Scenario V–B:Heart of the Elders, Part 2
Perhaps the entirety of the known surface of the Earth is but the top layer of another world…
- 以下の encounter sets からすべてのカードを集めます: K'n-yan、Heart of the Elders、Agents of Yig、Yig's Venom、Forgotten Ruins、Deadly Traps、Poison。これらのセットは次のアイコンで示されます:
- Mouth of K’n-yan (The Depths Beneath) 面を表向きにしてゲームに出します。各探索者は Mouth of K’n-yan (The Depths Beneath) からゲームを開始します。
- キャンペーン ログの “the jungle watches” の横の括弧内にリストされている各カードをコレクションから検索します。それらのカードを victory display に追加します。
- Descent to Yoth location をゲームの脇に置きます。
- Exploration deck を作成します。これは、K'n-yan encounter set の残りの片面の 5 location に次の encounter card をそれぞれ 1 枚ずつシャッフルすることで行われます: Pitfall、No Turning Back、Deep Dark、Final Mistake。
- 探索者のデッキにまだ含まれていない Poisoned weakness を脇に置きます。
- 残りの encounter card をシャッフルして encounter deck を構築します。
- Gather all cards from the following encounter sets: K’n-yan, Heart of the Elders, Agents of Yig, Yig’s Venom, Forgotten Ruins, Deadly Traps, and Poison. These sets are indicated by the following icons:
- Put the Mouth of K’n-yan into play, (The Depths Beneath) side faceup. Each investigator begins play at the Mouth of K’n-yan (The Depths Beneath).
- Search the collection for each card listed in parentheses next to “the jungle watches” in your Campaign Log. Add those cards to the victory display.
- Set the Descent to Yoth location aside, out of play.
- Create the exploration deck. This is done by taking the 5 remaining single-sided locations from the K’n-yan encounter set and shuffling them together, along with 1 copy each of the following encounter cards: Pitfall, No Turning Back, Deep Dark, and Final Mistake.
- Set aside each Poisoned weakness that is not already in an investigator’s deck.
- Shuffle the remainder of the encounter cards to build the encounter deck.
DO NOT READ until the end of Part 2
If no resolution was reached (each investigator was defeated):
- キャンペーン ログを確認します。
- 探索者が Alejandro を救出した場合、Resolution 1 に進みます。
- Alejandro が行方不明の場合、Resolution 2 に進みます
You awaken, lying on rough stone in a place much colder and deeper than before. You stand and take stock of your surroundings, noting the red glow that seems to emanate from the cavern to your left. You follow it for several minutes, until finally it leads you into a well-lit entryway, filled with stone pillars. At the far end of the room lies an ornate and elaborately decorated doorway, a stone disc that has been rolled aside to unveil the hellish realm beyond.
ÆÆCheck Campaign Log.
==If the investigators rescued Alejandro, proceed to Resolution 1.
==If Alejandro is missing, proceed to Resolution 2.
Resolution 1:
- このシナリオ中に Harbinger of Valusia がプレイに参加した場合:
- Victory display になっている場合、キャンペーン ログの “the Harbinger is still alive” を消してください。
- それがまだプレイ中であるか脇に置かれている場合、キャンペーン ログの “the Harbinger is still alive” の横に、Harbinger of Valusia にどれだけの damage が与えられているかを括弧で囲んで記録し、括弧内にあった数字を置き換えます。
- victory display の vengeance point ごとに、キャンペーン ログの "Yig's Fury"の下に 1 talley mark を記録します。
- 各探索者は、victory display の各カードの victory X に等しい経験値を獲得します。
“Finally! Yoth, cavern of the serpents! The cursed ones, who fled the destruction of Valusia!” Alejandro examines the entryway with wonder in his eyes, arms raised in exultation.
You know not of what he speaks, and you are beginning to grow worried. Just then, something scutters behind you, and a sound like the click-clacking of a claw catches you by surprise. Emerging from the darkness behind you are several alien creatures, the likes of which you have never seen: ten feet tall, with conical bodies that end in four strange appendages of varying lengths. “There you are,” Alejandro says calmly. One of the creatures responds by clicking its claws against one another in a deliberate pattern.
“Take their minds,” Alejandro commands the creatures. “We have no further use for them.” It is your last human memory.
- If the Harbinger of Valusia entered play during this scenario:
- If it is in the victory display, cross out “the Harbinger is still alive” in your Campaign Log.
- If it is still in play or is set aside, next to “the Harbinger is still alive” in your Campaign Log, record in parentheses how much damage is on the Harbinger of Valusia, replacing the number that was previously in parentheses.
- For each vengeance point in the victory display, record one tally mark under “Yig’s Fury” in your Campaign Log.
- Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Resolution 2:
洞窟の次の層に渡る前に、カチカチと爪が鳴るような音が聞こえ、あなたは驚かされます。背後の暗闇から、これまで見たことのない異星の生き物が数体現れます。身長は 10 フィート、円錐形の胴体の先には長さの異なる 4 本の奇妙な付属肢があります。グループの先頭に立っている人間の姿を見て、あなたは驚愕します。それは他でもない、アレハンドロ ベラです。「彼らの心を奪え」とアレハンドロは生き物たちに命令します。「彼らにはもう用はない」。これがあなたの最後の人間としての記憶です。
- このシナリオ中に Harbinger of Valusia がプレイに参加した場合:
- victory display になっている場合は、キャンペーン ログの “the Harbinger is still alive” を消してください。
- それがまだプレイ中であるか脇に置かれている場合、キャンペーン ログの “the Harbinger is still alive” の横に、Harbinger of Valusia にどれだけの damage が与えられているかを括弧で囲んで記録し、括弧内にあった数字を置き換えます。
- victory display の vengeance point ごとに、キャンペーン ログの "Yig's Fury" の下に 1 talley mark を記録します。
- 各探索者は、victory display の各カードの victory X に等しい経験値を獲得します。
Before you are able to cross into the next layer of the cavern, a sound like the click-clacking of a claw catches you by surprise. Emerging from the darkness behind you are several alien creatures, the likes of which you have never seen: ten feet tall, with conical bodies that end in four strange appendages of varying lengths. You are stunned to see a human figure standing at the head of the group: none other than Alejandro Vela. “Take their minds,” Alejandro commands the creatures. “We have no further use for them.” It is your last human memory.
- If the Harbinger of Valusia entered play during this scenario:
- If it is in the victory display, cross out “the Harbinger is still alive” in your Campaign Log.
- If it is still in play or is set aside, next to “the Harbinger is still alive” in your Campaign Log, record in parentheses how much damage is on the Harbinger of Valusia, replacing the number that was previously in parentheses.
- For each vengeance point in the victory display, record one tally mark under “Yig’s Fury” in your Campaign Log.
- Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
Agenda. Stage 1
Doom: 7. Clues: –
<act> location に clue がない場合:<b>Explore</b>。Exploration deck の一番上のカードを引きます。接続場所の場合は、それをプレイしてそこに移動します。
<for>この agenda が進むとき: 場の各 location から doom を取り除かないでください。
Agenda. Stage 1
Doom: 7. Clues: –
Though much of this cavern system is natural and untouched by humans, you are stunned to find signs of an ancient civilization that once inhabited the area.
<act> If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.
Forced - When this agenda advances: Do not remove doom from each location in play.
Serpents' Revenge
キャンペーン ログを確認します。Harbinger がまだ生きている場合:
はるか後ろの入り口から、脅迫的なシューという音と、あまりにも馴染みのあるガラガラという音が聞こえ、あなたは恐怖で凍り付きます。あなたは手近にある武器を掴み、震える手で怯えて振り返ります。どうしてここまで追いかけてきたのでしょう? この恐ろしい狩りはいつ終わるのでしょうか?
コレクションから Harbinger of Valusia を探し、すべての探索者から最も遠い location に spawn させます (キャンペーン ログの "Yig's Fury" の下に 8 つ以上の tally marks がある場合、代わりにリード探索者の location で場に入ります)。キャンペーン ログの括弧内に記録された ダメージ量に等しい damage が乗った状態で場に入ります。
Serpents' Revenge
Check Campaign Log. If the Harbinger is still alive:
From the entrance far behind you, a threatening hiss and an all-too-familiar rattling causes you to freeze in terror. You grip the nearest weapon you can find and turn in fright, hands trembling. How has it followed you this far? When will this awful hunt end?
Search the collection for the Harbinger of Valusia and spawn it at the location farthest from all investigators (if there are 8 or more tally marks under "Yig's Fury" in your Campaign Log, it enters play at the lead investigator's location, instead). It enters play with damage on it equal to the amount of damage recorded in parentheses in your Campaign Log.
212.Eyes in the Dark
Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 12. Clues: –
<act> 場所に手がかりがない場合: 探索。探索デッキの一番上のカードを引きます。接続場所の場合は、それを場に出してそこに移動します。
*このアジェンダの破滅の閾値は +1 <per> されます。
211.Eyes in the Dark
Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 12. Clues: –
Bright-yellow eyes peer at you from all sides as you continue delving deeper into the cavern. The glowing orbs vanish as light is cast on them, reappearing as soon as the darkness returns.
<act> If there are no clues on your location: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.
*This agenda gets +1 <per> doom threshold.
Crumbling Caverns
生き残った探索者は全員敗北し、1 physical traua を受けます。
Crumbling Caverns
Without warning, a deafening crash echoes throughout the cave, and the ground under your feet rumbles with tremendous force. Stalactites and pieces of crumbling rock begin to fall from the ceiling of the cavern, striking the ground all around you and causing cracks to appear in the stone. "We have to get out of here!" you shout to Ichtaca, but by the time you realize what is coming, it is too late. The ground beneath your feet gives way, and suddenly you are falling, plummeting into the depths below…
Each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 physical trauma.
213.Cavern of the Forgotten Age
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 3.<per>
クンヤンの広大な地下洞窟は冷たく、静まり返っています。ン・カイのネクサスへの道沿いには、放置された遺跡が点在し、そのまま放置されています。この古代の忘れ去られた場所で何が起こったのでしょうか? これらの遺跡はかつて人間が住んでいたのでしょうか? それとも、はるか昔の種族が住んでいたのでしょうか?
213.Cavern of the Forgotten Age
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 3.<per>
The vast underground caverns of K’n-yan are cold and all too quiet. Scattered, forsaken ruins lie undisturbed along your path to the Nexus of N’kai. What happened in this ancient and forgotten place? Were these ruins once occupied by humans? Or by a species far, far older?
In Circles
暗くて寂しいトンネル沿いには目印となるものがほとんどないため、迷わずに先に進むには知恵とナビゲーション スキルに頼らなければなりません。すでに訪れた場所を簡単にマークする方法があればいいのですが...
Descent to Yoth を exploration deck にシャッフルします。
リーダー探索者は、グループの偵察員として 1 人の探索者を選択します。その探索者は自分の supplies をチェックします。
偵察員が chalk を持っている場合、円を描いて移動することを避けることができます。偵察員は悪影響を受けません。
偵察員が chalk を持っていない場合、プレイ中の各 location に (トークン プールから) 1 clue を置きます。次に、偵察員が片面の location にいる場合は、その location を exploration deck に戻してシャッフルします。その location にいた各 enemy と探索者を、conne に移動します。
In Circles
With very few landmarks to spot along the dark and lonely tunnels, you must rely on your wits and navigation skills to make your way forward without getting lost. If only you had an easy way to mark the places you have already visited…
Shuffle Descent to Yoth into the exploration deck.
The lead investigator chooses one investigator to be the group's scout. That investigator checks his or her supplies.
If the scout has chalk, you are able to avoid traveling in circles. The scout suffers no ill effects.
If the scout does not have chalk, place 1 clue on each location in play (from the token pool). Then, if the scout is on a single-sided location, shuffle that location back into the exploration deck. Move each enemy and investigator that was at that location to a conne
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 0
<obj>生き残った探索者が全員、Descent to Yoth にいて、そこに doom が置かれてない場合、前進できる。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 0
The deeper you descend into the cold darkness, the more you feel the crushing weight of the world above, and the dizzying reality of the world further below. You suddenly long for the surface and wonder if you will ever see the sky again.
Objective - If each surviving investigator is at the Descent to Yoth and there is no doom on it, you may advance.
To Yoth
キャンペーン ログを確認してください。
<bul>調査員がアレハンドロを救出した場合: <b>(→R1)</b>。
<bul>アレハンドロが行方不明の場合: <b>(→R2)</b>。
To Yoth - Back
Before you lies an ornate and elaborately decorated doorway, a stone disc that has been rolled aside to unveil the hellish realm beyond. The caverns on the other side are bathed in a red glow. The serpent-themed statues and carvings along the walls inform you that you are on the right track.
Check Campaign Log.
- If the investigators rescued Alejandro: (→R1).
- If Alejandro is missing: (→R2).