Scenario III:Threads of Fate
Intro 1:
- キャンペーン ログを確認します。"探索者が遺物の保管をアレハンドロに渡した"場合、または"アレハンドロが時代の遺物を回収した"場合: Intro 2 に進む。
- 探索者が"ハーラン・アーンストーンに遺物の保管権を与えた"場合:Intro 3 に進む。
The night passes with Ichtaca resting in your living room. You get no sleep for the remainder of the night, your thoughts drifting between concern and disbelief. Her story is preposterous, but you feel compelled to believe it nonetheless. You’ve known that the relic from the Eztli ruins had some deeper purpose ever since you first laid eyes on it. When you emerge from your bedroom the next morning, your uninvited guest is sitting at your dining-room table, arms crossed tightly across her chest. Her piercing eyes trace your every move like a bird watching its prey. No pleasantries are exchanged. “Where is the relic now?” Ichtaca asks impatiently. “Where have you brought it?” You explain that it is safe, in good hands. She shakes her head, her knuckles white with frustration. “I assure you it is not.”
- Check Campaign Log. If the investigators gave custody of the relic to Alejandro, or if Alejandro recovered the Relic of Ages: Proceed to Intro 2.
- If the investigators gave custody of the relic to Harlan Earnstone: Skip to Intro 3.
Intro 2:
とりあえず多くの疑問を脇に置いて、ミスカトニック大学博物館の担当者に電話します。早朝にもかかわらず、ホロウィッツ博士はオフィスでこれからの長い一日に備えているはずです。少し遅れて交換手が電話をつなぎます。エリーは、声はかすれ、震えながら、いつもよりそっけない挨拶をします。遺物について尋ねると、彼女はあざ笑います。「あなたもです!ウォルステッド氏が私のオフィスのドアを叩き壊そうとしていますし、記者 2 人が午前中ずっと私を悩ませています!」。
- リーダー探索者は以下を決定する必要があります (1 つ選択)。
- 「何が起こっているのか教えてくれるまで、どこにも行けませんよ。」 Intro 4 に進みます。
- 「あなたの思い通りにしてください。」 Intro 5 に進みます。
Setting aside your many questions for the time being, you call your contact at the Miskatonic University Museum. Despite the early hour, Dr. Horowitz should be at her office preparing for the long day ahead of her. The operator connects you after a short delay. Elli gives you an unusually curt greeting, her voice cracking and unsteady. As soon as you ask about the relic, she scoffs. “Not you, too! Mr. Walsted is practically knocking down my office door, and two reporters have been harrassing me all morning!”
You ask her what the trouble is, and she lets out a long sigh. “The relic is missing,” she explains. “None of the security guards knows what happened. One minute it was in its display case; the next it was gone.
And before you ask, no, Mr. Vela is nowhere to be found.” Suddenly she is yelling to another party, “One moment please! I am on the telephone!” She apologizes to you tersely and hangs up a moment later.
Sure enough, Alejandro is not answering his telephone, and none of his other associates have seen him since yesterday. “Believe me now?” Ichtaca asks, rising to her feet and gathering her things. “We’ve wasted enough time. Find the relic and meet me back here tonight. Don’t follow me.”
- The lead investigator must decide (choose one):
- “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on.”
Skip to Intro 4. - “Have it your way.” Skip to Intro 5.
- “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on.”
Intro 3:
- リーダー探索者は以下を決定する必要があります (1 つ選択)。
- 「何が起こっているのか教えてくれるまで、どこにも行けませんよ。」Intro 4 に進みます。
- 「あなたの思い通りにしてください。」 Intro 5 に進みます。
- Setting aside your many questions for the time being, you call Harlan’s office at the university. Though the sun is barely peeking over the horizon, you’ve always known him to be an early riser. The operator connects you after a short delay. Harlan’s voice is shaky and rough.
- He cuts you off as soon as you ask about the relic. “Don’t!” he barks. “They’re listening. They know I am keeping it here. They have already taken Alejandro.” You try to calm him down so you can ask him what he means, but he cuts the conversation short. “I have to go. They are here!—” The line goes dead.
- Sure enough, Alejandro is not answering his telephone, and none of his other associates have seen him since yesterday. “Believe me now?”
- Ichtaca asks, rising to her feet and gathering her things. “We’ve wasted enough time. Find the relic and meet me back here tonight. Don’t follow me.”
- ÆÆThe lead investigator must decide (choose one):
- “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on.”
Proceed to Intro 4. - “Have it your way.” Skip to Intro 5.
- “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on.”
Intro 4:
「遺物は本来あるべき場所に戻さなければならない」と彼女は説明する。彼女の視線は容赦なく、揺るがない。「分かりましたか? 遺物が悪人の手に渡ってはいけません。あなたが私を助けるなら、私も見返りににあなたを助けます。ただ、それを使わないと約束してください。」
- 「イクタカの物語を聞いた」ということを覚えておいてください。
- キャンペーンの残りの間、カオスバッグに 1 つの <cur> トークンを追加します。
- Setup に進みます。
Ichtaca grits her teeth and pauses. You expect her to refuse and leave without answering your questions, but surprisingly, she relents. According to Ichtaca, her people have spent ages protecting the relic from interlopers who would use it for nefarious purposes. She speaks cryptically, in half-riddles and tall tales, although she refuses to explain where her people come from and how they have remained hidden for so long. When pressed about the relic, all she says is that it controls the flow of time, and that it must not be tampered with.
“It must return to its rightful place,” she explains. Her gaze is relentless, unwavering. “Do you understand? It cannot fall into the wrong hands.
If you help me recover it, I will aid you in return. Just promise me you will not use it.”
- Remember that “you listened to Ichtaca’s tale.”
- Add 1 <cur> token to the chaos bag for the remainder of the campaign.
- Skip to Setup.
Intro 5:
- 「イクタカはあなたのもとを去った」ということを覚えておいてください。
- キャンペーンログを確認してください。"探索者がハーラン・アーンストーンに遺物の保管を委ねた"場合、Intro 6 に進みます。そうでない場合は、 Setup に進みます。
Ichtaca strings her ornately decorated bow with frightening speed and slams your door on her way out.
- Remember that “Ichtaca left without you.”
- Check the Campaign Log. If the investigators gave custody of the relic to Harlan Earnstone, proceed to Intro 6. Otherwise, skip to Setup.
Intro 6:
- 探索者は以下を決定する必要があります(1つ選択してください)。
- 「彼らには注意が必要です。」 カオスバッグから <cul> と <tab> トークンをすべて取り除き、 <mon> トークン 1 枚と交換します。キャンペーン ログに、"独自の道を切り開いている"ことを記録します。
キャンペーンの残りの間、各探索者は Alejandro Vela または Ichtaca をデッキに含めることはできません。探索者にどちらかを含めるオプションが与えられるときはいつでも、各探索者は代わりに 2 experience を獲得します。Setup に進みます。 - 「やっぱり聞いてみようかな…」Setup に進みます。
- 「彼らには注意が必要です。」 カオスバッグから <cul> と <tab> トークンをすべて取り除き、 <mon> トークン 1 枚と交換します。キャンペーン ログに、"独自の道を切り開いている"ことを記録します。
Once Ichtaca has left, you consider her words carefully and recall the events that have led to this point. You did not trust Alejandro with the Eztli relic, and you let Ichtaca leave without questioning her.
Are you just being paranoid?…
- The investigators must decide (choose one):
- “We should be wary of them.” Remove all <cul> and <tab> tokens from the chaos bag and replace them with 1 <mon> token. In your Campaign Log, record that you are forging your own path.
For the remainder of the campaign, each investigator cannot include Alejandro Vela or Ichtaca in his or her deck. Anytime an investigator would be given the option to include either of them, each investigator earns 2 experience instead.Proceed to Setup. - “Maybe I should listen to them after all…”Proceed to Setup.
- “We should be wary of them.” Remove all <cul> and <tab> tokens from the chaos bag and replace them with 1 <mon> token. In your Campaign Log, record that you are forging your own path.
- 次の遭遇セットからすべてのカードを集めます: Threads of Fate、Pnakotic Brotherhood、The Midnight Masks、Locked Doors、Nightgaunts、Dark Cult。これらのセットは次のアイコンで示されます:
- The Midnight Masks encounter set を集めるときは、5 treachery card (2 False Lead と 3 Hunting Shadow) と次の locations のみを集めます: Northside、Downtown (First Bank of Arkham)、Easttown、Miskatonic University、Rivertown。そのセットの残りの location や、act、agenda、scenario reference は集めないでください。
- 最初の手札を引く前に、コレクションと各プレイヤーのデッキから Alejandro Vela と Relic of Ages を探し、それらを脇に置きます。
- Northside, Downtown, Easttown, Miskatonic University, Rivertown, Velma’s Diner, and Curiositie Shoppe を場に出します。各探索者は Rivertown からプレイを開始します。
- Town Hall location 、 Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) asset、および Expedition Journal asset を脇に置きます。
- 以下の「 Three Acts, Three Threads」の記載に従って、各 act デッキの内容を調整します。
- 残りの encounter card をシャッフルして encounter deck を構築します。
- ÆÆGather all cards from the following encounter sets: Threads of Fate, Pnakotic Brotherhood, The Midnight Masks, Locked Doors, Nightgaunts, and Dark Cult. These sets are indicated by the following icons:
When gathering The Midnight Masks encounter set, only gather the 5 treachery cards (2x False Lead and 3x Hunting Shadow) and the following locations: Northside, Downtown (First Bank of Arkham), Easttown, Miskatonic University, and Rivertown. Do not gather the rest of the locations or the act, agenda, and scenario reference cards from that set. - ÆÆBefore drawing opening hands, search the collection and each player’s deck for Alejandro Vela and Relic of Ages, and set them aside, out of play.
- ÆÆPut Northside, Downtown, Easttown, Miskatonic University, Rivertown, Velma’s Diner, and Curiositie Shoppe into play. Each investigator begins play in Rivertown.
- ÆÆSet the Town Hall location, the Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) asset, and the Expedition Journal asset aside, out of play.
- ÆÆAdjust the contents of each act deck, as noted below under Three Acts, Three Threads.
- ÆÆ Shuffle the remainder of the encounter cards to build the encounter deck.
Three Acts, Three Threads
このシナリオには、3 つの異なる act deck (「a/b」デッキ、「c/d」デッキ、「e/f」デッキ) が含まれています。これらの act deck はそれぞれ、通常どおり番号順に別々に作成されます。このシナリオの進行中は、これら 3 つの act deck すべてがプレイされ、プレイヤーはどの act を追求し、どの act を無視するかを選択できます。3 act のテキストは常にアクティブであると見なされます。3 つのタスクすべてを達成する時間がない可能性があるため、追求したい項目は慎重に選択してください。
これらの各 act deck の内容は、以下の状況に応じて変更されます。
The contents of each of these act decks is altered depending on the circumstances below.
- Adjust the contents of the “a/b” deck as follows:
- Check Campaign Log. If Alejandro recovered the Relic of Ages or if the investigators gave custody of the relic to Alejandro, remove the following act cards from the “a/b” deck: Harlan Is in Danger!, both copies of Harlan’s Curse, and one of the two copies of At the Exhibit, at random.
- If the investigators gave custody of the relic to Harlan Earnstone, remove the following act cards from the “a/b” deck, instead: The Relic Is Missing!, both copies of At the Exhibit, and one of the two copies of Harlan’s Curse, at random.
- 「a/b」デッキの内容を次のように調整します。
- キャンペーン ログを確認します。"アレハンドロが時代の遺物を回収した"場合、または"探索者がアレハンドロに遺物の保管を委ねた2場合、次の act カードを「a/b」デッキから削除します: Harlan Is in Danger!、両方の Harlan’s Curse、2枚の At the Exhibit うち 1 つをランダムに選択します。
- 探索者が"ハーラン・アーンストーンに遺物の保管権を与えた"場合、代わりに「a/b」デッキから以下の act カードを取り除きます: The Relic Is Missing!、両方の At the Exhibit、2枚の Harlan’s Curse のうち 1 つをランダムに選びます。
- 探索者は次のいずれかのオプションを選択し、それに応じて「c/d」デッキの内容を調整する必要があります。
- 警察に行ってアレハンドロの失踪を通報したい場合、「c/d」デッキから次の act カードをランダムに取り除きます: Search for Alejandro、両方の Friends in High Places、2枚の At the Station のうち 1 つ。
- 自分でアレハンドロを探したい場合、代わりに「c/d」デッキから次のアクトカードを取り除きます: Missing Persons、両方の At the Station、2枚の Friends in High Places のうち1つをランダムに選びます。
- 「e/f」デッキの内容を次のように調整します。
- 「イクタカの物語を聞いた」場合、「e/f 」デッキから以下のアクトカードを取り除きます:Trial of the Huntress、両方の The Cave of Darkness、2枚の Strange Relicsのうち 1 つをランダムに選びます。
- 「イクタカがあなたなしで去った」場合、代わりに「e/f」デッキから次のアクトカードを取り除きます:The Guardian's Inquiry、両方の Strange Relics、2枚の The Cave of Darkness のうち 1 つをランダムに選びます。
- The investigators must choose one of the following options, and adjust the contents of the “c/d” deck accordingly:
- If you wish to go to the police to inform them about Alejandro’s disappearance, remove the following act cards from the “c/d” deck: Search for Alejandro, both copies of Friends in High Places, and one of the two copies of At the Station, at random.
- If you wish to look for Alejandro on your own, remove the following act cards from the “c/d” deck, instead: Missing Persons, both copies of At the Station, and one of the two copies of Friends in High Places, at random.
- ÆÆAdjust the contents of the “e/f” deck as follows:
- If “you listened to Ichtaca’s tale,” remove the following act cards from the “e/f ” deck: Trial of the Huntress, both copies of The Cave of Darkness, and one of the two copies of Strange Relics, at random.
- If “Ichtaca left without you,” remove the following act cards from the “e/f ” deck, instead: The Guardian’s Inquiry, both copies of Strange Relics, and one of the two copies of The Cave of Darkness, at random.
DO NOT READ until the end of the scenario
解決に至らなかった場合は(各調査員が辞任したか敗訴した場合): Resolution 1 を読み上げます。
Resolution 1:
あなたは家に戻り、状況を確認します。街中を調査した結果、アーカムに秘密結社が存在することが判明しました。あなたが知る限り、彼らは同胞団と名乗っており、エズトリの遺物やアレハンドロの以前の遠征についてあなたよりも詳しいようです。彼らの方法は秘密でひそかに行われ、動機はまだあなたにはわかりません。しかし、重要な情報が 1 つ明らかになりました。
“They seek a place known as the Nexus of N’kai,” Ichtaca claims. A map of Central America lies on the table before you, marked with the previous expedition’s trail. “I have heard of this place, but its exact location is not known to me.” Once again, your mysterious guide appears to know more than she lets on.
With no other leads to follow, you are left with no choice. Once more you must journey into uncharted territory in search of answers…but will anyone return this time?
- このシナリオ中にどの行為が完了したかを確認します。
- act 3b が完了したら、キャンペーン ログに、”探索者が失われた遺物を発見した"ことを記録します。Relic of Ages が探索者のデッキにまだ含まれていない場合、探索者の 1 人がそれを自分のデッキに含めることを選択する必要があります。このカードは、その探索者のデッキ サイズにはカウントされません。キャンペーンの残りの間、Relic of Ages の所有者が何らかの理由でキャンペーンを離れるたびに、別の探索者を選択し、その探索者のデッキにそれを追加します。
- 「a/b」act deck まだプレイ中の場合は、キャンペーン ログに"遺物がなくなった"ことを記録します。Relic of Ages が探索者のデッキの一部である場合は、キャンペーンの残りの間、その探索者のデッキからそれを削除します。
- act 3d が完了した場合、キャンペーン ログに、"探索者がアレハンドロを救出した"ことを記録します。
Alejandro Vela が探索者のデッキにまだ含まれていない場合、探索者は誰でも彼を自分のデッキに含めることができます。このカードは、その探索者のデッキ サイズにはカウントされません。 - 「c/d」act deck がまだプレイ中の場合は、キャンペーン ログに"アレハンドロがいなくなった"ことを記録します。Alejandro Vela が探索者のデッキの一部である場合は、キャンペーンの残りの間、その探索者のデッキからそれを削除します。
- act 3f が完了した場合、キャンペーン ログに、"探索者がイチタカと絆を築いた"ことを記録します。
探索者は誰でも、自分のデッキに Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) を含めることができます。このカードは、探索者のデッキ サイズにはカウントされません。 - 「e/f」act deck がまだプレイ中の場合は、キャンペーン ログに"イチタカが暗闇の中にいる"ことを記録します。I chtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) をどの探索者のデッキにも追加しないでください。
- リーダー探索者は Expedition Journal card を獲得し、それを自分のデッキに含めることができます。このカードは、その探索者のデッキ サイズにはカウントされません。
- 各探索者は、victory display の各カードの victory X に等しい経験値を獲得します。各探索者は、このシナリオ中に完了した Act カードごとに 1 追加経験値を獲得し、同胞団の計画に対する洞察を得ます。
- Resupply Point へ進みます
- Check which acts were completed during this scenario.
- If act 3b was completed, record in your Campaign Log that the investigators found the missing relic. If the Relic of Ages is not already part of an investigator’s deck, any one investigator must choose to include it in his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. For the remainder of the campaign, anytime the owner of the Relic of Ages leaves the campaign for any reason, choose another investigator and add it to that investigator’s deck.
- If the “a/b” act deck is still in play, record in your Campaign Log that the relic is missing. If the Relic of Ages is part of an investigator’s deck, remove it from that investigator’s deck for the remainder of the campaign.
- ==If act 3d was completed, record in your Campaign Log that the investigators rescued Alejandro.
If Alejandro Vela is not already part of an investigator’s deck, any one investigator may choose to include him in his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. - If the “c/d” act deck is still in play, record in your Campaign Log that Alejandro is missing. If Alejandro Vela is part of an investigator’s deck, remove it from that investigator’s deck for the remainder of the campaign.
- If act 3f was completed, record in your Campaign Log that the investigators forged a bond with Ichtaca.
Any one investigator may choose to include Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) in his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size. - If the “e/f” act deck is still in play, record in your Campaign Log that Ichtaca is in the dark. Do not add Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) to any investigator’s deck.
- The lead investigator earns the Expedition Journal card and may include it in his or her deck. This card does not count toward that investigator’s deck size.
- Each investigator earns experience equal to the Victory X value of each card in the victory display. Each investigator earns 1 additional experience for each act 1 card that was completed during this scenario, as you gain insight into the schemes of the Brotherhood.
- Proceed to Resupply Point.
113Threads of Fate
簡単 / 標準
: -X。X は <t>cultist</t> enemy に置かれている doom の最大値。
: -2。1 差以上で成功しなかった場合、1 damage を受ける。
-2。1 差以上で成功しなかった場合、最も近い <t>cultist</t> enemy に 1 doom を置く。
-2。失敗した場合は、1 clue を失う。
113.Threads of Fate
Easy / Standard
: -X. X is the highest number of doom on a cultist enemy.
: -2. If you do not succeed by at least 1, take 1 damage.
: -2. If you do not succeed by at least 1, place 1 doom on the nearest cultist enemy.
: -2. If you fail, lose 1 of your clues.
運命の糸 - 戻る
ハード / エキスパート
-X。X は場にある doom の合計数。
-2。2 差以上で成功しない場合、1 direct damage を受ける。
-2。2 差以上で成功しない場合、各 <t>cultist</t> enemy に 1 doom を置く。
-3。失敗した場合、1 clue を失う。
Threads of Fate - Back
Hard / Expert
: -X. X is the total number of doom in play.
: -2. If you do not succeed by at least 2, take 1 direct damage.
: -2. If you do not succeed by at least 2, place 1 doom on each cultist enemy.
: -3. If you fail, lose 1 of your clues.
114. Three Fates
アジェンダ。ステージ 1
運命: 6. 手がかり: –
君たちには 3 つのやることがあり、手がかりがなくなるまでの時間は限られています。最初にどこを探しますか?
<act>: <b>Resign</b>。時間がかかりすぎるリスクを冒したくないので、収集した情報を持って安全な場所に向かいます。
Agenda. Stage 1
Doom: 6. Clues: –
You have three tasks before you and a limited amount of time before the trail goes cold. Where do you search first?
<act>: Resign. You don't want to risk taking too long, so you head to safety with the information you've gathered.
At The Sun's Peak
正午が過ぎ、町は賑やかになります。大学生は授業から授業へと移動し、ビジネスマンは忙しいオフィス生活から休憩を取ります。イーストタウンでは、ベルマズ ダイナーがランチラッシュで賑わっています。この平凡なベールにもかかわらず、幕は上がりました。この町の本当の姿、つまり終わりのない秘密の泥沼を目の当たりにしています。
Encounter discard pile を encounter deck にシャッフルする。
プレイ中の act deck が 2 つだけの場合、agenda 2a が公開されたら、そこに 1 doom を置く。
At The Sun's Peak - Back
The town is bustling as noon comes and goes. University students travel from class to class, businesspeople take breaks from their busy office lives, and in Easttown, Velma's Diner is abuzz with the lunch rush. Despite this veil of normality, the curtain has been lifted. You see this town for what it really is: an endless mire of secrets.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
If there are only 2 act decks in play, place 1 doom on agenda 2a as it is revealed.
115.Behind the Curtain
アジェンダ。ステージ 2
運命: 6. 手がかり: –
<act>: <b>Resign</b>。時間がかかりすぎるリスクを冒したくないので、収集した情報を持って安全な場所に向かいます。
Agenda. Stage 2
Doom: 6. Clues: –
This conspiracy runs much deeper than you had imagined. The more time you spend investigating these mysteries, the more you come to realize they are linked to one another. At the center of these secrets is an enigmatic organization, manipulating events behind the scenes...
<act>: Resign. You don't want to risk taking too long, so you head to safety with the information you've gathered.
The Sun Sets
Encounter discard pile を encounter deck にシャッフルする。
プレイ中の act deck が 2 つだけの場合、agenda 3a が公開されたら、そこに 1 doom を置く。
プレイ中の act deck が 1 つだけの場合、agenda 3a が公開されたら、そこに 2 doom を置く。
The Sun Sets - Back
The streets begin to empty as evening approaches. When the office buildings shut their doors, the clubs open theirs, in places both public and hidden from view. In downtown Arkham, the Ward Theatre is well lit and filled to capacity. The surrounding streets, however, are eerily quiet. Only soft footsteps from nearby alleyways hint at any sign of life, and a cold wind whistles through the air. The workday might have ended, but your work is far from over. The figures walking down the street start to fill you with a sense of dread instead of comfort.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
If there are only 2 act decks in play, place 1 doom on agenda 3a as it is revealed.
If there is only 1 act deck in play, place 2 doom on agenda 3a as it is revealed.
116.Hidden Entanglements
アジェンダ。ステージ 3
運命: 6. 手がかり: –
この嘘の街で誰を信用できますか? アーカムはジャングルの危険からは安全かもしれませんが、ここでは安全とは程遠いです。夜の闇の中を通り過ぎる見知らぬ人は、誘拐犯、泥棒、殺人犯である可能性があります。彼らが向ける視線は、あなたが最後に見るものかもしれません。
<act>: <b>Resign</b>。時間をかけたくないので、集めた情報を持って安全な場所に向かいます。
Agenda. Stage 3
Doom: 6. Clues: –
Who can you trust in this city of lies? Arkham may be safe from the perils of the jungle, but you are far from safe here. Each passing stranger in the dark of night could be a kidnapper, a thief, or a killer. Each glance they send your way could be the last thing you ever see.
: Resign. You don't want to risk taking too long, so you head to safety with the information you've gathered.
Night Passes
生き残った探索者は全員敗北し、1 mental trauma を負います。
Night Passes - Back
Midnight arrives, but your work is not done. You wander the streets of Arkham for hours, frustrated as the trails you have pursued grow cold over time. When the sun rises, fatigue has wreaked havoc on your body and mind.
Each surviving investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.
117. The Relic Is Missing!
幕 1 ステージ
手がかり: 1.<per>
<obj>Miskatonic University にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clue を消費して先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 1.
The Eztli relic was last seen in its display case in the Eztli exhibit at the Miskatonic Museum. Ichtaca fears that the relic could be used for terrible purposes if left in the wrong hands. You must recover it!
Objective - Only investigators in Miskatonic University can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Eztli Exhibit
シュラウド: 3。手がかり: 2。
<rev>Eztli Exhibi をプレイします。
<for>Eztli Exhibi を調査中に <sku>、<cul>、<mon>、<tab>、または <ten> シンボルを公開した後: 1 horror を受ける。
勝利 1。
Eztli Exhibit
Miskatonic. Exhibit.
Shroud: 3. Clues: 2.
Revelation - Put the Eztli Exhibit into play.
Forced - After you reveal a <sku>, <cul>, <mon>,<tab> , or <ten> symbol while investigating the Eztli Exhibit: Take 1 horror.
Victory 1.
118.Harlan Is in Danger!
第 1 幕
手がかり: 2<per>
<obj>Miskatonic University にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を消費して先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 2.
Harlan has custody of the relic, but he believes he is being followed. The last time you heard from him, he was in his office at the university.
Objective - Only investigators in Miskatonic University can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Harlan Earnstone
コスト: –。
<rev> Harlan Earnstone をEasttown に置く。
<act> デッキの上から 3 枚のカードを捨てる: <b>Parley</b>。アーンストーンを混乱から引き戻そうとします。テスト <wil> (4)。成功した場合、彼に 1 clue を置きます (トークン プールから)。
Historical Theorist
Bystander. Miskatonic.
Cost: –.
Revelation - Put Harlan Earnstone into play in Easttown.
<act> Discard the top 3 cards of your deck: Parley. You try to snap Earnstone out of his daze. Test <int> (4). If you succeed, place 1 clue on him (from the token pool).
119. At the Exhibit
第 2 幕
手がかり: 2.<per>
博物館の警備員の一人、ドリュー・ウォーカーという男は、以前アレハンドロとホロウィッツ博士と仕事をしたときに、きみたちを知っていた。「いいか、私は誰も展示室に入れるつもりはないんだ... しかし、警官は何も知らない。」 彼は脇に寄って、あなたを通す。「もし誰かに聞かれたら、俺がトイレを使っている間に、君たちは忍び込んだんだ。木製の5セント硬貨はとらないでくれよ」
<obj>Eztli Exhibit にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を使って先に進むことができる。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 2.<per>
One of the museum security guards, a man named Drew Walker, recognizes you from your prior work with Alejandro and Dr. Horowitz. "Look, I ain’t supposed to be letting anybody into the exhibit... But the coppers don’t know from nothing when it comes to this hokum." He steps aside and lets you pass. "If anybody asks, you slipped in while I was using the john, all right? Don’t take any wooden nickels."
Objective - Only investigators in the Eztli Exhibit can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
The Relic's Location - Back
脇に置いてある Town Hall location を場に置く。すで置かれている場合、それに 1 <per> clues を追加する。脇に置いてある Relic of Age を Town Hall に attach する。
プレイ中の act deck が 2 つ以下である場合は、Town Hall にさらに 1 <per> clues を追加する。
You search the exhibit where the relic was to be on display, looking for signs of where it may have been taken. Though you find no concrete evidence, on the ground near the exhibit entrance, you do notice several recent scuff marks made by men's shoes. You ask Drew who was last to see the exhibit after Alejandro left. "Some suits. Government types," he replies. "They had clearing to see the exhibit from Mr. Walsted, the curator." It's far from proof of the relic's location, but it's a lead - hopefully one that will point you in the right direction.
Put the set-aside Town Hall location into play. If it was already in play, add add 1 <per> clues to it. Attach the set-aside Relic of Ages to the Town Hall.
If there are 2 or fewer act decks in play, add an additional 1 <per> clues to the Town Hall.
Advance to Act 3a - "Find the Relic."
120. At the Exhibit
第 2 幕
手がかり: 2.<per>
博物館の警備員の一人、ドリュー・ウォーカーという男は、以前アレハンドロとホロウィッツ博士と仕事をしたときに、きみたちを知っていた。「いいか、私は誰も展示室に入れるつもりはないんだ... しかし、警官は何も知らない。」 彼は脇に寄って、あなたを通す。「もし誰かに聞かれたら、俺がトイレを使っている間に、君たちは忍び込んだんだ。木製の5セント硬貨はとらないでくれよ」
<obj>Eztli Exhibit にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を使って先に進むことができる。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 2.<per>
One of the museum security guards, a man named Drew Walker, recognizes you from your prior work with Alejandro and Dr. Horowitz. "Look, I ain’t supposed to be letting anybody into the exhibit... But the coppers don’t know from nothing when it comes to this hokum." He steps aside and lets you pass. "If anybody asks, you slipped in while I was using the john, all right? Don’t take any wooden nickels."
Objective - Only investigators in the Eztli Exhibit can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
The Brotherhood's Plot
encounter deck 、discard pile 、victory display から Brotherhood Cultist を探し、すべての探索者から最も遠い location に spawn させます。場にいる各 Brothergood Cultist はすべての damage を回復します。
脇の置いてある Relic of Ages を、すべての 探索者から最も遠い Brotherhood Cultist に attach します。
場にある Act デッキが 2 つ以下である場合、Relic of Ages が付属している Brotherhood Cultist に 1 doom を追加します。
Act 3a - 「"Recover the Relic." に進みます。
The Brotherhood's Plot - Back
You search the exhibit where the relic was to be on display, looking for signs of where it may have been taken. As you search, you notice a shadow crawling along the wall. It quickly flits out of sight, and heavy footsteps echo through the halls beyond the gallery. Could it be that the culprit is still here?
You give chase, but the hooded figure has a lead on you and quickly escapes from the museum. At least now you have a trail to follow - and you won't stop until the relic is yours again.
Search the encounter deck, discard pile, and victory display for a Brotherhood Cultist and spawn it in the location farthest from all investigators. Heal all damage from each Brotherhood Cultist in play.
Attach the set-aside Relic of Ages to the Brotherhood Cultist farthest from all investigators.
If there are 2 or fewer act decks in play, add 1 doom to the Brotherhood Cultist with the attached Relic of Ages.
Advance to Act 3a - "Recover the Relic."
121.Harlan's Curse
第 2 幕
手がかり: 0
オフィスにハーランの姿はないが、管理棟のアシスタントの 1 人が、ハーランが休暇を取ってイーストタウンの自宅へ行ったと知らせる。
<obj>Harlan Earnstone に 1 <per> clues がある場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに先へ進む。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 0
There is no sign of Harlan in his office, but one of the assistants in the administration building informs you that he took the day off and went to his home in Easttown.
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Harlan Earnstone: You must remove them and immediately advance.
ハーランはついにぼんやりした状態から抜け出し、通常の自分に戻ります。彼は、茶色のローブを着た数人の人物に呼び止められ、遺物をどこに隠したのか尋ねられたと話します。彼らは催眠術のようなものを使って、彼から無理やり情報を聞き出そうとしました。彼は真実を告げるしかありませんでした。つまり、遺物を骨董品店に持ち込み、仲間の 1 人に渡したのです。急いでいれば、茶色のローブを着た人物よりも先に遺物にたどり着けるかもしれません!
脇に置いてある Relic of Ages を Curiosities Shoppe に attach する。
場にある act deck が 2 つ以下である場合、encounter deck から 1 Acolyteを探します (ゲームに 3 人または 4 人の探索者がいる場合は、代わりに 2 Acolyte を探します)。探した侍者をそれぞれ Curiosities Shoppe に spawn させます。
Act 3a - "Find the Relic."に進みます。
Harlan finally snaps out of his daze, returning to his normal self. He tells you that he was accosted by several figures in brown robes, who asked him where he'd hidden the relic. They used some kind of hypnotism to pry the knowledge from him by force. He had no choice but to tell them the truth - that he'd brought the relic to the Curiositie Shoppe and gave it to one of his associates. If you make haste, perhaps you can reach the relic before the brown-robed figures do!
Attach the set-aside Relic of Ages to the Curiositie Shoppe.
If there are 2 or fewer act decks in play, search the encounter deck for 1 Acolyte (2 Acolytes instead if there are 3 or 4 investigators in the game). Spawn each searched-for Acolyte in the Curiositie Shoppe.
Advance to Act 3a - "Find the Relic."
122.Harlan's Curse
第 2 幕
手がかり: 0
オフィスにハーランの姿はないが、管理棟のアシスタントの 1 人が、ハーランが休暇を取ってイーストタウンの自宅へ行ったと知らせる。
<obj>Harlan Earnstone に 1 <per> clues がある場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに先へ進む。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 0
There is no sign of Harlan in his office, but one of the assistants in the administration building informs you that he took the day off and went to his home in Easttown.
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Harlan Earnstone: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Harlan Earnstone
戦闘: 4。体力: 2。回避: 3。
ダメージ: 1。恐怖: 1。
<rev> このカードを <t>Bystander</t> バージョンの Harlan Earnstone と入れ替え、そのバージョンをゲームから取り除きます。脇に置いてある Relic of Ages を Harlan Earnstone に attach します。Act 3a - "Recover the Relic." に進みます。
<for>Harlan Earnstone を 3 点以上 evade した後: 彼を victoy display に追加します。
Victory 1.
Harlan Earnstone
Crazed by the Curse
Humanoid. Cursed. Elite.
Fight: 4. Health: 2. Evade: 3.
Damage: 1. Horror: 1.
Revelation - Switch this card with the Bystander version of Harlan Earnstone, removing that version from the game. Attach the set-aside Relic of Ages to Harlan Earnstone. Advance to Act 3a - "Recover the Relic."
Forced - After you successfully evade Harlan Earnstone by 3 or more: Add him to the victory display.
Victory 1.
Afflicted by a strange curse, Harlan suddenly attacks!
123. Find the Relic
第 3 幕
手がかり: –
Relic of Ages が location に attach している間、その location は +2 shroud される。
<obj>Relic of Ages が attach されている location に clues が残っていない場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
You believe you have discovered the relic’s whereabouts. Now, you must scour this place from bottom to top in order to find it.
While Relic of Ages is attached to a location, that location gets +2 shroud.
Objective - If Relic of Ages is attached to a location with no remaining clues, advance.
The Relic Is Found
Relic of Ages が Town Hall に attach されている場合:
アーカムのタウン ホールを 1 時間探索した後、都市計画者のオフィスのドアの下からかすかな青い光が発せられていることに気が付きます。あなたは誰にも気づかれずにオフィスに侵入します。レリックは彼の机の上にあり、奇妙なマークと図像で覆われた都市の地図も一緒に置いてあります。なぜここにあるのか?
Town Hall に最も近い探索者が Relic of Ages を管理します。残りの「a/b」act deck をゲームから取り除きます。別の act card がプレイ中の場合は、ゲームを続行します。それ以外の場合、<b>(→R1)</b>に進みます。
Relic of Ages が Curiositie Shoppe に attach されている場合:
Curiositie Shoppe に最も近い 探索者が Relic of Ages を管理します。 「a/b」act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card がプレイ中の場合は、ゲームを続けます。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b>に進みます。
The Relic Is Found - Back
If the Relic of Ages is attached to the Town Hall:
After an hour of searching Arkham's Town Hall, you notice a faint blue glow emanating from underneath the door to the city planner's office. You break into the office without being noticed. The relic is lying on his desk, along with a map of the city that is covered in strange markings and iconography. Why is it here?
The investigator nearest to the Town Hall takes control of the Relic of Ages. Remove the remainder of the "a/b" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If the Relic of Ages is attached to the Curiositie Shoppe:
Sure enough, the relic is tucked away in a corner of the shop's storage room, hidden from sight.
The investigator nearest to the Curiositie Shoppe takes control of the Relic of Ages. Remove the remainder of the "a/b" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
124. Recover the Relic
第 3 幕
ヒント: –
時代の遺物が敵に取り付けられている間、その敵は体力 <per> につき +2 を得ます。
目的 - 時代の遺物が取り付けられている敵がゲームから離脱した場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
You’ve discovered who is carrying the relic. Now, you must secure it from them, whatever the cost!
While Relic of Ages is attached to an enemy, that enemy gets +2 <per> health.
Objective - If the enemy the Relic of Ages is attached to leaves play, advance.
The Relic is Recovered
Relic of Ages が Brotherhood Cultist に attach されていた場合:
Brotherhood Cultist の location に最も近い探索者が Relic of Ages を管理します。「a/b」act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card がプレイ中の場合は、ゲームを続けます。そうでない場合、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
Relic of Ages が Harlan Earnstone に attach されていた場合:
ハーランはぼんやりした状態から抜け出し、痛みで頭を抱えて倒れます。「私は何をしたんだ?」彼は自分がしたことに気づいて目を見開き、コートから遺物を取り出してあなたに差し出します。「受け取って!」と彼は言います。 「君なら私より安全に保管できるよ」
Harlan Earnstone の location に最も近い探索者が、Relic of Ages を管理します。「a/b」act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card がプレイ中の場合は、プレイを続けます。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
The Relic is Recovered - Back
If the Relic of Ages was attached to a Brotherhood Cultist:
As the robed figure collapses, the relic falls out of his cloak, clattering to the ground and rolling to a stop nearby. It is pulsing with an odd glow, as though aware it is being searched for.
The investigator nearest to the Brotherhood Cultist's location takes control of the Relic of Ages. Remove the remainder of the "a/b" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If the Relic of Ages was attached to Harlan Earnstone:
Harlan snaps out of his daze and collapses, holding his head in pain. "What was I - ?" His eyes widen as he realizes what he has done, and he pulls the relic out of his coat, offering it to you. "T-take it!" He says. "You can keep it safer than I can."
The investigator nearest to Harlan Earnstone's location takes control of the Relic of Ages. Remove the remainder of the "a/b" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
125. .Search for Alejandro
第 1 幕
手がかり: 1<per>
<obj> Easttownにいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を使って先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 1.
You’ve decided to search for Alejandro on your own, believing you will have a better shot at finding him without involving the police. His hotel is in Easttown, so you begin your search there.
Objective - Only investigators in Easttown can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Search for Alejandro
コスト: –。
<rev>Henry Deveau を Henry Deveau でプレイします。
<act>手札からカードを 1 枚選択して捨てます: <b>Parley</b>。アレハンドロの居場所について話し合います。テスト <int> (3)。成功したら、このカードに 1 clue を置きます (トークン プールから)。
ヘンリーはカウンターに座り、ブラック コーヒーをすすっています。
Henry Deveau
Friend of Alejandro
Cost: –.
Revelation - Put Henry Deveau into play inHenry Deveau.
<act> Choose and discard a card from your hand: Parley. You discuss Alejandro's whereabouts. Test <int> (3). If you succeed, place 1 clue on this card (from the token pool).
Henry sits at the counter, sipping at a cup of black coffee.
126. Missing Persons
第 1 幕
手がかり: 1.<per>
<obj> Easttownにいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を使って先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 1.<per>
Suspecting foul play, you’ve decided to go to the police to enlist their help in searching for Alejandro.
Objective - Only investigators in Easttown can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
シュラウド: 3。手がかり: 2。<per>
<rev>Arkham Police Station を場に置く。
Easttown は Arkham Police Station と接続されている。
<act>: デッキの上から 6 枚のカードから <t>weapon</t> card を 1 枚探し、手札に加える。デッキをシャッフルする。
Victory 1.
Arkham Police Station
Shroud: 3. Clues: 2.<per>
Revelation - Put the Arkham Police Station into play.
Easttown is connected to Arkham Police Station.
<act>: Search the top 6 cards of your deck for a weapon card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Victory 1.
127.At the Station
第 2 幕
手がかり: 2.<per>
<obj>Arkham Police Station の探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を消費して先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 2.<per>
The police station might be open to the public in theory, but getting your story heard by the proper authorities requires a bit more finesse than you imagined.
Objective - Only investigators in the Arkham Police Station can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
In Shadowed Talons
encounter deck、discard pile、victory display から Hunting Nightgaunt を探し、すべての探索者から最も遠い location に spawn させます。プレイ中の各 Hunting Nightgaunt はすべての damage を回復します。
脇に置いてある Alejandro Vela を、すべての探索者から最も遠い Hunting Nightgaunt に attacg します。
Act 3c - "Alejandro's Plight." に進みます。
In Shadowed Talons - Back
None of the police officers have seen Alejandro, and they don't seem interested in helping you find him. "It's only been a couple days. He'll turn up," they say. They give excuses, trying to avoid filling out a report. Finally, just as you are about to leave in frustration, a homeless man being held for disorderly conduct grabs your elbow. "I saw 'im!" he drawls. "The man you describe, I saw 'im in the sky, carried in its clutches..." He describes a faceless winged creature while the officers nearby chuckle and roll their eyes. The man is clearly drunk... but could it be he's telling the truth?
Search the encounter deck, discard pile, and victory display for a Hunting Nightgaunt and spawn it in the location farthest from all investigators. Heal all damage from each Hunting Nightgaunt in play.
Attach the set-aside Alejandro Vela to the Hunting Nightgaunt farthest from all investigators.
Advance to Act 3c - "Alejandro's Plight."
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 2.<per>
The police station might be open to the public in theory, but getting your story heard by the proper authorities requires a bit more finesse than you imagined.
Objective - Only investigators in the Arkham Police Station can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
128.At the Station
第 2 幕
手がかり: 2.<per>
目的 - アーカム警察署の捜査官だけが、グループとして必要な数の手がかりを消費して先に進むことができます。
Train Tracks
シュラウド: 3. ヒント: 1.<per>
<rev>-Train Tracksを場に置きます。脇に置いてある Alejandro Vela を Train Tracks に attach します。Act 3c - "Alejandro's Prison." に進みます。
Northside は Train Tracks に接続されています。
<act>1 clue を消費: カードを 4 枚引きます。(ゲームごとに 1 回に制限されます。)
警察官の 1 人が、線路のそばでアレハンドロがローブを着た数人の人物に囲まれているのを見たと主張しています...
Train Tracks
Shroud: 3. Clues: 1.<per>
Revelation - Put Train Tracks into play. Attach the set-aside Alejandro Vela to Train Tracks. Advance to Act 3c - "Alejandro's Prison."
Northside is connected to Train Tracks.
<act> Spend 1 clue: Draw 4 cards. (Limit once per game.)
One of the police officers claims to have seen Alejandro down by the train tracks, flanked by several robed figures...
129..Friends in High Places
第 2 幕
手がかり: –
<obj>Henry Deveau に 1 <per> clues がある場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに先に進みます。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: –
You can’t get into Alejandro’s hotel room, so you decide to question several of the occupants in the neighboring rooms. One of them informs you that Alejandro has been meeting often with an acquaintance of his, a government official named Henry Deveau. They tend to meet nightly at Velma’s Diner. Perhaps you should pay Henry a visit?
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Henry Deveau: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Henry's Information
Town Hall location が場にない場合、脇にある Town Hall location を場に置きます。
脇にある Alejandro Vela を Town Hall に attach します。
Act 3c - "Alejandro's Prison." に進みます。
Henry's Information - Back
Henry looks about anxiously, then leans forward and speaks in a hushed tone. "All right, listen. I work downtown, as assistant to the city planner. He's a bit of a funny bird. Quiet type, big ideas, likes to hole up in his office for hours at a time." He rubs his hands together nervously. "Don't know why he and Alejandro would ever be in the same room without my knowing - but last time I saw Alejandro, that's right where he was: walking down the hall with my boss, flanked by a couple of intimidating fellas in black suits." He gets up and puts on his coat, leaving two quarters on the table. "You didn't hear this from me," he insists before departing.
Put the set-aside Town Hall location into play, if it is not already in play.
Attach the set-aside Alejandro Vela to the Town Hall.
Advance to Act 3c - "Alejandro's Prison."
130.Friends in High Places
第 2 幕
手がかり: 0
<obj>Henry Deveau に 1 <per> clues がある場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに先に進みます。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 0
You can’t get into Alejandro’s hotel room, so you decide to question several of the occupants in the neighboring rooms. One of them informs you that Alejandro has been meeting often with an acquaintance of his, a government official named Henry Deveau. They tend to meet nightly at Velma’s Diner. Perhaps you should pay Henry a visit?
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Henry Deveau: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Henry Deveau
戦闘: 4。体力: 3。回避: 2。
ダメージ: 1。恐怖: 1。
<rev>このカードを <t>Bystander</t> バージョンの Henry Deveau と入れ替え、そのバージョンをゲームから取り除きます。脇に置いておいた Alejandro Vela を Henry Deveau に attach します。Act 3c - "Alejandro's Plight." に進みます。
Victory 1.
Henry Deveau
Alejandro's Kidnapper
Humanoid. Conspirator. Elite.
Fight: 4. Health: 3. Evade: 2.
Damage: 1. Horror: 1.
Revelation - Switch this card with the Bystander version of Henry Deveau, removing that version from the game. Attach the set-aside Alejandro Vela to Henry Deveau. Advance to Act 3c - "Alejandro's Plight."
Victory 1.
Henry claims to know where Alejandro is and leads you out of the diner. As you follow him down a nearby alley, he pulls out a knife and attacks you!
131. Alejandro's Prison
第 3 幕
手がかり: –
Alejandro Vela が location に attach されている間、その location には +2 shroud されます。
<obj>Alejandro Vela が attach されている location に clues がない場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
You believe that Alejandro is held captive somewhere in this location. You must rescue him!
While Alejandro Vela is attached to a location, that location gets +2 shroud.
Objective - If Alejandro Vela is attached to a location with no remaining clues, advance.
Alejandro Vela が Train Tracks に attach さている場合:
1 時間近く上下に捜索した後、保管車両の 1 つから声が聞こえます。中にはアレハンドロが閉じ込められており、独り言を言っています。「よかった!」とあなたが入ると、彼は叫びます。「なぜここに連れてきたのか考えていただけだった...」
Train Tracks に最も近い探索者が Alejandro Vela を管理します。"c/d" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別のact card が場にある場合、ゲームを続行します。それ以外の場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
Alejandro Velaが Town Hall に attach されている場合:
きみたちは市庁舎の地下室に潜り込み、誰にも見つからないようにします。地下室のオフィスの 1 つでアレハンドロを見つけます。彼は拘束されていませんが、あなたに会えて大喜びしています。 「よかった!無理やり連れてこられたんだ。理由は分からないけど…」
Town Hall に一番近い探索者が Alejandro Vela を管理します。"c/d" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続けます。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
Alejandro Is Found - Back
If Alejandro Vela is attached to the Train Tracks:
After searching up and down for nearly an hour, you hear a voice coming from one of the storage cars. Sealed inside is Alejandro, murmuring to himself. "Thank goodness!" he exclaims as you enter. "I was just trying to figure out why they brought me here..."
The investigator nearest to the Train Tracks takes control of Alejandro Vela. Remove the remainder of the "c/d" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If Alejandro Vela is attached to the Town Hall:
You manage to slip into the basement of the town hall without being spotted. You find Alejandro in one of the basement offices. He isn't restrained, but he is overjoyed to see you. "Thank goodness! They brought me here by force. Though I don't know why..."
The investigator nearest to the Town Hall takes control of Alejandro Vela. Remove the remainder of the "c/d" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
132. Alejandro's Plight
第 3 幕
ヒント: –
Alejandro Vela が enemy に attach しいる間、その eemy は +2 <per> health を得ます。
<obj>Alejandro Vela が attach している enemy が場を離れた場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
You believe you have discovered the identity of Alejandro’s kidnapper. Now you must fight to rescue your companion!
While Alejandro Vela is attached to an enemy, that enemy gets +2 <per> health.
Objective - If the enemy Alejandro Vela is attached to leaves play, advance.
Alejandro Is Rescued
Alejandro Vela が Hunting Nightgaunt に attach していた場合:
アレハンドロは翼のある生き物の体とともに地面に倒れる。彼は咳き込み、震えながら立ち上がる。「あの獣め! 私を捕らえた...どこへ連れて行かれたのか誰にも分からない」
Hunting Nightgaunt に最も近い探索者が Alejandro Vela を管理します。"c/d" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続行します。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
Alejandro Vela が Henry Deveau に attach していた場合:
ヘンリーは疲れ果てて血まみれになり、地面に倒れる。「待って! アレハンドロの居場所を教えてあげる!」彼はリバータウンの住所を教えてくれる。あなたは彼の指示に従う。廃墟となったオフィスビルの中には、拘束されていないがあなたに会えて大喜びしているアレハンドロがいます。「よかった!ここから連れ出してくれ!」
Henry Deveau に最も近い探索者が Alejandro Vela を管理します。"c/d" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続けます。それ以外の場合は、<b>(→R1) </b>に進みます。
Alejandro Is Rescued - Back
If Alejandro Vela was attached to a Hunting Nightgaunt:
Alejandro collapses to the ground along with the winged creature's body. He coughs and rises to his feet, shaking. "Th-that beast! It had me in its clutches...Who knows where it was taking me?"
The investigator nearest to the Hunting Nightgaunt takes control of Alejandro Vela. Remove the remainder of the "c/d" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If Alejandro Vela was attached to Henry Deveau:
Henry collapses to the ground, exhausted and bloodied. "Wait! I... I'll tell you where to find Alejandro!" He gives you an address in Rivertown, and you follow his directions. Inside the abandoned office building is Alejandro, not restrained but overjoyed to see you. "Thank goodness! You have to get me out of here!"
The investigator nearest to Henry Deveau takes control of Alejandro Vela. Remove the remainder of the "c/d" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
133.Trial of the Huntress
第 1 幕
手がかり: 2<per>
<obj>Rivertown にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を使って先に進むことができる。
Act. Stage 1
Clues: 2.
Ichtaca told you not to follow her, though you can’t help but wonder what she is up to. You decide to pursue her as she heads down toward the riverside…
Objective - Only investigators in Rivertown can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Black Cave
覆い: 3. 手がかり: 2.<per>
<rev>Back Cave を場に置きます。
<for>ターン終了時に、Black Cave にいる場合: 1 horror を受けるか、手札からカード 2 枚を選んで捨てます。
Victory 1.
Black Cave
Shroud: 3. Clues: 2.<per>
Revelation - Put Black Cave into play.
Forced - At the end of your turn, if you are in the Black Cave: You must either take 1 horror or choose and discard 2 cards from your hand.
Victory 1.
134. The Guardian's Inquiry
第 1 幕 ステージ 1c
手がかり: 1.<per>
<obj>Northside にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の clues を消費して先に進むことができます。
Act. Stage 1c
Clues: 1.<per>
Ichtaca tells you that she saw several Eztli artifacts on sale in the strange shop near the northwestern edge of the city. She wants to head in that direction to investigate further.
Objective - Only investigators in Northside can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Wealthy Patron
コスト: –。
<rev>Maria DeSilva を Curiositie Shoppe に置きます。
<act> 1 resource を消費: <b>Perley</b>。マリアと販売中の遺物について話し合います。テスト <int> (3)。成功したら、彼女に 1 clue を置きます (トークン プールから)。
Wealthy Patron
Cost: –.
Revelation - Put Maria DeSilva into play in the Curiositie Shoppe.
<act> Spend 1 resource: Parley. You chat with Maria about the artifacts on sale. Test <int> (3). If you succeed, place 1 clue on her (from the token pool).
"Exquisite, aren't they?"
135.The Cave of Darkness
第 2 幕
手がかり: 2.<per>
<obj>Black Cave にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な clues を消費して先に進むことができます。この act を進めるには、Black Cave に clues が残っていてはいけません。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: 2.<per>
You watched Ichtaca enter this abandoned cave on her own. What is she doing in such a strange place?
Objective - Only investigators in the Black Cave can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance. There must be no clues remaining on the Black Cave in order to advance this act.
Embroiled in Battle
仲間を探していると、洞窟全体に鋭い叫び声が響き渡り、あなたを突き動かします。洞窟の奥深くで、ローブを着た数体の人物と戦っているイクタカを見つけます。彼女は弓から矢を放ち、人物の 1 人の胸に命中させ、あなたが入ってくるのを見て岩の露出部分の後ろに隠れます。彼女がほんの数分前に立っていた場所に、神秘的なエネルギーの波が襲い、地面を焦がします。「ここで何をしているの?」と彼女は怒って叫びます。
encounter discard pile を encouinter deck にシャッフルします。encounter deck の上から、<t>Cultist</t> enemy が捨てられるまでカードを捨てます (残りの act deck が 2 つ以下の場合は、代わりに 2 <t>Cultist</t> enemy)。
それらの enemy を Black Cave (通常の出現場所ではなく) に出現させます。シナリオの最後まで、これらの enemy は「 "Ichtaca's prey." であることを覚えておいてください。
Act 3e - "The Brotherhood Is Revealed."に進みます。
Embroiled in Battle - Back
As you search for your companion, a piercing cry echoes throughout the cave, spurring you onward. Deep within the cave, you find Ichtaca in the midst of a battle with several robed figures. She fires an arrow from her bow, striking one of the figures in its chest, then ducks behind an outcropping of rock as she sees you enter. A wave of eldritch energy strikes the place she had been standing moments prior, charring the ground. "What are you doing here?" she yells angrily.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Cultist enemy is discarded (2 Cultist enemies instead if there are 2 or fewer act decks remaining).
Spawn those enemies in Black Cave (instead of their normal spawn location). Until the end of the scenario, remember that those enemies are "Ichtaca's prey."
Advance to Act 3e - "The Brotherhood Is Revealed."
136.The Cave of Darkness
第 2 幕ステージ 2c
手がかり: 2.<per>
目的 - 黒い洞窟にいる探索者だけが、グループとして必要な数の手がかりを消費して先に進むことができます。この幕を進めるには、黒い洞窟に手がかりが残っていない必要があります。
Act. Stage 2c
Clues: 2.<per>
You watched Ichtaca enter this abandoned cave on her own. What is she doing in such a strange place?
Objective - Only investigators in the Black Cave can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance. There must be no clues remaining on the Black Cave in order to advance this act.
Tunnels in the Dark
まだ Town Hall がプレイされていない場合、脇に置いてある Town Hall の location を場に置きます。Town Hall は "Ichtaca's destination." であることを忘れないでください。ゲームの残りの間、Black Cave と Town Hall は互いに接続されています。
プレイヤーの順番で、各探索者は encounter deck の一番上のカードを 1 枚ずつ捨てます。encounter card を捨てた探索者は、そのカードを引かなければなりません。
Act 3e - "Strange Occurrences." に進みます。
Tunnels in the Dark - Back
You track Ichtaca throughout the cave, echoing her movements closely while remaining hidden. She traverses the cavern with the expertise of a natural explorer, discovering paths you hadn't noticed at first. To your surprise, the dark tunnels ramp upwards, taking you closer to the surface. You hear Ichtaca open and close something metallic up ahead. When you catch up, you find a heavy iron grate above you leading into the basement of a building north of the cave's entrance.
Put the set-aside Town Hall location into play, if it is not already in play. Remember that the Town Hall is "Ichtaca's destination." For the remainder of the game, Black Cave and Town Hall are connected to one another.
One at a time, in player order, each investigator discards the top card of the encounter deck. Each investigator who discards a treachery card must draw that card.
Advance to Act 3e - "Strange Occurrences."
137.Strange Relics
第 2 幕
手がかり: –
店内では、最先端のファッションを身にまとった中年の女性が、展示されているエズトリの遺物を感嘆しながら調べています。これらの遺物はどうやってここに来たのでしょうか? そして、この女性はこれらすべてについて何を知っているのでしょうか?
<obj>Maria DeSilva に 1 <per> clues が置かれている場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに前進する必要があります。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: –
Inside the shop, an middle-aged woman wearing the height of fashion inspects the Eztli relics on display with admiration. How did those relics get here? And what does this woman know about all of this?
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Maria DeSilva: You must remove them and immediately advance.
戦闘: 3。体力: 4。回避: 2。
ダメージ: 1。恐怖: 1。
<rev>このカードを <t>Bystander</t> バージョンの Maria DeSilva と入れ替え、そのバージョンをゲームから取り除きます。彼女は"Ichtaca's prey." であることを忘れないでください。Act 3e - "The Brotherhood is Revealed."に進みます。
Victory 1.
Maria DeSilva
Knows More Than She Lets On
Humanoid. Conspirator. Elite.
Fight: 3. Health: 4. Evade: 2.
Damage: 1. Horror: 1.
Revelation - Switch this card with the Bystander version of Maria DeSilva, removing that version from the game. Remember that she is "Ichtaca's prey." Advance to Act 3e - "The Brotherhood is Revealed."
Victory 1.
"You don't understand what you are meddling in!"
138.Strange Relics
第 2 幕
手がかり: –
店内では、最先端のファッションを身にまとった中年の女性が、展示されているエズトリの遺物を感嘆しながら調べています。これらの遺物はどうやってここに来たのでしょうか? そして、この女性はこれらすべてについて何を知っているのでしょうか?
目標 - マリア デシルバに関する手がかりが 1 つある場合: それらを取り除いてすぐに前進する必要があります。
Act. Stage 2
Clues: –
Inside the shop, an middle-aged woman wearing the height of fashion inspects the Eztli relics on display with admiration. How did those relics get here? And what does this woman know about all of this?
Objective - If there are 1 <per> clues on Maria DeSilva: You must remove them and immediately advance.
Maria's Information
Downtown と Rivertown の両方が "Ichtaca's destinations." であることを忘れないでください。
プレイヤーの順番で、各探索者は encounter deck の一番上のカードを1枚ずつ捨てます。encounter card を捨てた探索者は、そのカードを引かなければなりません。
Act 3e - "Strange Occurrences." に進みます。
Maria's Information - Back
Maria takes a puff from her cigarette before responding to your questions. She tells you that she overheard some well-to-do patrons putting down several outrageously pricey bids on the Eztli artifacts. "I don't even know where these artifacts came from, but those people seemed to know exactly what they were looking for," she claims. Perhaps if you follow this trail of money, you'll uncover more about this mysterious group that operates in Arkham's shadows…
Remember that both Downtown and Rivertown are "Ichtaca's destinations."
One at a time, in player order, each investigator discards the top card of the encounter deck. Each investigator who discards a treachery card must draw that card.
Advance to Act 3e - "Strange Occurrences."
139.Strange Occurrences
第 3 幕
手がかり: –
"Ichtaca's destinations," のいずれかにいる間、各ラウンドで encounter deck から引いた最初の treachery は surge を得ます。
<obj> 各 "Ichtaca's destinations," に clues が置かれていない場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
Ichtaca has found the target of her investigation. The trail of the mysterious cult leads here. A thorough search of the area may reveal more...
While you are at any of "Ichtaca's destinations," the first treachery you draw from the encounter deck each round gains surge.
Objective - If there are no clues remaining on each of "Ichtaca's destinations," advance.
Uncovering the Conspiracy
"Ichtaca's destination" が Town Hall だった場合:
Town Hall に最も近い探索者が、脇に置いてある Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) を管理します。"e/f" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続けます。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
"Ichtaca's destination" が Downtown と Rivertown だった場合:
Rivertown に最も近い探索者が、脇に置いてある Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) を管理します。"e/f" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続けます。それ以外の場合、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
Uncovering the Conspiracy - Back
If "Ichtaca's destination" was the Town Hall:
For some reason, the tunnels connect to a hidden passage in the basement of Arkham's town hall. You find Ichtaca in a dark room, browsing through several maps of the city. "What are you doing here?" she asks accusingly. "No matter. You're here now. Help me read these documents and figure out what is going on here."
The investigator nearest to the Town Hall takes control of the set-aside Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian). Remove the remainder of the "e/f" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If "Ichtaca's destinations" were Downtown and Rivertown:
Using information from the bank, you track the bidders to a warehouse in Rivertown. Inside, you find a bounty of information about the Eztli relics and Alejandro's expedition.
The investigator nearest to Rivertown takes control of the set-aside Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian). Remove the remainder of the "e/f" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
140.The Brotherhood Is Revealed
第 3 幕
手がかり: –
各 "Ichtaca's prey" は、clues の置かれていない location にいる間、+1 fight、+1 health、+1 evade を得ます。
<obj>"Ichtaca's prey" が場にいなくなった場合、前進します。
Act. Stage 3
Clues: –
Ichtaca has found target of her hunt. The mysterious cult has been revealed - but what is their ultimate purpose?
"Ichtaca's prey" each get +1 fight, +1 <per> health, and +1 evade while at a location with no clues on it.
Objective - If each of "Ichtaca's prey" is no longer in play, advance.
Close Call
"Ichtaca's prey" が1人以上の Cultist enemy だった場合:
Black Cave に最も近い探索者が、脇に置いてある Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) を操作します。"e/f" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除きます。別の act card が場にある場合、プレイを続けます。そうでない場合、<b>(→R1)</b> に進みます。
"Ichtaca's prey" が Maria DeSilvaだった場合:
Maria DeSilva に最も近い探索者が、脇に置いてあるIchtaca (The Forgotten Guardian) を管理する。"e/f" act deck の残りをゲームから取り除く。別の act card が場にある場合、ゲームを続行する。そうでない場合は、<b>(→R1)</b> に進む。
Close Call - Back
If "Ichtaca's prey" were 1 or more cultist enemies:
The final robed figure drops to the ground, and you breathe a sigh of relief. Ichtaca recovers her arrows and searches the bodies for clues. "Why did you follow me?" she asks accusingly. "No matter. What's done is done. Now to uncover what these cretins knew."
The investigator nearest to the Black Cave takes control of the set-aside Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian). Remove the remainder of the "e/f" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).
If "Ichtaca's prey" was Maria DeSilva:
You interrogate Maria while the angry Eztli warrior looms over her. "Who do you work for? What is your purpose?" Maria purses her lips tightly, then looks away, into the distance. "I'll tell you what you need to know. I'll tell you about the Brotherhood."
The investigator nearest to Maria DeSilva takes control of the set-aside Ichtaca (The Forgotten Guardian). Remove the remainder of the "e/f" act deck from the game. If another act card is in play, continue playing. Otherwise, proceed to (→R1).