The Dunwich Legay Epilogue

ページ名:The Dunwich Legay Epilogue

Design Notes

アーカム ホラー: カード ゲームの最初のフル キャンペーンの完了、おめでとうございます! このキャンペーンでは、アーカム ホラーのファンにはおなじみの舞台、マサチューセッツ州ダンウィッチの不気味で見捨てられた村にプレイヤーを連れて行きたいと考えました。
「ダンウィッチの怪」は、主人公が実際に成功する数少ない作品の 1 つであるため、H.P. ラヴクラフトのお気に入りの物語の 1 つです。主人公は怪物を倒し、窮地を救い、生き残って物語を語ります。しかし、どういうわけか、これによって物語の緊張感や恐怖が少しも薄れることはありません。
そして、ショーンシー・ソーヤーのこの短いセリフがあります。「そして彼は言いました、ミス・コーリー、セスの馬車を探そうとしたとき、彼はどんなに怖がっていたとしても、 「そして、悪魔のホップヤード近くの上の牧草地に、ひどい姿で発見されました。半分はきれいにいなくなり、残っている半分近くは血が枯れ、ラヴィニーの黒いガキが生まれた時からワトリーの牛にできたような傷がありました。」


Congratulations on completing the first full campaign for Arkham Horror: The Card Game! For this campaign, we wanted to take players to a setting that should be familiar for fans of the Arkham Horror setting—the disturbing and forsaken village of Dunwich, Massachusetts.
“The Dunwich Horror” is one of our favorite H. P. Lovecraft stories, because it is one of only a few where the protagonists actually succeed— they defeat the monster, save the day, and survive to tell the tale. And yet, somehow, this doesn’t lessen the tension or horror of the tale one bit.
This is the aspect of “The Dunwich Horror” that made us want to write this campaign as a sequel to its events, as opposed to recreating it. Dr. Armitage and his colleagues succeeded, but at what cost to their own livelihoods?
Would this event continue to haunt them? What of those who would seek vengeance upon the professors from Arkham for foiling their plans?
We also wanted to provide players with narrative feedback on their choices and on their performance. This led to the mechanic of characters from “The Dunwich Horror” getting kidnapped if you failed to save them or took too long. It was important that at least one of the three professors get kidnapped, in order to provide the investigators with a motive to travel to Dunwich, and to add tension to later scenarios.
As for the campaign’s antagonist, we always knew we wanted one of the characters from the “The Dunwich Horror” to be the one behind our story’s events. Some liberties were taken in interpreting the original story, but in the end Seth Bishop was the best choice. We are told little of Seth from the text, but we know that his home is closest to Wilbur Whateley’s, which may have allowed him some opportunity to learn from Wilbur’s grandfather.
Then there’s this little bit of dialogue from Chauncey Sawyer: “An’ he says, says he, Mis’ Corey, as haow he sot to look fer Seth’s caows, frighted ez he was; an’ faound ’em in the upper pasture nigh the Devil’s Hop Yard in an awful shape. Haff on ’em’s clean gone, an’ nigh haff o’ them that’s left is sucked most dry o’ blood, with sores on ’em like they’s ben on Whateley’s cattle ever senct Lavinny’s black brat was born.”
Of course, we are led to believe that the Bishop cattle was slaughtered by the beast kept in Wilbur’s barn, but what if this wasn’t the case? What if this was Seth’s first attempt at some kind of foul experiment? What if Wilbur had left some sort of instructions for other like-minded citizens of Dunwich, in the event that the creature in his barn broke free? These questions are the seeds of this campaign.
In any event, it’s up to the players to interpret the events of The Dunwich Legacy and develop their own theories as to what exactly happened in Dunwich, and what happened while the investigators were lost in time and space. There are numerous references to the original story littered throughout the campaign—see if you can find them all! We hope you’ve enjoyed delving into the mysteries of Dunwich, and look forward to sharing the next campaign with you.



キャンペーン ログを確認してください。町民を落ち着かせた場合: エピローグ 1 を読んでください。
町民に警告した場合: エピローグ 2 に進んでください。


Read the following only if the investigators won the campaign.
Check Campaign Log. If you calmed the townsfolk: Read Epilogue 1.
If you warned the townsfolk: Skip to Epilogue 2.

Epilogue 1:


6 か月が経ち、カーティス・ワトリーの生活はようやく平常通りに戻りつつあった。事件は隠蔽され、当局もこの辺りから距離を置いていたため、オズボーン氏はエリック家とビショップ家の持ち物を競売にかけた。もちろんジョーは自分のためにいくつかの小物を持ち帰ったが、カーティスはそれに一切関わりたくなかった。カーティスは定期的に教会に通い、神秘的なものに似たものから遠ざかっていたにもかかわらず、家族の罪のせいで人々はすでに彼を信用していなかった。それでも

Six months had passed, and life for Curtis Whateley was finally returning to normal. Sincethey ’d hushed up the incident and the authorities kept their distance from these parts, Mr. Osborn had auctioned off the Ericks and Bishop families’ belongings. Joe took a few trinkets for himself, of course, but Curtis wanted nothing to do with it. Folk already didn’t trust him on account of his family’s sins, even though he’d been attending church on the regular and had stayed far away from anything resembling the arcane.
Even so, Curtis could not shake a sense of foreboding. He’d seen the devastation that befell the Ericks, Bishop, and Frye homes. He’d even seen firsthand the creature the folks from Arkham had banished. Some days, his thoughts led him to Wilbur Whateley’s farm, where he would stand outside and stare for hours, too scared to enter, but too curious to leave. Maybe there was something in there that could make these terrible visions depart. Something that could give him strength enough to resist the nightmares. Curtis decided he would find it.


Epilogue 2:





Gené knelt closer to the ground to examine the sign in the dirt. The shape of the sign was foreign to her, and the tracks that had led to it were unlike any she’d ever seen. Coupled with the report from the university...she wasn’t sure what to think. “Ms. Beauregard,” her assistant called out to her, “have you found something?”
Gené stood and turned to face the freshman who’d been assigned to her. He was a good kid and a bit callow, but a hard worker and eager to prove himself. “This place was supposed to be cordoned off,” Gené responded. “Nobody’s lived here for months. And yet, see for yourself: their primitive rites continue to this day.”
The student approached and joined Gené in examining the sign, flipping through the pages of his journal to reference its symbols. “What do you think it means?” he asked. She shook her head. Outsiders rarely traveled to Dunwich, and all the signposts leading to the village had been taken down. But these days, even the townsfolk who had called this place home had abandoned it.
“I don’t know,” Gené admitted. “But somebody is here, and this isn’t the first sign we’ve seen like this. Stories say there’s an altar where the townsfolk would conduct pagan rituals atop that hill. Maybe we’ll find more up there.”



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