Scenario VIII Shattered Aeons

ページ名:Scenario VIII Shattered Aeons

Scenario VIII: Shattered Aeons


キャンペーン ログを確認します。火鉢に火が灯っている場合は、
イントロ 1 に進みます。

火鉢に火がつかない場合は、イントロ 2 に進みます。


Check Campaign Log. If the braziers are lit,
proceed to Intro 1.

If the braziers remain unlit, skip to Intro 2.



Intro 1:


これまであなたを導いてきた銀青色の炎は、あなたに残された唯一の希望の痕跡です。火鉢が一つずつあなたを先へと導きます。誰か、あるいは何かがこれらの装置をここに設置しました。この技術は、K'n-yan の洞窟や、遺物が最初に発見された Eztli 遺跡で見たものと似ています。しかし、地球の地殻の下のこの深いところまで冒険した者は、振り​​返って逃げたに違いありません。最後の火鉢は倒れて壊れており、前方にそれらを見ることはできません。ありがたいことに、暗闇の中を長く進む必要はありません。数分以内に、巨大な石の扉に出会います。間違いなく Nexus への入り口です。



The silver-blue flames that have guided you through these passages are the only vestige of hope you have remaining. One by one, the braziers lead you onward. Someone or something placed these devices here. The technology is not unlike what you have seen in the caverns of K’n-yan, or in the Eztli ruins where the relic was first found. However, it seems whoever ventured this deep below the crust of the Earth must have turned and fled, for the final brazier has been toppled and broken, and you see no more of them ahead. Thankfully, you do not need to travel in the darkness for very long. Within minutes, you come upon a huge stone doorway: no doubt the entrance to the Nexus.

Skip to Intro 3.


Intro 2:



各探索者は、最初の手札が 2 枚少ない状態でこのシナリオを開始します。イントロ 3 に進みます。



Since you possess no light to guide you, you have spent every waking moment with part of your body pressed against the cavern wall, using the cold stone to navigate without losing course. As you travel, your fingers find warm, smooth grooves along the wall: the same dormant technology that existed in the Eztli ruins. You are clearly not the first to enter this abyssal place. However, whoever came here before you must have fled before their work was done, since the channels did not light to guide your way or glare with anger as you approached. Hours pass as you make your way gradually in the dark, until finally you come upon a huge stone doorway: no doubt the entrance to the Nexus.

Each investigator begins this scenario with 2 fewer cards in his or her opening hand. Proceed to Intro 3.

Intro 3:


結局のところ、自然光を見なくなってほぼ 1 週間が経っています。



Your hand traces over the lines carved in the doorway. An inscription. A warning to turn back, for to open this passage is to invite doom. It is too dark to recognize the language, but you know it is not one spoken by humanity in this day and age. You have no idea how you can understand the engraving. Perhaps some last remnant of memory from your time in Pnakotus, lost city of the Yithians. Or perhaps you are truly mad, discerning meaning from natural indentations in the stone wall.
After all, it has been almost a week since you have seen natural light.

If the investigators found the missing relic, proceed to Intro 4.
If the relic is missing, skip to Intro 5


Intro 4:





The stone doorway is sealed shut when you arrive, but as soon as you approach, the artifact begins to shake and hum loudly. Grooves along the door flicker alight with a shimmering glow, and suddenly the door shifts open of its own accord. You grip the artifact tightly and enter. 

Skip to Setup.


Intro 5:





The stone doorway is already open when you arrive. Grooves along the door are lit with a shimmering glow. The Brotherhood must already be here. You have arrived with only moments to spare.

Proceed to Setup.




  • 以下の遭遇セットからすべてのカードを集めます: Shattered Aeons、Pnakotic Brotherhood、Temporal Flux、および Ancient Evils。これらのセットは次のアイコンで示されます:
    • カオスバッグの中に  トークンより  トークンが多い場合は、このアイコンで示されるダークカルトのエンカウンターセットも収集します。
    • カオスバッグの中に  トークンが  トークンよりも多い場合は、このアイコンで示される Agents of Yig エンカウンターセットも収集します。
    • カオスバッグに  トークンと  トークンが同じ数入っている場合は、次のアイコンで示される Dark Cult と Agents of Yig のエンカウンターセットも収集します。
  • N'kai のネクサスをプレイします。各探索者は N'kai のネクサスでプレイを開始します。
  • ここに描かれている 2 枚の敵カードをゲームから外して脇に置きます: Ichtaca (Scion of Yig) と Alejandro Vela (Or, Is He?)。
    • 注意: これらのカードは両面で、反対側にはストーリー カードがあります。効果によって指示されない限り、反対側を見ないようにすると、最高の体験ができます。
  • 以下のカードをゲームから外して脇に置きます: 無形の落とし子、時代の遺物 (Unleash the Timestream)、時間の懐、Act 4a - 「失楽園」、Act 4a - 「タイムロック」、および片面の Shattered の場所 6 つ。
  • 探索デッキを作成します。これは、残りの片面の場所 3 枚と、Wracked by Time、Between Worlds、および Ancient Evils の各遭遇カードを 1 枚ずつ一緒にシャッフルすることで行います。
  • キャンペーン ログを確認します。「イグの怒り」の下にある 10 個のタリー マークごとに、主任捜査官のデッキの一番上のカードを勝利ディスプレイに裏向きで置きます。シナリオの残りの間、それらのカードは復讐 1 を持っているものとして扱います。
  •  残りの遭遇カードをシャッフルして遭遇デッキを構築します。


  • ÆÆGather all cards from the following encounter sets: Shattered Aeons, Pnakotic Brotherhood, Temporal Flux, and Ancient Evils. These sets are indicated by the following icons:
  • ==If there are more  tokens in the chaos bag than  tokens, also gather the Dark Cult encounter set, indicated by this icon:
  • ==If there are more  tokens in the chaos bag than  tokens, also gather the Agents of Yig encounter set, indicated by this icon:
  • ==If there is an equal number of  and  tokens in the chaos bag, also gather both the Dark Cult and Agents of Yig encounter sets, indicated by these icons:
  • ÆÆPut the Nexus of N’kai into play. Each investigator begins play in the Nexus of N’kai.
  • ÆÆSet the 2 enemy cards depicted here aside, out of play: Ichtaca (Scion of Yig) and Alejandro Vela (Or, Is He?).
  • ==Note: These cards are double-sided and have story cards on their other side. For the best experience, do not look at the other side unless an effect instructs you to do so.
  • ÆÆSet the following cards aside, out of play: Formless Spawn, Relic of Ages (Unleash the Timestream), A Pocket in Time, Act 4a—“Paradise Lost”, Act 4a—“Timelock”, and the 6 singlesided Shattered locations.
  • ÆÆCreate the exploration deck. This is done by taking the 3 remaining single-sided locations and shuffling them together, along with 1 copy each of the following encounter cards: Wracked by Time, Between Worlds, and Ancient Evils.
  • ÆÆCheck Campaign Log. For every 10 tally marks under “Yig’s Fury,” place the top card of the lead investigator’s deck in the victory display, facedown. For the remainder of the scenario, treat each of those cards as if it has Vengeance 1.
  • ÆÆ Shuffle the remainder of the encounter cards to build the encounter deck.



Story Cards


ストーリー カードは、この Mythos Pack に登場する新しいカード タイプです。これらのカードは追加の物語を伝える手段として機能し、通常は別のシナリオ カードの裏面として表示されます。ストーリー カードを解決するように指示されたら、そのストーリー テキストを読み、ゲーム テキストがある場合はそれを解決します。


Story cards are a new cardtype that appears in this Mythos Pack. These cards serve as an avenue for additional narrative and typically appear as the reverse side of another scenario card. When you are instructed to resolve a story card, simply read its story text and resolve its game text, if any.


DO NOT READ until the end of the scenario

If no resolution was reached (each investigator resigned or was defeated): Read Resolution 4.


Resolution 1:


1925 年 12 月 17 日木曜日
1925 年の夏に起きた出来事について、私の考えを余すところなく伝えるのは難しい。もちろん、私の話を保証してくれるのはハーランだけだと思う​​が、私は今まで紙に書き留めてこなかった。これらの出来事が私の想像の産物であったほうがよかったのかもしれない。



Thursday, December 17th, 1925
It is difficult for me to convey my unabridged thoughts on the events that occurred during the summer of 1925. Of course, I gave my full account to Harlan—who I suspect is the only person willing to vouch for my story—but I have not sat down to record it on paper until now. Perhaps I would rather these events had been a figment of my imagination.
In truth, I have no idea how we made it out of the caverns beneath the jungle alive. Simply reaching the abyssal place was a hellish ordeal. My memory of our return trip is muddled and disarrayed. We scrambled in the dark for what seemed like ages. We were out of food, out of supplies, out of hope—but somehow, we found a way out.
Our reward for preventing calamity was scorn and ridicule. 

No upstanding paper or university would publish our findings, and of course we possessed no proof of our expedition save for our scars and nightmares. I wish I could say that my memory of these events has faded with each passing day, but I will never forget the alien city we explored in our conical bodies, the serpents that pursued us in red-litten Yoth, the formless abomination that lived in the depths of the Earth…
Perhaps that is why I fear making a written account of our findings—because these memories will crystallize and become etched in my mind, forever damning me to a life of terror and dismay. Still, the world needs to know what we saw. What we did.


  • キャンペーン ログに、調査員が時間の構造の裂け目を修復したことを記録します。
  • 各探索者は、N'kai への遠征から完全に回復することはないため、身体的トラウマ 2 点と精神的トラウマ 2 点を負います。
  • Victory X で Relic of Ages に取り付けられた各場所が勝利ディスプレイに追加されます。
  • 各探索者は、勝利ディスプレイの各カードの勝利 X 値に等しい経験値を獲得します。各探索者は、崩壊したタイムラインを修復し、地球を大惨事から救ったため、5 のボーナス経験値を獲得します。
  • 調査員たちがキャンペーンに勝利しました!


  • In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators mended the tear in the fabric of time.
  • Each investigator suffers 2 physical trauma and 2 mental trauma, as he or she never fully recovers from the expedition into N’kai.
  • Each location attached to the Relic of Ages with Victory X is added to the victory display.
  • Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display. Each investigator earns 5 bonus experience, as he or she has mended the shattered timeline and saved the Earth from catastrophe.
  • The investigators win the campaign!


Resolution 2:




  • キャンペーン ログに、調査員が蛇の文明を救ったことを記録します。
  • 地球は救われ、調査隊は作戦に勝利する…
  • …しかし、探索者たちは世界を作り変え、まったく別の時代に存在しています。これらの探索者たちは別のキャンペーンに転送することはできません。(最初からやり直す必要があります。)


Transposed to a different time, Valusia and the children of Yig live on. Preserved by the new timeline you have created, you and the Serpent People are safe from the events that caused their homeland’s destruction long ago, in another time. All of your past transgressions against serpent-kind are forgiven, and you are given the chance to live in the paradise-kingdom of Valusia, remade in Yig’s image.
Although you may have turned your back on humanity, you take comfort in the fact that the Earth has been saved from complete ruin. Due to your actions, you are valued and respected among the Serpents and in the eyes of your new Father. Your new life is cozy and full of wonders you could never have predicted. And yet, from time to time, you look out into the wilds beyond Valusia and wonder if there is something else you could have done…


  • In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators saved the civilization of the Serpents.
  • The Earth is saved, and the investigators win the campaign…
  • …But the investigators have reshaped the world, existing in another time altogether. These investigators cannot be transferred to a different campaign. (You must start fresh.)


Resolution 3:





  • キャンペーン ログに、調査員がイシアンの文明を救ったことを記録します。
  • 地球は救われ、調査隊は作戦に勝利する…
  • …しかし、探索者たちは世界を作り変え、まったく別の時代に存在しています。これらの探索者たちは別のキャンペーンに転送することはできません。(最初からやり直す必要があります。)


Transposed to a different time, Pnakotus and the Great Race of Yith live on. Preserved by the new timeline you have created, you and the Yithians are safe from the extraterrestrials who ended their kind long ago, in another time. You are brought into the city and given freedoms other captive minds never received. Although at first, you long for your former life, the emotion fades the more time you spend in this strange new Earth. You roam the world on titan airships and delve into the collective knowledge of the Yithians, accumulated in their vast archives from centuries of research.

Your studies unveil secrets that no other human will ever know. You experience technological advances that humanity would weep to discover. And you prepare for an accursed future that may still yet come to pass.


  • In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators saved the civilization of the Yithians.
  • The Earth is saved, and the investigators win the campaign…
  • …But the investigators have reshaped the world, existing in another time altogether. These investigators cannot be transferred to a different campaign. (You must start fresh.)


Resolution 4:


皆さんが知っている現実は、決して同じではなくなるでしょうが、おそらくこれは世界の終わりではありません。結局のところ、時間は 1 つの次元に過ぎません。人類がほとんど理解できない次元です。私たちは時間を経験しますが、それを見ることはできません。測定することはできますが、変更することはできません。では、4 次元が数十万の存在の面に分裂したとしたらどうなるでしょうか。私たちの弱い人間の心ではその結果を理解することはできませんが、宇宙は依然として存続し、その境界は時間という制限に縛られず、拡大し続けています。


  • キャンペーン ログに、時間の構造が解きほぐされたことを記録します。
  • 捜査官たちは皆気が狂いそうになる。
  • 調査員たちは作戦に敗れた。


Reality as you know it will never be the same, but perhaps this is not the end of the world. After all, time is just one dimension: a dimension humanity barely understands. We experience time, but we cannot see it. We can measure it, but we cannot alter it. So what if the fourth dimension has split into hundreds of thousands of planes of existence? Our feeble human minds cannot comprehend the outcome, but the universe still survives, its ever-expanding boundaries no longer limited by the confines of time.


  • In your Campaign Log, record that the fabric of time is unwoven.
  • Each investigator is driven insane.
  • The investigators lose the campaign.


Resolution 5:



  • キャンペーン ログに、調査員が時間を戻したことを記録します。
  • Victory X で Relic of Ages に取り付けられた各場所が勝利ディスプレイに追加されます。
  • 各調査員は、勝利表示の各カードの勝利 X 値に等しい経験値を獲得します。
  • エピローグに進みます。


All of this was set into motion when the Eztli ruins were first intruded upon. Ichtaca’s original warning was her last vestige of humanity speaking to you. She wanted you and the other explorers to turn back, but curiosity and greed got the better of you. Until that day, balance had been kept. Alejandro sought the relic for his own devices. Ichtaca heard the call of her master and obeyed. However, humanity is the true cause of this chaos. You know now what you must do. You know now how you can save everyone.


  • In your Campaign Log, record that the investigators turned back time.
  • Each location attached to the Relic of Ages with Victory X is added to the victory display.
  • Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display.
  • Proceed to Epilogue.



314.Shattered Aeons



Easy / Standard

: -2 (Relic of Ages があなたの場所にある場合は代わりに -4)。

: -2。少なくとも 1 の差で成功しない場合は、最も近いカルティスト敵に 1 つの破滅を置きます。

: -2。毒にかかっている場合は、代わりにこのテストは自動的に失敗します。

: -2。失敗した場合は、遭遇の捨て札置き場の一番上の Hex 裏切りを探索デッキにシャッフルします。


314.Shattered Aeons



Easy / Standard

: -2 (-4 instead if the Relic of Ages is at your location).

: -2. If you do not succeed by at least 1, place 1 doom on the nearest Cultist enemy.

: -2. If you are poisoned, this test automatically fails instead.

: -2. If you fail, shuffle the topmost Hex treachery in the encounter discard pile into the exploration deck.

Shattered Aeons - Back


Hard / Expert

: -3 (Relic of Ages があなたの場所にある場合は代わりに -5)。

: -3。少なくとも 1 の差で成功しない場合は、各Cultist敵に 1 つの破滅を置きます。

: -3。毒にかかっている場合は、代わりにこのテストは自動的に失敗します。毒にかかっていないのに失敗した場合には、脇に置いておいた毒の弱点を脅威エリアに置きます。

: -3。遭遇の捨て札置き場の一番上のHexの裏切りを探索デッキにシャッフルします。


Shattered Aeons - Back


Hard / Expert

: -3 (-5 instead if the Relic of Ages is at your location).

: -3. If you do not succeed by at least 1, place 1 doom on each Cultist enemy.

: -3. If you are poisoned, this test automatically fails instead. If you are not poisoned and you fail, put a set-aside Poisoned weakness into play in your threat area.

: -3. Shuffle the topmost Hex treachery in the encounter discard pile into the exploration deck.


315.Threads of Time

Agenda. Stage 1


Doom: 6. Clues: –


強制 - 手札、デッキ、捨て札置き場、またはプレイエリアに時代の遺物を持つ探索者が排除された場合: 直ちにアジェンダ 3b に進みます。


315.Threads of Time

Agenda. Stage 1


Doom: 6. Clues: –

As you enter the grand chamber beyond the doorway, the Nexus stirs. The Earth quakes below you, and the wall chips and crumbles. Shards of stone float in midair above the Nexus. You are running out of time: Reality is starting to shatter all around you.

Forced - If an investigator with the Relic of Ages in his or her hand, deck, discard pile, or play area is eliminated: Immediately advance to agenda 3b.


The Spawn of N'Kai - Back





脇に置いておいた無形の落とし子を N'kai のネクサスに生成します。

このカードを勝利ディスプレイに置きます。それは復讐 1 を獲得します。



The Spawn of N'Kai - Back


You are not the first to intrude in this abyssal pit. You were warned not to break the seal, and yet here you are. Now you face the consequences for your foolish transgression.
The thing emerges from the lightless void beyond the Nexus. It is a being of black polymorphic ichor, an animated viscous ooze that crawls along the ground with shapeless limbs and leaves a trail of smooth, dissolved stone in its wake.

Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.

Spawn the set-aside Formless Spawn in the Nexus of N'kai.

Place this card in the victory display. It gains Vengeance 1.


316.Pendulous Threads

Agenda. Stage 2


Doom: 7. Clues: –


強制 - 手札、デッキ、捨て札置き場、またはプレイエリアに時代の遺物を持つ探索者が排除された場合: 直ちにアジェンダ 3b に進みます。


316.Pendulous Threads

Agenda. Stage 2


Doom: 7. Clues: –

Inside the Nexus, the interwoven threads of ethereal light begin to unravel, and reality unravels with it.

Forced - If an investigator with the Relic of Ages in his or her hand, deck, discard pile, or play area is eliminated: Immediately advance to agenda 3b.


The Nexus Falters - Back


ネクサスの機械を流れる電流が故障し始め、空中に火花が散ります。ポータル リングが過熱します。ポータル内の霊妙な光の糸が切れ始めます。

エンカウンター ディスカード パイルをエンカウンター デッキにシャッフルします。

Formless Spawn がプレイ中の場合、N'kai のネクサスに 2 つのドゥームを置きます。Formless Spawn が勝利ディスプレイにある場合、エンカウンター デッキにシャッフルします。

このカードを勝利ディスプレイに置きます。復讐 1 を獲得します。



The Nexus Falters - Back


The electrical currents coursing through the machinery of the Nexus begin to malfunction, sending a shower of sparks into the air. The portal ring overheats. Threads of ethereal light within the portal begin to snap.

Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.

If Formless Spawn is in play, place 2 doom on the Nexus of N'kai. If Formless Spawn is in the victory display, shuffle it into the encounter deck.

Place this card in the victory display. It gains Vengeance 1.


317.Snapped Threads

Agenda. Stage 3


Doom: 12. Clues: –


強制 - 手札、デッキ、捨て札置き場、またはプレイエリアに時代の遺物を持つ探索者が排除された場合: 直ちにアジェンダ 3b に進みます。


317.Snapped Threads

Agenda. Stage 3


Doom: 12. Clues: –

.time shattered of purgatory endless awful this in forever lost is know you Everything .Terrifying .False .different are they but ,repeat on out play future and ,present ,past your from Moments .changed has continuity the ,blink you time Each .between in everything and ,reverse in ,order in out play actions Your .here got you how recall cannot you but ,occurred yet not have that things remember You .alter to continues time of flow The

Forced - If an investigator with the Relic of Ages in his or her hand, deck, discard pile, or play area is eliminated: Immediately advance to agenda 3b.


Shattered Aeons - Back






Shattered Aeons - Back


The timeline collapses.
Reality dissolves before your very eyes. First to vanish is the environment around you: the matter blurs and thins into strings of light that fade into an empty void.
Next comes your body: it disintegrates slowly and painlessly into hundreds of millions of subatomic particles, which diffuse throughout the vast emptiness.
Finally, your cognition: your memories of events both real and unreal. Your hopes and dreams. Thoughts that never held any significance in the infinite scheme of the cosmos.



318.Worlds Beyond

Act. Stage 1


Clues: 2.<per>


強制 - 敵が空の場所に出現し、プレイ中に空の場所がない場合: 場所が明らかになるまで探索デッキからカードを公開します。その場所をプレイし、そこに敵を出現させます。探索デッキをシャッフルします。


318.Worlds Beyond

Act. Stage 1


Clues: 2.<per>

The energies of the Nexus swirl in the ground below you, beckoning you to enter. Whether it is a thing of science or magic, you do not know. It is a gateway of sorts, that much you can tell... but a gateway to where?

Forced - When an enemy would spawn at an empty location and there are no empty locations in play: Reveal cards from the exploration deck until a location is revealed. Put that location into play and spawn that enemy there. Shuffle the exploration deck.


Return to Another Time - Back



取っておいた「A Pocket in Time」の場所を探索デッキにシャッフルします。




Return to Another Time - Back


Each time you step through the Nexus, you get one step closer to your ultimate destination - a place that exists outside the boundaries of time and space...

Shuffle the set-aside A Pocket in Time location into the exploration deck.


319.Search for the Brotherhood

Act. Stage 2


Clues: –


目的 - 調査員が「時間のポケット」に入ったら、前進します。


319.Search for the Brotherhood

Act. Stage 2


Clues: –

Somewhere deep within this nexus of worlds lies your objective: a place where timelines converge. You can see it in flashes of insight from beyond this reality. Windows into other timelines. A place carved out of time and space, where the Brotherhood no doubt resides.

Objective - If an investigator enters A Pocket in Time, advance.


Gateways to Other Times - Back




キャンペーン ログを確認します。

- 遺物が見つからない場合は、脇に置いておいた時代の遺物 (タイムストリームの解放) を、探索者の制御下にない「時間のポケット」に取り付けます。第 3a 幕「イーシアンの遺物」に進みます。

- 調査員が行方不明の遺物を発見した場合は、第 3a 幕「イーシアンの遺物」に進みます。



Gateways to Other Times - Back


What you see before you is truly staggering. Throughout these halls are hundreds of windows into places both ancient and futuristic: once-grand civilizations that came before even the earliest records of known history, and more still that have yet to be realized. The psychological weight of this discovery is almost more than your mind can bear. Humans are not the masters or caretakers of the Earth. They are merely a footnote in a much longer history - a history which is about to be revised.

Shuffle the set-aside Shattered locations into the exploration deck. Each investigator shuffles the topmost Hex treachery in the encounter discard pile into the exploration deck.

Check Campaign Log.

If the relic is missing, attach the set-aside Relic of Ages (Unleash the Timestream) to A Pocket in Time, under no investigator's control. Advance to Act 3a - "The Yithian Relic."

If the investigators found the missing relic, advance to Act 3a - "The Yithian Relic."


320.The Yithian Relic

Act. Stage 3


Clues: –


<act>: デッキまたは捨て札置き場から時代の遺物を探し、手札に加えます。デッキをシャッフルします。

<act> 時代の遺物があなたの場所に取り付けられており、その場所に手がかりがない場合: 時代の遺物を支配します。

目的 - 調査員が時代の遺物を支配している場合、前進します。



320.The Yithian Relic

Act. Stage 3


Clues: –

If you intend to mend the shattered timelines, you will need to find the Relic of Ages and learn to harness its power.

<act>: Search your deck or discard pile for the Relic of Ages and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

<act> If the Relic of Ages is attached to your location and there are no clues on that location: Take control of the Relic of Ages.

Objective - If an investigator controls the Relic of Ages, advance.


The Relic is the Key - Back








「愚か者! あなたたちは盲目ですか?」アレハンドロは目の前の世界に身振りで示します。「あなたたちの種族は、時間の荒廃に対抗するチャンスはありません。」

取っておいたアレハンドロ (あるいは彼?) を「A Pocket in Time」に出現させます。



The Relic is the Key - Back


In your hands, you hold the key to fixing all of this. It hums and vibrates with immense power - power that seems to grow and flourish as you visit other timelines.

For the remainder of the scenario, if the Relic of Ages leaves play for any reason, shuffle each location attached to it into the exploration deck and reset the act deck to act 3a.

Check Campaign Log. If Ichtaca is set against you:



The thing that was once your companion slithers out of the darkness, hissing. "Yig will have his way! Valusia will be returned to us!"


Spawn the set-aside Ichtaca (Scion of Yig) in the Nexus of N'kai.


If Alejandro is set against you:



"Fools! Are you blind?" Alejandro motions to the worlds before him. "Your kind stands no chance against the ravages of time."


Spawn the set-aside Alejandro (Or, Is He?) in A Pocket in Time.


321.Mend the Shatter

Act. Stage 4


Clues: –


<at> 手掛かりのない砕け散った場所にいる場合: <wil> または <int> (3) をテストします。成功したら、場所を裏向きにして時代の遺物に取り付けます。その場所にいる各調査員と敵は、時間のポケットに移動します。

目的 - 時代の遺物に取り付けられた場所の数が、ゲームを開始した調査員の数に 1 を加えた数に等しい場合、前進します。


321.Mend the Shatter

Act. Stage 4


Clues: –

Each window you step through seems to empower the relic. Once the artifact is fully powered, you can use it to mend the shattered timelines and prevent catastrophe.

<at> If you are at a Shattered location with no clues: Test <wil> or <int> (3). If you succeed, attach your location facedown to the Relic of Ages. Each investigator and enemy at that location is moved to A Pocket in Time.

Objective - If the number of locations attached to the Relic of Ages is equal to 1 plus the number of investigators who started the game, advance.


It Is Done - Back


あなたは、この遺物の独創的な発明家の一人の技術と知識を使って、手の中の振動する装置を操作します。まるで、あなたの心は突然、あなたより先にいた古代人の知識で溢れかえったかのようです。装置のあらゆる開口部から力が漏れ出します。表面に現れる亀裂から、まばゆい光線が放たれます。あなたには、この粉々になった現実を修復するチャンスが 1 つしかありません。物事を正すチャンスは 1 つだけです。

- 探索者が制御する Relic of Ages のバージョンが Repossess the Past (過去の奪還) である場合、(→R5) に進みます。

- 探索者が Relic of Ages の他のバージョンを制御している場合は、(→R1) に進みます。



It Is Done - Back


You manipulate the thrumming device in your hands with the skill and knowledge of one of the relic's ingenious inventors. It is as though your mind has suddenly become flooded with the knowledge of the ancients that came before you. Power seeps from the device's every aperture. Rays of blinding light shoot forth from cracks appearing on its surface. You only have one chance to restore these shattered realities - only one chance to make things right.

- If Relic of Ages (Repossess the Past) is the version of the Relic of Ages that the investigators control, proceed to (→R5).

- If the investigators control any other version of the Relic of Ages, proceed to (→R1).


322.Paradise Lost

Act. Stage 4


Clues: –


<act> 手掛かりのない粉砕された場所にいる場合: <wil> または <int> (3) をテストします。成功した場合、場所を裏向きにして時代の遺物に取り付けます。その場所にいるすべての調査員と敵は、時間のポケットに移動します。

目的 - ヴァルシアが時代の遺物に取り付けられている場合は、前進します。


322.Paradise Lost

Act. Stage 4


Clues: –

Each window you step through seems to empower the relic. Once the artifact is fully powered, will you use it to restore the serpent civilization of Valusia to its former glory?

<act> If you are at a Shattered location with no clues: Test <wil> or <int> (3). If you succeed, attach your location facedown to the Relic of Ages. Each investigator and enemy at that location is moved to A Pocket in Time.

Objective - If Valusia is attached to the Relic of Ages, advance.


Glory to Valusia - Back







Glory to Valusia - Back


Ichtaca observes you with narrow yellow eyes as you manipulate the thrumming device in your hands. Power seeps from the device's every aperture. Rays of blinding light shoot forth from the cracks appearing on its surface. You watch as the boundary between timelines begins to mend, and the window closes, trapping you within the time and place you have chosen. Once the deed is done, the light fades from the artifact. Its humming ceases, and it never sounds again.
A beautiful yellow sun rises over the lush kingdom of Valusia, and you wonder what to make of your new life.




Act. Stage 4


Clues: –

通り抜ける窓ごとに、遺物に力を与えるようです。遺物が完全に力を得たら、それを使って Pnakotus と Yithians の破壊を阻止しますか?

<act> 手掛かりのない Shattered ロケーションにいる場合: <wil> または <int> (3) をテストします。成功した場合、あなたのロケーションを裏向きにして Relic of Ages に取り付けます。そのロケーションにいる各調査員と敵は A Pocket in Time に移動します。

目的 - Pnakotus が Relic of Ages に取り付けられている場合は、前進します。



Act. Stage 4


Clues: –

Each window you step through seems to empower the relic. Once the artifact is fully powered, will you use it to prevent the destruction of Pnakotus and the Yithians?

<act> If you are at a Shattered location with no clues: Test <wil> or <int> (3). If you succeed, attach your location facedown to the Relic of Ages. Each investigator and enemy at that location is moved to A Pocket in Time.

Objective - If Pnakotus is attached to the Relic of Ages, advance.


Survival of Pnakotus - Back






Survival of Pnakotus - Back


Alejandro studies your every move as you manipulate the thrumming device in your hands. Power seeps from the device's every aperture. Rays of blinding light shoot forth from the cracks appearing on its surface. You watch as the boundary between timelines begins to mend, and the window closes, trapping you within the time and place you have chosen. Once the deed is done, the light fades from the artifact. Its humming ceases, and it never sounds again.
"Come, my friend," Alejandro says stoically, motioning toward the tallest basalt tower of the city of endless archives. "Now our work can truly begin."



325.Yig's Mercy



キャンペーン ログを確認してください。「イグの怒り」の下に 16 個以上のタリー マークがある場合:


タリー マークが 15 個以下の場合:


調査員は決定する必要があります (1 つを選択):

- 「私は人類に背を向けることは決してできません!」疲れ果てて関与していない状態で、このカードを裏返します。シナリオの残りの間、イクタカと交渉することはできません。

- 「受け入れます。」このカードと Act 4a - 「粉砕の修復」をゲームから取り除き、脇に置いておいた Act 4a - 「失楽園」に進みます。シナリオの残りの間、あなたは Alejandro Vela と交渉することはできず、Serpent の敵はあなたと交戦したり攻撃したりしません。


325.Yig's Mercy



Check Campaign Log. If there are 16 or more tally marks under "Yig's Fury":

Ichtaca refuses your plea. Flip this card back over.

If there are 15 or fewer tally marks:


Ichtaca ceases her assault and listens to your words. "Valusia must be returned to glory. There is no other way," she decrees with bitter certainty. "Help us to achieve this goal, and you can join with us. Yig will remake you in his image, and we shall live together in our timeless paradise of Valusia."


The investigators must decide (choose one):

- "I could never turn my back on humanity!" Flip this card back over, exhausted and unengaged. For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Ichtaca.

- "I accept." Remove this card and Act 4a - "Mend the Shatter" from the game and advance to the set-aside Act 4a - "Paradise Lost". For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Alejandro Vela, and Serpent enemies do not engage or attack you.


326.Another Way



調査員は以下を決定しなければなりません (1 つ選択)。

- 「私は人類に背を向けることなど絶対にできない!」このカードを裏返し、疲れ果てて無関心にします。シナリオの残りの間、あなたはアレハンドロ ベラと交渉することはできません。

- 「受け入れます。」このカードと第 4 幕「粉砕を修復」をゲームから取り除き、脇に置いておいた第 4 幕「タイムロック」に進みます。シナリオの残りの間、あなたはイクタカと交渉することはできません。また、カルト信者の敵はあなたと交渉したり攻撃したりしません。

アレハンドロは、もし本当に彼が人類の仮面の下にいるのなら、あなたの言葉を熟考します。「結構です。私たちはあなたを助けますが、あなたが同胞団に協力してくれるならです。」彼はあなたの周りのゲートウェイに身振りで示します。 「あなたたちの種族は、地球を継承した最初の種族ではありません。あなたたちは、旅を通して、今、それを知っています。私たちはあなたたちに理解してもらおうとしましたが、あなたたちは頑固で、耳を傾けようとしませんでした。今、私の言うことを聞いてください。私たちを破滅に導いた生き物たちは戻ってきます。彼らは人類をこの惑星から一掃し、あなたたちの存在の唯一の証拠は、ナコトゥスに残るでしょう。しかし、私たちは力を合わせれば、彼らを阻止することができます。私たちに加われば、地球と、そしてあなた自身を救うことができるかもしれません。



326.Another Way



The investigators must decide (choose one):

- "I could never turn my back on humanity!" Flip this card back over, exhausted and unengaged. For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Alejandro Vela.

- "I accept." Remove this card and Act 4 - "Mend the Shatter" from the game and advance to the set-aside Act 4a - "Timelock". For the remainder of the scenario, you cannot parley with Ichtaca, and Cultist enemies do not engage or attack you.

Alejandro - if it is really him beneath that guise of humanity - contemplates your words. "Very well. We will spare you, but only if you assist the Brotherhood." He motions to the gateways all around you. "Your kind was not the first to inherit the Earth. You know this, now, from your travels. We tried to get you to understand, but in your stubbornness, you would not listen. Hear me now. The creatures that drove us to ruin will return. They will wipe humanity off this planet, and the only evidence of your existence will live on in Pnakotus. But together we can stop them. Join us, and you may yet save the Earth - and yourselves.


344.Turn Back Time



: -X 。X は破滅が置かれている場所の数です。

: -4。失敗した場合、その場所に破滅を 1 つ置きます。


344.Turn Back Time



Easy / Standard

: -X . X is the number of locations with doom on them.

: -4. If you fail, place 1 doom on your location.


Turn Back Time - Back


: -X 。X は場所にある破滅の合計数です。

: -6。場所に破滅を 1 つ配置します。



Turn Back Time - Back


Hard / Expert

: -X . X is the total amount of doom on locations.

: -6. Place 1 doom on your location.


345.Into the Ruins Once Again

Act. Stage 1


Clues: 3.<per>


<act>: 探索。探索デッキの一番上のカードを引きます。それが接続場所である場合、それをプレイしてそこに移動します。


345.Into the Ruins Once Again

Act. Stage 1


Clues: 3.<per>

Despite everything that has occurred since you were last here, the Eztli temple remains the same as it was when you first explored it, preserved in an echo of time. You use your memories to guide you, heading deeper into the ruins once more.

<act>: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.


Sleeping Corridors - Back




この行為を勝利ディスプレイに置きます。復讐 2 を獲得します。



Sleeping Corridors - Back


You pass by carvings in the walls and hieroglyphs etched into stone altars. The location of the relic's vault is already locked deep in your memory.

Shuffle the set-aside Chamber of Time location into the exploration deck.

Place this act in the victory display. It gains Vengeance 2.


346. 残された遺物の部屋
第 2 幕


ヒント: 2.<per>


<act>: 探索。探索デッキの一番上のカードを引きます。接続場所の場合は、それをプレイしてそこに移動します。

目的 - 時間の部屋にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の手がかりを消費して前進できます。


346.The Chamber of Still Remains

Act. Stage 2


Clues: 2.<per>

In the central chamber deep within the core of the ruins, the relic awaits.

<act>: Explore. Draw the top card of the exploration deck. If it is a connecting location, put it into play and move to it.

Objective - Only investigators in the Chamber of Time may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.


Reversal - Back



時の部屋で調査員を 1 人選び、時代の遺物を支配します。

コレクションで Yig (忘れられた時代のカード #296) を探します。時の部屋に出現させます。

この行為を勝利ディスプレイに置きます。復讐 2 を獲得します。



Reversal - Back


The relic hums with power and throbs in your hands. Energy from the device seeps into the corridors of the ruins, and the structure of the temple shifts. However, this does not matter to you. Escaping with the relic is no longer your goal. You skillfully work the hidden components of the device once more, manipulating the very fabric of time in the environment around you. Determined to stop all of this from having ever occurred, you turn the clock back once more.

Choose an investigator in the Chamber of Time to take control of the Relic of Ages.

Search the collection for Yig (The Forgotten Age card #296). Spawn it in the Chamber of Time.

Place this act in the victory display. It gains Vengeance 2.


347.Moment of Doom

Act. Stage 3


Clues: –


時代の遺物は以下を獲得します: 「<act>: <wil> または <int> (4) をテストします。成功した場合、あなたのロケーションにいる探索者がコントロールしている手がかりを 1 つ、破滅側に裏返し、あなたのロケーションに配置します。その後、イグに 3 ダメージを与えます。」

目的 - イグが倒された場合、前進します。


347.Moment of Doom

Act. Stage 3


Clues: –

You stand in the center of the relic’s vault, surrounded on all sides by slain Eztli warriors. The Father of Serpents stands before you, his hiss shaking you to your bones. This is where the Eztli made their last stand. Now, only you stand in the creature’s way.

Relic of Ages gains: "<act>: Test <wil> or <int> (4). If you succeed, flip a clue controlled by an investigator at your location to its doom side, and place it on your location. Then, deal 3 damage to Yig."

Objective - If Yig is defeated, advance.


Yig's Fall - Back






Yig's Fall - Back


The creature roars in pain. His tail thrashes violently, crushing several pillars and sending you flying to the ground. He retreats with a hateful, rumbling hiss. You turn your attention back to the relic and the chamber that was built to preserve it. It is time to end this, once and for all. It is time to do what must be done.





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