「become」を含むwiki一覧 - 8ページ

USSトルストイ - Memory Alpha wiki

of USS Chekov's saucer sectionOriginally however the ship that would become USS Tolstoy was scripted as the USSChekov. A Springfield級 filmi

USSホーネット - Memory Alpha wiki

nald D. Moore thought it fitting that, in a future where Humanity had become united by its own accord, ships whose namesakes had fought one

シドニー級 - Memory Alpha wiki

g to Rick Sternbach, the studio model of the Sydney-class was to have become the basis for the Danube級 runabouts on Star Trek: Deep Space Ni

アメリカ合衆国 - Memory Alpha wiki

k City, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and San Francisco which would later become the location of Starfleet Headquarters.The capital of the Unite

茶博士劉蘇 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ose first days when she had just received Rex Lapis' recognition, and become the Tianquan...茶博士劉蘇: She saw that taxation was ossified and pr

匪石 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

memories, they only keep the most prominent ones; the rest eventually become forgotten. They then decide to check the massive tree nearby. T

塵に返る - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

塵に返る任務の種類魔神任務の章第一章・第一幕【浮世浮生千岩間】開始の場所璃月、璃月港前の任務次の任務望舒畳山留雲往生 報酬 キャラクター 冒険経験 300 冒険経験モラ 9,300 モラItem_Primogem.png 30

名椎の浜 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

uchi Beach has been ravaged by war since a thousand years ago and has become a place for scavengers and pirates, with few inhabitants.—ゲーム内図

パワー訓練 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

om.com/wiki/File:Vo_noecop001_1906602_noelle_09.ogg ノエル: If I want to become a knight, I need to take all aspects of training seriously.http

上手なポーカープレイヤーになるには - 趣味とクラフトの初心者wiki


プロのポーカープレイヤーになるには - 趣味とクラフトの初心者wiki


神 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

th other realms. In some writings about Allogenes, he is said to have become fully divine.The Chinese term for gods that predate The Seven,

淵下宮 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ung child of Enkanomiya found the god in a cave and asked Orobashi to become their god. Taking pity on them, Orobashi overthrew the Sunchild

珊瑚真珠 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

person in whose veins runs the blood of Watatsumi, these pearls will become brighter still, for these pearls are the blood that Watatsumi O

死域 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

es who spawn outside of a Withering Zone and move inside one will not become scorched unless they come into contact with 炎 as usual.Wildlife