A Ladys Captivity among Chinese Pirates
Title: A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese SeasAuthor: Fanny LoviotCONTENTS.CHAP...
Title: Historic buildings as seen and described by great writers
Editor: Esther Singleton
The Jumma Musjid, Delhi
G. W. Steevens.
San Donato, Murano
John Ruskin.
The Palace of the Popes, Avignon
Charles Dickens.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Pierre Loti.
La Grande Chartreuse
William Beckford.
The Temples of Hatchiman, Kamakoura
Aimé Humbert.
Cathedral Church of Wells
Edward Augustus Freeman.
The Coliseum, Rome
I. Edward Gibbon.
II. Charles Dickens.
Golden Temple of the Sikhs, Lahore
G. W. Steevens.
The Giralda, Seville
Théophile Gautier.
The Cathedral of Monreale
John Addington Symonds.
The Luxembourg Palace, Paris
Augustus J. C. Hare.
The Great Lama Temple, Pekin
C. F. Gordon-Cumming.
Haddon Hall
John Leyland.
Cathedral of Palermo
John Addington Symonds.
The Fortress and Palace of Gwalior
Louis Rousselet.
The Holy House of Loretto
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley.
The Alcazar of Seville
Edmundo De Amicis.
The Tower of Belem, Lisbon
Arthur Shadwell Martin.
Venetian Palaces
Théophile Gautier
Saint Ouen, Rouen
L. de Fourcaud.
Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight
Sir James D. Mackenzie.
The Pantheon, Rome
Augustus J. C. Hare.
St. Laurence, Nuremberg
Linda Villari.
The Torre del Oro, Seville
Edmundo De Amicis.
Cathedral of Orvieto
John Addington Symonds.
The Buildings of Shah Jehan, Agra
G. W. Steevens.
The Priory and Church of St. Bartholomew, London
Charles Knight.
Kutb Minar, Delhi
I. G. W. Steevens.
II. André Chévrillon.
Kenilworth Castle
Sir James D. Mackenzie.
Santa Maria Della Salute, Venice
John Ruskin.
The Ramparts of Carcassonne
A. Molinier.
The Cathedral of Modena
Edward Augustus Freeman.
The Cathedral of Rheims
Louis Gonse.
The Castle of S. Angelo, Rome
Augustus J. C. Hare.
Salisbury Cathedral
W. J. Loftie.
The Castle of Angers
Henry Jouin.
The Pagoda of Tanjore
G. W. Steevens.
The Vendramin-Calergi, Venice
Théophile Gautier.
A Visit to the Old Seraglio, Constantinople
Pierre Loti.
The Duomo, Leaning Tower, the Baptistery and the Campo-Santo, Pisa
H. A. Taine.
Rochester Castle
Arthur Shadwell Martin.
Santa Croce, Florence
John Ruskin.
The Certosa of Pavia
John Addington Symonds.
Historic buildings as seen and described by great writers
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