frame 1 | |
hits | anim stop frame 2 | |
hits | attak direction 1 | |
hits | attak direction 2 | |
hits | limb 1 | |
hits | limb 2 | |
hits | low strike | |
hits | max simultaneous hits | |
hits | num frames | |
hits | power 1 | |
hits | power 2 | |
misc | use L arm | |
misc | use R arm | |
skills | max encumbrance | |
skills | max skill | |
skills | min skill | |
type | 1 handed | |
type | animal | |
type | blunt | |
type | hackers | |
type | heavy weapons | |
type | katanas | |
type | polearm | |
type | sabre | |
type | unarmed | |
events | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:ANIMATION_EVENT から選択) |
Object Type:「COLOR_DATA」
- [Colour Scheme]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
color 1 | ||
color 2 |
Object Type:「EFFECT」
- [Effects]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
Blending | fog fade in duration | |
Blending | fog fade out duration | |
Blending | light fade in delay | |
Blending | light fade in duration | |
Blending | light fade outdelay | |
Blending | light fade out duration | |
Blending | particle fade out delay | |
General | affect type | |
General | effect radius | |
General | effect strength max | |
General | effect strength min | |
General | ground colour | |
General | particle system | |
General | type | |
General | wandering speed | |
Position | max altitude | |
Position | max slope | |
Position | min altitude | |
Position | min slope | |
Time | max time to live | |
Time | min time to live | |
View | maximum view distance | |
Weather | colour multiplier | |
Weather | max wind span rate | |
Weather | min wind span rate | |
Weather | sky colour multiplier | |
Weather | wind affected | |
Weather | wind direction emission | |
Weather | wind speed mult | |
fog volumes | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:EFFECT_FOG_VOLUME から選択) |
lights | (Addボタンで選択) | |
sound | (Addボタンで選択) | (Object Type:AMBIENT_SOUND から選択) |
- [Effects]-[Effect volumes]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
Colouring | additive colour | |
Colouring | alpha | |
Colouring | colour | |
General | distance | |
General | radius | |
General | type | |
Movement | ground movement | |
Position | position 2 x | |
Position | position 2 y | |
Position | position 2 z | |
Position | position x | |
Position | position y | |
Position | position z |
- [Ambient Sounds]フォルダ
グループ | 項目 | 説明 |
Base | Name | |
Audio | chance | |
Audio | cutoff | |
Audio | efficiency multiplier | |
Audio | emitter | |
Audio | intensity | |
Audio | needs power |
Object typeの名称はこれまで一切変わってないよ
Game startsです