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マハールッカデヴァータは500年前の大災害でこの世を去った[5][Note 2]。生前、彼女は次の化身であるクラクサナリデビ[5]を生み出し、現在の草神と知恵の神として昇天した[6][7]。
テイワットからマハールッカデヴァータの記憶がなくなる前、アランナラは彼女をQueen Aranyaniと呼び、自分たちを彼女の子供と呼んでいた[8]。
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata was once friends with ナブ・マリカッタ and キングデシェレト (Scarlet King), and each had their own views on "wisdom."[9][10] Greater Lord Rukkhadevata presumably worked alongside her two friends in governing アイ・ハヌム, the "City of the Moon Maiden."[11][12] However, as a result of a certain incident, the Goddess of Flowers perished,[11] and Ay-Khanoum was destroyed when the "first pillar" descended and turned the region into a desert.[13]
King Deshret, who had been in love with the Goddess of Flowers, became obsessed with the past.[14] This eventually caused the Deshret and Rukkhadevata to split ways, and Rukkhadevata decided to pursue her own ideas of wisdom by creating a verdant paradise in the forest.[15]
After her falling out with Deshret, Rukkhadevata created the ヴァルナ in a section of the desert[Note 3] and used "hedges and streams" to protect a certain secret related to "sun and rain."
With the help of her followers, who would go on to establish the 生論派 Darshan of スメール教令院, Rukkhadevata developed a flourishing rainforest. スメールシティ was built on the 聖樹, a particularly massive tree located in Sumeru's forest region, and the sages of Sumeru Akademiya assisted Rukkhadevata in managing the nation's affairs.[16]
Rukkhadevata also created the アランナラ, small plantlike creatures with the ability to control dreams.[17]
At the border between the forest and the desert, the 防砂壁 was erected to prevent the forest from undergoing desertification. The Lord of Forests, a lineage of "tigers" which began with ビャガラ, protected the forest with the help of humans who would learn the secrets of the forest, such as ヴィリデセルン.
Thousands of years ago,[18] while Rukkhadevata was cultivating the forest, Deshret's pursuit of his ideal world led him to inadvertently release forbidden knowledge into his kingdom.[19] People heard crazed whispers in their heads and the disease known as 魔鱗病 — the manifestation of 死域 on human bodies — began to spread.[20] This led to the fall of Deshret's civilization and its people were divided into numerous short-lived city-states, including ジュラバド, トゥライトゥーラ, and Saleh.[12][21]
After learning of the plight of Deshret's people, Rukkhadevata came to their aid on account of her old friendship with Deshret.[19] She gathered the people,[22] instructing them to build temples and creating Aaru Village as the last bastion of Deshret's civilization. She also expended a great deal of her power to suppress forbidden knowledge and regressed into a childlike form. Even this, however, was not enough — in the end, Deshret sacrificed himself to finally put an end to it.[20]
Five hundred years before the start of the main story, a bitter struggle between Khaenri'ah and those who lived under Celestia's control, including the denizens of the surface of Teyvat's Seven Nations and the Archons who ruled over them, as well as an attack by Abyssal monsters, wreaked havoc on Teyvat. The Withering spread uncontrollably throughout both the forest and the desert, causing decay and destruction so terrible that it was called "The Black Tide."[23]
To put an end to the devastation, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata embarked on a final journey with some of her followers. She ultimately descended to the heart of the land, which the Abyssal creatures had made their dwelling and turned it into "a cavern of the damned where neither sun, moon, nor fire shine."[24] Rukkhadevata never returned from her journey, while the final Lord of Forests perished in defense of the forest.[9] As a result of Rukkhadevata's disappearance, the "grass and trees never spoke again" to Viridescent.[25]
It is later confirmed that she was not actually summoned to participate the war against Khanenri'ah; instead, she had a mission to protect Irminsul. The pollution of forbidden knowledge occured alongside the disaster, and it had already invaded Irminsul and caused great distress to Rukkhadevata. She created the Akasha System to "borrow" her citizens' dreams and wisdom, and used her own strength the second time to clear the forbidden knowledge, like how she did it with King Deshret thousands of years ago. However, she realized that the forbidden knowledge caused corruption to her mind as well, as she was the avatar of the world tree. She realized that her existence must be eliminated, because her existence was still present in Irminsul even after death. Before her demise, Rukkhadevata prepared for her next incarnation by cultivating the purest branch of Irminsul, and left a trail of clues, "Let the world completely forget me."[5]
It is unlikely that Rukkhadevata personally met the Traveler's sibling. The Traveler's sibling befriended the Aranara during their journey after the cataclysm and repaired the Varuna Contraption, which saved the rainforest from destruction. The Aranara have known them ever since as "Nara Varuna."
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata was remembered as a goddess who had protected Sumeru "since time immemorial" by dealing with disasters and creating the rainforest so that the people of Sumeru could live in peace. Some of her most devoted followers who were researchers founded Sumeru Akademiya and assisted her in ruling Sumeru.[26] The Akasha System, which was powered by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's Gnosis,[27] was considered her legacy.[Note 4] It has since been reformed by Sumeru Akademiya into its current form.[28] While Lesser Lord Kusanali had her reservations about the Akademiya's current use of the Akasha, she believed it was Rukkhadevata's wish to see it taken to its maximum potential and thus did not interfere with its affairs until the sages enacted their Samsara plan during the Sabzeruz Festival.
The Akademiya greatly idolized Rukkhadevata — or at least, the wisdom that they believed she personified. After Rukkhadevata's disappearance, the sages searched for her. They found Lesser Lord Kusanali, who bore a great physical resemblance to their former Archon, and brought her back to Sumeru City. Initially, the people rejoiced at her discovery and changed the Sabzeruz Festival's date to commemorate Kusanali's birthday. However, after some examination, the sages found that Kusanali was barely any different from an ordinary human child; she had no great wisdom nor the strength of a god. Disappointed in their new god, the sages locked her up in the Sanctuary of Surasthana and greatly reduced their focus on the new god in favor of espousing Rukkhadevata's legacy.[20]
Over time, and with the help of the Akademiya's misinformation campaign, the people of Sumeru have forgotten the true history between Rukkhadevata and Deshret. Some believe that a battle between the two was what created Sumeru's desert, and fanatic followers of Deshret view Rukkhadevata as a traitor who betrayed him and took the place of Archon. This perversion of the truth has allowed the sages to maintain tight control over information in Sumeru by pitting the people of the forest against the Eremites, making it easy for the sages to manipulate both groups from behind the scenes.[20]
The duty of protecting the "secret of sun and rain" has since fallen to the Aranara, who use dreams and illusions to create a labyrinth with a similar effect to Rukkhadevata's original hedges and streams.[29]
In present day, after the Traveler and co. frees Kusanali and then defeats the faux god Shouki no Kami, Nahida now has two Gnoses and can finally understand the final memory of Rukkhadevata. After the painful realization, Nahida is forced to eliminate Rukkhadevata from Irminsul to completely remove the forbidden knowledge. As a result, the consequence of the forbidden knowledge (crazed whispers, The Withering, and Eleazar) disappeared, but Rukkhadevata herself is forgotten, as if she never existed in the world. While she still existed, no one can remember her, and all references to her are rewritten.[5][30] The only individual that still remembers Greater Lord Rukkhadevata is one of the Descenders, the Traveler.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | マハールッカデヴァタ Mahaa Rukkadevata | Mahā Rukkadevata |
中国語 (簡体字) | 大慈树王 Dà Císhùwáng | Great Benevolent Tree Lord |
中国語 (繁体字) | 大慈樹王 Dà Císhùwáng | |
英語 | Greater Lord Rukkhadevata | — |
韓国語 | 위대한 룩카데바타 Widaehan Rukkadebata | Great Rukkhadevata |
スペイン語 | Reina Mayor Rukkhadevata | Greater Queen Rukkhadevata |
フランス語 | Molrani Rukkhadevata | Molrani Rukkhadevata[• 1] |
ロシア語 | Великая властительница Рукхадевата Velikaya vlastitel'nitsa Rukkhadevata | Great Ruler Rukkhadevata[• 2] |
タイ語 | ท่านหญิง Rukkhadevata ผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ Than Ying Rukkhadevata Phu Ying Yai | Great Lady Rukkhadevata |
ベトナム語 | Đại Vương Rukkhadevata | Great Lord Rukkhadevata |
ドイツ語 | Höhere Herrin Rukkhadevata | Higher Lady Rukkhadevata |
インドネシア語 | Greater Lord Rukkhadevata | — |
ポルトガル語 | Lorde Maior Rukkhadevata | Greater Lord Rukkhadevata |
トルコ語 | Mahadevi Rukkhadevata | |
イタリア語 | Sua Eccellenza Maggiore Rukkhadevata | Her Greater Excellency Rukkhadevata |
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 千樹の王 Senju no Ō | Queen of Thousand Trees |
中国語 (簡体字) | 千树之王 Qiānshù zhī Wáng | Queen of Thousand Trees |
中国語 (繁体字) | 千樹之王 Qiānshù zhī Wáng | |
英語 | Queen Aranyani | — |
韓国語 | 아란야니 여왕은 Alan-yani Yeowang-eun | Queen Aranyani |
スペイン語 | Reina Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
フランス語 | Reine Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
ロシア語 | Владычица Араньяни Vladychitsa Aran'yani | Mistress Aranyani |
タイ語 | ราชินี Aranyani Rāchinī Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
ベトナム語 | Nữ Hoàng Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
ドイツ語 | Herrin Aranyani | Lady Aranyani |
インドネシア語 | Ratu Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
ポルトガル語 | Rainha Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
トルコ語 | Kraliçe Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
イタリア語 | Regina Aranyani | Queen Aranyani |
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