「helped」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

ベラナ・トレス - Memory Alpha wiki

elieved this was the only way to help Pel. She later consented and it helped The Doctor retard the Phage in Pel. (VOY: Lifesigns)Torres and

トゥヴォック - Memory Alpha wiki

r treated her for a severe case of the phage. (VOY: Resolutions)Tuvok helped the crew survive on a primitive planet where they were stranded

ジェイク・シスコ - Memory Alpha wiki

st to her at the time – and that was Kira. (DS9: Fascination) He also helped his father pilot a replica of an ancient Bajoran space vessel,

Vault_Dweller - Fallout Wiki

Carbon, where he is known simply as the Wasteland Stranger. There, he helped some of the people to hide from raiders and also helped the Ini

Brotherhood_of_Steel - Fallout Wiki

w High Elder. After the death of the Master, the Brotherhood of Steel helped the other human outposts of New California drive the mutant arm

Wortox_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

left its body, yet still it stinks."Plant diseased dig warning- "I've helped it!"Refusing to eat invalid food- "Not even I could eat that."R

callcucon - kontferocのうぃき

ahr niet bekend essays that worked for medical schools 40 essays that helped students get into the nation s top Stolz' und Häntzsch

旧アップデート情報 - Zero Sievert 日本語WIKI

uot; Old Man " クエスト中にツールチップにデバッグテキストが表示されるバグを修正- " I've helped you dock " メッセージのツールチップにデバッグテキストが表示されるバグを修正-最初のゲーム内インタラクショ

ケス - Memory Alpha wiki

d Pel up on a date in the holodeck. (VOY: Lifesigns)The next year Kes helped save The Doctor's matrix when, due to his program having been a

アップデート情報 - Zero Sievert 日本語WIKI

uot; Old Man " クエスト中にツールチップにデバッグテキストが表示されるバグを修正- " I've helped you dock " メッセージのツールチップにデバッグテキストが表示されるバグを修正-最初のゲーム内インタラクショ


Crimson Corporationの指揮官。いくつかタスクをくれる。Ver0.31以降に会話で追加された“I've helped you dock”をクリックすると最初のみ評判が50上昇する。 選択肢 訳 会話内容 訳

Tales of the Samurai - 読まねの目次録

anks are due to Mr. Joyen Momokawa, a celebrated kōdanshi, who kindly helped him in the choice of these tales, and also to the editor of the

送仙 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

and adepti alike cannot help but lament their loss. But Zhongli, who helped organize the Rite of Parting is nowhere to be seen...http://gen

第三章 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

escorting them, where Paimon reveals that he heard the commotion and helped them defeat the assassins. While the Traveler's consciousness w

ウォルフィン級 - Memory Alpha wiki

y; it was a bit brick-shaped, but we added some pontoons to it, which helped a bit. But detailing it became a bit frustrating because I coul

淵下宮 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ining Shades and the "Ruler of Time", hear their lamentations and she helped them by giving enough wisdom to Aberaku no Mikoto so that he co

モナ/ボイス - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

A_ Mona Added to Party 2.ogg 仕方ありませんね。shikata arimasenne.(It can't be helped.)Media:VO_JA_ Mona Added to Party 3.ogg 満天の星は、この掌の中にあります。manten

地球 - Memory Alpha wiki

et was Earth's counterpart. In 2270, Karla Five and her son Karl Four helped the crew of the USSEnterprise to return back to the prime unive

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