

Depth Charge

(Redirected from Depth Charge Shell)

he Depth Charge is a submarine-mounted weapon. It can be used to lure enemies towards itself and deal damage upon impact. It is composed of the Depth Charge Tube, the Depth Charge Loader, any Depth Charge Shell, and a trigger. When triggered, the Shell is deployed out the tube to slowly sink. Upon impact, the depth charge will activate its payload.




Function and Usage

Depth charges are triggered via a Button or from Navigation Terminal. When triggered, the tube deploys a depth charge shell from a loaded Depth Charge Loader. Unlike other submarine weapons, the Depth Charge uniquely requires no power.

Depth charges slowly sink downwards, and will activate their payload upon impact with the sea floor or monster or a submarine.

Decoy Depth Charges are very loud noise-makers and will draw Creatures attention toward itself.


Damage Values

Depth Charge Shells are hollow and can be filled with an item. The payload will be activated on impact. Explosives in particular can be loaded in shells to greatly increase damage potential.

They can also be collected after use for reuse.

Item Attack Damage Stick to Entities? Price Source

Depth Charge Shell.png

Depth Charge Shell
Affliction Blunt Force Trauma.png Blunt Force Trauma :10 No 75-200 Marks Steel Bar.pngSteel Bar


Depth Decoy Shell.png

Depth Decoy Shell
Affliction Blunt Force Trauma.png Blunt Force Trauma :10 No 175-300 Marks Steel Bar.pngSteel Bar


Sonar Beacon.pngSonar Beacon

Nuclear Depth Charge.png

Nuclear Depth Charge
Affliction Blunt Force Trauma.png Blunt Force Trauma :10 No 200-500 Marks Steel Bar.pngSteel Bar



Nuclear Depth Decoy.png

Nuclear Depth Decoy
Affliction Blunt Force Trauma.png Blunt Force Trauma :10 No 200-500 Marks Steel Bar.pngSteel Bar



Sonar Beacon.pngSonar Beacon

Both Nuclear Depth Charge variants additionally explode on impact:

Item Direct Hit Afflictions Structure Damage Kinematic Force Explosion Radius (m)
Nuclear Explosion Affliction Deep Tissue Injury.png Deep Tissue Injury : 400

Affliction Burn.png Burn :300

Affliction Radiation Sickness.png Radiation Sickness : 100

Affliction Stun.png Stun : 20

1000 50 10.0


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