記事 "Apocalypse Bird (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
Apocalypse Bird "Apocalypse Bird (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。
Apocalypse Bird
Subject Classification
The Monster in the Black Forest
BLACK / RED (施設ダメージと物理ダメージ/Facility Damage and Physical Damage)
This Abnormality is Capable of Instadeath
This Abnormality is Capable of Breach
This Abnormality is Capable of Possession
This Abnormality is Capable of Employee Alteration
This Abnormality is Capable of Department/Facility Augmentation
- 黒い森の物語
"In chaotic cries of fear, somebody shouted. "It's the monster! Big terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!'"
- Tale of the Black Forest
Apocalypse Birdはモンスターアブノーマリティで、罰鳥、 審判鳥,大鳥の3匹が黒い森の入り口に入ると現れる。頭部は包帯がはがれた審判鳥で、包帯がまかれた体には罰鳥の口がある。そして背部には、大鳥と同じ無数の黄色い目玉のある羽根がある。
特殊能力 / Ability[]
Its ability is "The Monster in the Black Forest", which is triggered when Punishing Bird, Judgement Bird and Big Bird are breaching at the same time. If Judgement Bird and Big Bird are breaching, Punishing Bird will breach immediately.
When the condition is met, the event will start with a picture, beginning to tell the tale of The Black Forest. After that, a black portal, named the 'Entrance to the Black Forest' will appear in a random main room of a department. All the three birds will start to go towards the portal, ignoring their usual behavior, they will become immune to damage and cannot be stopped or stunned. The portal deals constant minor psychological damage to the employees in the same room, and even that the portal can be suppressed, there's no way to destroy it.
When one of the birds reach the portal, a picture will appear, depending of which one of them reached the portal at the time, telling a part of their initial role in the story. The portal will change after each scene. When all the birds entered to the portal, another picture will appear, showing the 'monster' and after that, with a roar, Apocalypse Bird will be summoned.
The whole facility's lights will shut down, and for a while, Apocalypse Bird will drop periodically all the Abnormalities' moods in the facility. From this point, the player cannot pause or speed up the time and neither enter to the help manual or menu.
Apocalypse Bird can only teleport to the main department rooms and possess a variety of powerful attacks. It can deal strong physical damage to the employees and abnormalities in front itself, with its talons, shaking the screen when hitting the floor. It can charge a yellow orb, to attract random employees in the facility to itself, and it can open its wings and charge yellow beams on its eyes to shoot them to nearby employees, both abilities related to Big Bird. It can use a golden balance, to mark random employees in the facility, to hang them immediately to kill them, the ability of Judgement Bird. Finally, it can also open the big red mouth in front its body to deal drastic physical damage to the entities in front it, ability of Punishing Bird.
The Abnormality can't be suppressed and neither be damaged. The only way to defeat it is by destroying 3 'eggs' around the facility, which will spawn in random main department rooms when Apocalypse Bird is summoned. The 3 eggs are named 'Small Beak', looking like a red egg with a big mouth of Punishing Bird; 'Long Arm', taking the form of an egg covered in bandages like Judgement Bird; and 'Big Eyes', a black egg covered on yellow eyes of Big Bird. Destroying one of the eggs will make appear a picture of the respective bird being defeated and removing part of the abilities of Apocalypse Bird, making it weaker.
- Destroying 'Small Beak' will block the ability of Punishing Bird of the monster.
- Destroying 'Long Arm' will unlock the game speed and pause functions, also by removing the ability of Judgement Bird of the monster.
- Destroying 'Big Eyes' will turn the lights of the facility back on and limiting the use of Big Bird's ability of the monster.
When all the eggs are destroyed, the last scene of the tale will appear, and after that, Apocalypse Bird will fall, defeated. All the birds will return to their containment rooms. The same event can't occur twice in the same day. Additionally, all the agents who survived the event will receive a special trait, called 'The One who', giving black wings with eyes at the back of the agent, the same as Apocalypse Bird.
由来 / Origin[]
Apocalypse Bird is the fusion of the powers of Big Bird, Judgement Bird and Punishing Bird, in an attempt to protect the Black Forest from monsters, thinking that the forest was too big for them to protect, but that nobody else can protect it like them. When Apocalypse Bird appeared, darkness fell on the forest, causing chaos across it, with all the creatures of the forest escaping them.
Apocalypse Bird ended alone in the Black Forest which it tried to protect, without sun or moon. The prophecy has been completed.
The tale of the Black Forest can be found in its Encyclopedia Entries.
管理方法 / Caretaking[]
Apocalypse Bird, since it can't be contained, doesn't show any preferences for any work, doesn't produce any energy, and doesn't possess a mood bar.
Apocalypse Bird has entries, but are locked and can't be unlocked in any way.
エンサイクロペディア / Encyclopedia Description[]
ApocalypseBirdSpritePortrait.pngApocalypse Bird's encyclopedia portrait
- ”鳥”は世界が罪で満たされたときにやってくると知られています。多くの雇用者はこの鳥が現れるのを恐れています。
- 我々が"鳥"について語るならば、黒い森の話を最初にしなければならないでしょう。かつてそこが平和で美しい場所だったことを忘れてはいけません。終末はその後やってきました。
- <黒い森の物語>
- 昔々、温かく生い茂った森に三匹の幸せな鳥が住んでいました。鳥たちに名前はありませんでしたが、森の生き物達は彼らを「大鳥」、「長鳥」そして「小鳥」と呼んでいました。平和な森の生き物達は皆、自由かつ幸せに暮らしていました。鳥たちは森がなによりも安全であることを望んでいたので、外からも生き物達が訪れ楽しんでいました。それは温かい晴れの日の午後でした。ある浪人が平和な森にやってきたのです。彼は旅人であり開拓者でありそして予言者でした。しかし同時に彼は何者でもなかったのです。彼は森の中に入りたがりましたが、彼を訝しんだ鳥たちはそれを許しませんでした。彼は怒り狂い、こう残して去っていきました。「まもなく悲劇がこの森を襲うだろう。腐敗、罪、そして悪がやってきて、争いは止むことが無い。恐ろしい怪物がすべてを食い荒らした時、ようやく悲劇は一旦終わる。もはや太陽と月は輝かず、森がかつてのように戻ることは二度とない。」予言は鳥たちを不安にしました。もし彼の言うように終わらない争いが続き、恐ろしい怪物がすべてを貪り尽くすとしたら?鳥たちは森の番人になろうと決心しました。彼らの森への愛はそこに住む生き物達の平和を守る意思となったのです。大鳥の沢山の目は森への侵入者を監視しました。大鳥の目はとても遠く、そして私達の目に見えない物すら見ることができました。しかしある時誰かが言いました。「もし皆が寝てる夜に怪物がやってきたら?」大鳥は不安になりました。彼は全ての自分の羽を燃やし、永遠に消える事のないランタンを作りました。いまや森のすべての生き物達は昼も夜も大鳥の監視下にありました。長鳥は森の平和を守るために森に入る生き物達の審判者となり罪を測りました。長鳥はどんな罪でも公正かつ確実に審判することができました。しかし誰かが言いました。「もし秤がどちらにも傾くことがなかったら?」長鳥は不安になりました。彼は必ず一方向にしか傾かない秤をつくりました。いまや彼はあらゆる状況で確実な判決が得られるようになりました。小鳥は悪い生き物を自分の嘴で罰することを決心しました。しかし誰かが言いました。「君の小さな嘴じゃ誰も痛がらないよ!」小鳥は不安になりました。彼は嘴をどんな生き物でも一口で食べれる大きさまで裂きました。最早誰も森へ来ようとはしませんでした。森についての悪い噂が次第に流れ始めたのです。「森に入る者はみな恐ろしい終わりを遂げる!」「生き物達に自由はない!大鳥が常に見張ってるんだ!」「長鳥の審判はこれっぽっちも公正じゃない!」「小鳥の罰は恐怖そのものだ!」鳥たちは怒りました。何故?僕たちはこんなに森を守るために働いているのに、何故こんな噂を広めるんだ!森への来訪者は次第に少なくなり、生き物達は不平を言い続け、争いは日常の一部と化し、鳥たちは森の平和を守ろうとより一層努力しました。「この森は僕たち三人きりで守るのにはあまりにも大きすぎる。」「でも僕たち以外にこの森を守れる生き物はいない。」「もし僕たち三人が一つになれば、もっと強くなれるに違いない…」彼の日、大鳥の目は数百キロをも見渡し、長鳥があらゆる罪を審判し、小鳥の一口ですべてを喰らう力が一つになった時、森は暗闇に包まれました。”鳥”の視界に入った生き物達は恐怖で泣き叫び、まもなく森は混沌の渦中に陥りました。 混乱と泣き声の中で誰かが叫びました。「”怪物”だ!恐ろしい大きな”怪物”が黒の森の闇に潜んでるぞ!」…"怪物"?一体となった三匹の鳥たちが辺りを見渡しても"怪物"は居ません。"鳥"は"怪物"を探し求め、森を徘徊しました。森の中に"怪物"がいるなら大変だ。しかし何も見つからない。いえ、最早森には何もなかったのです。生き物も、太陽も、月も、"怪物"さえも。全ては黒い森の中に"鳥"を残して。寒気だけがあり、暗夜がその時からずっと続きました。噂は語ります。「誰もが生きられない黒い森に恐ろしい"怪物"がいる」と…
- "A bird that is known to come when the world is filled with sins. Many employees fear the advent of this bird.
- If we want to talk about this bird, we must tell the story of the black forest first. We must not forget that forest once so beautiful and peaceful.
And apocalypse shall come after that."
- "
A long time ago, in a warm and dense forest lived three happy birds.
The birds had no names, but creatures in the forest called them Big Bird, Long Bird, and Little Bird.
Everyone lived freely and happily together in the forest in peace. The birds wanted the forest to be safe more than anyone, so creatures from the outside can come and visit to have fun.
It was a warm and sunny afternoon when a stranger visited the peaceful forest. He was a traveler, pioneer, and prophet, but at the same time, he was nothing. He wanted to come into the forest, but the birds didn't let him because they found him suspicious. The stranger, angered, told the birds as he left.
"Tragedies will come to this forest soon. It will be tainted with sins and evil, and fights will never stop. Tragedies will stop once a terrible monster devours everything. The sun and moon will shine upon you no longer; the forest will never go back to what it was before."
The birds became worried because of this prophecy. What if fights never stop, and a terrible monster devours everything as he said? The birds decided to become sentinels of the forest. They loved this forest, so they wanted to protect the creatures living in it and keep the peace.
Big Bird, with his many eyes, watched over the forest to seek trespassers. Big Bird's eyes can see very far, and things we can't see. Then somebody said, "But what should we do if the monster comes in a night when everyone's asleep?". Big Bird became worried, so he burned all of his feather to make an everlasting lantern. Now, creatures in the forest were under Big Bird's watch day and night.
Long Bird weighed the sins of creatures that enter the forest to keep peace. Long Bird's scales could measure every sins, and were fair and just. Then somebody said, "But what should we do if the scales don't tip to any direction?". Long Bird became worried, so he made scales that tip to only one direction so he can get the result under any situation.
Little Bird decided to punish bad creatures with his beak. Then somebody said, "But your beak is so small, no one would find it painful!". Little Bird became worried, so he split his mouth to make it big enough to devour any creature in one bite.
No one wanted visit the forest anymore. Bad rumors about the forest started spreading outside. "Whoever enters that forest ends up in a terrible situation!" "No creature is free because Big Bird is watching them all the time." "Long Bird's scales are not fair at all." "Little Bird's punishment is so scary."
The birds were angry. Why would they spread rumors like that when they were working hard to protect the forest?
Fewer and fewer visitors came to the forest, creatures were complaining, fights broke out daily, and the birds worked even harder to make the forest peaceful again.
"This forest is too big and wide to protect with only three of us."
"But there is no creature who can protect this forest but us."
"If we can merge our strength together, we might become stronger."
The day when Big Bird's eyes that can see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who can judge any sin, and Little Bird's mouth that can devour everything merged together, darkness fell upon the forest. Creatures screamed in fear at the sight of the bird, the forest fell into chaos soon.
In chaotic cries of fear, somebody shouted. "It's the monster! Big terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!"
Monster? Three birds, now as one, looked around to find the monster but couldn't find it. The bird started looking for the monster, wandering the forest. It's dangerous if the monster is in the forest.
But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no monster. All that is left is just a bird, and the black forest.
Only cold, dark night continued from then. Rumors say, there is a terrible monster in the black forest where no one lives....."
- "
Every single light in the facility went crazy. They kept going on and off. I couldn't even use a lighter. Then, warm light shone through. It looked like waning twilight, or rising morning sun. But as we all know, sunlight can't come into the facility. We silently gazed at the light. A sudden darkness and weird gleam of light were enough reasons to be frightened. It was scarier than any gory scene we saw here. It was a fear of unknown itself......(omitted) ..Something was coming from afar.
Incandescent lights like stars in the space, were walking towards us. They looked like Big Bird's eyes, but it was not him. I heard those long arms scratching the floor.
Someone whispered, "There's someone who couldn't run away."
There was an employee, kneeling on the floor, as if he couldn't sense the thing approaching from behind him. He couldn't scream. He was just meaninglessly struggling to move his legs. There was no heroic act of another employee standing against the monster, or even a scream that tells him to watch out. Everyone were just looking at him, expecting the terrible thing that was about to happen.
Every step sent tremor to the whole facility. The monster was walking at a very slow pace, but it seemed so fast.
It devoured the employee in one bite and that moment, everyone started screaming in chaos. I succeed in numerous suppressions, but that day, for the first time, I regret ever joining the company. I was sure that I won't get out of here alive. This helplessness overwhelmed me, I couldn't even think about suppressing the monster.
I think I'm the only one who is intact enough to write, among the survivors. The company will never tell new employees about the presence of that monster. But I want to warn them. That's why I'm writing this."
余談 / Trivia[]
- Apocalypse Bird is the first Abnormality that only appears for a specific event and is the fusion of other Abnormalities.
- Apocalypse Bird's portrait becomes unlocked after its second summoning. Because it can't be contained, no Observation Levels can be unlocked for it.
- In the encyclopedia entries, in the Testimony of a survivor, is said that Apocalypse Bird was walking towards them, but Apocalypse Bird in-game can't walk, it teleports instead.
ギャラリー / Gallery[]
The first scene, when the event starts
When Punishing Bird reach the portal
When Judgement Bird reach the portal
When Big Bird reach the portal
When all the birds reached the portal
When 'Long Arm' has been destroyed
When 'Big Eyes' has been destroyed
When 'Small Beak' has been destroyed
When all the eggs has been destroyed
'Entrance to the Black Forest'
Apocalypse Bird marking employees with Big Bird's ablitity
An employee under Apocalypse Bird's mark
Apocalypse Bird charging beams on its eyes
Apocalypse Bird about to teleport
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