Interlude II The Price of Progress

ページ名:Interlude II The Price of Progress

Interlude II: The Price of Progress

少なくとも 1 人の調査員が Silver Twilight 特性を持っている場合は、The Price of Progress 1 に進みます。
そうでない場合は、The Price of Progress 2 に進みます。

If at least one of the investigators has the Silver Twilight trait, proceed to The Price of Progress 1.
Otherwise, skip to The Price of Progress 2.


The Price of Progress 1:

 “Ah, it’s you. I did not expect you to be here,though perhaps I should have,” Mr. Sanford says with a hint of surprise in his voice. “I regret that you had to be involved in this unfortunate affair. I did not plan for you to be a part of any of this.” You narrow your eyes. You suspect fortune had nothing to do with it. You ask him what will happen to those still trapped inside. “Human progress requires sacrifice,” he recites stoically. “It is lamentable when that sacrifice is in blood, but the price in lamentation does not outweigh the yield of our labor.”

Skip to The Price of Progress 3.

The Price of Progress 3 にスキップする。


The Price of Progress 2:


The Price of Progress 3 に進む。


 “I regret that we must meet under such...unfortunate circumstances,” Mr. Sanford says offhandedly. You narrow your eyes. You suspect fortune had nothing to do with it. You ask him what will happen to those still trapped inside. “Human progress requires sacrifice,” he recites stoically. “It is lamentable when that sacrifice is in blood, but the price in lamentation does not outweigh the yield of our labor.”
Proceed to The Price of Progress 3.


The Price of Progress 3:




 You didn’t come here to listen to Mr.Sanford proselytize about sacrifice. You came here for answers. You demand an explanation, but the elderly man cuts you off with a scowl.
 “Yes, yes. You speak of the incident last week. That was the creature’s first manifestation, and the arrival of the dark mist, which you encountered inside.” He glances at the front door to the manor and clears his throat. “The Lodge was not involved in the disappearances that occurred that night,” he explains after a short pause. “But we couldn’t exactly go to the police and tell them a creature made of mist kidnapped four people in Mr. Meiger’s household, could we? So, we had to take matters into our own hands. We suspected that creature was drawn to the crowd, so we recreated the incident in order to understand what happened—to discern its motives.” The decision to host another event at Mr. Meiger’s estate so soon after the disappearances makes sense to you now. As much as you hate to admit it, there is some logic to the plan the Lodge put into action, although you don’t particularly like being used as bait. Who knows how many innocent bystanders were put in mortal danger? Even if the goal was noble, was it worth the sacrifice?
“I hope you understand that our organization only seeks the betterment of humankind. There are harsh truths that lie beyond our five senses,” Mr. Sanford says, his expression grim. “If we are to survive and prosper, we must adapt. We must learn. We must understand. That is what our order seeks to achieve—a greater understanding of the world around us. A worthy pursuit, don’t you agree?”


  • Victory Display と Entry Hall の下にある Silver Twilight enemies を確認します。
    • Josef Meiger が victory display にいる場合は、 The Price of Progress 4 に進みます。
    • Josef Meiger が Entry Hall 下にある場合は、 The Price of Progress 5 に進みます。
    • 上記のいずれも当てはまらず、victory display の Silver Twikight enemmies が Entry Hall の下の enemies と同じかそれより多い場合は、 The Price of Progress 4 に進みます。
    • 上記のいずれも当てはまらず、Entry Hall の下の Silver Twilight enenmies の数が victory display の数よりも多い場合、 The Price of Progress 6 に進みます。



ÆÆCheck the Silver Twilight enemies in the victory display and beneath the Entry Hall.
==If Josef Meiger is in the victory display, proceed to The Price of Progress 4.
==If Josef Meiger is beneath the Entry Hall, skip to The Price of Progress 5.
==If neither of the above is true, and the number of Silver Twilight enemies in the victory display is equal to or greater than the number beneath the Entry Hall, proceed to The Price of Progress 4.
==If none of the above are true, and there are more Silver Twilight enemies beneath the Entry Hall than in the victory display, skip to The Price of Progress 6.


The Price of Progress 4:


  • キャンペーン ログに、"Josef disappeared into the mist (ヨゼフが霧の中に消えた)" ことを記録します。
  • キャンペーン ログに、"investigators are enemies of the Lodge (調査員がロッジの敵である)" ことを記録します。
  • ストーリーは Scenario III: The Secret Name に続きます。


Before you can reply, one of Sanford’s men emerges from the house behind you. He sheathes a long silver blade as he addresses Mr. Sanford. “There is no sign of Josef inside, sir.” The man eyes you suspiciously, keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword. His posture reminds you of that of a knight, stoic and rigidly disciplined.
“I see,” Sanford replies. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing. “A great loss for our order, but one we anticipated. Gather the Lodge’s belongings from inside the estate, and I will deal with the consequences.” The knight nods and heads back inside. Carl’s cold blue eyes turn back toward you. “As for you, I would ask you to leave this place at once. You have done enough harm as it is.” Before you can protest, he commands the other men nearby to escort you off the premises, and you have little choice but to comply.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record Josef disappeared into the mist.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators are enemies of the Lodge.
ÆÆThe story continues in Scenario III: The Secret Name.


The Price of Progress 5:





  • キャンペーン ログに、ジョセフを救出した捜査官を記録します。
  • 捜査官はそれぞれ、シルバー トワイライト ロッジの内部事情について洞察を深めるにつれて、ボーナス経験値 2 を獲得します。
  • 捜査官は決定を下す必要があります (1 つ選択)。
    • 「これに加わることを拒否します。」 The Price of Progress 7 に進みます。
    • 「同意します。」The Price of Progress 8 に進みます。
    • 「同意します。」 (嘘をついています。) The Price of Progress 9 に進みます。


 You consider Mr. Sanford’s words carefully.
You believe that he is telling the truth, but you’re not sure if the ends justify his means. Before you can reply, Josef steps forward. “I believe our new comrades understand the value of working together,” he says politely,
standing at your side. “They could have escaped on their own, but they stayed behind to make sure members of the Lodge were safe. Surely we are of the same mind.”
“Courage is not the same as sacrifice, Josef,” Carl Sanford intones patiently. “Do they have the will to do what is truly right for all of humanity?” The elderly man turns his attention back to you, his cold eyes glinting in the moonlight. He approaches calmly, extending his hand.
“Regardless, you have experienced firsthand the danger that we all face.
Join us, and we can face it together. With our knowledge combined, we can protect Arkham from this threat.”
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators rescued Josef.
ÆÆEach investigator earns 2 bonus experience, as he or she gains insight into the inner workings of the Silver Twilight Lodge.
ÆÆThe investigators must decide (choose one):
==“I refuse to be a part of this.” Skip to The Price of Progress 7.
==“I agree.” Skip to The Price of Progress 8.
==“I agree.” (You are lying.) Skip to The Price of Progress 9.


The Price of Progress 6:


あなたは彼が真実を語っていると信じていますが、目的が手段を正当化するかどうかはわかりません。あなたが返事をする前に、ジョセフ・マイガーがあなたの後ろの家から現れます。その両脇には高価なスーツを着た 2 人の警備員がいます。1 人は長い銀の刃を振り回して警備に立っています。もう 1 人は、片方の手をホルスターに収めたリボルバーのグリップに置いたまま、用心深く状況を観察しています。



  • キャンペーン ログに、"Josef is alive and well (ジョセフが生きていて元気である)" ことを記録します。
  • 調査員は以下を決定しなければなりません (1 つ選択してください):
    • 「私はこれに加わることを拒否します。」The Price of Progress 7 に進みます。
    • 「同意します。」The Price of Progress 8 に進みます。
    • 「同意します。」 (嘘をついています。) The Price of Progress 9 に進みます。


You consider Mr. Sanford’s words carefully.
You believe that he is telling the truth, but you’re not sure if the ends justify his means. Before you can reply, Josef Meiger emerges from the house behind you, flanked by two guards wearing expensive suits. One wields a long silver blade as he stands guard. The other observes the situation vigilantly, keeping one hand on the grip of a revolver holstered at his side.
Josef recognizes you and addresses you curtly. “You have been poking your head where you don’t belong,” he threatens, narrowing his dark eyes.
“Stay your tongue, Josef,” Sanford interjects. He approaches calmly, extending his hand toward you. “You have experienced firsthand the danger that we all face. Join us, and we can face it together. With our knowledge combined, we can protect Arkham from this threat.”
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record Josef is alive and well.
ÆÆThe investigators must decide (choose one):
==“I refuse to be a part of this.” Skip to The Price of Progress 7.
==“I agree.” Skip to The Price of Progress 8.
==“I agree.” (You are lying.) Skip to The Price of Progress 9.


The Price of Progress 7:




  • キャンペーン ログに、”investigators are enemies of the Lodge (調査員がロッジの敵である)" ことを記録します。
  • ストーリーは Scenario III: The Secret Name に続きます。


The Price of Progress 8:

あなたはサンフォード氏と握手します。彼の握りは冷たく、しかし力強いです。ロッジの他のメンバーはあなたの周りでリラックスしているようです。 「友よ、私たちは一緒に偉大な仕事をするだろう」とサンフォードは言う。「確かに偉大な仕事だ。」

  • キャンペーン ログに、"investigators are members of the Lodge (探索者がロッジのメンバーである)" ことを記録する。キャンペーンの残りの間、カオス バッグに 1  トークンを追加する。
  • ストーリーは Scenario III: The Secret Name に続く。


 Mr. Sanford scowls, returning his hand to his side and narrowing his gaze. “I see. I cannot say I am not disappointed.
I thought you would be insightful enough to see the value in working together. But I realize now that my confidence was misplaced.” He sighs and gazes past you, toward Josef ’s manor. “Very well. The Lodge will handle this problem on our own. Return to your state of ignorance. But I warn you: do not get in our way. I am not an enemy you want to have.”
Before you can protest, Sanford commands the other men nearby to escort you off the premises, and you have little choice but to comply.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators are enemies of the Lodge.
ÆÆThe story continues in Scenario III: The Secret Name.

The Price of Progress 8:

You shake Mr. Sanford’s hand. His grip is cold, but strong. The other members of the Lodge seem to relax around you. “We will do great works together, my friends,” says Sanford. “Great works indeed.”

ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators are members of the Lodge. Add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.
ÆÆThe story continues in Scenario III: The Secret Name.


The Price of Progress 9:


  • キャンペーンログに、"investigators are members of the Lodge (調査員がロッジのメンバーである)" ことを記録します。キャンペーンの残りの間、カオスバッグに 1  トークンを追加します。
  • キャンペーンログに、"investigators are deceiving the Lodge (調査員がロッジを欺いている)" ことを記録します。
  • ストーリーは Scenario III: The Secret Name に続きます。


You shake Mr. Sanford’s hand. His grip is cold, but strong. The other members of the Lodge seem to relax around you. “We will do great works together, my friends,” says Sanford. “Great works indeed.” But out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the Lodge’s enforcers gripping his weapon a little tighter.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators are members of the Lodge. Add 1  token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.
ÆÆIn your Campaign Log, record the investigators are deceiving the Lodge.
ÆÆThe story continues in Scenario III: The Secret Name.


DO NOT READ unless “You are Being Hunted”

あなたは窓をちらっと見て、そこにない暗い霧を探している自分に気づきます。この文章が何かを伝えようとしているとしたらどうでしょう? もしかしたら、いや、それはあり得ません。

You are startled from your reverie by the sensation of something crawling up your chest, an icy hand that clasps around your throat. It grips until your breath is trapped and your windpipe starts to crack. Only there is nothing there—just a chilly draft entering the room through the open window. The wind shrill, whistling wind rattles your window frame, penetrating the safety of your home. It almost sounds like the dissonant notes of a dreadful flute: a mindless, haunting music that fills you with inexplicable terror. You rush to the window and slam it shut, hands trembling. Still, the thin, discordant notes echo around you. This can’t be real, you think.
Not here, not now. But denial provides no asylum.
The cold creeps its way up your back once again. A thin, grey mist pours into the room, seeping beneath your front door and through the cracks around your window. It crawls along the ground and coils slowly around your ankles, sending shivers up your body. You run into your bedroom, slam the door, and lock it. A few seconds of respite are all you receive before the invader resumes its assault. Over and over, a heavy force slams against the door, shaking the entire room. You press against the door, trying to hold it shut. With each pounding crash, dark mist seeps through cracks appearing in the wood. With a final crash, the door shatters. You are hurled back, landing not on the floor but in a cloud of mist, gripped by a hundred spectral arms that cling into your flesh and tear you limb from limb.
NO!—That can’t be right. You are here, reading this very text. A wave of relief washes over you as you realize it is all in your head. Even so, the words compel your mind to torment you with visions of a macabre death.
You find yourself glancing at your window, searching for dark mist that is not there. What if the text is trying to tell you something? Maybe—no, that’s impossible.
“Real or imagined, your fate approaches all the same.”


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