Scenario II The Doom of Eztli - arkham horror lcg
Resolution 3. If no resolution was reached because each investigatorresigned before act 3: Go to Resolution 3Resolution 1(敗北した各探索者は、まず探索者の
Resolution 3. If no resolution was reached because each investigatorresigned before act 3: Go to Resolution 3Resolution 1(敗北した各探索者は、まず探索者の
the Excelsior's three-year mission in the Beta Quadrant ended, Tuvok resigned his commission on account of his dealings with Humans. His ex
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):+-あなたは命からがら家から逃げ出すことに成功しました。居間の女性が玄関からあなたを追い
quo;s part of the job!LÉONNo, you can’t get out.MATHILDA(resigned)OK…you come back tonight, don’t you?He takes his
うになる。 調査員はキャンペーンに負けました。If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated): With your failure, the paradoxof clashing t
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned before Act 3 or was defeated):+-かろうじて生きてクラブから出た。Resolution 1
he end of the scenario.If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):+-博物館の生き物が何であれ、あなたにはそれを破壊する意志も道具もありませんでした。ネク
ached (for example, if all investigators have been eliminated or have resigned), instructions for resolving the scenario can be found in the
esolution 2.If no resolution was reached and at least oneinvestigator resigned:この謎を解く望みがないため、あなたはホテルから逃げました。残念ながら、あなたの逃走はあなたの無実を証明するのにあまり役立ち
n and the unleashing of the Saigyou Ayakashi's terror once again, she resigned herself to continuing her previous existence.She has the powe
場合)、Resolution 2 に進みます。If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated): Go to Resolution 2.Resolution 1:+-粗末な装丁の書物は
hat the purple cloak is only for those who command fleets, or that he resigned from his position.Trivia[]Thel 'Vadam is the only known Supre
Standing over him was Adéwalé, who returned the Jackdaw to his care, resigned as his quartermaster and urged Edward to travel to Tulum.[5]J
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):Resolution 1 に進みます。Go to Resolution 1.Resolu
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):+-ウィップーウィルの鳴き声は遠くに消え、ダンウィッチの町は不気味な静寂に包まれる。聞こ
敗訴した場合): 決議 4 を読んでください。If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated): Read Resolution 4.Resolution 1:1925 年 12 月
until the end of Part 1If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):ジャングルの危険は、探索を続けるには危険すぎます。これ以上留まると、これらの奇妙な柱があ
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):Read Resolution 1.Resolution 1:何時間も旅をしても、この果
各カードの勝利X値に等しい経験値を獲得します。If no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated):Wednesday, July 1st, 1925I still have no ide
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated): Read Resolution 1.解決に至らなかった場合は(各調査員が辞任したか敗訴
the end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigatorresigned or was defeated): You barely escape thebuilding with your bod
he end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigator resignedor was defeated): Read Resolution 1.Resolution 1:+-カルト教団とその計画に
he end of the scenarioIf no resolution was reached (each investigator resignedor was defeated):+-恐怖のあまり自分の運命に立ち向かうことができず、リタは夜に逃げ込む。彼女は自分が失敗し
the scenarioIf no resolution was reached and at least oneinvestigator resigned: Go to Resolution 1.If no resolution was reached because each
ile:Vo_yywq003_9_narrator_01.ogg Narrator: The late arrival let out a resigned sigh even as the dragon raised the stakes.http://genshin-impa