

記事 "Daily Cycle(Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: Daily Cycle
"Daily Cycle(Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

The Objective's Help section

一日の流れ(デイリーサイクル)は、X (プレイヤー)が施設の向上とアブノーマリティへのアプローチや観測という'ステージ'または'フェーズ'を繰り返し行なうことで進行していきます。この基本的なゲームの仕組みにより、制限時間が設けられた中で時間経過に注意しつつ指示を出し、発生するイベントを覚えつつ、`チェックポイント`を目指していきます。

'配備/Deployment'ではプレイヤーがエージェントを雇用 し、それぞれの部署のスロットに配置することで配属、または研究(research)で強化を行います。

新しくゲームを開始すると、プレイヤーはDay 1の状態でデイリーサイクルへと移行します。


The Days or Daily Cycle routine is a sequence of 'Stages' or 'Phases' that X (the player) has to go through to progress with the facility and its abnormalities. This is one of the main mechanics of the game, which make the limitations of time, following a chronological order, remembering events and creating 'checkpoints'.

The Daily Cycle contain 3 'Phases', in the order of: 'Story', where the player will have a conversation with Angela and progress with the storyline of the game; 'Deployment', where the player can assign agents to the available departments and slots, hiring employees, and do research, and 'Management', where the player can start with the managing process, such as ordering works and suppression to the Abnormalities, to produce enough energy to end the day, which is the most important part of the game to continue the cycle. When ending this last phase, the player will receive LOB Points and agents may be promoted, and afterwards, it will start the 'Story' phase of the next day.

When starting a New Game, the player will start on Day 1, followed by the Daily Cycle routine.

When loading from a previous checkpoint, it will skip to the respective day of the checkpoint, skipping the 'Story' phase, going directly to the 'Deployment' phase of that day.


ストーリーフェーズ/Story Phase[]

ストーリーフェイズでは、様々な形でストーリーが展開していきます。基本的にはテキストログ形式でAngelaが一方的に話し、時折発生する選択肢で意思の疎通を図ります。また、まれにキーワードや有益な情報やメモを確認させてもらえることもあります。このフェーズでプレイヤーに求められていることは何もありません。Lobotomyとそのキャラクター達にまつわるバックストーリーを知ることができますが、スキップしてしまうことも可能です。このフェーズは、オプションまたは'Connection Termination'を押すことで終了し、その後'配備'フェーズへ移行します。前日に最終観測/Last Observation を終えたアブノーマリティがいた場合、Angelaはその日の始まりに、そのアブノーマリティに関して特別な発言を行ないます。


The Story Phase is focused on progressing the storyline, involving usually a talk with Angela, through a text-like computer log, sometimes with a few available options, and also giving the player the option to check 'Key-words', useful notes and memos. This phase doesn't require any abilities of the player at all, just minor attention to the backstory around Lobotomy and its characters, and can be skipped. Once the player is done, usually by choosing an option or pressing 'Connection Termination', the player can press a button to end this phase and proceed to the 'Deployment' Phase. Additionally, at the start of a new day, Angela will say a special quote for each Last Observation achieved on the previous day.

This phase is skipped when loading from a checkpoint, on the same day, going directly to Deployment Phase, and also in Challenge Mode.

配備フェーズ/Deployment Phase[]




The Deployment Phase are the preparations before any real management starts. On the first day of a new game, the player will receive a tutorial about this phase, describing parts of it. In this phase, the player is given a simple map of the available departments, the goal of the day, which is an amount of energy to produce; a list of idle agents, information about the departments, the method to assign and unassign agents to such departments, equipment for the agents, a way to hire them and a method to do research. The player can spend any amount of time to perform changes and check information. Most of the actions, like hiring agents and unlocking research costs LOB Points, the currency of the game.

When reaching a specific day, the player will unlock a new department and a checkpoint on the same day. Loading a checkpoint will make the player start on this phase rather than the story phase.

Once the player feels satisfied with their choices, they can proceed to start the 'Management' Phase. The player can't proceed to the next phase if a department doesn't have at least 1 agent assigned to it.

運営フェーズ/Management Phase[]




The Management Phase is the part where the player will start to work on the abnormalities through the employees, to produce energy and reach the goal. This phase is the most important of the cycle because ending this in a fail state will reset progress back to the last checkpoint.

The objective of this phase is to produce a specific amount of energy with the abnormalities, to end the day. The player can assign employees to do Works on the Abnormalities, to change their mood, which will define the production of energy. Different events may happen in this phase if is not handled carefully, including Abnormalities triggering their abilities, employees entering in panic and others harmful events. Once the energy bar is completed, it will enter in a 'Refining Process', when the collected energy will start to become 'Refined', and once finished, the day will end successfully. If the player end having all the agents dead, out of control or panicked, the player will fail the day and forced to restart from a previous checkpoint. Any information collected about the Abnormalities will be saved for future runs.

When the day ends successfully, a summary of the current day will appear, showing which employees were promoted, and the player will also receive LOB Points, depending of the day. After that, it will proceed to the next day, moving to the 'Story' Phase, and repeating the cycle. In Challenge Mode, it will skip directly to the 'Deployment' phase.


  • 現時点ではPlague Doctorのみが、運営フェーズではなく配備フェーズで効果を発揮する唯一のアブノーマリティです。
  • Plague Doctor is the only Abnormality at the moment, which triggers an effect in the Deployment Phase instead the Management Phase.

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