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序章: 風を捕まえる異邦人
I: 久遠の体との別れ
II: 千手百眼の浮世
III. 虚空劫灰のプラーナ
IV. 罪人の円舞曲
V. 灼烈の反魂の詩
VI. 神に愛されぬ雪国

モンドの章 - ディルック
璃月の章 - 凝光
稲妻の章 - 神里綾華
スメールの章 - セノ
フォンテーヌの章 - リネ & リネット
ナタの章 - イアンサ
スネージナヤの章 - 執行官雄鶏」とその従者たち
カーンルイアの章 - ダインスレイヴ
果ての花の海 - 旅人

#GenshinImpact #miHoYo

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【原神公式サイト】 https://genshin.mihoyo.com/ja
【原神公式Twitter】 https://twitter.com/Genshin_7


: まださよならも言ってないんだ空: これで別れだなんて…絶対認めない(夜空を飛ぶ2つの流れ星)ダインスレイヴ: あの戦争の続きは、もう始まっている。(インテイワットの花畑が光り輝き、そよ風に揺られ、その下には夜空に植えられたかのような星々が輝いている)ダインスレイヴ: 神々は欲望の殻に七つの光を焼き付け、己の権力が及ぶものであると世に知らしめた。ダインスレイヴ: しかし、俗世の底では残骸が燃え尽き、僭越者へ警告する。(花畑にたたずむ空と蛍)ダインスレイヴ: 神の座は、汝のためのものではないと。ダインスレイヴ: 僭越者よ、ここで足を止めるな。ダインスレイヴ: 誰であろうと高みの見物など出来ない。ダインスレイヴ: 見よ。


Mondstadt_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png 風を捕まえる異邦人MEA LIBERTAS MEUS CANOR(ラテン語ベースの言語: My freedom is my song(私の自由は私の歌))(ディルックが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 1000年も自由の都を守った巨龍が、自由に戸惑い始める。ダインスレイヴ: 自由の神に命じられた自由は、本当の自由であると言えるのか。

ACT.I: 璃月[]

Liyue_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png 久遠の体との別れRUAT CAELUM FIAT PACTUM(ラテン語ベースの言語: Let the contract be made, though the heavens fall(天罰が下ろうとも、契約を結ばせよう))(凝光が表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 衆目の中で、契約の神は殺された。ダインスレイヴ: その最期のときに、彼は全てを終わらす契約を結ぶのだろう。

ACT.II: 稲妻[]

Inazuma_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png 千手百眼の浮世PERPETUA PERENNIS IMPERVIA(ラテン語ベースの言語: Perpetual, perennial, impervious(永久的、多年的、不浸透性))(神里綾華が表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 将軍は不滅で、幕府の鎖国も永遠なるもの。ダインスレイヴ: 永遠を求める神は、人々の目からどのような永遠を見出したのか。

ACT.III: スメール[]

Sumeru_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png 虚空劫灰のプラーナSUB FLOREIS LUMEN SAGACITATIS(ラテン語ベースの言語: Under the flowery things, is the light of sagacity(花のようなものの下には、賢者の光がある))(セノが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 知恵は知恵の神の敵、知恵は無知の海に浮かぶ餌。ダインスレイヴ: ガクジョウの学士が成した愚行に、神の知恵は異論を唱えなかった。

ACT.IV: フォンテーヌ[]

Fontaine_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png Masquerade of the GuiltyIUSTITIA OMNIA VINCIT(ラテン語ベースの言語: Justice conquers all)(リネ&リネットが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 正義の神は、法廷の茶番の一切を愛し、神々への審判さえも求めた。ダインスレイヴ: されどそんな彼女も知っている、天理を敵に回してはならないことを。

ACT.V: ナタ[]

Natlan_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png 灼烈の反魂の詩SURGE VIR FORTIS I NATAM VICTORIAM(ラテン語ベースの言語: Rise, O strong man, and go to your destined victory)(イアンサが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 争いの規律は生きとし生けるものの中に刻まれ、敗者は戦火の灰に、勝者は再び燃え盛る。ダインスレイヴ: 戦争の神がこの秘密を旅人に教えたのは、相応の理由があるからだ。

ACT.VI: スネージナヤ[]

Snezhnaya_Latin_%26quot%3BMotto%26quot%3B.png Everwinter Without MercyDUCAM REGINA MEA GLORIA HAUD PLURIBUS IMPAR(ラテン語ベースの言語: Let me lead my queen to near unmatched glory)(雄鶏とその従者たちが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 彼女はもう人に愛されない神、彼女はもう人を愛さない神。ダインスレイヴ: 人々が彼女に仕えるのは、天理に反逆の旗を掲げると信じたため。

ACT.???: カーンルイア[]

まだ見ぬ夢(ダインスレイヴが表示される)ダインスレイヴ: 始まりも終わりもない永遠の中、人は夢のない安寧の一生を過ごす。ダインスレイヴ: されど神の視線の届かないところで、誰かが夢に飢えているのだ。ダインスレイヴ: 人には人の誇りが、我々は神に選ばれしものからこぼれ落ちた残滓ではない。ダインスレイヴ: 世界の外から、我々は世界を拒否する力を得た。ダインスレイヴ: 今、天地に踏み切った者よ。(インテイワットの花畑の中に、シルエットの人物が立っている。)ダインスレイヴ: 貴様の旅は終わりを告げようとするが、貴様はまだ最後の扉を開けていない。(夕暮れの野原にひとり佇む空)ダインスレイヴ: その旅の意味を理解しているのならば、前に出よ。ダインスレイヴ: 俺を倒せ。ダインスレイヴ: 道を開けろと命令しろ。ダインスレイヴ: 俺なんかよりも、貴様が彼女を救うに相応しいと証明してみせろ。ダインスレイヴ: そして、全ての運命を新たに紡げ。ダインスレイヴ: 俺はほとんどの記憶を失くした。だが、どうしても忘れられないことがある。ダインスレイヴ: 彼女も、この花が好きだった。


漫画と同様、『原神』の開発初期に翻訳された。そのため、原作の中国語版とゲーム内の中国語テキストで一致している用語が、英語版では一致しないことがある。Travail」はTeyvat Chapterのプロットを示唆する重要な役割を担っているため、中国語の原文と非公式の英訳が提供されている。


Chinese transcript and official English localizationUnofficial English translation
Aether: 我们都还没来得及说再见Aether: 所以…我不会把它当作离别。Aether: We had no time to say goodbye, so let's not call it that.
Aether: We had no time to say goodbye...Aether: So I will not treat it as a parting.
ダインスレイヴ: 战争已经开始了 是上一场战争的延续Dainsleif: The war has already begun. It is just a continuation of past battles.
ダインスレイヴ: The war has already begun — a continuation of the previous war.
ダインスレイヴ: 众神为欲望的轮廓镀上七种光辉ダインスレイヴ: 以此昭示,他们的权柄可被企及ダインスレイヴ: The gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures. Rewards for the worthy. The doorway to divinity.
ダインスレイヴ: The gods encase the outlines of "desire" in seven types of brilliant light,ダインスレイヴ: With this, they demonstrate that their authority can be exceeded.[TN • 1]
ダインスレイヴ: 而现实的基地埋藏着阴燃的残骸ダインスレイヴ: 那是对僭越者的警示ダインスレイヴ: Yet buried in the depths of this world lies smoldering remains, a warning to those that dare trespass.
ダインスレイヴ: Yet smoldering remains lie buried underneath the foundations of realityダインスレイヴ: As a warning to those who overstep their bounds:[TN • 2]
ダインスレイヴ: 「高天之上的神座,从来不是为你预留的位置。」ダインスレイヴ: "That throne in the sky is not reserved for you."
ダインスレイヴ: "That divine throne in the high heavens was never a seat reserved for you from the start."
ダインスレイヴ: 但僭越之人啊,不要就此驻足ダインスレイヴ: 谁都不能隔岸观火ダインスレイヴ: 看吧…ダインスレイヴ: But mortal arrogation never stops.ダインスレイヴ: None will escape the flames.ダインスレイヴ: See for yourself.
ダインスレイヴ: But oh, you who oversteps your bounds,[TN • 2] do not stop walking here,ダインスレイヴ: For none can watch the fire burn from the other side of the river.[TN • 3]ダインスレイヴ: Watch...
ACT.PROLOGUE / 蒙德捕风的异乡人ACT.PROLOGUE / MondstadtThe Outlander Who Caught the Wind
ACT.PROLOGUE / MondstadtThe Outlander who Catches the Wind
ダインスレイヴ: 守护自由城邦千年的巨龙ダインスレイヴ: 终于对自由产生了迷茫ダインスレイヴ: 被「自由」之神命令的自由,还能称之为自由吗?ダインスレイヴ: The dragon who defended Mondstadt for a millennium finally faces his perturbation.ダインスレイヴ: What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by a god?
ダインスレイヴ: For the giant dragon who guarded the city of freedom for thousands of yearsダインスレイヴ: Doubts about [the concept of] "freedom" have begun to surfaceダインスレイヴ: A "freedom" that was ordered by a god — can it still be called freedom?
ACT.I / 璃月辞行久远之躯ACT.I / LiyueFarewell, Archaic Lord
ACT.I / LiyueFarewell to the Archaic Body
ダインスレイヴ: 众目睽睽之下,「契约」之神遭人谋杀ダインスレイヴ: 在最后的时刻,他将签订终结一切契约的契约ダインスレイヴ: The God of Contracts, senselessly slaughtered as his people watched on in horror.ダインスレイヴ: In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts.
ダインスレイヴ: In an audience of many, the God of Contracts was assassinated.ダインスレイヴ: At the very end, he shall sign a contract to end all contracts.
ACT.II / 稻妻千手百眼天下人间ACT.II / InazumaOmnipresence Over Mortals
ACT.II / InazumaThousand-Armed Hundred-Eyed,[TN • 4] The Realm of Mortals Beneath the Heavens
ダインスレイヴ: 将军长生不灭,幕府锁国之期亦无尽头ダインスレイヴ: 追求「永恒」之神ダインスレイヴ: 在世人眼中见到了怎样的永恒?ダインスレイヴ: In the secluded land of the immortal Shogun, the Bakufu rules eternal.ダインスレイヴ: But what do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god?
ダインスレイヴ: Under the immortal Shogun, the era of the Sakoku Decree ordered by the Shogunate sees no end.ダインスレイヴ: The god who pursues "Eternity"—ダインスレイヴ: What kind of eternity does she find within the eyes of ordinary mortals?
ACT.III / 须弥虚空劫灰往世书ACT.III / SumeruTruth Amongst the Pages of Purana
ACT.III / SumeruThe Puranas of Akasha Calamity Ash[TN • 5]
ダインスレイヴ: 智慧是「智慧」之神的敌人ダインスレイヴ: 知识是无知之海表面漂浮的诱饵ダインスレイヴ: The God of Wisdom's enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance.
ダインスレイヴ: Wisdom is the enemy of the God of Wisdom.ダインスレイヴ: Knowledge is a bait floating on the surface of the sea of ignorance.
ダインスレイヴ: 学城的学者正在催生愚行ダインスレイヴ: 而神的智慧对此并无意见ダインスレイヴ: In the city of scholars there is a push for folly, yet the God of Wisdom makes no argument against it.
ダインスレイヴ: In the city of learning, the scholars are pushing for foolishness,ダインスレイヴ: And the god's wisdom[TN • 6] has raised no objections to this.
ACT.IV / 枫丹罪人舞步旋ACT.IV / FontaineMasquerade of the Guilty
ACT.IV / FontaineThe Sinner's[TN • 7] Revolving Dance Steps[TN • 8]
ダインスレイヴ: 「正义」之神热爱法庭上的一切闹剧ダインスレイヴ: 甚至渴求审判诸神ダインスレイヴ: 但她非常明白,唯有「天理」不可与之为敌ダインスレイヴ: The God of Justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods.ダインスレイヴ: But even she knows not to make an enemy of the divine.
ダインスレイヴ: The God of Justice is an ardent admirer of all the farces that take place in the courtroom,ダインスレイヴ: Even yearning to judge her fellow gods.ダインスレイヴ: But one thing is very clear to her: the Heavenly Principles are the one thing she cannot make her enemy.
ACT.V / 纳塔炽烈的还魂诗ACT.V / NATLANIncandescent Ode of Resurrection
ACT.V / NatlanBlazing Poem of Soul-Returning[TN • 5]
ダインスレイヴ: 战争的规则刻写在生物体内ダインスレイヴ: 败者成为战火的余烬,而胜者重燃ダインスレイヴ: The rules of war are woven in the womb: the victors shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash.
ダインスレイヴ: The rules of war are carved into the bodies of all living things:ダインスレイヴ: The defeated become embers of the fires of war,[TN • 9] while the victors will reignite.
ダインスレイヴ: 「战争」之神将这秘密告知旅人ダインスレイヴ: 因为她有这样做的理由ダインスレイヴ: When the God of War shares this secret with the Traveler, it is because she has her reasons.
ダインスレイヴ: The God of War confides this secret with the Traveler,ダインスレイヴ: because she has reasons for doing so.
ACT.VI / 至冬无神怜爱的雪国ACT.VI / SnezhnayaEverwinter Without Mercy
ACT.VI / SnezhnayaThe Country of Snow that No Gods Love
ダインスレイヴ: 她是人再也不会去爱的神ダインスレイヴ: 她是再也不会去爱人的神ダインスレイヴ: She is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her.
ダインスレイヴ: She is a god whom no one will love ever again;ダインスレイヴ: She is a god who will never love anyone again.
ダインスレイヴ: 人跟随她的原因ダインスレイヴ: 是相信她终有一日能对「天理」举起叛旗ダインスレイヴ: Her followers hope only to be on her side when the day of her rebellion against the divine comes at last.
ダインスレイヴ: The reason why people follow herダインスレイヴ: Is because they believe one day she will finally be able to raise a flag of rebellion against the Heavenly Principles.
ダインスレイヴ: 在无始无终的永恒里,人类将度过安然无梦的一生ダインスレイヴ: In the perpetual meantime of a sheltered eternity, most are content to live, and not to dream.
ダインスレイヴ: In an eternity with neither beginning nor end, humans shall live a peaceful life without dreams.
ダインスレイヴ: 但在神明视线的死角下,仍有人想要做梦ダインスレイヴ: But in the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.
ダインスレイヴ: But in the blind spot of the gods' gaze, there are still people who want to dream.
ACT.??? / 坎瑞亚未有之梦ACT.??? / Khaenri'ahThe Dream Yet to be Dreamed
ACT.??? / Khaenri'ahThe Dream Yet to Come
ダインスレイヴ: 人类有人类的底蕴ダインスレイヴ: 我们不是滤清「神选者」后剩余的残渣ダインスレイヴ: Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs, but I say we humans have our humanity.
ダインスレイヴ: All humans have that innate quality which makes them human;[TN • 10]ダインスレイヴ: We are not the residue left behind from filtering out those who were "chosen by the gods."
ダインスレイヴ: 从世界之外,我们取得否定世界的力量ダインスレイヴ: We will defy this world with a power from beyond.
ダインスレイヴ: From beyond this world, we will obtain the power to reject this world.
ダインスレイヴ: 现在,踏入天地之人ダインスレイヴ: Now, you who has set foot in this world.
ダインスレイヴ: Now, you who have traversed heaven and earth—
ダインスレイヴ: 你的旅途已经告终ダインスレイヴ: 但你仍未越最后的门扉ダインスレイヴ: Your journey has reached its end, but one final doorway remains.
ダインスレイヴ: Your travels and journey have ended,ダインスレイヴ: But you have yet to cross the final doorway.
ダインスレイヴ: 若你理解旅途的意义,就上前来ダインスレイヴ: Step forth, if you have understood the meaning of your journey.
ダインスレイヴ: If you have understood the purpose of your travels, then come forward.
ダインスレイヴ: 击败我ダインスレイヴ: 命令我让路ダインスレイヴ: 向我证明你比我更适合拯救她ダインスレイヴ: Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her.
ダインスレイヴ: Defeat me,ダインスレイヴ: Command me to give way,ダインスレイヴ: And prove to me that you are more suitable than me to rescue her.
ダインスレイヴ: 然后,就去重新纺织所有的命运吧ダインスレイヴ: Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave.
ダインスレイヴ: After that, go forth spin all the threads of fate anew.
ダインスレイヴ: 我的记忆已经磨损了太多ダインスレイヴ: 但我总还记得,她也喜欢这些花ダインスレイヴ: My memory has all but faded completely... But I will always remember how much she too, loved these flowers.
ダインスレイヴ: My memory has already suffered too much erosion,ダインスレイヴ: But I will always remember, that she also loves these flowers.


  1. 企及 means "to hope for, hope to reach a higher standards." Here, it implies that humans can attain godhood.
  2. 2.02.1 僭越 "to usurp, to overstep one's authority" is localized as "arrogation" in Dainsleif's seventh line Travail and in the Unknown God's line in the opening cutscene, and as "dare trespass" in Dainsleif's fifth line in Travail. This unofficial translation has translated it as "overstep" to preserve the idea of "crossing over," or movement in general, which is indicated by the second character 越.
  3. 隔岸观火 lit."To watch a fire from the other side of the river" is a Chinese idiom for waiting to enter a conflict until everyone else has exhausted themselves from fighting each other.
  4. Thousand-Armed Hundred-Eyed (中国語: 千手百眼) is a reference to the Buddhist bodhisattva Guanyin, known as Kannon in Japanese. The English localization consistently translates this phrase as "omnipresent god" in-game (see also Statue of the Omnipresent God).
  5. 5.05.1 See the Trivia section for a more thorough breakdown of this Act title.
  6. "God's wisdom" or "wisdom of god" is a more direct translation of 神的智慧 than the English localization's "God of Wisdom," which is normally a translation of 智慧之神. The phrase "god's wisdom" may be a reference to gnosis, a term in Gnosticism which means "divine wisdom." In Genshin, a Gnosis is an item held by The Seven which grants them a connection to Celestia.
  7. 罪人 can translate as "guilty person" or "sinner." The localization of Travail went with the former interpretation (Masquerade of the Guilty) whereas in-game and in promotional material released after the game's global launch, the latter translation is used more often.
  8. The English localization's choice of "Masquerade" alludes to the masquerade ball, which typically involves dancing; the most well-known ballroom dance is the waltz, a dance which has its dancers rhythmically turn in a circle.
  9. 余烬 can translate to either "ashes" or "embers." See the Trivia section for details.
  10. 底蕴 is difficult to translate. It can mean "a foundational knowledge hidden in the heart," or a "reality beneath the surface."


  • The line "That throne in the sky is not reserved for you" contains some untranslatable wordplay: In Chinese, both in-game and in the real world, the word "throne" (中国語: 座) is also used in the names of constellations.
    • In Genshin, Constellations are normally labeled the 命之座 "Constellation (Seat) of Life." However, the Traveler's Chinese official introduction labeled it 命之座 (伪), where 伪 means "false" or "pseudo." (In-game, their Constellation is labeled normally.)
  • Sumeru's Act title, Truth Amongst the Pages of Purana (中国語: 虚空劫灰往世书 "The Purana of Akasha Calamity Ash,") is an extremely tricky title to translate due to the relative obscurity of Vedic religions in the English vernacular compared to Chinese, and the relative lack of information about the Sumeru Chapter's plot at the time of translation.
    • Puranas are a genre of Indian literature that covers a wide array of subjects, typically relating to legends and other traditional lore. It is also a Hindi word meaning "old" in a nostalgic or memorable context.
    • The term 劫 jié may be short for 劫波 (上古中国語: *kab *paːl; 中国語: jiébō), a Sanskrit loanword from "kalpa" (サンスクリット語: कल्प). In Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, a kalpa is an immense period of time, generally between the creation and recreation of a world or universe. Therefore, an alternate translation for the phrase 劫灰 jiéhuī can also be "kalpa ash," referring to the ashes left behind at the destruction of a world at the end of a kalpa.[1]
  • In the line "In the city of scholars there is a push for folly" (中国語: 学城的学者正在催生愚行 "In the city of learning, the scholars are pushing for foolishness"), the word "folly" (中国語: 愚 "foolishness") is a play on words. Dainsleif is both denouncing the scholars' actions and alluding to their connection to the Fatui (ラテン語: Fools; 中国語: 愚人众 "Group of Fools.")
    • In the manga, a seer from Sumeru was Il Dottore's subordinate, suggesting that the Fatui have had supporters from Sumeru Akademiya for a while.
  • 还魂, translated as "Resurrection" in Natlan's Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, is typically defined by Chinese-English dictionaries as "return from the dead" or "revival after death." However, this definition does not fully encompass its cultural context and erroneously suggests that the deceased is being restored to life. The concepts revolving around this term have undergone many variations with exposure to different belief systems, and thus, it is not easily defined. A brief explanation is provided below:
    • In Chinese folk religions, each person is believed to have two types (or components) of souls: the spiritual, yang hun (中国語: 魂); and the corporeal, yin po (中国語: 魄). The exact number of souls a person has varies according to different beliefs, but Daoist beliefs typically claim that there are three hun and seven po.
    • When a person dies, the hun ascends to heaven, while the po stay with the body. For a period of time afterwards, the po will periodically return to the mortal world (还魂/回魂) to visit their family during their journey to the underworld. Many variations on this period of time exist, but they usually involve groups of sevens.
      • Qiqi's name, which literally translates to "Seven-Seven," is a reference to an East Asian Buddhist ritual performed every seven days for seven weeks (for a total of 49 days) following a person's death, which is based on this belief.
  • In the phrase "The victors burn bright, while the losers turn into ash" (中国語: 败者成为战火的余烬,而胜者重燃 "The defeated become embers of the fires of war, while the victors will reignite,") 余烬 can translate as either "ashes" or "embers." It was translated as "ashes" in Travail, but in-game, it is usually translated as "embers" while 灰烬 is translated as "ashes." Embers still contain fuel, so they can be reignited and restored to a full flame. Ashes have burnt through all their fuel and cannot reignite without an external fuel source. Juxtaposed with the second half of the sentence — where 重燃 literally translates to "burn again" and has an ambiguous subject — an alternate interpretation of this line could be "The defeated become the embers of the fires of war, while the victors reignite them [the embers]." In this interpretation, the "defeated" is a metaphor for Khaenri'ah, while some of The Seven — who were the "victors" of the cataclysm — are "reigniting" the conflict against the Heavenly Principles which Khaenri'ah started.
    • 余烬 is also used as a metaphor for the scattered remnants of a defeated military force. While the context makes it unlikely as a direct translation, it may lend to the idea of Khaenri'ah survivors as the "defeated."
    • After completing the Hidden Strife event, an optional interactable on top of the Knights of Favonius' headquarters contains a paper Kaeya salvaged during his childhood. On it is written: "[...] we of the Alberich Clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers" (中国語: 可我亚尔伯里奇一族的生命应是瞬息辉煌的烈焰,而非黯淡苟活的余烬).
    • During the second phase of Narukami Island: Tenshukaku, La Signora's original Chinese boss title is 焚尽的炽炎魔女 lit."Burning witch which has burned to completion," which fits closer to the concept of ashes; one of the Talent Level-Up Materials from the domain, Ashen Heart (中国語: 灰烬之心), uses the typical term for "ashes." However, the English localization opted to translate her boss title as "Crimson Witch of Embers."
  • Currently, the first three playable characters featured in the video — Diluc, Ningguang, and Kamisato Ayaka — all have houses that can be entered: the Dawn Winery, the Jade Chamber, and the Yashiro Commission Headquarters respectively. The Traveler even compares the three during the Archon Quest Three Wishes.


  1. Chinese Wikisource: 劫灰(佛学大辞典)


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