Scenario III The Secret Name

ページ名:Scenario III The Secret Name

Scenario III:The Secret Name

キャンペーン ログを確認します。

  • 調査員が "members of the Lodge (ロッジのメンバーである)" 場合、Intro 1 に進みます。
  • 調査員が "enemies of the Lodge (ロッジの敵である" 場合、Intro 4 に進みます。
  • 調査員が "learned nothing of the Lodge’s schemes (ロッジの計画について何も知らなかった)" 場合、Intro 5 に進みます。
  • 調査員が "investigators are never seen or heard from again (二度と姿を見せたり連絡がなかったりした)" 場合、Intro 6 に進みます。


Check Campaign Log.
ÆÆIf the investigators are members of the Lodge, proceed to Intro 1.
ÆÆIf the investigators are enemies of the Lodge, skip to Intro 4.
ÆÆIf the investigators learned nothing of the Lodge’s schemes, skip to Intro 5.
ÆÆIf the investigators are never seen or heard from again, skip to Intro 6.


Intro 1:

シルバー トワイライト ロッジの 2 階にある書斎は、少し窮屈ではあるものの、居心地が良い。床には豪華なカーペットが敷かれ、暖かな光が差し込む部屋には、快適なソファと小さな丸テーブルがいくつか置かれている。

周囲の壁には、世間知らずのロッジ メンバーの肖像画が並んでいる。

ロッジの会長であるカール サンフォード氏が、あなたの向かいに座り、しわだらけの手でメルローのグラスをのんびりと回している。

「シルバー トワイライト ロッジは、宇宙に対する理解を深めるのに役立つ知識を追求しています」とサンフォード氏は説明し、ワインを一口飲むのを止めた。「ジョセフ マイガーの邸宅で遭遇した生き物の出現は、最近アーカムで起こっている唯一の奇妙な出来事ではありません。教えてください。最近、これらの出来事に関係する可能性のある他の何かを体験しましたか?」


調査員は次のことを決定する必要があります (1 つ選択)。

  • ロッジに森の魔女について伝えてください。Intro 2 に進みます。
  • 関係の可能性はないと伝えます。(嘘をついています。) Intro 3 に進みます。


 The upstairs study of the Silver Twilight Lodge is cozy, if a little cramped. The floor is covered in a plush carpet, and several comfortable sofas and small round tables fill the warmly lit room.
Portraits of world-weary Lodge members line the walls around you.
Carl Sanford, president of the Lodge, sits across from you, idly swirling a glass of Merlot in his wrinkled hand.
“The Silver Twilight Lodge pursues knowledge that can help us elevate our understanding of the universe,” Mr. Sanford explains, pausing to take a sip from his wine. “The creature you encountered in Josef Meiger’s estate—its appearance is not the only peculiar happening in Arkham as of late. Tell me: have you experienced anything else recently that might be connected to these events?”

The investigators must decide (choose one):
ÆÆTell the Lodge of the witches in the woods. Proceed to Intro 2.
ÆÆTell him you know of no possible connection. (You are lying.) Skip to Intro 3.


Intro 2:

あなたはうなずきます。アーカムの誰もが、フレンチヒルの古い廃墟「魔女の家」に幽霊が出るとされる魔女について、少なくとも何かしら知っています。ほとんどの人は、彼女はフィクションだと信じています。老朽化した家から子供たちを追い払うための作り話。サンフォード氏の冷徹な視線とユーモアのない口調から、そうではないことがはっきりと分かります。「このアネットはケジアの本当の子孫なのかもしれませんし、単に名前を使っているだけかもしれません。いずれにせよ、これらの出来事は関連していると思います。そのため、シルバー トワイライト ロッジを代表して、あなたにお願いがあります。」カール サンフォードは立ち上がる。杖はバランスを取るためというよりは見せかけのためだ。あなたも立ち上がり、この謎を解明するために必要な任務を遂行する準備を整える。
「この魔女団について、できるだけ多くの情報が必要です。これらの答えが得られる場所があるとすれば、それはケジア自身が何年も前に住んでいた家です。」あなたはうなずいて同意します。答えなければならない質問が多すぎます。あの夜、森で魔女たちはどんな呪文を唱えていたのでしょうか。その動機は何でしょうか。そして、その 4 人の不幸な魂を誘拐した生き物と彼らの関係は?


  • キャンペーン ログに、"investigators told the Lodge about the coven (調査員がロッジに魔女の集会について伝えた)" ことを記入します。
  • キャンペーンの残りの間、カオス バッグに 1  トークンを追加します。セットアップに進みます。


 You tell Mr. Sanford about your experience last week—waking up in the middle of the woods, the strange mist that weaved throughout the trees, the witches and their spell. He leans forward and listens intently as you explain the night’s strange events, your memories still somewhat of a haze. You conclude your story, and the elderly man considers your words. “Interesting,” he says at last. “I know of this coven. They are led by a witch named Anette Mason. Their magic is no trivial thing. They have passed down arcane secrets that can manipulate the energies of the universe. It is dangerous knowledge they possess—knowledge I believe they derived from a powerful witch who fled from Salem over two hundred years ago. Does the name ‘Keziah’ mean anything to you?”
You nod. Everyone in Arkham has at least some passing knowledge of the witch whose ghost supposedly haunts the old condemned “Witch House” in French Hill. Most believe her to be a work of fiction; a tall tale meant to scare young children away from the decrepit house. Mr.Sanford’s steely gaze and humorless tone makes it clear to you that this is not the case. “Perhaps this Anette is a true descendant of Keziah, or perhaps she is simply using her name. In any event, I believe these events are connected. To that end, I have a task for you, on behalf of the Silver Twilight Lodge.” Carl Sanford rises to his feet, using his cane more for show than for balance. You rise as well, ready to perform whatever duties are necessary to get to the bottom of this mystery.
“We need as much information about this coven as we can obtain. If there is any place that will have these answers, it is the house where Keziah herself lived all those years ago.” You nod in agreement—there are too many questions you need answered. What spell were the witches casting that night in the woods? What is their motive? And what is theirconnection to the creature that kidnapped those four unfortunate souls?
You shake Mr. Sanford’s hand and depart for the Witch House.
In your Campaign Log, record the investigators told the Lodge about the coven. Add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign. Skip to Setup.


Intro 3:

あなたはうなずく。アーカムの誰もが、フレンチ・ヒルの古い「魔女の家」に幽霊が出るとされる魔女について、少なくとも何かしら知っている。ほとんどの人は、その魔女は作り話であり、老朽化し​​た家から子供たちを追い払うための作り話だと考えている。サンフォード氏の冷酷な視線とユーモアのない口調から、そうではないことがはっきりとわかる。彼はあなたの目の前のテーブルにある古くて擦り切れた本を手振りで示す。その本は奇妙な碑文と不可解な象形文字でいっぱいのページが開かれている。 「ジョセフの屋敷であなたが遭遇した生き物は、ケジアと彼女が持っていた秘密の知識に関係していると思います。自分で確かめてください。」あなたはその本を手に取り、ページのマークを注意深く調べます。

調査員の少なくとも 1 人がミスティック () である場合は、下のサイドバーを読んでください。そうでない場合は、すべてが意味不明に見えます。このサイドバーをスキップしてください。

(): 本に書かれたマークは、何らかの呪文または儀式の基礎となります。死者に呼びかけ、力、秘密、またはおそらく援助を懇願します。しかし、誰が誰に懇願し、何の目的で懇願したのでしょうか?

「この目的のために、シルバー トワイライト ロッジに代わって、あなたに任務があります。」カール サンフォードは立ち上がり、杖をバランスをとるためというよりは見せかけとして使います。あなたも立ち上がり、この謎を解明するために必要な任務を何でも実行する準備ができました。


  • キャンペーンログに、"調査員が魔女の集会に関する知識を隠していた (investigators hid their knowledge of the coven)" ことを記録します。セットアップに進みます。


 You shake your head. You’re not sure if the events that took place in the woods are connected, or if they even really happened— some part of you still believes it was all a strange dream. Mr. Sanford examines you with a cold, piercing glare. You get the feeling that he is looking directly through you. “Very well,” he says. “Out of curiosity, does the name ‘Keziah Mason’ mean anything to you?”
You nod. Everyone in Arkham has at least some passing knowledge of the witch whose ghost supposedly haunts the old condemned “Witch House” in French Hill. Most believe her to be a work of fiction; a tall tale meant to scare young children away from the decrepit house. Mr. Sanford’s steely gaze and humorless tone makes it clear to you that this
is not the case. He motions to an old, worn tome which lies on the table in front of you, open to a page filled with strange inscriptions and arcane glyphs. “I believe the creature you encountered in Josef ’s manor is tied to Keziah and the secret knowledge she possessed. See for yourself.” You pick up the tome and examine the markings on the page closely.
If at least one of the investigators is a Mystic (), read the sidebar below. Otherwise, it all looks like gibberish to you; skip this sidebar  

(): The markings on the tome form the basis for some kind of spell or ritual. It involves calling out to the dead – beseeching them for power, for secrets, or perhaps for aid. But who was beseeching whom, and for what purpose?
“To this end, I have a task for you, on behalf of the Silver Twilight Lodge.” Carl Sanford rises to his feet, using his cane more for show than for balance. You rise as well, ready to perform whatever duties are necessary to get to the bottom of this mystery.
“We need as much information about this creature as we can obtain.
If there is any place that will have these answers, it is the house where Keziah herself lived all those years ago.” You nod in agreement—there are too many questions you need answered. Perhaps this is connected to the spell the witches were casting that night in the woods, after all. If so, what is their motive? And what does this have to do with the creature that kidnapped those four unfortunate souls? You nod to Mr. Sanford and depart for the Witch House.

In your Campaign Log, record the investigators hid their knowledge of the coven. Skip to Setup.



Intro 4:

シルバー トワイライト ロッジの会長と対決した後、サウスサイドにあるアーカム歴史協会の邸宅に向かいます。先週森で体験した出来事は、あの 4 人の不幸な魂を誘拐した怪物と関係があると確信しています。それは単なる予感です。首の後ろを這い、目をそらすように懇願するような感覚です。しかし、すべてがつながっていることは確かです。ただ、どのようにつながっているのかはわかりません。
中に入ると、歴史協会の多くの研究者の 1 人があなたに挨拶し、何かお手伝いできることがないか尋ねます。あなたは探している情報をざっと説明します。どこを探せばよいか指示できる程度で、動機はドアの外に置いていくほど漠然としています。
「なぜそのような陰惨な事件を研究しているのかわかりませんが、探している記録は 3 階の図書館にあるはずです」と研究者は言います。

  • Setup に進みます。


After your confrontation with the president of the Silver Twilight Lodge, you travel to the manor of the Arkham Historical Society in Southside. You are positive that the events you experienced in the woods last week have something to do with the creature that kidnapped those four unfortunate souls. It’s just a hunch—a feeling that crawls along the back of your neck, imploring you to look away— but you’re sure that everything is connected. You’re just not sure how.
As you enter, one of the Historical Society’s many researchers greets you and asks if she can help in any way. You give a cursory description of the information you’re looking for; just enough that she can direct you where to look, but vague enough to leave your motives at the door.
“I don’t know why you are researching such morbid affairs, but the records you are looking for should be in the library on the third floor,”the researcher says.
You thank her and head to the third floor, where you begin to study the history of witchcraft in Arkham. In the late 17th century, Arkham was one of the New England towns caught up in the hysteria of witch trials. Accusations of witchcraft spread like wildfire, and many of the accused were executed by hanging or burning, guilty and innocent alike.
But there was one witch whose infamy rose above the rest, and whose mystical power was never in question: Keziah Mason. 
You recognize the name as the ghost who supposedly haunts the old Witch House in French Hill. You had always thought her to be a work of fiction; a tall tale meant to scare young children away from the condemned house. But the Historical Society’s records indicate that Keziah was a real person: a powerful witch who had fled from Salem over two hundred years ago.
You are no stranger to real witchcraft. If Keziah Mason has anything to do with the coven you encountered in the woods, you must discover that connection. You leave the manor and head toward French Hill, where the Witch House awaits…
Skip to Setup.


Intro 5:

シルバー トワイライト ロッジのチャリティー ガラに関する手がかりは失敗に終わりましたが、アナ カスローのリーディングは今でも頭の中で何度も再生されます。このパズルのピースが欠けているような気がしてなりません。タロット占い師が説明した悲惨な運命を避けるために使える何かです。先週森で遭遇した魔女の集団に再び注意を向け、サウスサイドにあるアーカム歴史協会の邸宅に向かいます。おそらく、見落としていた情報で、魔女の正体や動機が明らかになるかもしれません。中に入ると、歴史協会の多くの研究者の 1 人が挨拶し、何かお手伝いできることがないか尋ねます。探している情報について簡単に説明します。どこを探せばよいか指示できる程度で、動機はドアの外に置いていく程度に漠然としています。 「なぜそんな陰惨な事件を研究しているのかは分かりませんが、あなたが探している記録は3階の図書館にあるはずです」と研究者は言います。
あなたはその名前が、フレンチヒルの古い魔女の家に出ると言われている幽霊だと知っています。あなたはずっと、彼女は作り話だと思っていました。つまり、死刑囚の家に幼い子供たちを怖がらせるための作り話だと思っていました。しかし、歴史協会の記録によると、ケザイアは実在の人物で、200 年以上前にセイラムから逃げた強力な魔女でした。
あなたは本物の魔術に精通しています。ケザイア メイソンが森で遭遇した魔女の集団と何らかの関係があるなら、そのつながりを見つけなければなりません。あなたは屋敷を出て、魔女の家が待っているフレンチ ヒルに向かいます...

  • Setup に進みます。


 Your lead regarding the Silver Twilight Lodge’s charity gala turned out to be a bust, but Anna Kaslow’s reading still plays out over and over in your mind. You cannot help but feel as though you are missing a piece of this puzzle—something you can use to avoid the dire fate the tarot reader described. Turning your attention back to the coven
of witches you encountered in the woods last week, you travel to the manor of the Arkham Historical Society in Southside. Perhaps there is some piece of information you have overlooked that will shed light on their identity, or their motives.
As you enter, one of the Historical Society’s many researchers greets you and asks if she can help in any way. You give a cursory description of the information you’re looking for; just enough that she can direct you where to look, but vague enough to leave your motives at the door.
“I don’t know why you are researching such morbid affairs, but the records you are looking for should be in the library on the third floor,” the researcher says.
You thank her and head to the third floor, where you begin to study the history of witchcraft in Arkham. In the late 17th century, Arkham was one of the New England towns caught up in the hysteria of witch trials. Accusations of witchcraft spread like wildfire, and many of the accused were executed by hanging or burning, guilty and innocent alike.
But there was one witch whose infamy rose above the rest, and whose mystical power was never in question: Keziah Mason.
You recognize the name as the ghost who supposedly haunts the old Witch House in French Hill. You had always thought her to be a work of fiction; a tall tale meant to scare young children away from the condemned house. But the Historical Society’s records indicate that Keziah was a real person: a powerful witch who had fled from Salem over two hundred years ago.
You are no stranger to real witchcraft. If Keziah Mason has anything to do with the coven you encountered in the woods, you must discover that connection. You leave the manor and head toward French Hill, where the Witch House awaits…

Skip to Setup.


Intro 6:

 あなたはその新聞記事を、見つけた他の証拠とともに壁にピンで留めます。ヨゼフ・マイガーの屋敷で何が起こっているにせよ、手に負えない状況になっています。まず、22 日、シルバー・トワイライト・ロッジの毎年恒例のチャリティー・ガラで 4 人が行方不明になりました。今度は同じ屋敷で 2 回目のイベントが行われた後に、さらに行方不明になっています。ロッジが何らかの形で関与しているのでしょうか。そうでなければ、なぜこのディナーをマイガー氏の屋敷に移したのでしょうか。

  • Setup に進みます。

 You pin the newspaper article up on your wall along with the rest of the evidence you’ve found. Whatever is happening in Josef Meiger’s manor, it’s getting out of hand. First, there were the four disappearances on the twenty-second, at the Silver Twilight Lodge’s annual charity gala. Now more have gone missing after a second event at the same estate. Is the Lodge somehow involved? Why else would they move this dinner to Mr. Meiger’s estate?
That’s not the only headline, either. Strange sightings have been occuring throughout the city: ghostly figures, an ashen mist, and a hunched, cloaked figure whose identity is hotly debated by the community. The name on the tips of everybody’s tongues is Keziah
Mason—the ghost who supposedly haunts the old Witch House in French Hill. You had always thought her to be a work of fiction; a tall tale meant to scare young children away from the condemned house. But with all of the disappearances and odd sightings occuring throughout town, you’re not so sure. Perhaps there is something to this old ghost story, after all.

Proceed to Setup.



  • 次の遭遇セットからすべてのカードを集めます: The Secret Name, City of Sins, Inexorable Fate, Realm of Death, Witchcraft, and Rats。これらのセットは次のアイコンで示されます:
  • Moldy Halls、Walter Gilman’s Room、および3つのDecrepit Doorの場所をプレイに出します。各探索者はMoldy Hallsからプレイを開始します。(以下の推奨場所の配置を参照してください。)
  • 7 "Unknown Proces"  locations を別の "Unknown Places Deck" として脇に置きます。これを行うには、次の操作を実行します:
    • Witch House Ruins が公開された面にある Unknown Prices と、他の3つのランダムな Unknown Prices を一緒にシャッフルして、未公開の面を上にして Unknown Places Deck の一番下の4枚のカードを作ります。
    • 次に、残りの3つの Unknown Places locations をランダムな順序で一番上に置きます。7 Unknown Prices location のカードはすべて、未公開の面のみを表示する必要があります。これにより、プレイヤーは Unknown Prices location のどれが Witch House Ruins であるかを知ることができません。
  • 次のカードを脇に置き、プレイしないようにします: Nahab, Site of the Sacrifice, Keziah’s Room, The Black Book, both copies of Strange Geometry, and both copies of Ghostly Presence。
  • 残りの遭遇カードをシャッフルして、遭遇デッキを構築します。


ÆÆGather all cards from the following encounter sets: The Secret Name, City of Sins, Inexorable Fate, Realm of Death, Witchcraft, and Rats. These sets are indicated by the following icons: 
ÆÆPut Moldy Halls, Walter Gilman’s Room, and the three Decrepit Door locations into play. Each investigator begins play in the Moldy Halls. (See suggested location placement below.) 
ÆÆSet the seven “Unknown Places” locations aside as a separate “Unknown Places Deck.” To do this, perform the following: 
==Shuffle the Unknown Places with Witch House Ruins on its revealed side and three other random Unknown Places locations together to form the bottom four cards of the
Unknown Places Deck, unrevealed side faceup.
==Then, place the other three Unknown Places locations on top, in a random order. All seven cards of the Unknown Places deck should be showing only the unrevealed side, so the players do not know which of the Unknown Places is the Witch House Ruins.
ÆÆSet the following cards aside, out of play: Nahab, Site of the Sacrifice, Keziah’s Room, The Black Book, both copies of Strange Geometry, and both copies of Ghostly Presence.
ÆÆ Shuffle the remainder of the encounter cards to build the encounter deck.


Multi-class Cards

この神話パックの新しいプレイヤーカードの中には、ガーディアン ()、シーカー ()、ローグ ()、ミスティック ()、サバイバー () など、複数のクラスに属するものがあります。
これらのカードは、金色で、クラスアイコンが 1 つではなく複数あることで識別できます。マルチクラスカードは、これらの各クラスのカードであり、中立カードではありません。マルチクラスカードは、そのカードのクラスのいずれかにアクセスできる調査員のデッキに含めることができます。
例: Scroll of Secrets は、レベル 0 のマルチクラスカードで、シーカーとミスティックの両方のクラスアイコンが付いています。したがって、これはレベル 0 のシーカーカードであり、レベル 0 のミスティックカードです。これは中立カードではありません。レベル 0 のシーカーカードまたはレベル 0 のミスティックカードにアクセスできる調査員は、自分のデッキに Scroll of Secrets を含めることができます。たとえば、ダイアナ・スタンリーはシーカー カードにアクセスできないにもかかわらず、デッキにスクロール オブ シークレットを含めることができます。
探索者がマルチクラス カードのクラスの 1 つに制限付きでアクセスでき、そのカードの他のクラスの 1 つに無制限でアクセスできる場合、デッキ構築オプションに「その他」という単語が含まれていない限り、探索者の制限付きスロットの 1 つが占有されます。


Some of the new player cards in this mythos pack belong to more than one class—Guardian (), Seeker (), Rogue (), Mystic (), or Survivor ().
These cards can be identified by their gold color and by the presence of multiple class icons instead of one. A multi-class card is a card of each of those classes, and is not a neutral card. A multi-class card can be included in an investigator’s deck if that investigator has access to either of that card’s classes.
For example: Scroll of Secrets is a level 0 multi-class card which bears both a Seeker and a Mystic class icon. It is therefore a level 0 Seeker card and a level 0 Mystic card. It is not a neutral card. Any investigator who has access to either level 0 Seeker cards or level 0 Mystic cards can include Scroll of Secrets in his or her deck. For example,Diana Stanley could include Scroll of Secrets in her deck, even though she does not have access to Seeker cards.
If an investigator has limited access to one of the classes on a multiclass card and unlimited access to one of the other classes on that card, it will still occupy one of the investigator’s limited slots unless their deckbuilding options contains the word “other” in it.

DO NOT READ until the end of the scenario


  • Resolution 1 に進みます。


If no resolution was reached (each investigator resigned or was defeated): Flashes of vision spark your memory as you are dragged along the dirty wooden floor. A  foul ceremony—the house—Nahab—a rhythmic chant— the spiraling black vortex—a dark revelry—the Primal Chaos—a child’s cries—a writhing tunnel inside your chest.
ÆÆProceed to Resolution 1.


Resolution 1:

 You awaken in the muddy lawn at the base of some crooked wooden steps, the front door of the Witch House looming above you. Every fiber of your being is filled with regret. You know you have failed to prevent something awful, though you are not sure exactly what. The evidence of your eyes and ears suggests what you saw inside the Witch House was not concurrent with here and now. Regardless, you’ve learned several things about Keziah Mason, the witch who once inhabited this old and forsaken house. With your spirit diminished and your body aching, this information will have to suffice. You dare not venture back into this infernal house.

ÆÆEach investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
==If Brown Jenkin was defeated at least once during this scenario, each investigator earns 1 bonus experience.
==If Nahab was defeated at least once during this scenario, each investigator earns 1 bonus experience.
ÆÆCheck the act deck.
==If it was act 1 when the scenario ended, no additional record is made.
==If it was act 2 when the scenario ended, in your Campaign Log, under “Mementos Discovered,” record Gilman’s Journal. Additionally, any one investigator may choose to add The Black Book story asset to his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. If an investigator chooses to include The Black Book in his or her deck, add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.
==If it was act 3 when the scenario ended, in your Campaign Log, under “Mementos Discovered,” record Gilman’s Journal and Keziah’s Formulae.

Additionally, any one investigator may choose to add The Black Book story asset to his or her deck.
This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. If an investigator chooses to include The Black Book in his or her deck, add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.



Resolution 2:
 When you come to, you are lying on the wooden floor of Walter Gilman’s room. The trappings of Keziah’s foul practices are nowhere to be found, nor is the fanged, bearded rat – Keziah’s “ familiar,” as you now understand. Just as you are about to rise to your feet, you spot something glinting in a corner of the room. Crawling underneath Gilman’s bed, you reach out and grab the trinket. It is a worn nickel crucifix, similar to the ones you saw in the loomfixer’s room. You shove it into your pocket before leaving the troubling room and its strange angles behind. You’ve learned as much as you care to uncover about Keziah Mason, the witch who once inhabited this old and forsaken house. As you step out into the chilly November air, you turn and take one last look at the decrepit Witch House. You fear that though you may never enter this place again, in your thoughts and your dreams, you will never truly leave it behind.
ÆÆEach investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Each investigator earns 2 bonus experience as he or she gains insight into Arkham’s mysterious past.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, under “Mementos Discovered,” record Gilman’s Journal, Keziah’s Formulae, and Worn Crucifix.
ÆÆAny one investigator may choose to add The Black Book story asset to his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. If an investigator chooses to include The Black Book in his or her deck, add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.

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