A Ladys Captivity among Chinese Pirates
Title: A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese SeasAuthor: Fanny LoviotCONTENTS.CHAP...
Title: Tales of the Samurai
Stories illustrating Bushido, the Moral Principles of the Japanese Knighthood
Author: Asataro Miyamori
The following tales of the samurai, the knights of old Japan, are based largely on real facts. They have been adapted from among traditional stories related by kōdanshi, story-tellers, who nightly delight large audiences with romances and historical stories, especially the noble deeds of the samurai. There are also numerous Japanese books and magazines devoted to stories of this description, which are read with keen interest by all classes of our countrymen, in particular by young people.
It is true the samurai class has gone forever along with feudalism; but fortunately or unfortunately the Japanese at large are samurai in a sense. During the last half century European civilization has revolutionized Japanese society, both for better and for worse. In institutions political and social, in manners and customs, in arts and literature, the Japanese have lost many of their characteristics; yet it may safely be said that the sentiments,[ii] motives and moral principles of the samurai in some measure remain in the bedrock of their character in their subconsciousness, so to speak. The Japanese of to-day are intellectually almost cosmopolitans, but emotionally they are still samurai to no small degree.
Honest Kyūsuké, the hero of the story of the same title, was not a samurai, but his principles were those of a samurai. Let that justify the inclusion of the story in this volume.
The author’s hearty thanks are due to Mr. Joyen Momokawa, a celebrated kōdanshi, who kindly helped him in the choice of these tales, and also to the editor of the Kōdan Kurabu for permission to translate Katsuno’s Revenge, one of his stories.
A. Miyamori.
Tokio, December, 1920.
The Loyalty of a Boy Samurai
Katsuno’s Revenge
A Wedding Present
The Heroism of Torii Katsutaka
The Wrestling of a Daimio
The Story of Kimura Shigenari
Honest Kyūsuké
“A warrior burns incense into his helmet when he is determined to die on the field”
“May I ask you to explain the place of honour given to a garden geta?”
“I caught these sparrows quite of my own accord”
She filled Hachiya’s cup to the brim
Terumasa took hold of the man’s collar and twisted his face upwards
He raised his voice so that every word rang clear and distinct
Gonshirō threw him by a supreme effort down on to the mats
“Whose hat is that?”
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