Chinese mettle

ページ名:Chinese mettle

Title: Chinese mettle
Author: Emily Georgiana Kemp
I The Long Road
Provinces visited: 1 Shansi, the Progressive—Railway Journey from Shanghai to Taiyuanfu. 2 Chihli—A few words about Peking. 3 Shantung—The Japanese domination—Tsinan, a great Educational Centre. 4 Kiangsi—Shanghai, the centre of Great National Movements. 5 Chekiang—Railway Trip to Hangchowfu—Down the Coast by Steamer to Hong Kong and Tongking. Through Indo-China by Rail to 6 Yünnan. From Yünnanfu by Chair into 7 Kweichow, a most backward Province. From Chen Yüen by House-boat through 8 Hunan. By Steamer from Changsha into 9 Hupeh. Down the Yangtze from Hankow through 10 Nganhwei, 11 Kiangsi to Shanghai.
II The Model Governor—Yen Hsi-Shan
Description of Taiyuanfu, the Capital—The Hall of Public Worship—Girls’ Schools—Sports—New Institutions for Cattle Breeding, Agriculture, Sericulture—Beggars removed into Workhouses—Introduction of the New Script—Unification of the Language—The Governor as Author—Famine Relief Works—Four Hundred Miles of Road-making—The Model Gaol—Quick Methods of Communication—Transport Lorries from England.
III The Province of Yünnan
French Influence—Activity of Brigands—A Modern Robin Hood—Chinese Home Missions—Women’s Initiative—A Visit to the Lake and its Places of Pilgrimage—Mineral Resources of Yünnan—Preparations for Road Journey—Wonderful Scenery and Flora—Stormy Weather—Opium Culture—The Chinese View of Opium Smoking—Sale of Children—Difficulties with Coolies—Weather Symbols.
IV The Province of Kweichow
A Land of Mountains and Valleys—Extraordinary Rock Formations—Surface Coal—The Rose Garden of the World—Post Office Facilities—Varieties of Inns—Buffaloes as Neighbours—Wild Animals—Industries at Lang-tai-Fung—Roman Catholic Missions—Anshunfu—Hospitals Needed—Visits to the Haunts of Aborigines—First Miao Church—Tenten—Baptismal Service—A Chinese Farm—Village Shrines—Ta-ting, the Mission Centre for many Tribes—Bridges of Various Kinds—Kwei Yang, the Capital—Buddhist Monks—Valuable Trees—Military Escort Needed—Strict Rules not Strictly Observed—Chen Yüen—Start on River Journey in small House-boat.
V Some Aboriginal Tribes in Kweichow
The Miao Family—Their Character, Habits, Dress, Embroideries, Hairdressing, Food, Morals—Tribes Numerous: Not yet Classified—Language: no Written Language—Great Flowery and Small Flowery Miao—The “Wooden Combs” and Black Miao—Ancestor Worship—The I-chia—A Different Set of Tribes—Written as well as Spoken Language—Notes from Dr. Henry’s Observations—On Death Rites, on various Superstitions, on Types, on Language—Animistic Religion—Theory of Nestorian Influence—Sacrifice—MS. Story of Creation and Deluge—Black Miao Version—Festivals—“Courting-talk”—Music and Dancing—Witchcraft—Chinese Attitude towards the Tribes.
VI The Province of Hunan
Boat Travel—Fear of Robbers and Evil Spirits—Yuanchowfu—White Wax Industry—Hong Kiang—Medical Work—Shenchowfu—American Ideals—Standard Oil Company—Changteh—Journey by Launch across Tong Ting Lake to Changsha, Capital of Hunan—Fear of Southerners—Red Cross Preparations—Various Missions—Yale College—Dr. Keller’s Bible School—An English Consulate.
VII Present-Day Ironsides—General Feng Yu Hsiang
Changsha Headquarters—Work of 16th Mixed Brigade in Sze-Chuan—Arrival at Changsha—Changes in City Life—Suppression of Opium Dens, Gambling Hells, Theatres, etc.—Open-air Evening Schools—Industrial Schools—Women’s Education—General Feng’s Career—Murder of Dr. Logan—The General’s Patriotism—Industrial Training of Army—Strict Discipline—Sunday in the Army—Service for the Ladies—Officers’ Service—Recent Events—Withdrawal of Northern Army from Changsha—Entry of Southern Troops—No Pay for the 16th Mixed Brigade.
VIII The New Chinese Woman—Miss Tseng, B.Sc. (Lond.)
Chinese ideas of Woman’s Sphere—Confucius on Woman—“Rules for Women”—Modern Women—Their Patriotic Spirit—Miss Tseng’s Early Life and Training—Adoption of Christianity—English University Career—Return to China—School started for Chinese Girls of Middle Classes—Sports—Decision of Students not to Strike—Miss Tseng’s Influence—Women Journalists and Doctors.
IX The Youth of China
Veneration of Old Age Modified—Young Chinese in responsible posts—Youth criticizes Antiquity: Seizes Responsibility—Attitude to Japan—Organized Union defeats Government—Co-operation with Shopkeepers—Effect of Spirit on Literature—Change of Education by Dowager Empress—Further Development under Republic—Contrast between Renaissance of China and Japan—Attitude towards Religion—Noxious Effects of Propaganda by Missions—Importance of Improved Educational Work—Students and Social Service—Famine Relief—National University of Peking—Foreign Lectureships—Hong Kong University—Projected University at Amoy—St. John’s College, Shanghai, and Others—Child Labour—The Boy Scout Movement—Student Demands—Youth Accepting Christian Ideals.
X Some Chinese Seaports and Commerce
Wênchowfu and Its Waterways—Foochow—Trinity College and Union—Many Institutions and Industries—Floods—Amoy—Curious Scenery—Y.M.C.A.—Chambers of Commerce—Guilds—Trade Relations—Swatow—Great Commercial Centre and Outlet for Hinterland—Journey by Railway to Home of Tan Family—Fine Ancestral Tablets—American Baptist Community—City of Chao Chowfu—Results of Earthquake—New Hospital—Missionary Memorial Tablet in Buddhist Temple—Swatow’s Industries—Light Railway—Presbyterian Missions—Hong Kong contrasted with Macao—Trip to Canton—Wonderful Maze of Narrow Streets—Many Industries—City of the Dead—Railways—Commercial Outlook—Britain’s Opportunity for Service.


Chinese mettle


一覧: gutenberg china


ページ全体: 126
今日: 1
昨日: 2

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