Maxwell_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki
Cave Lichen- "A slow growing cave plant."Ancient Chest- "A relic best forgotten."Ancient_Chest.pngAncient Chest (shaking)- "It seems I am to
Cave Lichen- "A slow growing cave plant."Ancient Chest- "A relic best forgotten."Ancient_Chest.pngAncient Chest (shaking)- "It seems I am to
g a human cannonball right?”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Ah. Wolfgang forgot cannonballs.”–Wolfgang“I have nothing that can fill the void...
h he read and recited many scriptures, he did not comprehend them and forgot most of what he learned. For that reasons he was called Seeker
PTIONISTAnd did you forget anything?LÉONYeah…but “forgotten” doesn’t mean “lost”He passes in fro
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s!”–Woodie, when examining a Delicious Wobster.Waxwell_Portrait.png“I forgot my bib.”–Maxwell, when examining a Delicious Wobster.“Its muscu 元太: Oh, I almost forgot, there's something that Boss forgot to mention to you about thi
.com/wiki/File:Vo_dlclq003_12_paimon_03.ogg Paimon: ...Aw, but Paimon forgot to bring her coin pouch! (Traveler), do you have any Mora on yo Albedo: Oh... I forgot, I don't have that many chairs. Please wait a moment.http://gen
his Vision to the Shogun and seems to be in very low spirits, and he forgot the key to the secret blade technique he once taught,[Note 4] b
edo: He so desperately craved to become a perfect human being that he forgot something: Human beings are defined by their flaws.http://gensh Mona: Oh right! I completely forgot...*sigh* Alright.Everyone exchanges glances before, one by one, 元太: Oh, I almost forgot, there's something that Boss forgot to mention to you about thi
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n"、"should have "といった条件付きの言葉を多用する人には注意が必要です。例えば、"Well, I guess I just forgot Jamie and I had made plans "のような発言は、"I forgot Jamie and I had m
Windows 10が動作するコンピュータのパスワードを忘れてしまった場合、または単にパスワードを変更したい場合、最も簡単な解決策の1つは、Windows 10のロック画面から直接パスワードを変更することです。この記事では、この手順を順を追って説明します。知っておくべきことWin
Archon!パットン: Apple cider and cherry ciders all taste mighty nice — I forgot to mention dandelion wine! That's one of a kind!パットン: By export
物語(第1巻) ×1を獲得)Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg You are...?イーディス博士: Ah, sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. Just call me Edith. I'm a historian and fo
his oath and dismisses him. To Paimon's worry, she realizes that they forgot to ask him about returning the sigil, and suggests to the Trave
else's influence, much like the protagonist of the Hymn of the Pearl forgot his origins and duty and believed himself to be an Egyptian.Not
ting a candy stall, Dunyarzad decides to return to the lodging as she forgot something, but they soon run into an Eremite brigade intent on Amber: Oh, sorry. I forgot to do the introductions.
海乱鬼 雷騰 炎威 雷騰種類敵の群その他人間勢力野伏衆海かい乱ら鬼ぎは、野伏衆の一種である。現在、2種類の海乱鬼が存在する。現在、雷騰と炎威の2種類が
ell, guess it's up to you again, (Traveler)...Geri: ...Agh! I totally forgot!Paimon: Eh? What's going on over there?Freki: Seriously? How di
, who makes the better mascot: Paimon, or Klee?(Traveler): Oh wait, I forgot. Paimon's not a mascot, Paimon's emergency—Paimon: Hey! Paimon
the resistance caught wind of the meeting. Sara is angered that they forgot what the Fatui had just done to Inazuma before asking them what
ep. Got one eye open always.」まともに眠ったことはない。いつも片目を開けている。MATHILDA:「Oh, I forgot. You know I never saw someone with one eye open snore so much.」
bits of fluff,So teach us things worth knowing,Bring back what we've forgot,Just do your best, we'll do the rest,And learn until our brains
ip;I’ve been following the guy for a while.STANSFIELD finds the forgotten polaroid photo. STANSFIELD is perplexed, then recognizes the
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I came straight to the restaurant after I borrowed it and completely forgot that I even had it.
thing. Tewi was so excited about the flowers everywhere that she just forgot to say where she was going. Cirno at first appeared to be, basi
1617:「ううん…変な姉様。」 と言いつつ苦笑して、湯のみに口をつける金剛@3-1533:「(フフフ…マァ、榛名にとっては当然のコトだからforgotしてるだけでショウネ、メイビー。 これなら安心ネ)」 金剛@3-1533:ずずず金剛@3-1533:「そういえばワタシから一つだ
ontinued to be friends with Yuyuko's ghost, although Yuyuko gradually forgot who she had been and why she had died. When Yuyuko requested th
d plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason, should ever be forgot." というセリフは、マザーグースの一節である。その他にも多くの言葉遊びがあり、特にウィリアム・シェイクスピアの著書からの引用が
wを使って言葉を和らげ、相手が何も心配することはないとはっきり伝えることができるかもしれません。Them: "I'm so sorry I forgot about our meeting.今、空いてる?"あなた:"Dw!"Dw!大丈夫です。今なら会えます。"相手の緊張を和らげる
new ones.Pinkie Pie: Nah!Zecora: [laughs] There is one story I nearly forgot: of an Earth pony who needed to clean up her shop.Pinkie Pie: [
Back Again - Part 2"Once I made a few friends, I guess I just sort of forgot about the whole feeding thing."— To Where and Back Again - Part
threw the baby out with the bath water.Give up choir.PNGGive Up!.jpgI forgot the Alamo!I....PNGGave....PNGUp!.PNGNot going for bronze.PNGI'm
went well?アップルブルーム: Did it? My Granny Smith is super special! I just forgot that for a little while.グラニースミス: Aw, don't fret. I forget thing
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レゾルート • UNSC シアトル • UNSC サーシス • UNSC テルモピュライ情報源[]↑ What those critics forgot that a UNSC Destroyer sported 2 MAC guns, 26 over-sized Archer
レイヤーにアウトになることがわかるようにします。次のプレイヤーの手番が始まる前に「UNO!」と言い忘れた場合は、他のプレイヤーが "You forgot to say UNO!"などと言ってあなたを捕まえることができます。捕まったら、すぐに山札の上から2枚のカードを引かなければな
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