Japan The worlds best histories
Title: Japan The world's best historiesAuthor: Walter G. DicksonCONTENTSCHAPTER IThe Imperial Family...
Title: Navies of the world
Author: Edward W. Very
Part I.—Fleets
Argentine Confederation, Austria, Brazil, Chili, China, Denmark,
England (Armored Fleet, Unarmored Fast Cruisers), France
(Armored Fleet, Unarmored Fast Cruisers), Germany, Greece,
Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway and Sweden, Peru, Portugal,
Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States.
Bombardments of Earthworks.—Hatteras Inlet, Hilton Head,
Fort Henry, Roanoke Island, Fort Donelson, Fort Darling, Fort
Hindman, Grand Gulf, Simonoseki, Kagosima, Fort Wagner,
Fort McAllister, Fort Fisher, Danube Forts, Callao.
Bombardments of Masonry Forts.—Fort Sumter, Forts Jackson
and St. Philip.
Passages of Forts.—Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Vicksburg
Earthworks, Port Hudson Earthworks, Fort Morgan, Vicksburg
Earthworks (second time).
Assaults.—Fort Sumter, Fort Fisher, Korean Forts.
Deliberate General Actions.—Memphis, Helgoland, Lissa.
Dashes.—Passages of the Mississippi, Vicksburg, Charleston.
Iron-Clads against Wooden Vessels.—Hampton Roads, Roanoke
River, Albemarle Sound, Black Sea, Ylo Bay, Iquique Harbor.
Duels.—Monitor and Merrimac; Alabama and Hatteras; Weehawken
and Atlanta; Kearsarge and Alabama; Meteor and Bouvet;
Almirante Cochrane, Blanco Encalada, and Huascar.
Part II.—Naval Ordnance
Austria.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Uchatius Construction.
Argentine Confederation, Brazil, Chili, China, Denmark
England.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Woolwich Guns,
Armstrong Guns. Gun-Carriages. Gunpowder. Cartridges.
Projectiles. Fuses. Primers. Sights. Palliser[Pg vi]
Construction, Whitworth Construction, Vavasseur Construction.
France.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Carriages.
Gunpowder Cartridges. Projectiles. Fuses. Primers. Sights.
Germany.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Carriages,
Gunpowder Projectiles. Fuses.
Italy.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns.
Greece, Holland, Japan.
Sweden and Norway.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns.
Nordenfelt Machine-Gun, Palmcrantz Machine-Gun.
Russia.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns.
Peru, Portugal, Spain, Turkey.
United States.—Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns.
Carriages. Gunpowder. Projectiles. Fuses. Sights. Accessories.
Hotchkiss Machine-Gun, Gatling Machine-Gun.
Small-Arms.—Snider, Tabatière, Krnka, Springfield,
Peabody-Martini, Werndl, Mauser, Le Gras (Chassepot), Berdan,
Remington, Hotchkiss Magazine.
Recapitulatory Table of Naval Ordnance. Penetration Tables.
Part III.—Torpedoes
Whitehead, Lay, Harvey, Menzing, French Towing, American
Spar-Torpedo. Torpedo Vessels—Pietro Micca, Ran, Ziethen,
Vesuvius, Uzreef, Alarm, Intrepid, Destroyer, Uhlan. Torpedo
Boats—Thornycroft, Yarrow, Herreshoff; Ship’s Boats;
Submarine Boats. Drifting Torpedoes. Defences against Torpedoes.
Defensive Torpedoes—Frame Torpedo, Brooks’s Torpedo,
Singer’s Torpedo, Barrel Torpedo. Torpedo Fuses. Clearing
Channels of Torpedoes. Actions with Torpedoes during twenty years.
Part IV.—Architecture and Construction
Architectural Development of the Unarmored Fleet; Chart of the
Architectural Development. Constructional Development of the
Unarmored Fleet—Wooden Construction, Diagonal Construction,
Composite Construction, Iron Construction, Iron Sheathed with
Wood. Architectural Development of Armored Vessels. Ratios of
the Principal Elements of Iron-clad Vessels to their Displacement.
Part V.—Personnel; Budgets
Argentine Republic, Austria, Brazil, Chili, England, France,
Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway and Sweden, Russia, Spain,
Turkey, United States, Denmark, Greece, Peru, Portugal. Table
of Budgets of Sixteen Navies, from 1875 to 1880.
一覧: gutenberg japan china korea
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