
















The term sequential is generally understood as a transition in which the legs each land and takeoff in a particular order, or sequence, though it can also be used to describe only part of a transition in which a landing or takeoff occurs in sequence.  Sequential transitions are extremely common within vert kicking, as well as to segue from an invert axis to a vert axis, and are becoming more and more popular in the inverted realm.  These transitions can be described as similar to walking and running, or shuffling of the feet, and in many cases feel just as natural and potentially powerful.


Vanishes are simply a sequential landing followed by a sequential takeoff in the same order.  A vanish is similar to walking in that one foot lands, followed by the second, then the first foot to land is lifted, followed by the second.  Simply put, if the first trick is landed on the left foot, then the right, the following takeoff takes off left, then right.  The vanish transition is extremely common within vert kicking for its natural flow and potential to create enormous power, and is becoming increasingly common for transitioning between inverted elements as well.

The 2016 update of Aeriformmat has reclassified the Vanish and Reversal as “Simple” transitions.

  • The most common vanish transitions are often performed when round kicking tricks are followed by a cheat takeoff, for example a tornado kick followed by another tornado kick.  From the opposite leg, something like a 540 kick vanishes into btwists and aerials, or swing takeoff vert kicks.


Skips are described as a simple vanish transition where a hop from one foot to the other occurs, and is understood to be the secondary form of the vanish.  Simply put, if vanish is walking, then a skip is running.  When performed properly, at no point in a skip will both feet touch the ground simultaneously.  The beauty of the skip is its ability to create dynamic swingthrough and carrythrough-like motions without the usual landings associated with them.  Because of this, skips can also be seen as a sequence of singular transitions, and have even been argued by some to be unique tricks themselves.  This transition, when utilized properly, has the potential to be energetic and powerful, as well as to flexibly transition into tricks that are not normally possible from a particular landing, and can even be used to create an interesting change in rhythm during a combo.


Reversals are sequential landings followed by a sequential takeoff where the order is reversed.  A reversal is quite similar to a shuffle of the feet in that one foot lands, followed by the second which immediately lifts back up, followed by the first landing foot.  Simply put, when landing left then right, the following trick would takeoff right then left.  The reversal is another extremely common transition in vert kicking, though used less frequently when transitioning between inverted elements.

The 2016 update of Aeriformmat has reclassified the Vanish and Reversal as “Simple” transitions.

  • Reversals are extremely common in vert kicking.  Quite often, when a hook kick trick is followed by a cheat takeoff, a reversal occurred.  Also common, round kick type tricks that end in backside will reversal into btwist or aerial type tricks.


The redirect can be described as an extension of the reversal transition, though its function is similar to that of a vanish.  As the performer lands sequentially, another step is taken, usually involving a stance change, followed by a sequential takeoff.  A redirect usually follows the pattern of a vanish, but with an extra step in the middle.  Simply put, when landing left then right, an extra step is taken with the left, followed by a takeoff of the right then left, or vice versa for landings of the opposite sequence.  Because of the extra step, the movement of the feet can be described as similar to walking, or functioning similarly to a vanish, but when looking at the landing and takeoffs specifically, the pattern of a reversal is created.

This transition is categorized as an extension, or alternate form of a reversal because the sequence of landing and takeoff are reversed.  Redirects are extremely common in tricking for their potential for power and momentum gains as well as their ease of use and pliability in repositioning a performer to set up a desired trick.


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