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  1. 行方不明になったグラマパラ
  2. 魔鱗病病院の泣き声
  3. 熱砂の中の秘密



The Traveler and Cyno begin their investigation on 行方不明になったグラマパラ by talking to some of the locals. After talking to them, Cyno overhears two others talking about the Scarlet King's resurrection and confronts them. The two people, Sharkan and Makan, are terrified of Cyno's presence and quickly spill everything they know, including their hatred for the Dendro Archon and that a "radical" was responsible for the missing cases. Cyno warns them not to do anything absurd before Isak brings them to his grandpa's house, where the Traveler nearly faints from the aftermath of some incense.

Cyno is surprised to learn that they know Tighnari and begins tracking the scent, ending at some mysterious tracks out to the desert. They return to the village chief's house and inform Candace and Dehya of the new information, the latter stating that the incense used is only popular outside the wall. Dehya then bluffs that she knows the radicals and has the Traveler tag along with them, having Cyno stay behind as she's worried he might intimidate people.

As the two travel back to Caravan Ribat, Dehya expresses her hatred for the Wall of Samiel, explaining that its purpose of protecting the rainforest from sandstorms has been co-opted by the sages to also keep the Eremites out of Sumeru, as the sages simply take advantage of them, regarding the desertfolk as little more than tools or livestock to be exploited and discarded, "undeserving" of the Akasha's wisdom. At the local tavern, Dehya meets with Zaki and tells him to let Delavar that she has a spice deal for him. When Zaki takes them to the arranged spot, a large group of Eremites attack, but Dehya and the Traveler easily overwhelm the assassins. Dehya reveals her bluff that lured the radicals out, and with the Traveler, drags them back to the village.

The following night, Candace interrogates the radicals for information and they reveal that the Eremite band had met with a masked man claiming to be the Scarlet King's envoy, who gave them incense to lure the Village Keepers out. They would then meet at a junction where the man would take them away to an unknown location. Uncle Anpu then arrives after Cyno knocks them out, telling them that sometime ago, the Akademiya demanded the Village Keepers. He refused to give them back and finds it coincidental that the masked man has the same goals as them.

The group prepares to set out for the desert to find more information, while Candace stays behind to handle the radicals.


Before the group leaves, Alhaitham returns and states that one of the villagers they spoke to had consciously kept them out of the loop. He explains that if the person had become too friendly to the Village Keepers, they could make themselves a target for the radicals. The group quickly realizes that Shani had lied and return to her home to demand an explanation. Shani explains that she could hear screaming in the night, which Alhaitham confirmed with one of the village guards. After asking what was around the village, Shani tells them that there was an abandoned Eleazar hospital nearby and they go there to investigate.

Arriving at the hospital, the Traveler eliminates the monsters and Alhaitham discovers a second hospital hidden underneath the first, where they find one person; Razak. Alhaitham is surprised to see him and realizes that they might be too late. He explains that the Akademiya's misinformation campaign made the radicals spring into action to unknowingly help in their plans while ensuring that no liability could be traced to them, reminding them of their encounter with Mizri at Port Ormos as an example.

They take Razak back to the village, where they brief the others on what they found at the hospital. Cyno wonders how the Akademiya is aware of their plans before Alhaitham tells him that he's the mole, much to his anger. He explains that the sages already knew how and knew that they couldn't risk having his capabilities used against him. While he was idling about, Alhaitham found a book detailing his activities and movements which were uploaded to the Akasha on Jnagarbha Day. Cyno fails to see the reasoning behind it until Alhaitham tells him that the Akasha is capable of computation. Cyno is worried about having failed the group, but he quickly realizes he could use their own abilities against them.

Heading out into the desert, they find Dehya with a group of Eremites led by Rahman, who was responsible for moving the Village Keepers out of the hospital. After a short argument, Dehya offers to have her arm cut in return for the hostages' safety, but Rahman finds himself unable to carry the order and instead arranges for a fight the following day.


The next day, the group heads out to meet up with Rahman's group, where Dehya duels him and prevails. However, one of his lackeys proceeds to threaten Isak's "Grandpa" before another scolds him for cowardice after noticing his hand shaking, although it is quickly revealed to be an earthquake. However, green particles suddenly emerge from Isak's "Grandpa" before it manifests into a sphere to protect the entire group as they sink into the sands.

When the group comes to, they find themselves in some mysterious ruins which excites Rahman as the ruins belong to the Scarlet King. Rahman leaves his group to let them recover as he joins the others in investigating, where they find the Dendro Archon's power imbued in the ruins, which Alhaitham deems interesting. After running into some runes, Alhaitham deciphers them, revealing the transcript to be from Kasala, the last priest of the Scarlet King. The transcript tells how the Scarlet King introduced forbidden knowledge to his people, causing them to go mad; to save them, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata used her own powers to give the people life. This was not without a cost, as the Scarlet King chose to sacrifice himself to prevent the knowledge from returning, while Rukkhadevata reverted to a small child.

Rahman is shocked by the transcript before realizing that he and his people made an enemy of their savior and accepts the truth. He apologizes to the group for his actions and promises to return the Village Keepers and share what supplies his people have after explaining to them what he saw. Upon arriving at his stronghold, Rahman brings the group to the perpetrators, Morghi and Judar. They quickly reveal everything they know, explaining the dream samsara and why they were harvesting the mad scholars; the sages could not accept losing Rukkhadevata and wanted to create another god to maintain their grip on knowledge. The Traveler connects this with the visions they saw earlier as they realize the sages are trying to create a new God of Wisdom in Scaramouche.

Returning to the village with the Village Keepers and the suspects, everyone agrees that what the sages are doing is completely unacceptable and begin to concoct a plan to crush the sages and rescue their true god.




Story Teaser- Lost Legacies in the Sand - Genshin Impact


言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
Akazuna no Ou to Sannin no Junreisha[!]
King of the Red Sands and the Three Pilgrims
Chìtǔ zhī Wáng yǔ Sān Cháoshèng-zhě
King of the Red Earth and the Three Pilgrims
Chìtǔ zhī Wáng yǔ Sān Cháoshèng-zhě
英語King Deshret and the Three Magi
韓国語적토의 왕과 세 순례자
Jeokto-ui Wanggwa Se Sullyeja
King of the Red Earth and the Three Pilgrims
スペイン語El Rey Deshret y los tres peregrinosKing Deshret and the Three Pilgrims
フランス語Le roi Deshret et les trois magesThe King Deshret and the Three Mages
ロシア語Царь Дешрет и три волхва
Tsar' Deshret i tri volkhva
Tsar Deshret and the Three Volkhvs[• 1]
Rachan Mongkut Daeng Lea Horacharn Tang Sam
The Red Crown King and the Three Magi
ベトナム語Xích Thổ Chi Vương Và Tam Triều Thánh GiảKing of the Red Earth and the Three Pilgrims[※]
ドイツ語König Deshret und die drei HeiligenKing Deshret and the Three Saints
インドネシア語Raja Tanah Merah dan Tiga PeziarahRed Dirt King and Three Pilgrims
ポルトガル語O Rei Deshret e os Três MagosKing Deshret and the Three Mages
  1. ロシア語: Царь Tsar' and волхв volkhv are old slavic terms roughly synonymous to "king" and "magus" respectively.




  • 終に訪れし花神誕祭
  • すでに訪れし花神誕祭
  • 流れ延びゆく花神誕祭
  • 意志を輪廻せし花神誕祭
  • 運命を因果せし花神誕祭
  • 空幻に響く花神誕祭
  • 終に終りし花神誕祭
  • 黎明 (エピローグ)
  • 行方不明になったグラマパラ
  • 魔鱗病病院の泣き声
  • 熱砂の中の秘密
  • 運命のような出会い
  • 運命を嘲弄する資格
  • 運命の終点で涙を零す者
  • 既に記された運命
  • 瓊台玉閣
  • 鳴海栖霞
  • 過去は塵のごとし
  • 心安らかな処
  • 予期せぬ客
  • 岩下の迷境
  • 危険だらけ
  • 窮途末路
  • 活路を開け
  • 夜を飛ぶ鳥は三段へと落ちる
  • 乱世輪舞
  • 幕切——傾奇の末
  • 朝露のように

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