Viewport Display

ページ名:Material Viewport Display 2.8


 ≡ Reference
Panel: Properties > Material Properties > Viewport Display

2.9 <2.8>

これらの設定は、3D Viewport の Solid シェーディング時の表示を制御します。モデリング、レイアウト、スカルプトなどの作業には重すぎたり、煩わしくなる可能性があるフル シェーダ ノード (Rendered) に代わる高速な方法を提供します。

Viewport Display




非金属と金属マテリアル モデルのブレンド割合 (0.0 - 1.0) を設定します。値が 1.0 の場合、拡散反射や透過を伴わない、ベース カラーで着色された完全な鏡面反射となります。0.0 の場合、マテリアルは拡散または透過のベース層とその上の鏡面反射層で構成されます。


金属および鏡面反射での、表面のマイクロファセットの粗さ (0.0 - 1.0) を設定します。


Material Preview での表示設定。

Backface Culling

裏面の非表示 (Backface Culling) を有効にすることで、最終的なレンダリングで面の裏側を非表示にします。

Blend Mode

サーフェスの色を計算した後、カラー バッファーにどのように追加されるかのブレンド モードを定義します。これによって、最終的な色は異ってきます。

Alpha Blend は「透明」ブレンド モードとみなされ、スクリーン スペース エフェクトに影響を与えます。


※ 「前の色」(原文 "The previous color") が何のことなのか理解できていません。

Alpha Clip

前の色はサーフェス カラーで上書きされますが、アルファ値が Clip Threshold を超えている場合に限ります。

Alpha Hashed
The previous color will be overwritten by the surface color, but only if the alpha value is above a random clip threshold. This statistical approach is noisy but is able to approximate alpha blending without any sorting problem. Increasing the sample count in the render settings will reduce the resulting noise.

Alpha Blending
Use alpha blending to overlay the surface color on top of the previous color.

Sorting Problem
When writing to the color buffer using transparent blend modes, the order in which the color blending happens is important as it can change the final output color. As of now Eevee does not support per-fragment (pixel) sorting or per-triangle sorting. Only per-object sorting is available and is automatically done on all transparent surfaces based on object origin.


This per-object sorting has already a cost and having thousands of these objects in a scene will greatly degrade performance.

Show Backside
If enabled, all transparent fragments will be rendered. If disabled, only the front-most surface fragments will be rendered. Disable this option to ensure correct appearance of transparency from any point of view. Then using Alpha Blending this option should be disabled because with Alpha Blending, the order in which triangles are sorted is important.

Shadow Mode
Type of shadows used for a transparent surface. Eevee does not support colored shadow maps.

Half transparent shadows can be produced by using hashed transparent shadows and a larger Soft value on the shadow map.


This option does not change the behavior of contact shadows which are traced using the depth buffer. If the material is writing to the depth buffer (in other words, if the blend mode is set to either Opaque, Alpha Clip or Alpha Hashed), contact shadows will be casted by the surface material regardless of the Transparent Shadow type.

The surface will not cast any shadow.

The surface will cast shadows like an opaque surface.

The surface will cast shadows like an opaque surface, but only areas where the alpha value is above the clip threshold.

The surface will cast shadows like an opaque surface, but only areas where the alpha value is above a random threshold.

Screen Space Refraction
Enabling Screen Space Refraction on a surface means that refraction BSDFs will do a raytrace against the depth buffer to find the most accurate refracted color. This has a big performance cost if the surface covers a lot of pixels.

Screen Space Reflections and Ambient Occlusion are not compatible with Screen Space Refraction. They will be disabled on the surfaces that use it. Surfaces that use Screen Space Refraction will not appear in Screen Space Reflections at the right place. Surfaces that use Screen Space Refraction will not cast Ambient Occlusion onto other surfaces.

If this option is disabled or if the Screen Space Refraction raytrace fails, the refracted ray will use the color of the nearest probe.

Screen Space Refraction
Enables screen space refraction.

Refraction Depth
If Refraction Depth is not 0.0, all refraction BSDFs in the shader will act as if the object is a thin slab of the refraction material having this thickness. This will model a second refraction event that will double the absorption color and start the refraction ray after this second event.

This option greatly increases the quality of thin glass objects.

Subsurface Translucency
Eevee’s Subsurface Scattering algorithm works by blurring the irradiance in screen space. This means that if no visible part of the surface is lit, the effect disappears.

However, true Subsurface Scattering goes beneath the surface and can travel a large distance. This is why a human ear lit from behind appears red on the front side.

That is what this effect mimics. This translucency approximation only works with lights that have shadow maps and only on Subsurface BSDFs (not the Translucency BSDFs). It does not work with indirect lighting. The soft parameter of the shadow maps also affects this effect.

Pass Index
Index number for the Material Index render pass. This can be used to give a mask to a material which then can be read with the ID Mask Node in the Compositor.

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