The worlds navies in the Boxer rebellion

ページ名:The worlds navies in the Boxer rebellion

Title: The world's navies in the Boxer rebellion (China 1900)
Author: Charles Cabry Dix
I. Prelude
II. The Bombardment and Storming of Taku Forts
III. First Siege of Tientsin
IV. Seymour’s Dash for Pekin
V. Relief of Tientsin
VI. Relief of Seymour
VII. Pei-Yang—Second Siege of Tientsin
VIII. Capture of Tientsin Native City
IX. Scenes in the Captured City: Tientsin Looted
X. Summary: Final Preparations for Advance: Fighting around Tientsin
XI. Advance to Pekin
XII. Capture of Pekin and Relief of Legations
XIII. Story of the Siege of the Legations
XIV. The Troops Compared
XV. Return of Naval Brigade—Peh-tang and Shan-Hai-Kwan


The world's navies in the Boxer rebellion (China 1900)


一覧: gutenberg china


ページ全体: 100
今日: 1
昨日: 1

シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。



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