- ハイパー(一般): TKTシステムにおける「ハイパー」という用語は、単にキック後に180度の空中回転をすることを意味します。それだけです。着地条件は示されません。
- ハイパー(着地): 着地を表すために「ハイパー」を使う場合、これはキック後に180度の回転をし、両足で同時に着地することを意味します。この着地は、リバースポップ、パンチ、バウンドのトランジションを可能にします。
- ハイパースタイル(着地): おそらく最も使われることの少ないハイパー着地が「ハイパースタイル」です。これは、キック後に180度の空中回転をし、蹴っていない足で着地するものです。簡単に言えば、ハイパースタイルの着地は、過回転した「通常の」キックです。つまり、インサイドキックはフロントレッグのバックサイドスタンスで、アウトサイドキックはフロントレッグのフロントサイドスタンスで着地します。この着地はシングルまたはシーケンシャルであるため、ハイパースタイルキックからのトランジションの可能性は、パンチとリバースポップ以外のすべてが含まれます。
- トゥルーハイパー(着地): これは、メインストリームのユーザーとTKTユーザーの両方に最も理解され、最も多く利用されているハイパー着地です。トゥルーハイパーは、キック後に180度の空中回転をし、蹴った足自体で着地するものです。インサイドキックはリアレッグのバックサイドスタンスで、アウトサイドキックはリアレッグのフロントサイドスタンスで着地します。ハイパースタイルの着地と同様、シングルまたはシーケンシャルでの着地が可能で、パンチとリバースポップを除く多くのトランジションが可能です。この着地位置(リアレッグでの着地)は、より自然に感じられ、これらのトランジションを創造的に利用することができますが、個々のトリックには好まれるものがあります。
- カタナ(垂直): トゥルーハイパーのインサイドキックです。この用語はTKTコミュニティでほぼ独占的に使用され、メインストリームのユーザーにはほとんど使われません。
- シュリケン(垂直): トゥルーハイパーのアウトサイドキックです。この用語は、ハイパーとしてTKTコミュニティでほぼ独占的に使用され、メインストリームのユーザーにはほとんど使われません。シュリケンはインバート軸の変種の一つで、アウトサイドキックを行い、通常はその足で着地するものです。変種として、この用語はメインストリームとTKT両方で広く使用されています。
- P – ポップ
- S – スウィング
- C – チート(TKTの以前のバージョンではバックサイドからのチートは「ラップ」として知られていました)
- R – ラウンド/インサイドクレセント
- H – フック/アウトサイドクレセント
- K(カタナ) – ハイパーラウンド/インサイドクレセント
- S(シュリケン) – ハイパーフック/アウトサイドクレセント
(h)=「ハイパー」または両足で同時に着地 (th)=「トゥルーハイパー」または蹴った足で着地 (hs)=「ハイパースタイル」または非蹴った足で着地
In mainstream terminology, a hyper is generally landing on the kicking leg, which implies rotation post-kick in order to accomplish the landing. This somewhat basic concept of hypering a kick can only take you so far, both in practice, and in communication, so the TKT system further divided vert kick hypers. This section will attempt to illustrate those concepts. All of the following concepts are of course possible for mainstream trickers, but the terms and sometimes even the concepts themselves, are more specific to the TKT system at this time. However, there is a growing number of mainstream users in the community who are applying the TKT hyper terminology to their tricking.
Along with the standard landing of any vert kick, the point at which the kick is extended on target, there are 3 main methods to “hyper” the landing, which not only changes which leg is landed on, but the stance as well.
It should be noted that the following hyper terms apply to vert kicking only, and not the invert axis where a different set of terms exists to adequately describe actions.
- Hyper (General): The generic term hyper, in the TKT system, means simply 180* of in-air rotation after a kick. That is it. No landing conditions are expressed.
- Hyper (Landing): When used to express a landing, Hyper means specifically a 180* rotation post kick, and a landing on both feet simultaneously. This landing gives the possibilities of reverse-pop, punch, and bound transitions.
- Hyper-Style (Landing): Perhaps the least utilized hyper landing is the Hyper-Style landing. Hyper-Style landings are 180* of in-air rotation after a kick, but land on the non-kicking leg. Simply put, a Hyper-Style landing is just an over-rotated ‘normal’ kick. This means that inside kicks will land in a backside stance on the front leg, and outside kicks will land in a frontside stance on the front leg. Because this lands singularly or sequentially, the possibilities for transition from Hyper-Style kicks encompass everything except punch and reverse-pop transitions.
- True-Hyper (Landing): This is the hyper landing best understood, and most utilized by mainstream users and TKT users alike. The True-Hyper is 180* of in-air rotation after a kick, that lands on the kicking leg itself. Inside kicks will land in a backside stance on the rear leg, and outside kicks will land in frontside stance on the rear leg. Like Hyper-Style landings, the singular or sequential landing allows for a number of possible transitions, with the exception of punch and reverse-pop. This landing position, on the rear leg, tends to be more natural feeling, and allows for the creative use of each of these transitions relatively equally, although individual tricks will obvious have their favorites.
- Katana (Vert): A True-Hyper inside kick. This term is used almost exclusively in TKT communities and is almost never used by mainstream users.
- Shuriken (Vert): A True-Hyper outside kick. This term, as a hyper, is used almost exclusively in TKT communities and is almost never used by mainstream users. Shuriken is also a type of variation on the invert axis where an outside kick is performed and generally landed on. As a type of variation, the term is used widely in both mainstream and TKT.
So why use hypers..?
In short, an inside kick does not need to land in a frontside stance on the non-kicking leg, and an outside kick does not need to land in backside on the non-kicking leg. By understanding and manipulating your possible landing positions you are better able to create both aesthetically and technically complex transitions and combinations.
In the video above, Ish Payne demonstrates how utilizing hyper conditions can be used to change the transition and overall aesthetic of a combo using tricks with the same rotation and takeoff.
From the description:
TKT Short Hand
The First Symbol in the series is designated for the type of takeoff:
P – Pop
S – Swing
C – Cheat (cheating from backside in previous versions of TKT was knows as “wrap’
R – Round/Inside Crescent
H – Hook/Outside Crescent
K (Katana) – Hyper Round/Inside Crescent
S (Shuriken) – Hyper Hook/outside Crescent
(h) = ‘Hyper’ or landing on both feet at the same time
(th) = ‘True Hyper’ or landing on the kicking leg
(hs) = ‘Hyper Style’ or landing on the NON kicking leg
The transitional tagging system used can be found here, or in the video’s youtube description. Because this section is specifically about the landing positions, it has been left out.
The above table can be used as an easy reference guide for kicking. Listed are the kicking type, include each of its hypers, the corresponding stance of the landing, as well as the landing leg itself, and several common transitions from each landing. The feiwrong and wackknife were not included, but it can be understood that they function identically to their true hyper counterparts, but from the opposite stance.
Both the vanish and reversal columns show the takeoff type following each landing to create their transition, and assume no change of stance on the ground. Because the skip transition can function similarly to vanishes, or in more complex ways, only the most common stance change is shown.
One unconventional parts of this table are the “lands like”, and “swingthrough axis” columns. The listed stances are generally reserved for the invert axis, but are useful for demonstrating relationships between the vert kick positioning, and the relative invert landing stance. The swingthroughs axis represented corresponds to the invert axis from the relative stance in the “lands like” column. For example, a hyper-style round kick is never called a complete landing, or complete stance, but it is the same approximate position and can setup a similar swingthrough type, the backswing into the gainer axis.