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The following day, Kazuha tells the group that he had tracked down an old family servant and learned the truth of the incident. The Isshin Art had been tasked with forging an important Goshintou from an ancient diagram, but all the smiths, experienced as they were, produced only defects. When the deadline came, the blade still hadn't been made, prompting the craftsmen to hide in fear of punishment. Therefore, Kazuha's great-grandfather and the Yashiro head tracked them to the seaside, but they showed fierce resistance and escaped. As a result of the failure, Kazuha's clan was punished and the Kamisato head soon died from his injuries.

Kazuha then remarks that the failure to forge the blade was determined to be a lack of required skill and finesse. However, the story of the Five Kaisen leads him to believe that the diagram was tampered. Kazuha, hearing that the Yashiro Commission kept the diagram afterwards, asks Ayaka to bring the diagram to them. Ayaka agrees and the group heads to the Kamisato Estate, dipping it in water and discovering that it was indeed tampered with. Kazuha then tells the group that his grandfather, who wanted to revive the family business, tried to make the blade but also failed. After a short argument, Kazuha's grandfather left Inazuma. However, Albedo notes that the words used were off, upon which Kazuha realizes that his great-grandfather may have known the truth all along. Therefore, he suggests going to inspect his family property, which had been seized by the Tenryou Commission when he was a criminal.

Heading to the Kujou Estate, the group finds Kujou Sara inspecting some soldiers. Paimon asks where Kazuha's property is, upon which she tells the group that they're being held at the warehouse behind the police station and allows them to go to the warehouse. While the law states that they should have returned to him, Kazuha has no attachments to them and asks Sara to sell them and give the money to the poor. Upon arriving at the police station, Asakawa greets them and guides them to the warehouse where the belongings are. After looking around, Kazuha calls the group over to a dead bonsai plant where he discovers a hidden compartment with a blank piece of paper. They head outside and dip the paper in the nearby pond, revealing more words.

Kazuha proceeds to bring the group to a seemingly normal location around Narukami Island before revealing that it was the spot where his great-grandfather, Kaedehara Yoshinori, and the Yashiro head arrived to confront the fleeing bladesmiths, only to find an eccentric that claimed responsibility and quickly defeated the entire group. However, upon recognizing Kazuha's great-grandfather, he asked if he knew of "Niwa", which he confirmed. The eccentric then told him to let "her" know of his name, Kunikuzushi before leaving. Due to his strength and the fact that he threatened to destroy the rest of the Raiden Gokaden, both Yoshinori and the Yashiro head never spoke of the incident. Kazuha then states that he's satisfied with the findings, as he had no reason to hold onto it further, but promises to take action should the eccentric try to stir up trouble in the present.

The group then returns to Ritou and find Albedo having covered up the last of the Five Kaisen portraits. Albedo asks them to explore around town until the unveiling ceremony. Albedo unveils a blank portrait at the ceremony while the Traveler learns that both Yae Miko and Ayato were involved in the wild hunt. Upon confronting Ayato, he explains that he had tested Kazuha to see if he could discover and accept the truth and that both he and Ayaka needed someone to look to when they needed help. He also tells them they would likely have to fight the enemy together and tells them to splash water on the blank portrait when no one was looking around.

The Traveler returns at night and splashes water on the portrait, revealing a model of the Balladeer upon which they realize Scaramouche was responsible for all the trouble back then. In a flashback, Ayato also reveals that after the Kaedehara Clan property had been seized, someone had broken into the warehouse but nothing had been taken. Ayato asked Sara to feign ignorance while he had a member of the Shuumatsuban spy on the warehouse. Scaramouche was eventually forced to leave Inazuma, upon which Ayato inspected the belongings and found the hidden papers underneath the bonsai plant. After asking them a question and getting the Traveler's response, he tells them to enjoy the Irodori Festival.


言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
Kuro ni Somarishi Yoiyami no Gosho[!]
Xiāo'àn Yùsuǒ Hēirǎn
Xiāo'àn Yùsuǒ Hēirǎn
英語The Palace, Dyed in Black
韓国語검게 물든 궁전
Geomge Muldeun Gungjeon
The Black Dyed Palace
スペイン語Un palacio teñido de negro
フランス語Le palais sombre, teint de noirThe Dark Palace, Dyed in Black
ロシア語Дворец в чёрных тонах
Dvorets v chyornykh tonakh
Twilight Palace Dyed in Black
ベトナム語Cung Điện Bóng TốiThe Dark Palace
ドイツ語Der schwarz gefärbte PalastThe Black Dyed Palace
インドネシア語Istana Kegelapan, Terbalut Warna HitamThe Palace of Darkness, Wrapped in Black
ポルトガル語Um Palácio Tingido de Preto



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