Vert Kick Basics 1: Takeoff
このセクションでは、Dan Perez De Tejada(Aeriformmat.comの創設者兼オーナー)が作成したTKT(True Kick Terminology)というシステムに基づき、多くのパラメータや定義が紹介されます。
上記のクリップでは、各テイクオフタイプがコンボを開始するためにデモンストレーションされており、各コンボの2回目のキックではチートテイクオフが使われています。また、さまざまなランディングもデモンストレーションされており、下記の「ランディング」セクションでカバーされています。 ビデオの説明は以下のように読むことができます:
- チート-360-ラウンド(別名:トルネード) > チート-540-フック
- ポップ-180-シュリケン(シュリケン:フック + ハイパー) > チート-540-フック
- スイング-180-カタナ(カタナ:ラウンド + ハイパー + 半ジャイロ) > チート-540-フック
Vert Kick Basics 2: 回転とキック
Vert Kick Basics 3: ランディング
Vert Kick Basics 4: まとめ
Vert Kick Basics 5: バリエーションとジャイロ
ジャイロは常にハイパー条件に続き、最も簡単にはバートキックの後に空中で約360度以上の回転が行われると理解できます。TKTコミュニティ内では、ジャイロはハイパーの後に360度の回転を行い、キック後の回転総計が540度(ハイパー[180度] + ジャイロ[360度])となります。ジャイロは、ハーフジャイロ(キック後の回転総計が360度:ハイパー[180度] + ハーフジャイロ[180度])に細分化することもできますが、この用語は一般的なコミュニティ内ではあまり使用されません。ハイパー・ハーフジャイロを行う際、演者は同じターゲットに対して前回のキックを繰り返すことができ、これが一般的なコミュニティでは「ダブル」と呼ばれます。これらのトリックをタグ付けする際、回転総計が名前として使われます。例えば、「ポップ360」(ポップ-180-フック)に追加の回転と2回目のフックを加えると、「ポップ-720-ダブル」となります。『ポップ-180-フック-ハイパー・ハーフジャイロ・フック』は長いため、TKTでは「サイクロン」(フック + ハイパー + ハーフジャイロ + フック)という接尾辞を使って「ポップ-180-サイクロン」と短縮します。同様に、ラウンドキックのトリックには「タイフーン」として知られる同じ概念が適用されます。ジャイロを使用することによって、回転が540度追加され、反対のキックが有効になり、ジャックナイフやフェイロンにジャイロが加わる形になります。これらの動作を簡略化するために、「ジャイロナイフ」や「ウィールウィンド」といった用語が使用されます。
Vert Kick Basics 1 Takeoff
Throughout this section, many parameters and definitions will also be presented in TKT, or True Kick Terminology, a system created by Dan Perez De Tejada, the creator and owner of
The first part of every trick is the takeoff. In simplest terms, vert kicks have 3 ways to takeoff. From two feet (unified), or from either leg (sequentially, and singularly). A unified takeoff is the easiest, and most natural for most beginners and is known as a pop. The other two takeoffs are known as cheat and swing. A cheat takeoff emulates the movement of a spinning hook kick, but without the chamber, and is by far the most utilized vert-kick takeoff. It is simply lifting the outside leg, often with a bend in the knee, and pivoting to the opposite stance before taking off. This is known as a sequential takeoff because the feet leave the ground in sequence, rather than together. The cheat takeoff is utilized in the tornado kick, many people’s first trick. Utilizing the opposite leg and motion, the swing takeoff somewhat emulates a lazy round kick, or even front kick motion where the leg literally swings up. As the inside leg lifts, a pivot occurs and takeoff is initiated. This sequential takeoff is utilized in the stepover hook, or tsunami, which is another kick most people learn very early on. It should be understood that swing and cheat takeoffs account for approximately 180 degrees of rotation on the ground, which can make reaching higher rotations easier for some people.
In the clip above, each takeoff type is demonstrated to begin the combos, with the second kick in each utilizing a cheat takeoff. A number of different landings are demonstrated as well, and are covered in the Landing section linked below.
The description on the video can be read as:
- cheat-360-round (aka: tornado) > cheat-540-hook
pop-180-shuriken (shuriken: hook + hyper) > cheat-540-hook
swing-180-katana (katana: round + hyper + half-gyro) > cheat-540-hook
Vert Kick Basics 2 Rotation and Kick
The second and third parts of a vert kick are the rotation and kick. This is somewhat obvious, but it should be remembered that the takeoff method is a part of this. As mentioned, swing and cheat takeoffs account for approximately 180 degrees of the total rotation in a trick, but pop takeoffs have no on-ground rotation and are measured from the point of takeoff. Simply put, vert kicks begin where the takeoff method initiates, and end where the kick reaches its target. The technique for the kick itself in a vert kick is identical to its grounded counter part, although being airborne can alter the balance points until refined.
The simple rule of thumb is that frontside vert kicks require full rotations to create round kicking tricks, and an extra half to create hook kicking tricks. From backside, this is reversed.
It should be noted that this is where TKT and Mainstream terminology differ. In mainstream terminology, all hook tricks are named with full rotations (360 720 1080), while round tricks are on the halfs (540 900 1260), regardless of stance or the actual rotation of the trick. TKT simply calls tricks by their actual rotations and kick type, but never by stance. For example, both a pop-720 and Backside-720 (implied pop takeoff) are hook kicking tricks. In TKT, these tricks are known by their takeoff type, rotation, and kick type: Pop-540-Hook (Pop-720), and Pop-360-Hook (Backside-720).
The video above demonstrates the rotational progression of hook tricks utilizing the swing takeoff. The caption uses the TKT names, with their mainstream counterparts in parenthesis. Note that the swing takeoff accounts for 180* of the rotation, so the in-air rotation is ~180* smaller than the number indicates.
Vert Kick Basics 3 Landing
The final part of every kick is its landing. Vert kicks have implied landings at the point where the kick reaches its target. This means that hooks land in a backside position on the inside leg, while rounds land in frontside on the outside leg. This landing is the most common.
Another type of landing is the hyper. The simplest definition of a hyper is to kick, then land on the kicking foot. The most prevalent example of this is the 540 kick, or cheat-360-katana (TKT).
To the average tricker, a hyper is simply landing on the kicking foot, which generally requires a bit of extra rotation. To the TKT user, and a growing number of mainstream users, hypers are defined as 180 degrees of in-air rotation after a kick, and are further divided by which leg, or both, is landed on. To learn more about these hyper conditions, click the link below.
In the video above, a number of landings are demonstrated in combination. Notice the first combo uses only regular, non-hypered landings, which the second combo demonstrates the typical landing, followed by the hyper of each kick type.
Vert Kick Basics 4 Summary
The vert kicking realm is often overcomplicated. There are 4 parts to every kick: Its takeoff, its total rotation, its kick type, and its landing.
At a basic level, altering takeoffs and landings is often looked at as creating a different trick. At a more proficient level, these changes are often looked at as different ways of doing the same kick. For example, a swing-540-round (swing-900 in mainstream), a cheat-540-round (wrap-900), and a pop-540-round (backside-900) are all identical in their total rotation and kick, and only the way they are approached is different. In a nutshell, it is the takeoff that was altered, but they are all 540-rounds. Likewise, a hypered pop-540-round is still an average pop-540-round, and only the landing has been altered, or rather, additional effort has been applied after its completion. By looking at kicks in this simpler way, it becomes easier to grasp that there are only a very small handful of kick tricks, and it is the transition and rotation that changes. A pop-540-round and pop-900-round are fundamentally the same motions, with only a change to the rotation.
In the video, notice that despite a change in stance or takeoff, the basic technique for each of those kick type is the same, only with added rotation between takeoff and kick. By understanding this basic fundamental concept, progression to higher rotations should become easier for the body to accept and implement. Dont worry about the TKT names used, focus on the movements and progression of rotations.
Vert Kick Basics 5 Variations and Gyros
Hypers aren’t the end of the kicking game. From each hyper, a number of variations and extensions can be applied to create increasingly difficult and impressive tricks, or simply as a utility to manipulate stance. The most common suffixes, or variations involving hypered kicks are the Fei Long and Jackknife. Within the mainstream community, each of these are also a proper name for specific tricks, as well as complex actions that can be applied to higher rotation kicks. By true-hypering a round kick (katana) and adding a hook kick, a jackknife, or knife, is created. Likewise, by hypering a hook (shuriken) and adding a round kick, a Fei Long is created.
Gyros always follow a hyper condition, and are most simply understood as approximately 360* or more in-air rotation after a vert kick. Within the TKT community, Gyros are specifically 360* of rotation beyond a hyper, for a total of 540* of post-kick rotation (hyper [180] + gyro [360]). Gyros can also be subdivided into Half Gyros (a total of 360* post-kick rotation: hyper [180] + half gyro [180]), but this term is less frequently used within the mainstream community. When performing hyper-half-gyros, the performer has the opportunity to repeat the previous kick on the same target, creating what the mainstream community refers to as a ‘double’. When tagging these, the total rotation is named, meaning that a “pop360” (pop-180-hook) with an additional spin and second hook is known to be a “pop-720-double”. Because “pop-180-hook-hyper-half-gyro-hook” is a mouthful, TKT uses the ‘cyclone’ (hook + hyper + half gyro + hook) suffix to shorten this down to “pop-180-cyclone”. Likewise, the same concept for round kicking tricks is known as a Typhoon. Using gyros, rather than just half gyros, the total rotation added to a trick is 540*, and the opposite kick is enabled, creating a Jackknife or Fei Long with a gyro in the middle. To simplify these actions, the terms Gyroknife and Whirlwind are used.