左メニューサンプル左メニューはヘッダーメニューの【編集】>【左メニューを編集する】をクリックすると編集できます。ご自由に編集してください。掲示板 雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウ...
- Angela
"$0 [Hammer of Light] is such a simple abnormality. It takes as much it gave to you. What price did you pay to it?"
- Angela
The Hammer of Light (O-05-48-Z) is a large, heavenly sledgehammer that cannot be accessed under normal circumstances. Both its handle and head are white. On the head, there is yellow runic writing. It is capable of deal great damage to Abnormalities. When the facility is calm, the room cannot be accessed, as large chains and a lock with runic writing on it will keep the hammer locked.
Its special ability, "Evening Twilight", can be activated during a panic level 2 situation in the facility. When the ability can be used, the lock and chains will disappear from the containment unit, and the hammer will be glowing. The player can then order a special task, which will cause the assigned employee to pick up the Abnormality and become a powerful being, changing their appearance to a white, featureless, humanoid warrior. They will create duplicates to suppress the breaching Abnormalities. The enlighten warriors will attack nearby Abnormalities and teleport to where they are. However, when the panic situation ends, the buffed employee will turn into sand, be considered dead, and no longer be usable.
The exact details of its origin are currently unknown.
ルーン文字や事態が終末に近づくと使用できること、使用した後に死亡するなどの特徴から、このアブノーマリティは北欧神話ラグナロク(神々の黄昏)にて使用された、トールハンマー(ミョルニル)と何か関係があると思われましたが、ファンからの質問で公式はミョルニルではなく別の物がモチーフである[1] との回答しています。
The Hammer of Light likes consensus work. It doesn't care for nutrition, cleanliness, or amusements, and hates violence. However, none of these activities can be performed when the facility is in peace, as its containment unit only unlocks when danger is present.
Hammer of Light will always produce the same amount of energy in any mood.
The Hammer of Light is a very easy Abnormality, because the player don't have any need to take care of it without any bad outcome and it brings a good benefit in combat if the player find it suitable for the panic situation, and also willing to sacrifice 1 agent to use it.
The Hammer of Light doesn't need any caretaking since it is locked when there are no Panic Situations currently happening and its production of energy is always moderate in any mood, although the player can increase its mood gauge by using Consensus work. The only possible reason to perform works with it is for unlocking Observations.
This Abnormality is a great benefit in combat, but most of the time its locked up, restricting the ability to perform works with it. When a Panic Level 2 or higher starts in the facility, the chains locking the hammer will disappear and an employee can be sent to use its special work to trigger its ability. The wielder of the Hammer of Light will gets possessed by it, changing appearance. After a short time, the warrior will start to seek for breaching Abnormalities, teleporting to them and creating duplicates to attack them. The wielder deals a great amount of damage and isn't affected by other effects like possessions, mental damage or other statuses. The warriors are not totally invulnerable to physical damage but instead they have high HP. Once the Panic Situation ends, the warriors will turn into dust, losing the agent who was possessed by the hammer. The best case to use the Hammer of Light is to fight multiple breaching Abnormalities which can't deal high amounts of damage, like Nothing There; and using a low level agent to avoid a great loss. Remember that the Hammer of Light just can be used once per Panic Situation, so try to expect a scenario where they can win the battles to avoid an early loss.
::Dialogue:: | |
私は世界で最も不幸な男でした。 | |
申し出を受け入れる Accept the offer | |
私は申し出を受け入れ、対価を支払った。 ハンマーは輝いた。 I accepted the offer and paid the price.
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Hammer of Light's encyclopedia portrait
ZAYIN 最も安全 | 触れてはならない - 夜明けのハンマー - たった一つの罪と何百もの善 - 蓋の空いたウェルチアース - ペスト医師 - お前、ハゲだよ… |
TETH | 捨てられた殺人者 - 美女と野獣 - 血の風呂 - 壊れゆく甲冑 - 宇宙の欠片 - オールドレディ - 罰鳥 - マッチガール - 母なるクモ - 壁に向かう女 |
HE | オールアラウンドヘルパー - 大鳥 - 幸せなテディ - 赤ずきんの傭兵 - 無名の胎児 - 赤い靴 - そりのルドル・タ - 歌う機械 - 銀河の子 - 審判鳥 - 沈黙の対価 - 雪の女王 |
WAW | アルリウネ - 大きくて悪いオオカミ - 憎しみの女王 - 貧しい脚本家の手帳 - 女王蜂 - 白雪姫のりんご - 強欲の王 - 小さな王子 |
ALEPH 最も危険 | 「何もない」 - 静かなオーケストラ - 白夜~(使徒)- 終末鳥 |
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