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"The arrogation of mankind ends now!"


大災害 (中国語: 灾祸 zāihuò; 英語: cataclysm)は、禍災[1][2]、天地異変[1]、災難[3]カーンルイアの崩壊(または「古代王国」)[4]、闇の災難[5]、暗黒な災いなど無数の他の表現で呼ばれ[6][Note 1]、500年前に起きた広範囲の混乱と破壊を意味する。



注: なお、「原神」では、大災害に関する情報をあえて曖昧にしているため、このページでは大災害であることが確定している情報と、確定はしていないが大災害であることが示唆されている情報を掲載している。


  • Lore Discrepancy: ゲーム内で提供される情報が自己矛盾していたり、後付で変更されていたり、漫画の情報と矛盾している場合、伝承の不一致とみなされる。これは、ローカライズの誤りによって情報が矛盾したり誤解を招いたりする「翻訳の不一致」とは異なる。ゲーム内の情報と漫画の情報が矛盾している場合、ゲーム内の情報が常に優先される。
  • Translation Note: 中国語の原文とその公式英訳が一致しない場合や、中国語の方が分かりやすい場合に使用する。翻訳が一致しない場合、常に中国語の原文が優先される。
  • Assumptions: 情報不足、矛盾する情報、別の伝承で展開される情報、意図的に不正確なゲーム内資料、その他の難解な情報のため、編集者は特定のイベントの順序を決定したり、バラバラになった伝承の断片をパズルするために仮定する場合がある。しかし、新たな伝承やストーリーによって、それらが時代遅れとなり、間違っていることが証明されるかもしれません。このノートは、編集者がその結論に至った理由を説明し、免責事項として機能する7。







十一人のファトゥスの1人であるピエロは、故郷の「賢者」(おそらくカーンルイア[Assumption 1]が「罪のベール」を引き裂き、それによって「神の怒り、破壊、愚かさの潮流をもたらした」と述べている[9]ガイアは、カーンルイアに残っているのは「語るに値しない」罪人ばかりだと発言し[10] 、レインドット(黄金)は「罪人」[11][4][Note 2] 「大罪人」と表現される[12]



Several other figures have voiced their opinion that Celestia's punishment of Khaenri'ah was cruel and unjust. It is the reason why the Traveler's Sibling seeks to wage endless war against "destiny" until the "thrones" are toppled, and why the Tsaritsa seeks to rebel against the divine and create a new world.[17][18] To oppose both the Abyss Order and Celestia, the Tsaritsa established the Fatui, with Pierro as its first member.

At the same time, Celestia's attack may have been triggered by Khaenri'ah's actions. Dainsleif warns the Traveler against "trying to overthrow them [the gods], or hunt[ing] them down," despite previously voicing his disdain towards them. When the Traveler questions his contradictory statements, he explains that he wants to avoid repeating the "failings of my forebears."[7] Pierro's statement about how the sages of his nation "ushered in" the destruction wrought on them suggests he believes they had some culpability in causing their own destruction.[9] While musing to himself before La Signora's funeral, he alludes to these same sages, saying "The sages think themselves to be all-knowing, but we [the Fatui] alone are wise to the virtue in those acts of folly."[18][Note 3]

Khaenri'ah's Impudence[]

The Kingdom of Khaenri'ah was established as a nation without gods around the time the ancient civilization Sal Vindagnyr fell,[19][Assumption 2] and its inhabitants considered their nation to be the "pride of humanity." Khaenri'ah's existence and its goal of living independently from the gods were not secrets in Teyvat.[19][20] Traces of their technological achievements — such as Ruin Machines — appeared in Teyvat as early as 3,700 years ago and were collected by Guizhong during her research into mechanics.[21][Assumption 3]

People of Khaenri'ah suspected that the so-called "gods" were in fact alien to this world and had usurped it from its original denizens,[13] and began plotting to rebel against and overthrow the gods.[7] They developed Automatons now known as Ruin Machines as a means to fight against Celestia, and originally knew "Ruin Guards" as "Field Tillers," as they believed that "The land is not to be tilled with farming tools, but rather to be fought for with steel and blood."[22]

During the Archon War, shortly before the last people in Enkanomiya were going to emigrate to Watatsumi Island, diplomats from Khaenri'ah traveled to Enkanomiya to find evidence that the gods were usurpers. They attempted to steal the forbidden book Before Sun and Moon, which held an account of the ancient world ruled by the Primordial One up until its clash with the Second Who Came, but failed to make away with it due to Antei's intervention.[23][24]

The Art of Khemia[]

The Art of Khemia, a form of alchemy developed in Khaenri'ah that allows for the creation of life itself, has also been hinted as a cause for Khaenri'ah's destruction.[25]

While it was originally used to survive underground where no plants could grow normally,[26] its capabilities proved to be Khaenri'ah's undoing. The alchemist "Gold" Rhinedottir[27] became a "sinner" and unleashed their creations, an "army of shadowy monsters" that included the dark dragon Durin, on Teyvat.[4] These creations, empowered by an "all-consuming darkness" capable of tainting even the powers of The Seven,[28][29] destroyed all in their path.[12] Eventually, even the Eclipse Dynasty, the reigning dynasty in Khaenri'ah at the time, fell.[4]

Rhinedottir's unknown motivations for unleashing her creations and causing widespread destruction adds further ambiguity to the situation; it is hard to tell whether her actions caused Celestia to attack, if her actions were a response to Celestia's attack, or the two events were an untimely coincidence. The people of Mondstadt characterized Durin as a wicked, evil dragon who attacked the land out of jealousy, and was only felled by the combined powers of Barbatos and Dvalin.[4][11] However, Durin's perspective tells a very different story: He was under the impression that his "Mother" sent him aboveground to display his "beauty"[30] but seemed to be unconscious of his actions and the destruction he caused once he reached Mondstadt, and he only awoke from his "slumber" when Dvalin's fangs fatally pierced his neck. Durin even expresses remorse that he did not meet Dvalin and Barbatos under different circumstances.[31]

While many sources such as books and item descriptions pin the creation of the mutated monsters on Rhinedottir and imply that she was a major catalyst of the cataclysm, this idea is not corroborated by Khaenri'ah survivors. Dainsleif and Pierro both acknowledge that Khaenri'ah had some responsibility for the events that occurred, but they attribute the nation's fateful decisions to a group of people and not to a single person.

The Arrival of Outlanders[]

While not necessarily a cause of the cataclysm, the Traveler and the Traveler's Sibling traveled to Teyvat around the time of the cataclysm following the destruction of their home world.[32] This makes outlanders involved in at least three massively destructive events that occurred in this world,[Note 4] although not all of the incidents necessarily involved world travelers.

The first known case is the arrival of the Primordial One (the "eternal throne of the heavens"), who descended from another world and vanquished the old rulers of the world, the Seven Sovereigns, with the help of its shining shades. (Istaroth is believed to be one of those shades.) The Primordial One was later challenged by the Second Who Came (the "second throne of the heavens"), leading to a bitter war that destroyed the heavens and earth. The unified human civilization that once existed was divided in the process, causing the region of Enkanomiya to fall into the ocean. Following the war, the path between Enkanomiya and the surface world was severed.[33]

The second known case, although possibly related to the first, is an ancient catastrophe that led to the death of the Moon Sisters, the fall of the Seelie civilization, and the creation of The Chasm via the fallen solar chariot (or meteor). According to legend, one of the Seelie's ancestors fell in love with an outlander and they pledged their union in the Lunar Palace. Thirty days later, the world fell to ruin and after attempting to flee, the lovers were caught, permanently separated, and had their memories wiped.[34] Meanwhile, the Moon Sisters turned on each other and all died in the ensuing conflict, with only one sister's corpse continuing to illuminate the sky,[35] while the Seelie faded away into their current forms out of grief. The solar chariot (or meteor) crashed into the area that is now The Chasm, where it stayed until it leapt back into the heavens during the Archon War.[36][37]

The third case is Sal Vindagnyr, another prosperous civilization that had direct liaison with Celestia. It met its end after its Irminsul tree was abruptly destroyed by the Skyfrost Nail,[38] causing the once-verdant land to be engulfed by blizzards and making it inhospitable. During this time, an outlander named Imunlaukr was living in Sal Vindagnyr and had a close relationship with its princess.[39] While Imunlaukr is unlikely to be a world traveler, he is another example of an outlander who serves as a major character during the end days of a once-prosperous civilization.

The fourth case is the cataclysm itself. The Traveler's Sibling is closely entwined with Khaenri'ah's story and seeks to avenge its destruction at Celestia's hands. They were once close with Dainsleif and journeyed across Teyvat with him for a time before presumably learning about the "truth of this world." After witnessing Khaenri'ah's destruction, the twins attempted to leave Teyvat before the Unknown God appeared before them to stop them from leaving. While her motivations are unclear, she introduces herself as the "sustainer of Heavenly Principles" and makes it a point to call the twins "outlanders" as she confronts them.[40]

Forbidden Knowledge[]

Forbidden knowledge is said to come from the very depths of the Abyss and is described as 'alien' to the world of Teyvat. It has not been understood by even the Gods of Wisdom themselves, and its effects on mortals are both dangerous and maddening — capable of driving them insane and manifesting as deadly diseases such as Eleazar. The world itself appears to decay and die under its influence as evidenced by the Withering. If forbidden knowledge is not eradicated completely, even traces of it would continue to forever plague the world.[41]

There are two confirmed instances of forbidden knowledge being brought into the world, and both are associated with disasters:

The first instance was instigated thousands of years ago by King Deshret of Sumeru's desert,[41] who hoped to realize his dreams of creating a paradise for humans. Instead, the knowledge brought forth the demise of his once-glorious desert civilization, filling the minds of his people with "crazed whispers" and causing dark necrotic scales to manifest on their bodies. It is implied that the land itself would have withered away were it not for the timely intervention of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, who built temples infused with the divine power of life to slow down the spread of the blight. This threat was eradicated completely only when the Scarlet King later chose to sacrifice himself (with aid from Rukkhadevata), purging forbidden knowledge from the world for good.[42]

The second instance was 500 years ago, during the cataclysm itself, possibly as a result of whatever transpired in Khaenri'ah. This time, the disaster was so severe that it brought ruin to the rainforest and infected Irminsul itself — and by extension, the consciousness of the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata (which was connected to it). While the Dendro Archon gave her life trying to combat the knowledge pollution, she could only but stall its progression as traces of it yet remained in her corrupted conscious in Irminsul, creating Withering Zones, causing Eleazar, and even triggering earthquakes and sandstorms in the desert for the next 500 years. In the end, Lesser Lord Kusanali erased the remnant memory of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata in Irminsul, which successfully eradicated the knowledge pollution — but came at the cost of the entire world of Teyvat forgetting that Rukkhadevata ever existed. The only person known to remember Rukkhadevata is the Traveler, who lies outside of Teyvat's laws.[41]

Other Potential Causes[]

While his exact deeds are a mystery, the kitsune Urakusai is believed to have had some involvement in the Abyss' attack during the cataclysm. After discovering what he had done, the Kitsune Saiguu angrily banished him to parts unknown, then moved to Tenshukaku in preparation for the Abyss' attack.[43]

The Cataclysm in Teyvat[]


After monsters began emerging from Khaenri'ah, the Knights of Favonius, led by Grand Master Arundolyn and his anticipated successor Rostam, went on an expedition to Khaenri'ah to fight the monsters.[44] Rostam died during the expedition, leaving Arundolyn and Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter, who was studying at Sumeru Akademiya when he died, greatly bereaved. Arundolyn gave up fighting and retired from the Knights of Favonius out of grief,[45] while Rosalyne used her knowledge to transform her body into that of living flame and enact her vengeance against the monsters, becoming known as the "Crimson Witch of Flames."[46]

Meanwhile, Mondstadt was attacked by a corrupted Durin, who was created[27][47] and sent to Teyvat by Rhinedottir.[12][11][30][48][48][49][50] As Arundolyn had given up fighting after Rostam's death, there was no Lionfang Knight to lead in battle and no one strong enough to take on Durin.[45][49][51][52][53] The people of Mondstadt cried out for help and were heard by the Anemo Archon, who called upon Dvalin to fight Durin.

Dvalin defeated the larger dragon but ingested Durin's poisonous blood in the process. Dvalin went to Old Mondstadt to recover[11][48][49][50][54] while Durin fell down on Dragonspine, whose extreme, unnatural cold allowed the power inside Durin to seep into the land of Dragonspine. Even today, Durin's heart in Wyrmrest Valley appears to still beat.[31]


In Liyue, The Chasm and Dunyu Ruins are two known locations majorly impacted by the cataclysm. Monsters poured out of the Chasm and in response, Morax sent the Millelith to defend and evacuate the miners. The yaksha Bosacius, who had once abandoned his duty to defend Liyue after going mad from karma, was drawn to the bloodshed and fought alongside the Millelith. Bosacius, the exorcist Boyang, and some of the Millelith who chose to lead the vanguard ultimately perished in The Chasm after luring the monsters into a mysterious underground palace with the power to negate the power of the Abyss and using the Fantastic Compass to seal them in the Chasm's Bed.[55][56] Liyue eventually won the battle, but at the cost of many lives.[57]

What occurred in Dunyu Ruins is unknown, but its people decided to abandon the city and move to Liyue Harbor; none of the refugees nor adepti have spoken about what happened there.[36]


Shortly before the Abyss invaded Teyvat, the kitsune Urakusai apparently did something linked to it, which greatly angered the Kitsune Saiguu and led to his banishment. The Kitsune Saiguu, aware of the impending threat, moved from the Grand Narukami Shrine to Tenshukaku to stay close to the Electro Archon, then Makoto.[43] Makoto was also aware that something was going to happen in Khaenri'ah, saying that it "was not somewhere that any archon could afford to ignore" after Ei asks her about it long after her death.[16]

When the Abyss attacked, Makoto and her close allies, Ei, Mikoshi Chiyo, the Kitsune Saiguu, Reizenbou, and Takamine the Mistsplitter fought back the otherworldly threat but eventually perished or disappeared. Chiyo was consumed by a "beast of sin" and, while she slew the monster from within, was corrupted — she turned against Ei and fought her, which ended after Ei cut her horns and sword arm off and forced her to flee. The Kitsune Saiguu disappeared and was "consumed" by the Abyss for reasons that are unclear but likely related to the Thunder Sakuras, which were nearly overwhelmed trying to purify the land during the cataclysm. Reizenbou, enraged by her inability to protect the Kitsune Saiguu, left on a self-imposed exile. Takamine disappeared in a battle against the dark forces, only to be killed by his former lover Asase Hibiki when he finally resurfaced many years later.[58] Makoto was slain in battle in what is suggested to be Khaenri'ah, dying in her sister's arms.[15]


Sumeru was apparently affected by the cataclysm later than other countries such as Mondstadt.[59][60] However, the Dendro Archon, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, was slain during cataclysm, which caused Viridescent to no longer be able to hear the grass and trees speak.[61]

Old Vanarana was one of the places attacked in Sumeru by hordes of ruin machines and riftwolves. While the Aranara fought fiercely against the invaders, presumably with some humans, the land itself was heavily scarred from the fighting. A strange entity known as Marana's Avatar quickly formed at some point during or after the battle. While the Aranara managed to seal it away, it eventually managed to bypass the seal and began to spread an anomaly later known as The Withering across Sumeru's forests.

The Cataclysm in Khaenri'ah[]

The clash between Celestia and The Seven versus Khaenri'ah ended with the gods' victory. As punishment for losing, the Eclipse Dynasty was wiped out. Dainsleif, a knight of the royal family, was cursed with immortality while most citizens of Khaenri'ah were inflicted with a curse that transformed them into monsters and hilichurls.[62][63] Some people appear to have avoided the curse, such as Kaeya's lineage[64] and ostensibly Rhinedottir, but their exact circumstances are unknown. Some, like Dainsleif, have some unknown means of retaining their sanity, although it merely mitigates the effects of their curses.

During the disaster, Dainsleif orders Halfdan, an elite of the Royal Guards to protect the people of Khaenri'ah at all costs. However, Halfdan and the other royal guards ended up transforming into Shadowy Husks. Despite this, Halfdan was able to retain part of his consciousness despite lacking whatever Dainsleif uses to mitigate his own curse.[63]

The exact fates of all of the cursed people has been left ambiguous, but many turned into hilichurls.[63] Paimon also concludes from the account given by the Traveler's Sibling that the monsters of the Abyss Order were originally the people of Khaenri'ah,[62] which appears to be supported by the Pyro Abyss Lector Enjou's search for Before Sun and Moon, mirroring the Khaenri'ah delegation's search from at least 2,000 years ago. As a result of the curse, Dainsleif no longer views hilichurls or Abyss monsters as human.[22][63] It is still unclear what the suggested link between the hilichurls' Eclipse Tribe and Khaenri'ah's Eclipse Dynasty[65] means.

After the Traveling Twins arrived in Teyvat, Traveler's Sibling awoke first and eventually bore witness to Khaenri'ah's destruction.[66] At some point in time, they also traveled throughout Teyvat with Dainsleif,[62] but when exactly this occurred relative to the cataclysm is currently unclear.


The traveling twins fight the Unknown God

Across the world, there was a sudden surge in hilichurl population following the cataclysm.[6][67]


With Khaenri'ah in ruins, the Traveler's Sibling rushed back to where the Traveler still lay unconscious and woke them up, hoping to leave Teyvat as quickly as possible. The Traveler briefly witnessed the destroyed nation themselves before the two eventually set foot in Celestia as they attempted to leave.[Assumption 4] There, they were confronted by the Unknown God, who easily overpowered them and separated them, sealing the Sibling away first before dealing with the Traveler.[40]

Without their masters, Khaenri'ah's automatons spread all over Teyvat, becoming particularly drawn to ruins and thereby becoming known as Ruin Machines.[22] The Abyss Order was formed with the intent of overthrowing Celestia and laying waste to the surface world under their dominion.[62] Meanwhile, despite his anger towards The Seven, Dainsleif viewed the Abyss Order as the greater threat and became their vehement opponent.[22] Pierro, who had opposed the sages' plan from the start, sided with the Tsaritsa and her objective of creating a "new world," becoming the first of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. The Alberich Clan stepped up as regents after the King Irmin's strength failed, although they were unable to revive Khaenri'ah.[68]

Not only did Rhinedottir emerge from the cataclysm alive, she went on to create her second masterpiece, the synthetic human Albedo. When questioned about his link to the fallen nation, Albedo reassures the Traveler that he was created long after its destruction and that, as a "pure alchemist" like Rhinedottir who lives for academic knowledge, he has no particular attachment to it.[27] Whether this reflects Rhinedottir's opinion on Khaenri'ah has yet to be seen.


Rosalyne continued fighting against monsters, but her indiscriminate destruction caused many to become fearful of her. Before her flames could consume her heart and kill her, she was discovered by Pierro, who gave her a Delusion to suppress the flames and a psychological "delusion" that swayed her to join the Fatui's cause.

The White Knight Rostam mentored[51] survived the expedition and continued fighting against monsters. However, he became engrossed with the physical sensation of slaughter and became known as the Bloodstained Knight. Realizing he no longer had a place amongst humanity, he ventured into the Abyss intending to die in battle, only to learn about their origins: the "ultimate injustice" that cursed the people of Khaenri'ah into transforming into monsters. The Bloodstained Knight then pledged his allegiance to the Abyss, and his fate thereafter is unknown.[69][70]

At some point in Mondstadt's history, the first Field Tiller — a prototype for the automatons now known as Ruin Guards — somehow ended up in Mondstadt and wandered into Andrius' proving ground. Initially mistaking the war machine for a challenger, Andrius fought against it and eventually greatly damaged it. It then fled to Decarabian's tower, where it proceeded to fire missiles at anyone who approached the area. The people of Mondstadt, who did not know about Khaenri'ah's advanced technology, mistook these attacks as the vestiges of Decarabian's wrath and entitled the phenomenon "The Tyrant's Final Fury." However, around a year after the attacks began, they suddenly ceased as the Field Tiller lost functionality. People thereafter determined it was likely not Decarabian's doing, as he was the God of Storms and was unlikely to use fire-based attacks, but did not investigate the issue further.[7]


In Liyue, the battle against monsters led to a renaissance in weaponsmithing and catalyst creation after people discovered the weapons up until the cataclysm were not suitable for combat against such creatures.[71][72] This renaissance continued even after the end of the monster onslaught and led to the development of the Prototype Series and Blackcliff Series weapons.


With Makoto's death, Ei became the new Electro Archon. Having lost many of her close allies over the course of the conflict, and fearful after witnessing her sister's death and "that thing,"[73] Ei became fixated on Eternity and hoped to preserve the current Inazuma forever. Disillusioned with Celestia after witnessing Khaenri'ah's fate,[15] she severed ties with Celestia and ultimately gave her Gnosis to Yae Miko for safekeeping.[74]

Afraid that she was susceptible to erosion, Ei conducted experiments into creating an automaton in her likeness, which would rule Inazuma in her stead while Ei would isolate herself in her personal world, the Plane of Euthymia, meditating to stave off erosion. In the process of creating the Shogun, Ei also created the puppet now known as Scaramouche.[75]


Following Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's death, Lesser Lord Kusanali was born and became the new Dendro Archon.[76] The Akasha System, which is powered by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's Gnosis, is currently used by the people of Sumeru to manage knowledge as a resource.[77] While the Akasha System is described as Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's legacy, using knowledge as a resource is apparently not something they thought of themselves, as Yae Miko ponders whether it was Lesser Lord Kusanali or the sages at Sumeru Akademiya who came up with the idea.[74]


The Tsaritsa, embittered by what transpired, cut ties with Venti[78] (and potentially the other Archons) and established the Fatui to combat the Abyss Order and to one day overthrow Celestia, with Pierro as the first of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Pierro took the initiative in recruiting powerful individuals, including La Signora and Scaramouche, granting them Delusions to bolster their abilities. The Tsaritsa also granted her Harbingers god-like executive authority, although it is unclear whether this refers to Delusions or if it is a separate power.[78]

Known Casualties[]

NameNation of OriginCause of Death
RostamMondstadtSlain by monsters
BosaciusLiyueDied in The Chasm's Bed after sealing it
BoyangLiyueDied in The Chasm's Bed after sealing it
Kitsune SaiguuInazumaUnknown
MakotoInazumaKilled in Khaenri'ah
Mikoshi ChiyoInazumaKilled by Ei after succumbing to abyssal corruption
Takamine the MistsplitterInazumaKilled by Asase Hibiki after returning from Khaenri'ah
Greater Lord RukkhadevataSumeruUnknown
DurinKhaenri'ahKilled by Barbatos and Dvalin over Dragonspine

Present Day[]

Despite the cataclysm's large impact on the continent, knowledge about it is scarcely encountered in-game and much of its events have been dismissed as outlandish legend by modern-day people. Merely two books mention the cataclysm, while only a handful of NPCs talk about it.[67][79] Even some Fatui members, despite knowing about the threat of the Abyss and fighting it firsthand, do not believe that their conflict has lasted over 500 years.[80]Jean mentions Khaenri'ah,[20] but her knowledge of the cataclysm seems to be limited to the tale of Dvalin and Durin, which she learned from Diluc[81] after Venti revealed it to him.[82] Paimon also states the Traveler has rummaged through old books searching for information about Khaenri'ah and the cataclysm, with little success.[22] (It may be notable, however, that five-sixths of the Mondstadt Library's collection, which was once the largest in northern Teyvat, was lost following a large fire at an unknown point in time.[83])

Information about the cataclysm primarily comes from books; artifact, weapon, and item descriptions; or first-hand sources like the Archons or Khaenri'ah survivors. Venti recounts the story of Durin and Dvalin to an audience[84] but does not say when it occurred. After he plays the same song to Diluc, Diluc asks what he "witnessed" — implying Venti may have given him a vision of the battle — then states "This is confidential information."[82] Meanwhile, Zhongli has a contract that prevents him from speaking about the events of the cataclysm,[85] while the adepti refused to speak about the events that led Dunyu Ruins to be abandoned.[36] Ei admits that she still feels fear over what happened during the cataclysm, citing in particular, "...Her demise and that thing", though does not offer much more information as she only arrived after the worst of the fighting and was not herself the Electro Archon at the time.

While their numbers had dwindled since the cataclysm, Riftwolves (creations of Gold that have the ability to erode the world's boundaries) began appearing on the abandoned Tsurumi Island of Inazuma. More recently, they have appeared as far away as Mondstadt, where they have begun encroaching on Wolvendom, the territory of Andrius' wolfpack. Following the repeal of the Vision Hunt Decree, Riftwolves began appearing and making coordinated attacks against the roots of the Sacred Sakura on Narukami Island, something which greatly troubled Ei as Riftwolves historically served as harbingers of worse terrors during the cataclysm.

The Traveler's Journey[]

It has been heavily suggested that the Traveler's journey will be intricately linked to the events of the cataclysm. The most obvious indication is the Gnostic Chorus trailer, in which Venti's narration suggests that the second heir — "your story to be told" — is the player and by extension, the Traveler.

The description for Mondstadt Statues of The Seven says that the statue "anticipates the arrival of a noble soul [...] while thousand winds of time will soon unfold a new story." This "noble soul" is likely the Traveler, and it might not be a coincidence that both the Traveler[40] and Venti[86] woke up a few months before the start of the game. In the Gnostic Chorus trailer, both heirs start their journey in Mondstadt based on the background in the corresponding scene, which is also where the Traveler begins theirs.

When the Traveler confronts Zhongli about the destruction of Khaenri'ah and their sibling's relation to it, Zhongli refuses to divulge any information on account of his contract but appears to acknowledge the sibling: "If you take the same road as that person, there may be more difficulties ahead. But as long as you firmly believe that you are on the right path... everything has meaning."[85]

Related Material[]

Gnostic Chorus[]

Story Teaser- Gnostic Chorus - English Voice-Over - Genshin Impact

"An atrous sun befell its kingdom and a luminous pearl lost its glow."[Translation Note 1]
"Niveous silk grew dim and wheaten gold burned brilliantly no more."

—Breeze Amidst the Forest, about the fall of Khaenri'ah

The Gnostic Chorus story teaser that plays at the start of every new Battle Pass period may contain a link to the story of Celestia, Teyvat, Khaenri'ah, and by extension, the cataclysm.[Lore Discrepancy 1] It is narrated by Venti in such a way that suggests that he is speaking to the player (and thus, the Traveler), while the background in the scene where either heir sets off on their journey has Mondstadt's visual cues — a forest, dandelions, and a mountain that strongly resembles Dragonspine.

The story teaser includes two heirs. Venti narrates that the story of the second heir is the story of the player (and thus, the Traveler). However, the first heir became the queen of the Kingdom of Darkness. The first heir's identity and her relationship to the Traveler — if any exists — are unknown.

Furthermore, the Gnostic Chorus teaser mentions a "Genesis Pearl," while Breeze Amidst the Forest mentions "a luminous pearl." The significance of this pearl and the reason why the "kingdom among the heavens" in the Gnostic Chorus teaser is seeking it out are unknown.

The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies[]

The Abyss Order holds a vested interest in the fairytale The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies due to a "secret" allegedly contained within it.[87] However, their attempt to steal the book indicates that even they don't fully understand the contents of this series, so the exact nature of its secret is unknown.

One theory holds that this story may be allegorical for Khaenri'ah from the perspective of the people of Teyvat. Like the perpetually-dark Land of Night, Khaenri'ah was inhospitable and lifeless as a result of being an underground kingdom where light doesn't reach, which was why they turned to alchemy for plant life.[26] The Night Mother may be based on "Gold" Rhinedottir, who was the origin of the monsters and described as a "great sinner," just as the Night Mother is called "the source of all sins."


  • During the earlier Closed Beta Tests, the cataclysm occurred 100 years before the start of the game's story. It was changed to 500 by the time of the game's official release, but some in-game text has not been changed accordingly, whether in Chinese or English. The most notable cases where the timeframe has not been updated are Breeze Amidst the Forest (Vol. 2) and some Skyward Series weapon descriptions.
  • In Collected Miscellany - "Venti: Skyward Sonnet", Dainsleif, the narrator, says, "A thousand years have passed since the God of Anemo left this land — But to me, it has only been half that time." Aside from almost certainly being related to certain events in the cataclysm due to the timeframe (500 years ago), it is currently unclear exactly what Dainsleif meant by this line.
  • The Gnostic Chorus story teaser is a retelling of the Hymn of the Pearl, a passage in the Acts of Thomas. The Hymn of the Pearl has been interpreted as a Gnostic allegory for their view of the human condition: We are lost amidst the material world and consumed by worldly desires, which prevents us from achieving gnosis (divine wisdom) and transcending the mortal world.
    • Major differences between the Gnostic Chorus and the Hymn of the Pearl:
      • The protagonist of Hymn of the Pearl comes from an unspecified kingdom, while the land he seeks to take the pearl from is Egypt. In the Gnostic Chorus, those seeking the pearl hail from a "kingdom established among the heavens," while the pearl is located in the "Kingdom of Darkness."
      • In the Hymn of the Pearl, the protagonist is the second son of the "king of kings;" his older brother is mentioned as the "second in command" and the "viceroy" of their parents' kingdom, and the protagonist would join him if he succeeds in his task of retrieving the pearl. In the Gnostic Chorus, the one who seeks the pearl first is the first crowned heir, while the second crowned heir's story is yet unfinished.
      • Nobody else is assigned the task of retrieving the pearl in the Hymn of the Pearl: the protagonist's parents, realizing his plight, write him a letter (a metaphor for gnosis) that reminds him of his true heritage and his original task.
    • A common theme between the Gnostic Hymn Series weapons is that each weapon's original wielder either lost sight of, gave up, or was otherwise led astray from their original path or goal — typically as a result of someone else's influence, much like the protagonist of the Hymn of the Pearl forgot his origins and duty and believed himself to be an Egyptian.


  1. この時代の固有名詞は一つではなく、「大災害」という最も古い用語が使われているが、Wikiでは標準化のために使われている。
  2. 原作の中国語版「森の風、第一巻」 英語版では「The alchemist known as Gold was corrupted by their own greed and ambition」となっているところを、被称为「黄金」的炼金士堕落为了罪人 "The alchemist known as Gold fell from grace and became a sinner."と表記しているのだ。
  3. This same quote was used in a Chinese-only official teaser for the Eleven Fatui Harbingers before Tartaglia's playable release.
  4. There are suggestions that the war between the Primordial One and the Second Who Came, recorded in Before Sun and Moon, is the same event as the fall of the Moon Sisters and the Seelie that has been referenced in several Teyvat books. Assuming the two events are the same, there are four major events involving outlanders; assuming they are different events that were similarly destructive, there are five events.

Lore Discrepancies[]

  1. It is difficult to identify a unified theme between the Gnostic Hymn Series weapons' descriptions, even though they supposedly comprise the Battle Pass story. The Black Sword and The Viridescent Hunt's stories are set during the cataclysm; Deathmatch and Serpent Spine both record stories of people who lived 1000 years ago, while Solar Pearl's era is unknown. Because there is no overt commonality between them, they may be linked to the overall narrative of the Hymn of the Pearl, the real-life work that the Gnostic Chorus is based on. (See Trivia for details.)

Translation Notes[]

  1. The original Chinese version says 古国黑日落,明珠失其光, which may be intended to be read as "The ancient kingdom's atrous sun [black sun/eclipse] fell; the luminous pearl lost its glow." In this case, "atrous (black) sun" is referring to Khaenri'ah's Eclipse Dynasty (中国語: 黑日王朝), which was its ruling dynasty when the cataclysm occurred. The sentence is vague on whether the luminous pearl belonged to Khaenri'ah or not.

Editor's Assumptions[]

  1. 未確認だが、嗤笑の面の描写や『冬夜の戯劇』での姿から、ピエロがカーンルイア出身であることを示すいくつかの示唆がある。
  2. Currently, Khaenri'ah is the only known nation that was established with the intention of living without gods.
  3. Because Ruin Machines were developed by the people of Khaenri'ah, the fact that Guizhong was able to collect some before she died 3,700 years ago indicates that Khaenri'ah already existed by then.
  4. It can be assumed that the location of the opening cutscene is Celestia, based on the "Celestial motif" found on the architecture in the cutscene, on the architecture in the game's title screen (which, based on their appearance, is the same location as the opening cutscene), on the Skyfrost Nail and Chasm Nail, and on fully-upgraded Statues of The Seven.


Genshin Impact Story Teaser We Will Be Reunited (Contains spoilers)
Story Teaser- Promise of a People's Dream - Genshin Impact


  1. 1.01.1 旅人のキャラクターストーリー:キャラクターストーリー1
  2. 聖遺物、 勇士の心: 勇士の期待
  3. 聖遺物、 翠緑の影: 野花の記憶の草原
  4. 書籍:森の風、第1巻
  5. NPCの対話、「深き岩層に消えし中隊」クリア後:アントン
  6. 6.06.1 図鑑、生き物、敵と魔物、ヒルチャール部族:ヒルチャール
  7. 魔神任務、第一章、第四幕【(俺/私)たちはいずれ再会する】、パート3: 誇りのない試練
  8. 聖遺物セット: 蒼白の炎
  9. 9.09.1 聖遺物:嗤笑の面
  10. ガイアのボイス:ガイアを知る・4
  11. 武器:天空の傲
  12. 武器突破素材:漆黒の隕鉄の塊
  13. 任務: 龍蛇洞宮試練記
  14. NPCの対話:烏帽子
  15. YouTube: ストーリームービー「臣民に夢を与えると誓おう」
  16. 16.016.1 任務: 煌々たる櫻
  17. 武器:Polar Star
  18. 18.018.1 YouTube: Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo
  19. 19.019.1 アイテム:Scribe's Box
  20. 20.020.1 Jeanのボイス:Jean's Hobbies
  21. 秘境入口の説明: Voyage to the Sanguine Sky
  22. 任務: A Herald Without Adherents
  23. 任務: Collection of Dragons and Snakes
  24. 任務: Antigonus
  25. Ventiのボイス:About Albedo
  26. 26.026.1 Albedoのキャラクターストーリー:キャラクターストーリー5
  27. 任務: The Snowy Past
  28. アイテム:Grain of Aerosiderite
  29. アイテム:Bit of Aerosiderite
  30. 30.030.1 武器:Festering Desire
  31. 31.031.1 武器:Dragonspine Spear
  32. 武器:Sword of Descension
  33. 書籍:The Byakuyakoku Collection、第2巻
  34. 書籍:Records of Jueyun、第4巻
  35. 書籍:Moonlit Bamboo Forest、第3巻
  36. 書籍:Records of Jueyun、第6巻
  37. 聖遺物:Solar Relic
  38. 武器:Frostbearer
  39. 武器:Snow-Tombed Starsilver
  40. 任務: Wanderer's Trail
  41. 任務: Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies
  42. 任務: Secret of the Scorching Desert
  43. 43.043.1 書籍:New Chronicles of the Six Kitsune、第5巻
  44. 聖遺物:Fortitude of the Brave
  45. 45.045.1 武器:Favonius Greatsword
  46. 聖遺物セット: Crimson Witch of Flames
  47. 任務: Afterword
  48. 武器:Skyward Spine
  49. 書籍:Breeze Amidst the Forest、第2巻
  50. 50.050.1 武器:Skyward Blade
  51. 51.051.1 聖遺物:Guardian's Band
  52. 武器:Ferrous Shadow
  53. 武器:Favonius Sword
  54. アイテム:Dvalin's Claw
  55. 任務: End of the Line (Quest)
    Xiao: He fought here. The nameless yaksha from the legends... it was him.
  56. 聖遺物セット: Tenacity of the Millelith
  57. 任務: Danger All Around
  58. 武器:Thundering Pulse
  59. 聖遺物:Witch's End Time
  60. 武器:Elegy for the End
  61. 聖遺物:Viridescent Venerer's Determination
  62. 任務: A Soul Set Apart
  63. 任務: Requiem of the Echoing Depths
  64. Kaeyaのキャラクターストーリー:キャラクターストーリー4
  65. Travelerのボイス:About the Eclipse Tribe
  66. Story Teaser: We Will Be Reunited
  67. 67.067.1 NPCの対話:Glory
  68. Event Hidden Strife Optional Letter: The Brick
  69. 聖遺物セット: Bloodstained Chivalry
  70. 武器:The Black Sword
  71. 武器:Prototype Amber
  72. 武器:Prototype Starglitter
  73. Raiden Shogunのボイス:More About Ei: V
  74. 74.074.1 任務: Wishes (Quest)
  75. 聖遺物セット: Husk of Opulent Dreams
  76. 任務: Solitary Fragrance
  77. YouTube: Sumeru Preview Teaser 03: Prelude to Wisdom
  78. 78.078.1 任務: Ending Note
  79. 任務: Facing Distant Echoes
  80. 任務: A Company Vanishing Into the Deep
  81. 任務: Behind the Scenes
  82. 82.082.1 任務: Wild Escape
  83. 武器:Favonius Codex
  84. 任務: That Green Fellow
  85. 85.085.1 任務: Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved
  86. Ventiのキャラクターストーリー:キャラクターストーリー2
  87. 任務: Lost Book
    I was unaware that anyone in Mondstadt was concerned with unearthing the secret hidden inside this book...


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