A Ladys Captivity among Chinese Pirates
Title: A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese SeasAuthor: Fanny LoviotCONTENTS.CHAP...
I. Odoacer and Theodoric, 476-493, 1
II. Theodoric King of Italy, 493-526, 19
III. The Emperors at Constantinople, 476-527, 33
IV. Chlodovech and the Franks in Gaul, 481-511, 55
V. Justinian and his Wars, 528-540, 65
VI. Justinian—(continued), 540-565, 89
VII. The Earlier Frankish Kings and their Organisation of Gaul, 511-561, 111
VIII. The Visigoths in Spain, 531-603, 128
IX. The Successors of Justinian, 565-610, 145
X. Decline and Decay of the Merovingians, 561-656, 158
XI. The Lombards in Italy and the Rise of the Papacy, 568-653, 181
XII. Heraclius and Mohammed, 610-641, 204
XIII. The Decline and Fall of the Visigoths, A.D. 603-711, 221
XIV. The Contest of the Eastern Empire and the Caliphate, 641-717, 235
XV. The History of the Great Mayors of the Palace, 656-720, 256
XVI. The Lombards and the Papacy, 653-743, 272
XVII. Charles Martel and his Wars, 720-41, 289
XVIII. The Iconoclast Emperors—state of the Eastern Empire in the Eighth Century, 717-802, 300
XIX. Pippin the Short—Wars of the Franks and Lombards, 741-768, 322
XX. Charles the Great—early years 768-785—Conquest of Lombardy and Saxony, 335
XXI. The later Wars and Conquests of Charles the Great, 785-814, 357
XXII. Charles the Great and the Empire, 369
XXIII. Lewis the Pious, 814-840, 383
viiiXXIV. Disruption of the Frankish Empire—the coming of the Vikings, 840-855, 405
XXV. The Darkest hour, 855-887. From the Death of Lothair I. to the Deposition of Charles the Fat, 424
XXVI. Italy and Sicily in the Ninth Century, 827-924, 446
XXVII. Germany, 888-918, 468
XXVIII. The Eastern Empire in the Ninth Century, 802-912, 478
XXIX. The end of the Ninth Century in Western Europe. Conclusion, 496
一覧: gutenberg
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