Kibun Daizin From Shark-Boy to Merchant Prince

ページ名:Kibun Daizin From Shark-Boy to Merchant Prince

Kibun Daizin
From Shark-Boy to Merchant Prince
Gensai Murai
I An Ambitious Boy
II Bunkichi Plans to Kill the Shark
III A Boat Capsized—A Hairbreadth Escape
IV The Tables Turned
V The Battle of Stone Missiles—The Monkeys’ Panic
VI The Great Hazard—A Perilous Voyage
VII The Sea-Giant Appears
VIII An Eccentric Fellow
IX The Great Conflagration—The Charity “Bento”
X Ambition Satisfied—The Merchant Prince


一覧: gutenberg japan


ページ全体: 310
今日: 1
昨日: 1

シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
