

記事 "The Snow Queen (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: The_Snow_Queen
"The Snow Queen (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

The Snow Queen

Subject Classification



Third Kiss


BLUE (永遠の死/Eternal Death)


This Abnormality is Capable of Employee Alteration


-44 [▼▼]45 ~ 79 [▲]80+ [▲]













"Ices are melting... We don't know if it's because spring is coming or the palace is crumbling."
- Angela

雪の女王(F-01-37-H)は、肌が冷たく凍りついた女性の外見をした人型の アブノーマリティ です。透明な首に、中央の雪片模様と両脇の黒や茶色く陰影の付いた一対の枝角で飾られた長い青と白の板でできた王冠。黒いドレスと巨大な雪片の形をした肩パッドの付いた長い白色のローブを着ている。その灰色の手は、青い宝石の嵌まった灰色の柄とライトブルーの刀身の剣を逆さに掴んでいます。


The Snow Queen (F-01-37-H)is a humanoid Abnormality, taking the appearance of a woman whose skin appears to be frozen or cold, with a disembodied head, with a long and ornamented crown of blue and white plates, with a snowflake pattern adorning the center, along with a pair of black or darkly shaded antlers. She doesn't have a neck. She is wearing a long white robe with a dark dress. She has large icicle shoulder pads, resembling the shape of snowflakes. With her gray hands, she is holding an upside down sword of a light blue blade, with a gray handle and a blue gem.

Her containment room is constantly snowing from the ceiling, with the floor covered with a low white mist, and with the sound of the cold wind in a snowstorm.


特殊能力 / Ability[]

彼女の特殊能力は"Third Kiss(三回目の口づけ)"です。それは職員が作業を終えると発動し、その職員が初めて彼女に作業をするのであれば彼女は剣の先端で床を突き、職員が収容室を出る前にガラスの破片を胸に埋め込みます。ガラスの破片は従業員の最大体力と精神を増加させるが職員の特性とは見なされず、ガラス片はその日の終わりに消えてなくなります。





Her special ability is "Third Kiss", which will likely to activate when an employee finishes a work with her. When that condition happens, if is the first time that the employee works with her, she will hit with the tip of her sword the floor, and a glass shard will embed to the employee's chest before exiting the containment unit. The shard increases the Max HP and Mental Gauge of the employee, but is not considered a trait. The glass shard will disappear at the end of the day.

When an employee who already performed a work with Snow Queen once comes again to finish another work with her, the employee will get imprisoned in a block of ice. When holding a frozen employee in the containment room, The Snow Queen will start to drop her mood faster and a special work will become available: 'Duel.' The player can send another employee to duel against Snow Queen to retrieve the frozen agent. When the employee who will challenge her arrives at her containment room, the vision will be blocked by two big wooden gates, with the working bar progressing. The winner of the duel depends of the employee stats, increasing the success of winning when the employee is of higher level and stats. The agent will lose if their HP is depleted.

If the agent wins, Snow Queen will release the frozen employee, and both will leave the zone. The frozen employee loses its glass shard in the process.

If Snow Queen wins, the agent will get killed, along with the other frozen employee.

Additionally, The Snow Queen will freeze the Energy Bar when her mood is depleted when holding a frozen employee in her containment unit. With the bar frozen, no more energy can be added or subtracted from the bar through energy production with moods, but producing energy with works can still add energy regardless; and the player can't enter in the Refinement Process while this is in effect. The frozen energy bar will break after the conclusion of a duel.

由来 / Origin[]







Is assumed that the story follows the same or similar events from the original tale: The Snow Queen.

The story starts with Kai and Gerda. When a fairy broke a magic mirror, causing the pieces of the mirror to be scattered into everyone's hearts, Kai saw things that he didn't need or want to see. He then left the village he stayed his entire life in. During a blizzard, he met the Snow Queen. From his wanting to know the world more than what he already knew, he was lead to her Snow Palace, where she froze his heart so he wouldn't feel the cold.

Gerda, the girl who hadn't gotten a shard of the mirror in her heart, went after Kai to rescue him from the Snow Queen. After suffering through an "agonizing" journey, she reached the palace and rescued Kai. The warmth from the season shifting to Spring started melting the palace. The mirror shard in Kai's heart was melted by the heat as well. They left where the palace once was, leaving The Snow Queen all alone.

It can be assumed that The Snow Queen died from cutting her own wrists, and somehow ending up in a bathtub (this being stated in her final encyclopedia entry.) She was then put in a "cryo-coffin."

Later, A decided to 'revive' her with a "machine" that he detests, but realizing soon after said action is a mistake.

The relationship of The Snow Queen with A is currently unknown.

管理方法 / Caretaking[]



雪の女王の気分ゲージは、不機嫌、平常、上機嫌の3つのセクションに分かれています。彼女は45%以下で不機嫌になり、45% ~ 80%の間で平常に、80%を超えると上機嫌になります。

  • "彼女の1回目の口づけ は職員の最大体力と精神エネルギーを増やします"
  • "彼女の2回目の口づけ をされた職員は全てを忘れて 雪の女王の収容室に閉じ込められました"

The Snow Queen likes Consensus, is neutral against Nutrition, Cleanliness and Amusement, and hates Violence work.

Like all Abnormalities, her energy output changes depending on her mood. She produces a moderate amount of energy when she feels happy or neutral, and drains a large amount of energy when distressed.

The Snow Queen's mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 45%, she will feel distressed, between 45% and 80%, she will be neutral; and above 80%, she will feel happy.

  • "Her first kiss increases an employee's max health and mental energy."
  • "Employee who was give the second kiss forgot everything and was trapped inside of The Snow Queen's containment room."

戦略 / Strategy[]



The Snow Queen is usually best left alone until you start to acquire higher level agents. Once you have a higher level agent; About Level 3 should be able to handle the Compound damage. Have that agent do Consensus with The Snow Queen One Time at the start of the day. Doing this sets Snow Queen at a higher mood, keeping her from draining energy for a majority of the day. This allows any other works for her to be set on the back burner, allowing agents to focus on other abnormalities in the department.

If you have multiple agents who can do Consensus with her, take time send them in (only once) so they can get the benefits of The Snow Queen's ability.

観測 / Observations[]


開放された特殊能力枠 (合計)

開放されたエンサイクロペエィア枠 (合計)

1+10%-15%30%11 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル普通: 栄養


普通: 標準+ 不機嫌: 大-

2+10%-30%40%2 + 名称3普通: 清潔, 娯楽不機嫌: 標準-
3+20%-30%50%24好き: 交信 嫌い: 暴力不機嫌: 大-

最終観測 / Final Observation[]








You remember her.She got cold easily.

Cryo-coffin must have been freezing.

Freezing and cold.

You thought a lot, seeing her who couldn't see her dreams come true, trapped inside ice.

Brave Gerda headed to the Snow Palace and...

Saved Kai(カイは救われた)Met the Snow Queen(雪の女王に会った)


Gerda saved Kai and returned home.They lived happily ever after.



The Snow Queen was cold and beautiful.You heard ices melting.


エンサイクロペディア説明/Encyclopedia Entries[]

ファイル:Snow Queen 2 Portrait.png

Snow Queen's Encyclopedia Portrait

  • "A queen lives in the frosty winter forest."
  • "Like how every story starts, Kai was a child with a kind heart. When an evil fairy scattered pieces of mirror in everyone's heart, Kai could see what he didn't want or need to see, and left the village that he spent his entire life. In an unforgiving blizzard, Kai met the Snow Queen. He wanted to know the world beyond his knowledge. He felt as if everything he knows is just nothing."
  • "The Snow Palace he reached was so cold, but the Snow Queen froze his heart and he couldn't feel the cold anymore. There was no joy in the palace, just long winter nights continued.
    Gerda was strong enough not to be stabbed by the mirror and brave enough to go on an adventure to rescue Kai.
    The journey was agonizing. Gerda was hurt and pained, and sometimes she cried. But eventually, Gerda met Kai. Spring came with blossoming flowers.
    The warmth of spring melted the Snow Queen's palace and the piece of the mirror that was in Kai's heart without a trace. So, left alone, the Snow Queen..."
  • "We remember when we put her in that cryo-coffin with our own hands. From someday, her joyous laughter was gone. She just kept repeating crying, laughing, crying, laughing... she was eventually found in a bathtub with her wrist cut, soaked red in her own blood.
    We didn't believe in death. I will reconstruct from "the machine" that i have detested for my lifetime, but became the only answer. She would have been disgusted by me, dying in a bathtub. But we have walked the road too much traveled by.
    One day "it" talked.
    "A, I remember you. You were kind-hearted."
    That moment, I had an urge to destory what I had created myself."

フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]

  • "The Snow Queen's containment room shines with ice and frosts."
  • "The containment room is storming with frosty blizzard."
  • "Kai would have been gifted with the world if he couldn't have completed "Eternity" with ice pieces."
  • When starting the duel with The Snow Queen: "Gerda is braver and stronger than anyone. She fights for Kai who is trapped in the snow palace."
  • When winning the duel: "Spring came and roses bloomed. Gerda and Kai headed home, holding each other's hand."

余談 / Trivia[]

  • This Abnormality is based off of "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Anderson
  • The agent who will challenge The Snow Queen will always wield a sword instead their usual equipment to fight her.
  • Her appearance was changed in June, before the official release. Formerly, she took the appearance as a pale woman of long, light blue to mint colored hair, wearing a long blue dress, a tiara, icicles for shoulder coverings, and a short blue shirt.

ギャラリー / Gallery[]

Snow Queen's containment room
Snow Queen's First Kiss
Snow Queen's Second Kiss
Glass Shard on an employee
Ice Prison with an employee
The cell where Snow Queen and an agent are going to fight
When the employee wins
Frozen Bar at the bottom left corner
The Snow Queen's New Artwork
The Snow Queen's Original Artwork

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