

記事 "Big Bird (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: Big Bird
"Big Bird (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

Big Bird

Subject Classification



For the Perpetual Peace


RED (物理/Physical)


This Abnormality is Capable of Breach
This Abnormality is Capable of Possession
This Abnormality is Capable of Department/Facility Augmentation


-14 [▼]15 ~ 84 [▲]85+ [▲▲]











暴力/ Violence

- Angela

"There is no monster. So, this everlasting lamp will some day go out. Slowly, faintly..."
- Angela

Big Bird (O-02-40-H、ビッグ・バード、大鳥) は丸く、黒い、羽のない鳥で、翼の代わりとして腕をもち、何十もの黄色の目(少なくとも42存在している)に鋭いくちばしをもった大きなアブノーマリティです。それは、芯の中に羽が混合されたランタンを持っています。

Big Bird (O-02-40-H) is an Abnormality in the form of a big, round, black, featherless bird, with arms instead wings, tens of yellow eyes (implied to be at least 42), and a sharp beak. It holds a lantern with a wick of melded feathers inside it.


特殊能力 / Ability[]

それ(Big Bird)の特殊能力は"For the Perpetual Peace(永久の平和のために)"です。2体かそれ以上のアブノーマリティが収容室の外にいるとき、それらのパニックレベルが2のとき、あるいは気分値が減少したときに、Big Birdは脱出を試みます。脱走に成功したとき、Big Birdは施設中を歩き回り始めます。それは時々止まり、黄色い球をそれ自身の上に向け始め、同じ部門のランダムな従業員をマークします(標的にします)。マークされた従業員はBig Birdの位置まで移動し、そして一度でも彼らのうちの一人がそこにたどり着くと、彼らは即座に首を切られます。プレイヤーは複数回彼らをクリックすることにより従業員をオーラから解放することができますが、それは彼らに精神ダメージを発生させます。Big Birdが脱走しているとき、彼らが完全に外に出る前に部門の明かりはちかちかと明滅します。彼らが鎮圧に成功した際、またはほかの部門に異動した際には即座に以前の部門の明かりは復帰します。

Its special ability is "For the Perpetual Peace". Big Bird will attempt an escape when 2 or more Abnormalities are out of their containment room, when there's a panic level 2, or when its mood gauge is depleted. When escape is successful, Big Bird will start to wander through the facility. It will stop sometimes and start to channel yellow spheres above itself, marking random employees in the same department. The marked employees will wander to Big Bird's location, and once one of them reach it, they will promptly be decapitated. The player can release the employees from the aura by clicking multiple times on them, but that will also make them suffer psychological damage. When Big Bird escapes, the lights of the department will flicker before they completely go out. Upon successfully suppressing them or when moving to another department, the lights of the previous department will turn back on.

由来 / Origin[]

Big Bird's Origin Comic
  • Bigbird_.png
    First Page
  • Second Page
  • Bigbird3.png
    Third Page
  • Last Page

Big Birdはそこに住む"怪物"について、人々に警告して森を歩き回る鳥でした。多くの人々が捕食者に森で殺され、それ自身が好ましくない生物のように生態系が作られました。Big Birdは生き物たちに明かりを与えるために自身の皮を剥ぎ、その羽すべてでろうそくの芯を作りました。Big Birdは森に殺される人々と生き物をそれ自身の歪んだ試みにより"救う"ために歩き回り、そして最終的に生き物たちが森によって残忍に殺されることから防ぎました。ロボトミーが獣を見つける森に訪れたとき、彼らは"怪物"を一匹として見つけませんでした。残された唯一のものはBig Birdでした。Big Birdの習性は、彼らがXの施設の中でより残酷に殺されるのを阻止するために続き、彼は普通他の違反したアブノーマリティに起因する身の毛のよだつ死よりも、救済を与えるために研究員たちを殺すことを試みます。

Big Bird was a bird that wandered the forest warning people about the "monster" that lived there. Large amounts of people were killed by predators in the forest, thus making the ecosystem seem like a hostile organism in itself. Big bird made a wick with all of its feathers, stripping itself to its skin in order to provide light for the creatures. Big Bird then wandered the forest killing humans and creatures itself in a twisted attempt to "save", and ultimately prevent, creatures from being killed brutally by the forest. When Lobotomy went to the forest to find the beast, they didn't find any "monsters": The only thing left was Big Bird.

Big Bird's habit of killing people in order to prevent them from being killed more brutally carries over into X's Facility, where he will try to kill researchers in an attempt to provide salvation from the usually gruesome deaths caused by other breached abnormalities.

管理方法 / Caretaking[]

Big Birdは娯楽作業に最もよい反応を示します。それは栄養と交渉が好きで、暴力と清掃が嫌いです。


Big Bird responds best to amusement work. It likes nutrition and consensus and hates violence and cleanliness.

Like all Abnormalities, its energy output changes depending on its mood. It produces the most energy when it's at its happiest. It produces a moderate amount of energy when neutral, and drains a moderate amount of energy when distressed.

Big Birdの気分値は苦痛、中立、幸福の3つのセクションに分かれています。15%未満:苦痛と感じ、15%から85%の間で中立、そして85%以上で幸福と感じます。

  • 「もしBig Birdの気分値が0になったならば、それは確実に部屋から脱走します」
  • 「たとえBig Biedの気分値が0でなかったとしても、レベル2の緊急事態の間中は確実に部屋から脱走します。」
  • 「しかし、気分値が最大であるときそれは脱走しません」
  • 「脱走したあと、6人の従業員がときどき魅了に陥ります。」
  • 「管理者は彼らを魅了から解放するために従業員をクリックしなければなりません。」
  • 「もし魅了された従業員の一人がBig Birdに遭遇したのならば、彼らはBig Birdに食べられてしまうでしょう。もし彼らが食べられないのならば、彼らがBig Birdにあうならば魅了された従業員は魅了から解放されるかもしれません。少しの精神ダメージとともに自由になります。」

Big Bird's mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 15%, it will feel distressed, between 15% and 85%, it will be neutral; and above 85%, it will feel happy.

  • "If Big Bird's mood rating falls to 0, it will definitely escape the room."
  • "Even if Big Bird's mood rating isn't at 0, it will definitely escape the room during a level 2 emergency situation."
  • "But, it will not escape when its mood rating is at its best."
  • "After the escape, 6 employees fall under the enchantment every once in a while."
  • "Administrator must click on the employee to free them from the enchantment."
  • "If one of the enchanted employees to meet Big bird, they would be eaten up by Big bird. If they were not eaten, the enchanted employee may be freed from the enchantment if they meet the Big bird. Some psychological damage will come with the freedom."

最終観測 / Final Observation[]









Dozens of blazing eyes are looking at one place.The bird that lived in the forest didn't like creatures being eaten by monsters.

'If I kill creatures first, no creatures will be killed by the monster.'

Every time the bird saved a life, it got an eye.

The big bird could not close those eyes no matter how tired it is. For monsters could come hurting creatures at any time.

By the time eyes covered the whole body of the big bird, no one was around it.

To shine the light in this dark forest, the big bird burned every single feather it had to make an everlasting lamp.

The big bird now could hardly be called as a bird for it has no feather at all.

Don't pet it(それを撫でない)''Pet it(それを撫でる)

あなたは恐れて部屋から出た。The bird could get angry and bite you.You got out of the room in fear.


その大きな鳥は、これまでではじめて、穏やかに眠りました。It was not soft actually, it gave you chills.

You felt eyes looking at you with curiosity.

Eyes started closing as you pet the bird.

The big bird, for the first time ever, peacefully fell asleep.


Encyclopedia Entries[]

  • ファイル:BB-0.png "It is a bird with many eyes wandering the dark forests with a lamp that never falls dark."
  • "The creature will stare intently and then bite the head off of anyone- no matter how young or old- it encounters. Instead of wings like a regular bird, the creature has long arms with which it can pick stuff up. A small bird that looks like an eyeball that always follows the creature around."
  • "There is a tale of a monster that lays in deep, dark, empty forests to lure in humans. To protect all creatures from this large beast, Big Bird made a wick with all of its feathers. With that wick it made a lamp that would burn forever. With the eternally lit lamp, it wandered the forest warning the people not to go deep into the forest. Thanks to the Big Bird, the number of creatures that were attacked decreased. But still the Big Bird felt bad for the people who died in the hands of the beast. Big Bird had a thought, "If I kill them first, they wouldn't be killed by the monster!" After that rumors flew around about a monster that would bite your head off. It is said that the creature stares in order to make sure that you are not the monster. This tale is from a town in area. It is an oldest folk tale from the town and it was told by the town's oldest inhabitant . Though there is a general assumption that the tale was told to prevent kids from going into the forest, it is uncertain who started the tale."
  • "The tale was not a lie. "We found the Big Bird in the forest after all. And afterwards we looked for the 'creature that lures in humans'. We looked in every nook and every corner. A month later, we concluded there was no such thing as a 'monster', other than that Big Bird.""
  • "The Abnormality is very aware of death. The Abnormality in this company can be categorized into two. First, creatures that are very aware of death and will attack to kill. Second type of creatures are aware of the concept of death but does not have ill will in its attack. This Abnormality is neither. To this creature, death in itself is salvation. If the creature ripped the head off of a lost little girl in the forest, it did not commit murder. It saved the girl from a monster."
  • "You can assume that no work will be done when the creature has its eyes opened. It stares intently. When it continues to stare... (Omitted).So we need to work on putting to sleep. When all the eyes fall asleep, we can start our work."

フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]

  • "In fact, we don't know what Big bird is killing people for."
  • "The fact that Big bird can't fly is a huge benefit. If it could, half of the employees would have been headless."
  • "Scores of Big bird's eyes point at all the sudden."
  • "Sporadic squeals of the bird can be heard."
  • "'s decision to not to face Big bird was very good choice."
  • "Big bird is walking toward ."
  • "Employee has finished Amusements to Big bird who has 47 opened eyes."

余談 / Trivia[]

  • Big Bird's name may be a reference to the popular character Big Bird from Sesame Street. 
  • Big Bird will escape when other Abnormalities are out. This is a reference to its own story, about trying saving them from being killed by the other Abnormalities, but by killing them first.

ギャラリー / Gallery[]

Big Bird's room during the escape
Big Bird, attracting marked employees
An employee under Big Bird's mark
Big Bird out of its containment unit
Big Bird being subdued
Big Bird roams the halls as the lights fluctuate

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