A Ladys Captivity among Chinese Pirates
Title: A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese SeasAuthor: Fanny LoviotCONTENTS.CHAP...
Title: The world's leading conquerors
Alexander the Great, Cæsar, Charles the Great, the Ottoman sultans, the Spanish conquistadors, Napoleon
Author: W. Lloyd Bevan
I Introductory
II The Conquest of Greece
III The Conquest of Persia
IV The Invasion of India
V Alexander’s Empire
I Cæsar’s Beginnings
II Alliance with Pompeius and Crassus
III The Conquest of Gaul
IV The Break with Pompeius and the Senate
V Cæsar Supreme
I Introductory
II Consolidation of Rule
III The Conquest of the Saxons
IV Other Military Achievements
V The Re-establishment of the Western Empire
VI Closing Years
VII The Constitution of the Empire
VIII Carolingian Culture
IX Economic Conditions
X The Church
XI The Empire Without and Within
I Osman
II Murad I
III Bajesid
IV Murad II
V Mohammed II
VI Selim and Souliman
VII The Decline of the Ottomans
I The Spaniard and the New World
II The Career of Cortez
III The Incas
IV Pizarro
I Early Years
II Italy and Egypt
III The Fall of the Directory
IV The First Consul
V The Inauguration of the Empire
VI At the Zenith of Power
VII The Beginning of the End
VIII Defeat and Exile
IX The Napoleonic Régime
The world's leading conquerors
一覧: gutenberg
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