掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編集の仕方はこちら ここを編集する ...
The vibrations under your feet are not the portents of an earthquake, but rather that of a raging thunderstorm...
純粋な無相の雷 - シーラスは、イベント無相の交響詩に登場する特別なイベントボスである[1]。純粋な無相の雷、純粋な無相の風、純粋な無相の岩からなるトリオの1つである。
Amethyst Prism Disabled with Elemental Reaction
Unlike the standard Electro Hypostasis, this creature has special Amethyst Prism objects surrounding the map that when activated by Electro DMG deal AoE Electro DMG to nearby characters, and can only be deactivated by Elemental Reactions. One can choose to avoid the corners of the map where they are situated.
For most of the attacks below, the core will be exposed for a few seconds after the boss uses the attack. Use this opportunity to deal damage to the boss.
挑戦とBOSS | イベントボーナスを持つキャラクター (+20% DMG) |
協奏曲・紫電の光 Electro_Hypostasis_Icon.png 純粋な無相の雷 | Ganyu_Icon.png 甘雨 甘雨 Diluc_Icon.png ディルック ディルック |
Difficulty | Score Multiplier | Hypostasis Level |
Easy | ×1 | 20 |
Normal | ×1.5 | 40 |
Hard | ×2.5 | 60 |
Expert | ×4.5 | 80 |
Variation | Points |
Challenge time may not exceed 300 seconds. | 100 |
Challenge time may not exceed 180 seconds. | 150 |
Challenge time may not exceed 120 seconds. | 200 |
Opponents' HP increased by 25%. | 100 |
Opponents' HP increased by 50%. | 150 |
Opponents' HP increased by 100%. | 200 |
Opponents' Cryo RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
Opponents' Physical RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
All party members' Healing Effectiveness decreased by 40%. | 40 |
When active character's HP is lower than 50%, ATK is decreased by 25%. | 40 |
All party members' CRIT DMG decreased by 50%. | 50 |
All party members' Energy Recharge decreased by 80%. | 50 |
Switching characters increases the DMG taken by all characters in that player's party for 25%. This effect stacks up to 4 times. | 50 |
Opponents' ATK increased by 50%. | 60 |
All party members' Movement SPD decreased by 20%. | 60 |
After sprinting, all characters in your own party take 75% increased DMG for 10s. | 60 |
Elemental Skill CD is increased by 100%. | 60 |
When active character's HP is greater than 90%, CRIT Rate is increased by 10% and CRIT DMG is increased by 20%. | -50 |
All party members' Shield Strength increased by 30%. | -50 |
Difficulty | Points |
Easy | 950 |
Normal | 1,425 |
Hard | 2,375 |
Expert | 4,275 |
Variation | Points |
Challenge time may not exceed 300 seconds. | 100 |
Challenge time may not exceed 180 seconds. | 150 |
Challenge time may not exceed 120 seconds. | 200 |
Opponents' HP increased by 25%. | 100 |
Opponents' HP increased by 50%. | 150 |
Opponents' HP increased by 100%. | 200 |
Opponents' Pyro RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
Opponents' Physical RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
All party members' Shield Strength decreased by 50%. | 40 |
All party members' CRIT Rate decreased by 50%. | 50 |
When active character's HP is more than 50%, ATK is decreased by 25%. | 50 |
Using an Elemental Burst increases the DMG taken by all characters in that player's party by 25%. This effect stacks up to 4 times. | 50 |
Increases the Stamina Consumption of sprinting by 100%. | 50 |
Opponents' ATK increased by 50%. | 60 |
All party members' Movement SPD decreased by 20%. | 60 |
After sprinting, all characters in your own party take 75% increased DMG for 10s. | 60 |
Elemental Skill CD is increased by 100%. | 60 |
When active character's HP is greater than 90%, CRIT Rate is increased by 10% and CRIT DMG is increased by 20%. | -50 |
All party members' Shield Strength increased by 30%. | -50 |
Difficulty | Points |
Easy | 960 |
Normal | 1,440 |
Hard | 2,400 |
Expert | 4,320 |
The sprinting variation was not taken as it would close to double the damage taken from the boss (+75%) just for sprinting. Avoid the prisms surrounding the stage that deal major damage when activated.
Variation | Points |
Challenge time may not exceed 300 seconds. | 100 |
Challenge time may not exceed 180 seconds. | 150 |
Challenge time may not exceed 120 seconds. | 200 |
Opponents' HP increased by 25%. | 100 |
Opponents' HP increased by 50%. | 150 |
Opponents' HP increased by 100%. | 200 |
Opponents' Cryo RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
Opponents' Physical RES increased by 50%. | 40 |
All party members' Healing Effectiveness decreased by 40%. | 40 |
When active character's HP is lower than 50%, ATK is decreased by 25%. | 40 |
All party members' CRIT DMG decreased by 50%. | 50 |
All party members' Energy Recharge decreased by 80%. | 50 |
Switching characters increases the DMG taken by all characters in that player's party for 25%. This effect stacks up to 4 times. | 50 |
Opponents' ATK increased by 50%. | 60 |
All party members' Movement SPD decreased by 20%. | 60 |
After sprinting, all characters in your own party take 75% increased DMG for 10s. | 60 |
Elemental Skill CD is increased by 100%. | 60 |
When active character's HP is greater than 90%, CRIT Rate is increased by 10% and CRIT DMG is increased by 20%. | -50 |
All party members' Shield Strength increased by 30%. | -50 |
Not much has changed other than a possible need to use Xiangling's Elemental Burst for the finisher if you don't have any other Pyro character.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 純粋な無相の雷 | |
中国語 (簡体字) | 至纯的无相之雷 Zhìchún de Wūxiàngzhīléi | Pure Electro Hypostasis |
中国語 (繁体字) | 至純的無相之雷 Zhìchún de Wūxiàngzhīléi | |
英語 | Pure Electro Hypostasis | — |
韓国語 | 순수한 무상의 뇌전 Sunsuhan Musang-ui Noejeon | Pure Signless Thunder and Lightning |
スペイン語 | Hipostasis Electro Puro | Pure Electro Hypostasis |
フランス語 | Hypostase Électro pure | Pure Electro Hypostasis |
ロシア語 | Чистый Электро гипостазис Chistyy Elektro gipostazis | Pure Electro Hypostasis |
タイ語 | Pure Electro Hypostasis | — |
ベトナム語 | Lôi Nguyên Bản Thuần Khiết | |
ドイツ語 | Unberührte Elektro-Hypostase | Untouched Electro Hypostasis |
インドネシア語 | Pure Electro Hypostasis | — |
ポルトガル語 | Hypostasis Electro Puro | Pure Electro Hypostasis |
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掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編集の仕方はこちら ここを編集する ...
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