「important」を含むwiki一覧 - 5ページ

人類の歴史 - Memory Alpha wiki

inherent familiarity by the audience with their own past. Large, and important, pieces of Earth's history have therefore been completely ig

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ベラナ・トレス - Memory Alpha wiki

nd find worth in all the parts of her, rather than wanting to shun an important part of herself." (A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyag

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over time. However, the key to a secret blade technique is likely an important memory, especially to an instructor who was formerly a skill


he Athenians. — Scission between the superior men and the multitude — important in reference to the mythes. — The mythes accommodated to a n

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between all the events. Aqaba then scolds him for forgetting the most important part, that the kabukimono was not a human, but a puppet inst

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maintain harmony between the three realms. Since these towers are so important, they are hidden using secret arts and can only be summoned

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nting the policy that comes down from Rex Lapis and making rulings on important matters. They are akin to the hands and feet of Rex Lapis.—慧

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劇場版第26作 - 名探偵コナン Wiki

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and his case.LÉONDuring my absence, you have to work on a very important thing you badly lack: patience.He slightly smiles. She&rsquo

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You must care the links with your family, always. It’s the only important thing in the world.RINALDI…Yeah.He says “yes&rd

あの方 - 名探偵コナン Wiki

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shows you attitude, Altitude, velocity, targeting reticles, and other important flight data at a glance.HUD(ヘッドアップディスプレイ)では、姿勢、高度、速度、ターゲティング