Navies of the world
Title: Navies of the worldAuthor: Edward W. VeryCONTENTS.Part I.—FleetsArgentine Confederation, Aust...
Title: Impressions of Ukiyo-ye, the school of the Japanese colour-print artists
Author: Dora Amsden
The Rise of Ukiyo-ye (The Floating World)
Genroku (The Golden Era of Romance and Art)
The School of Torii (The Printers Branch of Ukiyo-ye)
Utamaro (Le Fondateur de L’École de la Vie)
The Romance of Hokusai (Master of Ukiyo-ye)
Hiroshige (Landscape Painter and Apostle of Impressionism)
Analytical Comparisons between the Masters of Ukiyo-ye
Hints to Collectors of Ukiyo-ye Gems
Bibliography, for Use of Students
Fac-similes of the Most Famous Signatures of the Ukiyo-ye Artists
Hiroshige I—Biwa, the Beautiful Lake, named after the four-stringed Lute
Suzuki Harunobu—An Illustration from the Occupations of Women
Kiyonaga—Under the Cherry Blooms
Toyokuni—The Actor Kikugoro
Utamaro—While Mother Sleeps
Hokusai—Two Ladies
Hok’kei—A River Scene
Hiroshige—Wistaria Viewing at Kameido
Yeishi—Two Ladies
Shunko—An actor in the Miyako Dance
Kitugawa Yeizan—The Snowstorm
Hokusai—One of the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji
Hokusai—Surimono: A Crow Stealing a Sword
Yanagawa Shigenobu—The Ride of the Warrior Miura Kenisuke
Impressions of Ukiyo-ye, the school of the Japanese colour-print artists
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