
ページ名:Output 2.8


File Formats

Supported Graphics Formats

Supported Video & Audio Formats

 ≡ Reference
Panel: Properties > Output Properties > Output

2.9 <2.8>

This panel provides options for setting the location of rendered frames for animations, and the quality of the saved images.


File Path

Choose the location to save rendered frames.

When rendering an animation, the frame number is appended at the end of the file name with four padded zeros (e.g. image0001.png). You can set a custom padding size by adding the appropriate number of # anywhere in the file name (e.g. image_##_test.png translates to image_01_test.png).

This setting expands Relative Paths where a // prefix represents the directory of the current blend-file.


Overwrite existing files when rendering.


Create empty placeholder frames while rendering.

File Extensions

Adds the correct file extensions per file type to the output files.

Cache Result

Saves the rendered image and passes to a multi-layer EXR file in temporary location on your hard drive. This allows the Compositor to read these to improve the performance, especially for heavy compositing.

File Format

Choose the file format to save to. Based on which format is used, other options such as channels, bit depth and compression level are available.

For rendering out to images see: saving images, for rendering to videos see rendering to videos.


Choose the color format to save the image to. Note that RGBA will not be available for all image formats.



Primitive Render Farm

An easy way to get multiple machines to share the rendering workload is to:

  • Set up a shared directory over a network file system.
  • Disable Overwrite, enable Placeholders in the Render Output panel.
  • Start as many machines as you wish rendering to that directory.

Color Depth

PNG:Bit depth per channel.


PNG:Amount of time to determine best compression: 0 = no compression with fast file output, 100 = maximum lossless compression with slow file output.

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