
ページ名:Material Settings 2.8


 ≡ Reference
Panel: Material > Settings, Shader Editor > Sidebar > Settings

2.9 <2.8>


While shading nodes control the appearance, these settings control the quality and algorithms that each renderer uses to render the material.

Pass Index

Index number for the Material Index render pass. This can be used to give a mask to a material and then be read with the ID Mask Node in the Compositor.


Multiple Importance Sample

By default objects with emitting materials use both direct and indirect light sampling methods, but in some cases it may lead to less noise overall to disable direct light sampling for some materials. This can be done by disabling the Multiple Importance Sample option. This is especially useful on large objects that emit little light compared to other light sources.

This option will only have an influence if the material contains an Emission node; otherwise it will be disabled.

Transparent Shadows

Use transparent shadows if it contains a Transparent BSDF, disabling will render faster but will not give accurate shadows.

Displacement Method

マテリアルに変位 (Displacement) を行う方法を設定します。

Displacement Only

メッシュの頂点はレンダリング前に変位し、実際のメッシュを変更します。 これは、メッシュが細かく細分化されている場合に、最高の品質の結果が得られます。そのため、この方法は最もメモリを消費します。

Bump only

サーフェス シェーダーの実行時に、本当の法線の代わりに変更されたサーフェス法線が使用されます。 これは、実際に変位するよりもメモリはあまり消費しませんが、あくまでも近似値となります。サーフェスのシルエットは正確ではなく、変位のセルフ シャドウもありません。

Displacement and Bump

両方の方法を組み合わせて、粗いメッシュ上で変位を行い、最終的なディテールのためにバンプ マッピングを使用します。



Render Properties の Feature Set を Supported にしたままの状態での比較

Displacement OnlyBump onlyDisplacement and Bump
Render Time04:20.5304:39.0805:17.41
Peak Memory670.51M641.29M684.01M


Render Properties の Feature Set を Experimental にし、Subsurf Modifier を Adaptive にした状態での比較

Displacement OnlyBump onlyDisplacement and Bump
Render Time06:41.7207:15.4707:51.48
Peak Memory2,697.84M2,709.09M2,711.75M


Sampling Method


If you have got a pretty dense volume that is lit from far away then Distance sampling is usually more efficient.


If you have got a light inside or near the volume then equiangular sampling is better.

Multiple Importance

If you have a combination of both, then the multiple importance sampling will be better.


Interpolation method to use for the volume.


Good smoothness and speed.


Smoothed high-quality interpolation, but slower.

Homogeneous Volume

Assume volume has the same density everywhere (not using any textures), for faster rendering. For example absorption in a glass object would typically not have any textures, and so the renderer can be set to avoid taking small steps to sample the volume shader.

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