Chinese pictures

ページ名:Chinese pictures

Title: Chinese pictures
notes on photographs made in China
Author: Mrs. J. F. Bishop
The Private Entrance to the Imperial Palace, Peking
The Entrance to the British Legation
Entrance to the College of the Student Interpreters
The State Carriage of the British Legation
The Great Imperial Stone Road from Peking to Chengtu, the Capital of Sze Chuan
A Mule Cart
A Manchurian Family Travelling
Carriage by Bearers
A Traveller Arriving at an Inn in Manchuria
Carriage of Merchandise
The Mode of Carrying Oil and Wine
Wheelbarrow Traffic on the Chengtu Plain
The Wheelbarrow of North China
A Small Houseboat on the Yangtze Kiang
A Foot Boat Found in Central China
Hsin Tan Rapid on the Yangtze River
A Boat on the Min River, Used for Running the Rapids
Part of a Fringe of Junks or River Boats at Wan Hsien
The Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages, Foochow
A Bridge at Wan Hsien of the Single Arch Type
The Bridge of Mien Chuh Sze Chuan
A Simple Country Bridge
A Dragon Bridge
The Zig-zag Bridge of Shanghai
The Garden of the Guild of Benevolence, Chung King
A Burial Charity
A Baby Tower, Foochow
Bottle Seller and Hospital Patient
The Dying Coolie
The Mode of Sepulchre throughout Southern China
Coffins Kept Above Ground
The Temple of the God of Literature at Mukden
The Temple of the Fox, Mukden
Wayside Shrines
The Ficus Religiosa
The Altar of Heaven
The Tablet of Confucius
A Porcelain-fronted Temple on the Yangtze
Child Eating Rice with Chopsticks
Fort on the Peking Wall
Another Fort on the Wall of Peking
Colossal Astronomical Instruments on the Peking Wall
Chien Mun Gate
The Gate of Victory, Mukden
The West Gate of Kialing Fu
The West Gate of Hangchow
The Gate of a Forbidden City
Silk Reeling
A Typical Entrance to a House
The Guest Hall in a Chinese House, Wan Hsien, Sze Chuan
A Chinese Village
A Farmhouse in the Hakka Country, Southern China
A Market Place or Market Street in Sze Chuan
The Cobbler
Carrying Liquid Manure to the Fields
The Marriage Chair
Mode of Carrying Cash and Babies
A Pai-fang, or Widow’s Arch
Two Soldiers of Sze Chuan
Opium Culture Encroaching on the Rice Lands, Sze Chuan


Chinese pictures notes on photographs made in China


一覧: gutenberg china


ページ全体: 60
今日: 1
昨日: 1

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