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  • スメールの章
  • 旅人の章







































翌日、二人はコレイを探すことにするが、そこにはコレイの体調が悪いと説明するティナリの姿があった。パイモンは、昨日の自分の行動が原因ではないかと考えるが、ティナリは、2人と出会ってからかなり長い間闘病生活を送り、体調をおろそかにしていたと述べる。小屋から離れたティナリは、テイワットの向こうで彼らの行動を知ったことを告げ、コレイの話を彼女が望んでいたように説明し始める。ティナリは、コレイが魔鱗病というスメールの風土病にかかり、体に黒く固まった鱗ができ、最後には全く動けなくなってしまうと説明する。コレイの母親は、ファデュイに治療法があることを知り、コレイをファデュイのもとに送り、パイモンはショックを受けた。ティナリは、コレイが執行官である 「博士」に治療され、病状は安定したが、ファデュイとの記憶によって深い傷を負い、誰にも触れられない死の恐怖に襲われたと説明する。ティナリもコレイの代わりに謝る。







街に到着した2人は、アーカーシャ端末を渡され、そのままティナリの知人であるロハウェイのもとへ向かう。しかし、求めていた答えを得ることはできなかった。旅人はキャサリンも同様に情報を得られず、アスファンド; エルマイト旅団に行くよう提案した。しかし、アスファンドは、エレム派は無宗教であり、情報を必要としないため、さらに情報が少ないと述べている。また、教令院はクラクサナリデビよりもマハールッカデヴァタを支持するのみで、マハールッカデヴァタはスメール山を造った神と見なされているからだとも告げました。旅人とパイモンが嘆きながら歩いていると、それを聞いていたドニアザードという女性が魔神の伝説を語るが、彼女は2人のエレミットを見つけて逃げ出す。二人のエレム人は、旅人とパイモンにドニアザードを見たかどうか尋ねる。もっと情報を得たいパイモンは、二人を誤魔化しながら追いついていく。

さらにエレミットが到着したため、3人は近くの酒場に駆け込む。店内でディシアは旅人に突進するが、ドニアザードから身を引くように命じられる。ディシアは彼女のボディーガードで、エレミットは彼女を追跡するために雇われたが、ドニアザードはそれを拒否する。ディシアは彼女の決意を尊重し、引き取らないことにした。しかし、最近の小旅行で父親が屋敷の警備員全員に彼女を探させたため、出発を目立たなくするように提案する。彼らはその後、ドニアザードは彼女がクラクサナリデビの信奉者である理由を説明する食事を持っている — 熱病にかかったときにクラクサナリデビに出会い、神に救われたと信じているのだ。そのため、花神誕祭の開催に協力するために出かけたこともあり、ニィロウとも知り合った。

4人はグランドバザールへ向かい、ニィロウから祭りの由来について説明を受ける。旅人とパイモンが見て回っていると、協会に戻る前の休憩中のキャサリンも見かけた。ディシアはドニアザードと一緒に旅人をクラクサナリデビに会わせる計画があると話すが、彼女はまず誰かと話さなければならず、それでも訪問が保証されないかもしれない。アスファンドの元へ戻った二人は、盗難のことを口にする。教令院からの輸送隊がある物を取りにアアル村に行ったが、その帰りに盗まれ、その物はDendro Archonに関係していると説明する。アスファンドは、港にいるエレミットに注意するよう警告する。彼らは街の人々ほど友好的ではなく、昔死んだと信じているスカーレットキングの復活を宣言している者もいる。また、アスファンドは教令院の生徒として行動するように言うが、その理由は明かさない。











Returning to the Grand Bazaar, Paimon greets Dunyarzad, who asks them how their trip to Port Ormos went. The Traveler tells them that they did not get any useful information about Lesser Lord Kusanali and remarks on joining them in the future, causing Dehya to appear and scold her for the thought. Dunyarzad asks Dehya to relax for the day, who agrees since she'll be on the lookout for suspicious people during the festival.

Paimon yawns, so Dunyarzad provides them with some accommodation for the night. The following day, they catch up to her, where she expresses excitement over the Sabzeruz Festival, having been unable to sleep enough for the day. They walk around the stalls to support the merchants, who had come to support the festival out of the blue and without regard to profit. After visiting a candy stall, Dunyarzad decides to return to the lodging as she forgot something, but they soon run into an Eremite brigade intent on capturing her. However, Dehya arrives and insists on taking the group alone, so the two flee to safety.

After getting some distance, Dehya returns, having routed the enemy brigade but Dunyarzad notices that she's injured, which Dehya mentions was as a result of not getting used to her new greatsword. Dunyarzad then realizes that the anonymous donation was actually from Dehya. After Dunyarzard begins to show signs of fatigue, Dehya orders the Traveler to bring her somewhere safe while she patrols the area to ensure no one else was following them.

At another area, Dunyarzad reveals to the Traveler and Paimon that she is afflicted with Eleazar and has lived with it for so long that her death seems inevitable; as such, she was doing everything to make an impact and be remembered for something. She then remembers the dance and the three race to the bazaar, only to find Nilou being scolded by Azar and Setaria. Dunyarzad is surprised to see Azar in-person and attempts to intervene, but the Traveler stops her as the Akadeimya has too much power. Azar demands that the stage be dismantled before expressing an intent to decree the prohibiting of public art performances through the Akasha. With no choice, the festival ends early, although Nilou promises to make a better festival the following year. As Paimon laments how the festival ended early, a beeping sound is heard with an unknown voice stating that the project has just begun.


The festival repeats again, however, the Traveler feels as if something is off. At the candy stall, the Traveler takes their leave and heads to Lambad Tavern and orders some Coconut Charcoal Cakes and eats them, recalling the taste. Paimon realizes that something is off too and they attempt to try something else, only to notice Dunyarzad sitting at the bench. They then witness Azar and Setaria scolding Nilou; with nothing discovered, they sleep again and the same beep starts again. This time, the voice notices a variation in the data and orders someone or something to monitor what's causing it.


As the festival loops again, the Traveler guesses all the candies in the boxes before spotting a strange girl and chases after her. After stopping at the Bimarstan hospital, the girl shows a Canned Knowledge and has both the Traveler and Paimon use it, causing them to realize that they've been stuck in a one-day samsara for several days now. The Dunyarzad that appeared on the cot is the actual one and is deathly ill. The girl introduces herself as Nahida and states that she's trying her best to save her, but they don't have a lot of time and tells them to find as much information as possible before the day ends.

The two try to ask the same people if they felt anything strange, but then decide to go to Dehya. After revealing that they knew about the kidnappers and Dehya selling her greatsword, they take her to Nahida. However, she fails to see Nahida, who tells the two that only they can see her. However, Dehya suddenly senses Dunyarzad's aura, feeling her regret and disappointment, so the Traveler begins to explain what was happening. Dehya agrees with their logic, believing that the sages were probably responsible for the samsara. Nahida then tells them that the Akasha uses the Gnosis to operate and that it gathers and compiles knowledge to the people; upon mentioning this, Dehya is confused as to what compiling meant.

The Traveler concludes that the Akasha is causing mental fatigue, in which Dehya notes that her head feels heavier than usual and wonders if the Akasha is harvesting information from them. Everyone takes their terminals off, but the beeping sound is heard again and the next day begins. The Traveler and Paimon remember everything this time and are met by Nahida. After running the entire day again, the Traveler and Paimon notice that Dehya wasn't injured fighting the kidnappers. When asking her if something felt off, she felt as if she knew how to use her greatsword despite not remembering it, making the two hopeful that something might have changed.

Returning to Nahida, she tells them to wait the next day.


The following day, they return to Dehya, who finds their theory of having their memories erased absurd. As proof of her own evidence, she shows them a training dummy, stating that the sages would have no way to reproduce her swordsmanship for each loop. They then realize that they haven't left the city and decide to do so, reporting back to Nahida, who told them that they already did it twice, so they wait the next day.


Carrying out the plan, Paimon tells them what happened in the two days they left; they seemingly never returned and the Traveler reported that they couldn't go back and that the festival was one of many spaces. Realizing they need more information, they ask Nahida to create a device, who does so and such records the messages. The Traveler then realizes the truth of the Akasha and the sages are actually stealing dreams from the people of Sumeru. They also realize that Nahida is actually Lesser Lord Kusanali, the Dendro Archon they're looking for. After finishing up questions regarding the dreamscape, the beep rings and they wait the next day.


The next day, Nahida disappointingly informs them that Dunyarzad's consciousness disappeared, as it could no longer handle the Akasha harvesting. The Traveler and Paimon are also saddened by her apparent demise, but Nahida tells them how to break the samsara; by making the host of the samsara realize they're dreaming. They first decide to go to Vihar, but discover that he isn't the host. After hearing Dehya yelling in the distance, the Traveler goes to her to help against the Eremites, even though Dehya handled them herself in the previous cycles.

Ordering Dehya to leave, the Traveler takes their anger over Dunyarzad's fate on the Eremites before deciding to investigate what Dunyarzad had forgotten. However, feeling it would be rude to just enter without permission, Paimon notices an open window and flies inside, returning with a diary containing her thoughts on the two. Running off to the puppet Dunyarzad, they thank it before sitting down on the nearby bench. They then decide to watch the Dance of Sabzeruz and find Azar and Setaria scolding Nilou. However, the Traveler bumps in, causing them to freeze, confirming their suspicions that they were actually puppets.

Nilou is surprised by the Traveler's intervention before realizing the flowers at the back are actual Padisarahs, causing them to realize that Nilou is actually the host of the dream, since genuine Padisarahs have been long extinct. As Paimon wonders how to break her out of the dream, Nilou realizes that she's dreaming and explains about the tale of the First Sage. Now realizing she's in a dream, Nilou decides to perform the dance as the dreamscape dissolves, during which the two also see Dunyarzad's spirit. Waking up, they run back to where they met Nahida, finding Dunyarzad back in-person and Katheryne next to her.


Talking to "Katheryne", they realize that it is just Nahida possessing her. She suggests speaking elsewhere and they stop by the same bench, where Nahida reveals she left the city in the last cycle and found a fragment of Dunyarzhad's consciousness, which she was barely able to sustain until the samsara broke. However, she is significantly tired from doing so, but tells the two that the Akasha would be unable to host an event of such size for some time. She plans to investigate what caused the sages to step out of line before leaving to rest. As she leaves, Katheryne comes back to her own senses and asks the two what happened.



Paimon suddenly thinks about Katheryne and thus asks the Traveler to check up on her. When they arrive, she gives them strange commissions, causing them to realize that they're actually talking to Nahida instead. Nahida has a plan to try to figure out what the sages are learning but suggests speaking elsewhere. Paimon asks about Dunyarzad's health, to which Nahida states that she's recovering, but to fully remove Eleazar, they need to fix Irminsul's withering.

At the arranged spot, Nahida asks the Traveler for their suggestions, all of which she declines due to the immense risks. She instead reveals that they should find someone who has ties with them but hasn't fully dedicated their cause. The Traveler initially believes this to be Alhaitham, but Nahida had already decided on Setaria, Azar's subordinate. She explains that Setaria actually hails from the desert, but is plagued by her guilt over the sages' questionable work and inability to help the desert people. As such, she believes that if they can make Setaria confront her guilt, they'll have a mole on the inside.

Nahida takes them to the marketplace where they talk with Nabiya, Akim and Qishan, where the Traveler learns how they speak and how to act. The following day, as Setaria prepares her to shop, Nahida tells the Traveler that because she still has trouble with human behavior, they'll be the ones to do the job. Using her powers, the Traveler remotely possesses them and passes off the impression that they're believers of the Scarlet King. During her conversation with Nabiya, they learn that the Scarlet King's resurrection is actually a misinformation campaign by the Akademiya. After talking to the three, Setaria panics and flags down Rima to warn the matra of the heretics, but Rima becomes possessed and forces Setaria to admit her guilt and promise to help. Setaria also reveals that an expelled outcast returned to the city, causing the sages to be wary.

Worried that the Akademiya might be keeping tabs on her, Setaria advises to pick the documents up at the entrance the following night. When the time comes, the Traveler and Nahida note that there's far less people out on the streets, causing them some worry. Nonetheless, they head to the Akademiya entrance, where they find many people in a trance. Suddenly, a man appears and introduces himself as Il Dottore, the second of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Dottore reveals that he manipulated the peoples' Akasha Terminals to believe that the Traveler is a hero, causing them to approach them. However, Nahida uses her powers to put them all to sleep and urges them to run.

After gaining enough distance, Paimon is shocked to discover a high-ranking Harbinger in Sumeru and that the Fatui were also involved in the sages' plot. With no other leads to go on, the Traveler decides to visit Tighnari.


Making their way to Gandharva Ville, the Traveler and Paimon are ambushed by an Eremite group led by Tashfin, although they manage to repel the mercenaries. Arriving into the ville, they find Collei, who's glad to see them. She remarks that her Eleazar condition has gotten worse recently and as such, Tighnari ordered her to stay at the ville. She also reveals that he went to Pardis Dhyai for reasons unknown.

Arriving at Pardis Dhyai, the pair run into Nahida, who had escaped Dottore's grasp by mind-jumping at the last second. However, she believes he might trap her in the Akasha system, forcing them to double their efforts. The Traveler explains that they're looking for Tighnari and she assists them in the search. When they arrive at the greenhouse, they run into Haypasia, who believes that she had reached Paripurna Life and offers to show them what she saw, which the Traveler accepts.

The vision that Haypasia saw was actually that of Scaramouche's memory, much to the Traveler and Paimon's shock as they realize that she went mad, only for her to realize the same too as she walks off. Nahida then senses that something's wrong and they run out, only to find Corps of Thirty members arriving to attack. While the Traveler tries their best to repel the assassins, Nahida is stabbed in the chest by a spear, although the two manage to connect a finger.

The Traveler suddenly finds themselves in Nahida's own body at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, where they witness Scaramouche in the process of being made a god. When they come to back in their own body, they find themselves fleeing Pardis Dhyai with Tighnari escorting them, where Paimon reveals that he heard the commotion and helped them defeat the assassins. While the Traveler's consciousness was displaced into Nahida's body, Nahida had been swapped into theirs to help them escape -- unfortunately, Nahida was captured by the Doctor upon swapping back, leaving her trapped in the Sanctuary with no means of controlling bodies remotely anymore.

Tighnari advises the Traveler to not give up, relaying the last message Nahida could leave behind: "Even in a moonless night, a shower of starlight can still drown out illusions and lies." Recognizing that she once used "Starlight" to refer to The Eremites like Setaria, the Traveler realizes that Nahida must want them to seek help from the desert folk of the Great Red Sand. The Traveler then tells the two what they saw from Nahida's vision; with two Harbingers in Sumeru, trouble is bound to happen. Tighnari also reveals that he went to Pardis Dhyai to monitor Haypasia's condition, as it was unusual compared to other scholars and that the matra would have dragged her to Aaru Village otherwise. He suggests they head to Caravan Ribat to reach the desert while he stays behind to help Haypasia.


Arriving at Caravan Ribat, the Traveler and Paimon remark about the Wall of Samiel when Alhaitham appears and tells them to follow him, narrowly escaping a group of Eremites who were hunting them down. Alhaitham tells them that he's still studying the capsule and believes the Traveler might be hiding something from him before offering to go to Aaru Village with them, which they accept.

When they arrive at the village, the Traveler senses someone waiting to attack and parries the first strike before they clash with Alhaitham to a standstill. Alhaitham recognizes the man as Cyno, the General Mahamatra. Cyno demands he reveal the Divine Knowledge Capsule before Alhaitham questions him being alone in the desert, as the other matra were wondering where he went. Suddenly, Dehya arrives and tries to mediate, although the two men are still insistent on fighting. A sandstorm then kicks up, forcing the group into the village chief's hut when another woman calls out to them.

Inside, the woman introduces herself as Candace and warns them not to cause a fight in the village again before asking them to explain what happened. Cyno goes first, stating that he put himself in exile after noticing missing data that Azar submitted himself. When he tried to investigate, Azar denied his request, stating that he had no right to judge them. Cyno then reveals that Alhaitham had been tasked with tracking the Traveler, who doesn't deny the accusation, but reveals that he did not accept it, as the sages had promised him divine knowledge, which he found extremely suspicious. Dehya then explains that she was just bored and wanted to return to the village, just as they hear growling outside. Candace leaves the house to handle the monsters.

After some time passes, the Traveler and Dehya worry about her condition, so they head out and find her fighting some riftwolves and join in, repelling the enemy attack. The village chief, Uncle Anpu, then arrives, explaining that the Village Keepers have gone missing recently with no trace. Cyno explains that they're actually the exiled scholars of the Akademiya, as they believe that their crazed ramblings would give a negative psyche to others. Cyno then asks the Traveler to meet him elsewhere for a conversation.

At the arranged spot, Cyno explains the history of the Village Keepers; they were initially shunned by the village due to not being useful, but when an earthquake struck one day a mad scholar crouched to the ground with a green light radiating from him, protecting the entire village from any damage. The Traveler believes this to be the Dendro Archon's work, which Cyno believes and is surprised to learn that the Archon walks among the people. Just then, a boy named Isak appears and asks them to help find his grandpa.

Returning to the chief's house, Cyno confirms with Candace about Isak, who explains his past to them. Isak is delighted to learn that they'll be searching for his grandpa, so they begin to look for leads.



The Traveler and Cyno begin their investigation on 行方不明になったグラマパラ by talking to some of the locals. After talking to them, Cyno overhears two others talking about the Scarlet King's resurrection and confronts them. The two people, Sharkan and Makan, are terrified of Cyno's presence and quickly spill everything they know, including their hatred for the Dendro Archon and that a "radical" was responsible for the missing cases. Cyno warns them not to do anything absurd before Isak brings them to his grandpa's house, where the Traveler nearly faints from the aftermath of some incense.

Cyno is surprised to learn that they know Tighnari and begins tracking the scent, ending at some mysterious tracks out to the desert. They return to the village chief's house and inform Candace and Dehya of the new information, the latter stating that the incense used is only popular outside the wall. Dehya then bluffs that she knows the radicals and has the Traveler tag along with them, having Cyno stay behind as she's worried he might intimidate people.

As the two travel back to Caravan Ribat, Dehya expresses her hatred for the Wall of Samiel, explaining that its purpose of protecting the rainforest from sandstorms has been co-opted by the sages to also keep the Eremites out of Sumeru, as the sages simply take advantage of them, regarding the desertfolk as little more than tools or livestock to be exploited and discarded, "undeserving" of the Akasha's wisdom. At the local tavern, Dehya meets with Zaki and tells him to let Delavar that she has a spice deal for him. When Zaki takes them to the arranged spot, a large group of Eremites attack, but Dehya and the Traveler easily overwhelm the assassins. Dehya reveals her bluff that lured the radicals out, and with the Traveler, drags them back to the village.

The following night, Candace interrogates the radicals for information and they reveal that the Eremite band had met with a masked man claiming to be the Scarlet King's envoy, who gave them incense to lure the Village Keepers out. They would then meet at a junction where the man would take them away to an unknown location. Uncle Anpu then arrives after Cyno knocks them out, telling them that sometime ago, the Akademiya demanded the Village Keepers. He refused to give them back and finds it coincidental that the masked man has the same goals as them.

The group prepares to set out for the desert to find more information, while Candace stays behind to handle the radicals.


Before the group leaves, Alhaitham returns and states that one of the villagers they spoke to had consciously kept them out of the loop. He explains that if the person had become too friendly to the Village Keepers, they could make themselves a target for the radicals. The group quickly realizes that Shani had lied and return to her home to demand an explanation. Shani explains that she could hear screaming in the night, which Alhaitham confirmed with one of the village guards. After asking what was around the village, Shani tells them that there was an abandoned Eleazar hospital nearby and they go there to investigate.

Arriving at the hospital, the Traveler eliminates the monsters and Alhaitham discovers a second hospital hidden underneath the first, where they find one person; Razak. Alhaitham is surprised to see him and realizes that they might be too late. He explains that the Akademiya's misinformation campaign made the radicals spring into action to unknowingly help in their plans while ensuring that no liability could be traced to them, reminding them of their encounter with Mizri at Port Ormos as an example.

They take Razak back to the village, where they brief the others on what they found at the hospital. Cyno wonders how the Akademiya is aware of their plans before Alhaitham tells him that he's the mole, much to his anger. He explains that the sages already knew how and knew that they couldn't risk having his capabilities used against him. While he was idling about, Alhaitham found a book detailing his activities and movements which were uploaded to the Akasha on Jnagarbha Day. Cyno fails to see the reasoning behind it until Alhaitham tells him that the Akasha is capable of computation. Cyno is worried about having failed the group, but he quickly realizes he could use their own abilities against them.

Heading out into the desert, they find Dehya with a group of Eremites led by Rahman, who was responsible for moving the Village Keepers out of the hospital. After a short argument, Dehya offers to have her arm cut in return for the hostages' safety, but Rahman finds himself unable to carry the order and instead arranges for a fight the following day.


The next day, the group heads out to meet up with Rahman's group, where Dehya duels him and prevails. However, one of his lackeys proceeds to threaten Isak's "Grandpa" before another scolds him for cowardice after noticing his hand shaking, although it is quickly revealed to be an earthquake. However, green particles suddenly emerge from Isak's "Grandpa" before it manifests into a sphere to protect the entire group as they sink into the sands.

When the group comes to, they find themselves in some mysterious ruins which excites Rahman as the ruins belong to the Scarlet King. Rahman leaves his group to let them recover as he joins the others in investigating, where they find the Dendro Archon's power imbued in the ruins, which Alhaitham deems interesting. After running into some runes, Alhaitham deciphers them, revealing the transcript to be from Kasala, the last priest of the Scarlet King. The transcript tells how the Scarlet King introduced forbidden knowledge to his people, causing them to go mad; to save them, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata used her own powers to give the people life. This was not without a cost, as the Scarlet King chose to sacrifice himself to prevent the knowledge from returning, while Rukkhadevata reverted to a small child.

Rahman is shocked by the transcript before realizing that he and his people made an enemy of their savior and accepts the truth. He apologizes to the group for his actions and promises to return the Village Keepers and share what supplies his people have after explaining to them what he saw. Upon arriving at his stronghold, Rahman brings the group to the perpetrators, Morghi and Judar. They quickly reveal everything they know, explaining the dream samsara and why they were harvesting the mad scholars; the sages could not accept losing Rukkhadevata and wanted to create another god to maintain their grip on knowledge. The Traveler connects this with the visions they saw earlier as they realize the sages are trying to create a new God of Wisdom in Scaramouche.

Returning to the village with the Village Keepers and the suspects, everyone agrees that what the sages are doing is completely unacceptable and begin to concoct a plan to crush the sages and rescue their true god.


「マハールッカデヴァータの血肉、草神の心よ。ああ! なんと! 神聖であるか! 大善と大義は頂礼と賞賛、礼賛すべきものであり、記すべきもの。」
編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!

As the day starts, the Traveler and Paimon find Candace, who tells them that everyone is waiting. She asks has them promise that they wouldn't get too reckless before entering the village chief's home, where they catch up with Alhaitham, Cyno and Dehya. They formulate a plan before going off to finish up some last minute preparations. Alhaitham's plan involves taking action on the next Jnagarbha Day. Candace could tell that the meeting went along well and while she would remain behind to protect the village, she prays for their success.

Catching up to Alhaitham, he had just finished speaking with Rahman. Alhaitham reminds them that they need to commit to the plan due to the serious circumstances involved. He then states that as a scholar, he could advise the mercenaries from behind rather than having to fight at the front. He also points out that he had not known of forbidden knowledge while working at the Akademiya and suspects that the scholars and mercenaries who used it fell victim to its corruption; however, the Akademiya treated it as something else, and he suspects that what is happening now happened in the past. Paimon tells him that Tighnari had told them that Irminsul was connected to Sumeru's ailments and that they should inform Nahida, although Alhaitham fails to see the reason why until the Traveler explains it to him. This makes him conclude that saving Lesser Lord Kusanali much more important, but before they could start, he needs finish his preparations and they head off to Rahman's base.

Arriving at Rahman's base, they find Morghi and Judar working, as Alhaitham had given them something to do. Paimon spots the headset from before alongside some Canned Knowledge capsules, causing her to become nervous. Alhaitham explains that they wouldn't be using them yet, but asks the Traveler to remind themselves of their conviction. As they wear the headset, Alhaitham asks them to simulate the successful rescue of Kusanali and that Sumeru's political landscape has changed. Paimon is still unsure as to his intentions before he explains that people have relied too much on the Akasha and thus they're slaves to orders. With his preparation done, he sends them off to Cyno at Caravan Ribat while he finishes up some other small tasks with the Akademiya scholars.

Making their way to Cyno, the Traveler finds him arguing with Rahman over the plan, as Cyno could not accept a plan with immense casualties. Rahman states that they don't have a choice and that it's their best option, but Cyno is still unconvinced, as he had gone to Alhaitham for advice. Rahman admits that he knows the ways of the desert before he explains the plan; using his capacities as a Matra, Cyno would work with the guards at the outpost to arrest Rahman's men, as they were unregistered and that the outpost would never accept so much Eremites at once, being their best bet to infiltrate Sumeru City. Cyno states that Alhaitham gave him that suggestion and while he would ensure his men would not be hurt, the other guards wouldn't be as considerate and he is against meaningless loss. The Traveler offers to help, which both accept. Cyno, seeing Rahman's determination, decides to go with the plan.

Heading to the outpost, Cyno informs the guards that he's about to make a large arrest and needs their assistance in apprehending them. The guards go off to inform their superiors; as they do so, Paimon is worried that they might have been feigning support. However, Cyno reminds them of their discussion, in which Alhaitham believed that the guards at Caravan Ribat should be unaware that Cyno had stepped down due to his fellow Matra not knowing his current status and that if something happened to him, it would attract unwanted attention and potentially expose their master plan. Alhaitham also reminds the group of the Akasha's computation capabilities, although confident that it would be unable to discover their plan yet as they were all working together. Paimon is relieved before Cyno reminds her to pay attention next time as they hear footsteps.

The guards returned with their superior, Luxembarbo, who Cyno briefs on his mission and introduces the Traveler and Paimon as his assistant and their construct respectively. Cyno requests an elite platoon to set out in two days to apprehend Rahman's men. After two days pass, they meet up with Cyno at the outskirts of the village, where they find Luxembarbo and his men there already. Cyno reminds them that they need Rahman's men alive before they conveniently arrive on scene. After a brief struggle, Rahman and his men are arrested and taken away.

With no one to hear them, Cyno promises to get Rahman and his men into Sumeru City before asking them to proceed with the next part of the plan; assisting Dehya in convincing Tighnari to support them. While Paimon is concerned that he would not help due to not telling him the full plan, Cyno is confident that his relationship with Tighnari would get the message through.


Returning to Caravan Ribat, Dehya jokingly scolds them for being late. Due to the threat posed by Il Dottore, Dehya states that they'll need information on him before proceeding with their plan. The current plan involves heading to Pardis Dhyai to find Tighnari, who Alhaitham and Cyno believe still have the Akademiya's trust, and thus use him to get as much information as possible to adjust their plan if needed.

Arriving at Pardis Dhyai, they find Tighnari and ask to speak with him privately. Learning that Cyno was working with them, he agrees to help out in any way possible while not asking for the finer details. When they ask him about Dottore, he tells them that the Harbinger had just left, having arrived to ask him to give Haypasia to him for reasons unknown outside of working on her treatment. Tighnari refused, as he sensed an aura similar to that of other scholars. Dottore admitted that he would have dealt with him, but with the Tsaritsa calling for his return, he had no time but remarked that he could finish up some loose ends before leaving.

Asking where he went, Tighnari points them in the direction he left in. Although Paimon is unsure as to how they could track him, Dehya uses her mercenary skills and determines he's leaving via Port Ormos. There, they find a large Fatui entourage before they hide in Wikala Funduq. However, Dottore spots and waves at them, causing them to realize that he had misled them and that they're going after Haypasia instead. Rushing back to Pardis Dhyai, they help Tighnari drive the Fatui off before checking on Haypasia. However, touching her caused a manifestation of Scaramouche to appear, who tells them that their mission is futile as neither they nor Nahida could defeat him.

The Traveler asks why he's talking to them, in which he replies that he's just in a good mood. They ask some questions, stating that the Akademiya only sees him as a new Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and that the process to ascend him is risky. While Scaramouche notes their genuine concern, he states that he was always meant to be a god. He expresses his disgust for humanity, but when the Traveler points out that he could have cut his connection to Haypasia, he admits that he does have some affection for her, in that he saw her worthy to be his first follower due to seeing his past. The Traveler informs him of Dottore's intentions, but he believes it as an attempt to sow discord and showcases his newfound power by causing lightning around Pardis Dhyai.

Worried about Dehya and Tighnari, they head out and find that Tighnari had been struck by lightning. Dehya states that the weather took a change and tore most of the Fatui. Tighnari states that he'll be fine, but notices that the Traveler looks concerned. Heading in the greenhouse, the Traveler informs them of their encounter with Scaramouche. Dehya takes this as their plan being successful, as Dottore had left. She tells them to meet up with the group at the Grand Bazaar at the appointed time.


The next day, the Traveler meets up with Alhaitham outside the Akademiya and asks for a rundown of the plan again. Alhaitham states that they'll be infiltrating Azar's office to access his console, as there should be a way to free Kusanali from the Sanctuary of Surasthana. As Jnagarbha Day is important for the Akademiya, Alhaitham states that they'll just head straight in through the front door, much to Paimon's astonishment. Once they enter, they're met by Viraf, who questions the Traveler's arrival, only for Alhaitham to tell him the reason should be obvious as he walks off.

Further inside, they head into the House of Daena, where they lay low to ensure they wouldn't run into Azar in the process. However, Azar intercepts them, having been informed by an eyewitness. He takes them to their office, stating that due to Jnagarbha Day, he has little time for small talk and asks why they came before detaining them. The Traveler warns him of the Fatui's motives, but he pays no attention to it, being interested only in their new god. Alhaitham gives him information on the Traveler, leading the two to believe he had betrayed them. However, Azar calls Alhaitham out on his own plan. In an apparent fit of rage, Alhaitham drops the Divine Knowledge Capsule and lunges at Azar, but misses, although he knocks something over before the guards apprehend him. Azar orders him to be exiled to Aaru Village before locking the Traveler and Paimon up, confident that with the Traveler out of the way, the sages' plan would be set for good. As Alhaitham is dragged away, his Akasha reverts to green, revealing that his "insanity" was just a ploy as Nilou watches and smiles.

In the confinement room, the Traveler and Paimon go over the plan again, as the Traveler had also been tasked to wake Nahida from the Akasha. They manage to find a spot with stable connection and connect to Nahida's consciousness. They initially have trouble connecting to Nahida, as she has self-doubt over her capabilities as an Archon, but after hearing an unknown voice, is convinced to do her best. The Traveler breaks a barrier surrounding her and manages to wake her up. With Nahida's consciousness awoken, the next part of the plan begins.

Outside, Sheikh Zubayr asks Nilou if she really intends to go with the plan, which she affirms. Zubayr concedes, but warns her to be careful, as the few people of the Bazaar might be unable to help her. Nilou makes her way to the Akademiya, where she performs at the entrance. Azar orders the guards to detain her, but when the order is uploaded to the guards, they're told that Kusanali escaped into the city and are ordered to apprehend her. Alhaitham had planned for this possibility, thus leaving the Akademiya without guards, allowing Dehya and the Eremites to go into action. Dressing Isak as Kusanali, they lure the guards into the Bazaar and defeat them.

Back at the Akademiya, Azar wonders where the guards are when Uday arrives, having done what he was told. Azar checks the Akasha himself, discovering the order but wonders how it got there in the first place. When Uday questions the Akasha, he unintentionally angers Azar, who goes to the Sanctuary of Surasthana to investigate. When he arrives to confirm the information himself, he runs into Cyno, who demands that he plead guilty to the archon herself. Meanwhile, Dehya frees the Traveler from the confinement room and tells them that the plan was a success.

Heading into the Sanctuary, the Traveler and Paimon meet Nahida in-person for the first time. Nahida apologizes for putting through situations she caused, but they decline the apology as she wasn't at fault. Now knowing the full extent of the damage, Nahida reverts the Akasha to be used by herself only and revoke all of the sages' access, make them pay for their crimes and also to stop the false god. She advises them to prepare themselves.


Inside, Nahida remarks on the intricacy of the Akasha before giving the Traveler an "upgraded" version which she made just recently and would help them in their travels. She also reveals that she discovered the false god's location. She also intends to support them, as she doesn't have enough power to fight yet. Needing to connect to Scaramouche's consciousness, they enter the facility, which had been made by the Fatui. As they head deeper into the facility, Nahida could sense that Scaramouche was either nearing or already became a god. When they finally reach him, they find him in a large mechanical suit and that he sees himself as a god, although Nahida notes that the sages weren't able to infuse the Divine Knowledge Capsules into him and that he lacks the spiritual height of one. Nahida awakens him in order to get his attention before he challenges them to a fight as to reenact a scene of the Archon War despite Nahida's pleas otherwise.

Despite the Traveler's initial attempts, Scaramouche plunges his arm into Nahida's chest to grab her Gnosis, but Nahida reveals that he had been in a repeating samsara. Due to the samsaras, she proceeds to impart the combat knowledge to the Traveler to put them on better fighting terms, alongside compiling the knowledge of Sumeru's people with the Akasha to the "upgraded" terminal, allowing them to defeat Scaramouche. Nahida proceeds to grab the Electro Gnosis from the mechanical chest, causing Scaramouche to fall out as he begs for Nahida not to take it from him.

Using the Electro Gnosis alongside her own, Nahida and the Traveler enter Rukkhadevata's final memory, although she was surprised to see it severely contaminated. The Traveler explains the concept of forbidden knowledge to her, which she connects to the Scarlet King's time and also the Cataclysm. Nahida clutches in pain as the corroded consciousness is affecting everyone, so set out and find a boat to take them to Rukkhadevata's lucid consciousness to find the answers they seek. When they arrive, the Traveler recalls seeing the same place when they first arrived in Sumeru before they meet a replica of Nahida, although it is Rukkhadevata's consciousness.

Nahida has many questions for Rukkhadevata, who reveals that she created Nahida from the purest Irminsul branch to serve as her incarnation in the next samsara. Rukkhadevata states that to save Irminsul, Nahida would have to erase her from it, which would remove all traces of her having ever existed on Teyvat. Nahida is upset at this, but regretfully complies. As Rukkhadevata is removed, Irminsul is restored, which in turn allows the people of Sumeru to dream again and removes the forbidden knowledge completely. Returning to the real world, Nahida and Paimon have forgotten about Rukkhadevata, but the Traveler has not; as the Traveler contemplates telling the truth, they suddenly fall asleep.

Dottore then walks in, having waited too long to speak with Nahida in person and that he simply used a sound wave to put the Traveler and Paimon to sleep. He reveals he came to negotiate, but also reminds her that she can't fight him. Nahida admits this, but threatens to destroy the Electro Gnosis, which in turn could potentially awaken Celestia. Dottore falls for the threat, but Nahida, knowing that Ei's Gnosis would bring disaster to Sumeru, agrees to give it to him as long as he destroys the other segments. Dottore states that he spent many rare resources making them, but agrees and eliminates them all. With the deal made, Dottore inquires about her own Dendro Gnosis, as it has no use now that the Akasha is going to be shut down. Dottore offers her information about the sky and star being a lie, which she accepts for her own Gnosis.

The Traveler regains consciousness at Gandharva Ville, with Paimon waking them up.


Catching up with Collei, the three have breakfast before finding that Nilou had left them a letter. Opening it, they discover that she's invited them to a celebratory feast as Cyno had returned to his original position as General Mahamatra. As they meet up with Tighnari, the Traveler learns that Cyno had brought them to Gandharva Ville to recover, although he was unaware that a feast was being held in his name. The Traveler invites the two along, but they refuse, as the Forest Rangers have been much busier as of late. Tighnari also reveals that Azar and the other sages would be spending the rest of their lives in Avidya Forest to cultivate wisdom after hearing that Nahida had defeated Scaramouche and restored Irminsul.

Returning to the Grand Bazaar, Nilou tells the Traveler that she had also sent invitations to Alhaitham, Dehya, Dunyarzad, Rahman and Cyno and asks them to look for them to confirm that they got the invitations. Heading into the House of Daena, they find Alhaitham arguing with Kaveh, who had just returned from the desert to discover that the sages had been overthrown. As Kaveh leaves to confirm it with others, Alhaitham notices the Traveler. He remarks on the absurdity of the situation they had just navigated and that he had rejected an offer to become the Grand Sage, as he did not like being a leader. The Traveler informs him of the feast and he agrees to come.

Heading to Port Ormos, they find Dehya and Dunyarzard, the latter relieved and delighted that all the Eleazar cases were dealt with. Dehya states that she intends to quit serving as her bodyguard, as she wanted to return to her mercenary life. She asks them if Alhaitham told them about considering working for the Akademiya, which they were unaware of. Paimon asks about the invitation, although the two had not been aware of it but thank her and agree to join. Asking where Cyno and Rahman were, Dehya tells them that they were likely at Aaru Village.

Arriving at Aaru Village, the pair catch up with Cyno just as Rahman and Setaria arrive. Setaria reveals that she intends to leave the Akademiya, but continue her studies so she could enrich the well-being of her people, who had been neglected by the Akademiya. Due to Nahida's manipulation earlier, Setaria resolved to return to the desert and was going to confront Azar when she found that he wasn't there, only for Cyno to inform her that he was gone. Nahida, wanting to put the people of the desert on par with the rainforest, devoted many supplies to help out, but Cyno had to contact Rahman's men to get them distributed. Cyno then learns about the feast in his name and agrees to come, while Rahman and Setaria decline as they're too busy.

With all the people onboard, the Traveler returns to the Grand Bazaar as the feast goes underway. Noting that the people were now talking about Nahida, they had forgotten about Rukkhadevata but decides to keep her memory a secret to honor her last wish. After talking to a few people, Nahida connects to the Traveler and uses them as a channel to speak with the rest of the group, thanking them for saving her and all of Sumeru. The group is humbled by her presence before she arrives in-person, bringing the feast to its climax.

The following day, the Traveler returns to the Sanctuary to speak with Nahida, who suggests they go to Fontaine and meet with its Archon, Focalors. She also reveals that while digging through the Akasha, she discovered that their sibling hailed from Teyvat and appeared in Khaenri'ah; after the Cataclysm, they began their travel across Teyvat. However, at the climax of their journey, the records became fuzzy, causing her to suspect that someone was intentionally withholding information their fate. She also reveals that the Fatui had classified them as Teyvat's fourth "Descender", a visitor from outside Teyvat. She suspects the first "Descender" to be the Heavenly Principles, but is unsure as to who the other two were, leaving both with many questions. Nonetheless, she promises to help them on their journey when she has the time.







Item_Adventure_EXP.png 19,000 冒険経験
Item_Primogem.png 300 原石
Item_Mora.png 761,955 モラ
Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 61 大英雄の経験
Item_Adventurer%27s_Experience.png 23 冒険家の経験
Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 127 仕上げ用魔鉱
Item_Recipe.pngItem_Pita_Pocket.png 1 レシピ: ピタ
Item_Memory_of_Flourishing_Green.png 3 草木繁茂の記憶
Item_Silver_Twig.png 1 新生の白き枝


  • 第一幕と第二幕の告知文は、オマール・ハイヤームの「ルバイヤート」の第32句と第9句を引用している。








  1. 『テイワット』メインストーリーチャプターPV-「足跡」


Element_Dendro_White.svg 第三章
  • 終に訪れし花神誕祭
  • すでに訪れし花神誕祭
  • 流れ延びゆく花神誕祭
  • 意志を輪廻せし花神誕祭
  • 運命を因果せし花神誕祭
  • 空幻に響く花神誕祭
  • 終に終りし花神誕祭
  • 黎明 (エピローグ)
  • 行方不明になったグラマパラ
  • 魔鱗病病院の泣き声
  • 熱砂の中の秘密
  • 運命のような出会い
  • 運命を嘲弄する資格
  • 運命の終点で涙を零す者
  • 既に記された運命
  • 瓊台玉閣
  • 鳴海栖霞
  • 過去は塵のごとし
  • 心安らかな処
  • 予期せぬ客
  • 岩下の迷境
  • 危険だらけ
  • 窮途末路
  • 活路を開け
  • 夜を飛ぶ鳥は三段へと落ちる
  • 乱世輪舞
  • 幕切——傾奇の末
  • 朝露のように

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