英語版スッタニパータ - あなごクンのうぃき
ere not all his own, as he had included a few poems orisolated verses translated by other authors: Snp 1.2 by Ven Sīlācāra,¹Verses 57 and 66
ere not all his own, as he had included a few poems orisolated verses translated by other authors: Snp 1.2 by Ven Sīlācāra,¹Verses 57 and 66
in Dainsleif's fifth line in Travail. This unofficial translation has translated it as "overstep" to preserve the idea of "crossing over," o
ion emphasizes sense-desires as an aspect of kāma. But it can also be translated—Things of sense so varied, sweet,in divers forms disturb th
ひょっとしてWebsites in GTA IVをお探しですか?This page has been translated or being translated.(このテンプレートはここで管理されています。)このページはGrand Theft Auto V内のネット上のウェブサ
riginal text of Harris)According to Musashi's The Book of Five Rings (translated by Victor Harris), "In this method, when the enemy attacks
any sense to me either.But that’s what Maharaj said and that’s what I translated.’私はあらためてその返答について考えてみたのですが、依然として意味が分からなかったので、いくぶん詫びるように言ったので
translations can be exported as gamedata.poFixed exporting multi-line translated strings when exporting gamedata.poAdded 'no longer used' de
riginal Chinese version, where foreign terms and concepts are usually translated into Chinese instead.Each of the Six Darshans has two names
color intensity has been updated.Missing translations have been auto-translated.BalanceSpirit Boost base chance changed from 25% to 15%.Som
Heart—ポルトガル語Coração ValenteBrave Heart↑ ロシア語: Душа Dusha commonly is translated as "soul", but sometimes it may be translated as "heart" in
sian word молния (molniya) and the Welsh word mellt (both words being translated to the term as "lightning"). This second theory parallels w
「Blenderわからねえ」「だけど聞ける相手がいねえ」「自分で調べるしかねえ」ってなった時に役立つかもしれないTips。->関連:Tips:Blenderで質問するときそもそもマニュアルどこにあんのさ?Blenderのメニュー、Help > Manual をクリック
' Into Asia( music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, English lyrics by Akiko Yano, translated by Somboon Kittisatayawaj )Steppin' Into Asia (Urban Mix)(
『US』(ユーエス)は2002年10月23日に同時発売された坂本龍一のベスト・アルバム3作品の一つ(他は『UF』と『CM/TV』)。目次1 解説2 収録曲2.1 Disc 12.2 Disc 2解説[]タイトルは「Ultimate Solo」(究極のソロ)という意味で、自身のオリ
her master's proximity.Fun Facts[]Chen's name, "橙", can be literally translated as "bitter orange" in the Japanese Language, but the Chines
oincidentally Childe's English Constellation is Monoceros Caeli. When translated from Latin it means "Celestial Narwhal". The Chinese name f
Be Safe...↑ フランス語: "R.A.S." is the abbreviation for rien à signaler, translated in English to "nothing to report."変更履歴[]バージョン1.0でリリース[新しい履歴
n and 旅行者 Lǚxíngzhě in reference to the Traveler. Both phrases can be translated as "traveler," though only the latter term is the establish
m [6m30s - 8m30s])↑Genshin Impact - Mondstadt Tea Party 2 (ENG Subs), translated subtitles provided by Sorana Translations on YouTube [6m03s
is an imperial rank in Turkic and Mongolic cultures, and is sometimes translated as "Khan of Khans."Goudarz is one of the heroes in the Shah
the word alizée (the feminine form) refers to a flower, so it can be translated to "trade wind flower" or "east wind flower."変更履歴[]バージョン1.4
iros dos FatuiEleven Messengers of the Fatui↑ フランス語: Exécuteur can be translated as "Executive worker" in some contexts, but may also mean "
Joy-ConはNintendo Switch用の小さなコントローラーです。 これらのコントローラーでよくある問題は、ボタンがべたついたり、反応しなかったりすることです。 これは通常、ボタンの周りにホコリが溜まっていることが原因です。 これは簡単に解決でき、ホコリを取り除くだけ
ソース:http://www.buddhistdoor.com/OldWeb/resources/sutras/lotus/sources/contents.htm(Translated by The Buddhist Text Translation Society in US
g constants. "Hello World !" String constants to be translated. ("This software is cool") Null constant
ed the usage of the land that has been notified officially. My friend translated like this, “Munkhbat owns the land around boghan moun
<<ホームに戻るBlender 2.82.83が最新の公式リリースです。開発版デイリービルドで最新の機能に触れることもできます。https://docs.blender.org/api/2.83/ トピック メモ 2.8ページ(blend
k journal memor world horoscope or hebrew astrology sepharial spanish translated milady standard nail technology milady lospite indesiderato
I translated the notes from TheAnts into English.I hope this helps.You can find the strategy in the list of pages in the link below.・Menu
トナム語Hoan Ápドイツ語Corvus—インドネシア語Corvus—ポルトガル語Corvus—↑ The word translated as "raven" here (中国語: 鴉 yā; 日本語: 鴉 karasu; 韓国語: 까마귀 kkamagw
terrada na NeveStar of Silver Entombed in Snow↑ フランス語: "Tombe" can be translated as both tomb and fall, therefore this weapon's name can als
リア語Fonte della guarigione↑ スペイン語: The Spanish word fuente can also be translated as "source."変更履歴[]バージョン1.4でリリース[新しい履歴を作成する]特に記載のない限り、コミュニティ
]Main article: Story of Eastern Wonderland: Translation (includes the translated script and the manual)Determined to find who sent these mon
トーリー[]Main article: Perfect Cherry Blossom: Translation (includes the translated script)「桜の樹の下には屍体が埋まっている!これは信じていいことなんだよ。何故って、桜の花があんなにも見事に咲く
sses.ストーリー[]Main article: Lotus Land Story: Translation (includes the translated script and the manual)All is well within Gensokyo, and just
ve in Japanese Red[]Main article: Article and Interview: TewiRecently translated.Perfect Memento in Strict Sense[]PMiSS_tewi.jpg
]Main article: Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream: Translation (includes the translated script and the manual)While enjoying a quiet morning walk,
One day, some Touhou, or Cave (also famous their shooting games), fan translated a nonsense line, "caved caved! caved!! caved!!! caved!!!!",
ssor.ストーリー[]主な記事: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: Translation (includes the translated script)A bizarre phenomenon is occurring in Gensokyo. In th
tutored his son Haytham in its use.[2]Trivia[]The name Edward can be translated as "rich guard", as it is derived from the Old English elem
" for obvious reasons. This day everything (for some reason) could be translated into nine. For example: September 9 is the 252nd day of the
e and Interview: MerlinMain article: Article and Interview: LyricaNot translated yet.Perfect Memento in Strict Sense[]LunasaLunasaMerlinMerl
f bombs.ストーリー[]Main article: Mystic Square: Translation (includes the translated script and the manual)For no apparent reason, large quantit
ain article: Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Translation (includes the translated script)Spring has come and the flowers are blooming... Only
129204&spn=0.074904,0.231245&t=k&hl=en↑ テンプレート:Cite book provides two translated versions of the song: Sir Olof in Elve-Dance and The Elf-Wo
登録日:2019/04/07 Sun 21:10:56更新日:2024/04/04 Thu 11:57:10NEW!所要時間:約 6 分で読めます▽タグ一覧RPC-686は、シェアード・ワールドRPC Authorityに登場するオブジェクトの一つ。オブジェクトクラスはBeta-
ions into English to easily be accessed by English-speakers and to be translated into other languages. For matters of security, information,
登録日:2009/05/26 Tue 21:45:55更新日:2023/11/20 Mon 11:00:16NEW!所要時間:約 6 分で読めます▽タグ一覧スリヴァーがどれだけ変化しようとも、その集まることによる強さは変わることがない。マジック:ザ・ギャザリングにおける種族の一つ
登録日:2019/04/02 Tue 20:59:59更新日:2024/04/04 Thu 11:37:18NEW!所要時間:約 4 分で読めます▽タグ一覧RPC-023は、シェアード・ワールドRPC Authorityに登場するオブジェクト。RPC Authorityについては