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鶴と白兎はかく語りき は、神里綾華の伝説任務、雪鶴の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、第二章・第一幕『鳴神不動、恒常楽土』をクリアし、冒険ランク30に到達している必要がある。
After leaving the Komore Teahouse, the Traveler is met by Ayaka. Ayaka tells them she was looking through her late mother's belongings when she found a piece of paper mentioning a person named "Tsubaki," who neither she nor her brother had heard of before. She wishes to meet them, along with bringing a gift per custom. Normally she ask her brother to come, but due to the circumstances, asks the Traveler to come in his place, which they accept.
Ayaka stops by Ogura Textiles & Kimonos, hoping to give Tsubaki a kimono with her own design. The owner, Ogura Mio, is honored by Ayaka's presence. Ayaka shows her the design of the kimono she wishes to have made, but Ogura tells her that due to the Sakoku Decree, her business is feeling the pinch from a lack of high-quality silk. However, she states that if they could bring the silk to her, she could start the request. Ayaka also whispers something to Ogura in the process, before telling the Traveler to accompany her to Ritou so they could ask the International Trade Association for silk.
Arriving at Ritou, the pair soon spot a distressed Kurisu who explains to the two that when the association heard that silk was in high demand, they were hoping to sell it to make profit. However, the silk was stolen by vagrants and Kurisu is hesitant to ask the Kanjou Commission for help, knowing they would just mock him. Ayaka offers to help instead, much to Kurisu's surprise.
Heading to the scene of the crime, the four spot footprints and follow them. At the end, they find the ronin with the stolen goods. The ronin mock Kurisu, calling him a "worm" and demands payment to get the silk back. Kurisu is about to accept but Ayaka stops him, reminding him of what she told him earlier. Ayaka then proceeds to make an example out of the thieves, who quickly flee without any of the goods in tow. Grateful for her assistance, he initially tries to give the silk to her free of charge, but she insists on paying. As Kurisu returns to Ritou, Ayaka tells the Traveler that she simply did what any person would have done.
They then return to the city and bring the silk to Ogura, who starts to check on her inventory. While she does so, Ayaka offers to have some new clothes tailored for both the Traveler and Paimon, but the Traveler humbly denies her request. She then asks them about what people in the other nations wear, as she has not gone outside of Inazuma yet. Ogura then informs them that she has everything and suggests they do something while she creates the kimono. Ayaka then tells the Traveler and Paimon that she has reserved them spots at a local restaurant called Kiminami Restaurant.
At the restaurant, the owner, Kiminami Anna, greets the trio. As she brings out the food, Ayaka states that she has something to do and heads off. Anna tells the Traveler that while Ayaka is looked upon positively, her social standing caused the children of ordinary families to avoid her out of fear, so she had very few friends to start off with. Seeing that she has made a friend makes her happy, and she tells them to watch over Ayaka.
Just then, an explosion goes off and Paimon hears Ayaka screaming. Ayaka comes in and asks the Traveler to help her cook foreign food for Tsubaki, but she was not proficient enough and caused an accident. The Traveler offers to cook in her stead, and Paimon suggests Mushroom Pizza. Ayaka is impressed by the Traveler's culinary skills and hopes to cook just as good as them in the future, while Anna comes in and is surprised with the result. The Traveler offers her the recipe for free, which Anna gratefully accepts.
As they eat, Ayaka asks the Traveler if they spoke with Anna and if she said anything about her. Paimon confirms it, much to Ayaka's sadness as she knows she doesn't have much friends. The Traveler and Paimon cheer her back up. Ayaka then tells them that she believes Tsubaki is a fox envoy, since she doesn't know about them at all. Returning to Ogura's store, they pick up the kimono and the "other" requested object. As they leave, Ayaka gives the Traveler a white heron hairpiece as a gift to them for their company and assistance. They then begin to look for Tsubaki.
Following the notebook's writing, they find themselves in an area underneath Tenshukaku. Exploring the area, they find an inconspicuous wall and open it, finding a box inside. Ayaka opens the box to find yet another notebook and reads it. She learns that her mother and Tsubaki are the same person and that she had plenty of desires, but could not do so due to her responsibilities in both the clan and commission. Ayaka then resolves to live every day without regrets and offers to bring the Traveler and Paimon to the festival.
Arriving at Amakane Island, the trio come in just as the festival is about to close. However, Ayaka's sudden appearance has the merchants deciding to stay open a bit longer to keep her entertained. At the end of the festival, Ayaka and the Traveler draw on a prayer panel - Ayaka wants an Inazuma where everyone lives happily, while the Traveler wants to reunite with their sibling. On the way back to the Kamisato residence, Ayaka performs a dance for the Traveler, thanking them for spending time with her before they part ways.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 鶴と白兎はかく語りき Tsuru to Shiro Usagi wa Kaku Katariki | Narrative of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
中国語 (簡体字) | 鹤与白兔的诉说 Hè yǔ Báitù de Sùshuō | Crane and White Rabbit's Tale |
中国語 (繁体字) | 鶴與白兔的訴說 Hè yǔ Báitù de Sùshuō | |
英語 | The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit | — |
韓国語 | 학과 흰토끼의 이야기 Hak-gwa Huinttokki-ui Iyagi | The Tale of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
スペイン語 | El cuento de la grulla y el conejo blanco | The Tale of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
フランス語 | Les murmures de la grue et du lapin blanc | The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
ロシア語 | Перешёптывания журавля и белого кролика Pereshyoptyvaniya zhuravlya i belogo krolika | The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
タイ語 | เรื่องราวของนกกระเรียน และกระต่ายขาว | Story of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
ベトナム語 | Câu Chuyện Về Hạc Và Thỏ Trắng | The Story of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
ドイツ語 | Das Märchen vom Kranich und dem weißen Kaninchen | The Myth of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
インドネシア語 | Kisah Bangau dan Kelinci Putih | The Story of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
ポルトガル語 | Os Sussurros da Garça e o Coelho Branco | The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit |
トルコ語 | Turna ile Beyaz Tavşanın Fısıltıları | |
イタリア語 | I sussurri della gru e del coniglio bianco |
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