「turned」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Ice_Flingomatic - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

おれた植物を復活させるデバッグ用コード"firesuppressor"“Fling on!”–Wilson, examining when turned on.Willow_Portrait.png“I wish you'd shut your lid and stop putt

Mod:Mods - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

uctuations, loss of gravity and oxygen. The dangers of the island get turned on their head in this interesting twist on the original map.Ste

ベラナ・トレス - Memory Alpha wiki

ainful examination, the crews of Voyager and the Maquis vessel were returned to their ships, with the exception of Torres and Starfleet ensi

五百蔵 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

I haven't been able to look for people to play with ever since being turned into stone. They're the only ones who have kept me company.五百蔵:

アップデート_27 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

omments‘Item Labels’ are now set to ‘On’ by default, but can still be turned off.Avionics Screen no longer uses ‘Hold to Confirm’. (As menti

ルーンストーン - Noita Wiki

tiles in a short radius disappear.YesRunestone of FireProjectiles are turned into Fireballs.NoItem_runestone_laser.pngRunestone of LightProj

Floats - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

.png“Fly straight and true!”–Wigfrid, examining a Jet Quill Float.“We turned a feather into a float!”–Webber, examining a Jet Quill Float.Wa

WX-78_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。I WIN. GOOD.“I SHALL DOMINATE ALL CREATURES”–WX-78このページはプレイヤーが

Warly_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

endar.pngAporkalypse Calendar- "Like the knobs on a stove, it must be turned just right."Nature - Mant Hill[]Hamlet[]Antcomb_Home.pngAntcomb

Patch_3.2.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

through any means available in the game.Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against oth

Warbucks_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ed."Ice_Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (off)- "It appears it has been turned off."Ice Flingomatic (on)- "I say, it's an automated fire briga

トゥヴォック - Memory Alpha wiki

to be there in the first place. (VOY: Flashback)テンプレート:BginfoTuvok returned to Vulcan, where he taught archery science for several years at

Singing_Machine_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

あなたは機械の電源を切りましたが、誰かがこの機械の歌を望む限りそれは動き続けます。あなたの選択は何も変えません。"- Angela"You turned off the machine but as long as someone wants this machine to si

Forsaken - World of Warcraft Wiki

ir conscious will restored. Their spirits and memories were somehow returned to their undead bodies. Even the Lich King’s champion, Arthas,

大災害 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

arated, and had their memories wiped.[34] Meanwhile, the Moon Sisters turned on each other and all died in the ensuing conflict, with only o

Nectar - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Y CONVERTER TO BECOME USEFUL”–WX-78“I wonder if this could somehow be turned to honey.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Nectar makes honey,

Wagstaff_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

y Planning[]Hamlet[]Lamp_Post.pngLamp Post (off)- "Presumably they've turned it off to conserve the bulb."Lamp Post (on)- "How wonderful! Do

Mushtree - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ar a Birchnut Tree in Reign of Giants.Fullmoon.pngMushrooms that have turned into Mushtrees during a full moon in a Reign of Giants-enabled

Nightwave - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ets provide 2-4 scans. To get new daily scans, completed ones must be turned in before daily reset (00:00 UTC)他のプレイヤーがスキャン範囲内にいる場合は、他のプレイヤーの

Moonlens - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

lens_%28Bloom_off%29.pngAll types of Moonlens with the 'Bloom' option turned off.Moonlens_new_map.PNGAll moonlens types on the map.Moonlens_

Nightwave/アクト - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ets provide 2-4 scans. To get new daily scans, completed ones must be turned in before daily reset (00:00 UTC)他のプレイヤーがスキャン範囲内にいる場合は、他のプレイヤーの

Ghoul - Fallout Wiki

live by the winds of the Divide (via a failed Big MT experiment), and turned into ghouls by the radiation of the exploded underground missil

スポット - Memory Alpha wiki

sickbay for a check-up just before giving birth. (TNG: Genesis)Spot, turned into an iguanaLater on, Spot played an integral part in saving