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神々は欲望の殻に七つの光を焼き付け、己の権力が及ぶものであると世に知らしめた。[Note 1]
「神の目」は、周辺の元素エネルギーに反応する場合など、特定の状況下で共鳴することがある[6]。共鳴した「神の目」が点滅する。しかし、これが何を意味するのかは不明であり、また、全ての共鳴源に対して同じ効果があるのかも不明である[Note 2]。
「人の野望が一定の強さに達したとき、神々はその者を好意的に見る」[25]、「人の熱き野望が燃え盛るとき、神々はその者を見つめる」[3]という言葉があり、そのときに「神の目」が現れ、持ち主の野望が「神の目」に表現されている。旅人は千手百目神像[25]に触れて声を聞いたり、神の目」を失った人々に出会うことでこれを知り、後にこの知識を八重神子の助けを借りて一心浄土 で雷神討伐に利用される[3]。
... to be stripped of one's Vision is to be stripped of one's ambition.
Some of those who no longer use their Vision, whether they willingly or unwillingly gave it up, have quite literally lost the ambition or goal that previously drove them and, in some cases, have even lost critical memories.[35][36][37][38][39] Those who lost a Vision and then regained it later also regained their previous ambitions or drive in general,[40] although more muted than before in some cases.[41][42][43] It is possible that rather than being symbols of ambition, Visions quite literally are that ambition in physical form.
The effects of losing or giving up a Vision are not the same for everyone. It is possible that these effects depend on how prepared or willing someone is to give up their Vision, but even then, the effects vary. It is also unclear how closely linked the effects are to the apparent reasons that people received their Visions.
Tejima, Kurosawa Kyounosuke, and Domon all suffered from losing their Visions to the Vision Hunt Decree, but Tejima and Kurosawa Kyounosuke lost certain memories that defined their actions in the past while Domon instead hallucinated the people he defeated until he spoke to Anzai.
Iwakura Kouzou surrendered his Vision to the Shogun and seems to be in very low spirits, and he forgot the key to the secret blade technique he once taught,[Note 4] but he does not appear to be experiencing anything on the scale of what Tejima, Kurosawa Kyounosuke, or Domon experienced. In addition, he says that despite forgetting the key to his technique and losing his Vision, he is willing to fight the Traveler to avenge his former students and "still [has] some of that fire" in him.
In contrast to all of them, Arataki Itto appeared to be quite lively even after unhappily losing his Vision to Kujou Sara. Additionally, many people who lost their Visions to the Vision Hunt Decree joined the Watatsumi Army,[3][44] implying they still had the willpower to fight even after losing their Visions.
Meanwhile, Nobumori appears to enjoy his new peaceful life without his Vision and says he felt as if he let go of "a heavy burden" when he handed his Vision over to Kamisato Ayato. Jiangxue, who has exacted the justice he sought,[Note 5] is similarly enjoying a peaceful life without using his Vision and said that he is now "free of desire."[45]ディルック, whose "hopes and dreams" died while he had his Vision,[46] discarded his Vision for a few years, during which he ravaged many Fatui strongholds using a Delusion instead;[47] when he returned to Mondstadt with his ambition restored, he began to use his Vision once again.
It is unknown what the maximum physical distance between a Vision and its owner is before the Vision cannot be used anymore, and it is also not known if significant physical barriers can prevent usage of Visions. However, Visions may at least light up in response to their masters' resolve if they are close enough.[48]
万葉は魔神任務『千手百目』は、二章・三幕【千手百目の浮世】のカットシーンで、無想の一太刀に対抗するために自ら《無双の幻影》を一時的に再覚醒させることに成功した。主なき神の目は雷元素として点灯した。万葉の友人の実体のない声が、以前彼が生きている間に言っていた「稲妻の輝きに勇気を出す者は必ずいる」という言葉を発しながら、神の目が点灯した[24]。主なき神の目が発動している間、万葉は自分の風神の目と一緒に使うことができた[50][51][Note 6]。無想の一太刀に対抗し、旅人を助けた万葉は投げ出され、まだ光っていた雷主なき神の目を落とし、万葉と共に地面に着地して初めて光を失った。このシーンから、万葉は友人の志に共感し、共鳴し、実現したいと思い、主なき神の目を起動させたと推測される。
"Counterfeit Visions" and other similar terms can refer to two different things:
Currently, all known Vision users who do not use a generic NPC model openly display their Visions on their person, typically on their waist or their back. Some Vision users attach their Vision to a personal belonging rather than an article of clothing.
So far, no one has tried concealing their Vision to surprise their opponents in battle, and Yoimiya wore her Vision openly even after handing over a fake Vision when hers was to be seized, so wearing it openly may be a requirement for channeling its power.[Note 7]
It is unknown what the maximum physical distance between a Vision and its owner is before the Vision cannot be used anymore, and it is also not known if significant physical barriers can prevent usage of Visions.
Besides Traveler, The Seven (who have Gnoses), and possibly Dainsleif,[Note 8] all playable characters and upcoming characters use Visions or are most likely using Visions. Other known characters who have or had Visions include:
Following the abolishment of the decree, the Visions were returned to or reclaimed by their rightful owners provided that they were still alive/location known.
Visions from the same region all share the same basic shape. As such, the main difference in appearance between Visions other than the elemental color and surrounding decorative design are usually personal touches added by the owner. For example, Venti has fluffy balls and feathers on strings hanging from his Vision, and he also has a large decorative wing affixed directly to the Vision gem on the left side of the Vision when facing the front of it.
Visions appear to vary in size; for example, Ganyu's Cryo Vision appears very small, while Yanfei's Pyro Vision appears very big.
The decorative designs around Visions as well as the shape of Visions are not element-based. They are both region-based. It is unknown where the designs come from.
The typical Mondstadt Vision has an orb-shaped gem inlaid within a pair of tri-feathered wings, with a diamond-shaped tail on the bottom and five spikes at the top. On the back of the Vision, there may or may not be three wing-like decorations along the bottom on one side.
Nonstandard Vision designsThe typical Liyue Vision has a diamond-shaped Vision inlaid in an octagonal border. At the corners of the diamond are arrow accents. On the back of the Vision, the corners of the diamond have smaller diamonds instead of the arrows.
Nonstandard Vision designsThe typical Inazuma Vision has an orb-shaped gem inlaid within a thin border and additionally surrounded by a full-circle stylized bow with a stylized knot at the bottom and three solid circles along the top half of the circle, with the middle circle being the biggest of the three.
The design seems to be inspired by the real-life Japanese thunder deity Raijin. The three solid circles spanning the top semicircle may symbolize the Taiko thunder drum scaffold surrounding Raijin, and the bow may be derived from the Celestial Cloth around his shoulders.
Snezhnayan Visions take the form of an orb surrounded by angled protrusions jutting out the top, bottom, left, and right sides, roughly reminiscent of a military badge. Delusions found in-game look the same as Snezhnayan Visions, with the exception of the elemental symbol on the orb being replaced by the Fatui emblem.
So far all Visions and Delusions from Snezhnaya have a gray decorative design (possibly aluminum or iron), in contrast to the golden or polished bronze color found on all known Visions from the other nations.
Aloy, who does not belong to any of the seven nations, has a unique vision design. Her vision takes the form of a diamond star with round edges inlaid in a golden circular frame. It is unknown if this Vision design canonically exists in the world of Teyvat, or if it is for collaboration purposes only.
In-game, Visions allow characters to resonate with a particular element and grant their bearers 2-4 active abilities: an Elemental Skill, a secondary Elemental Skill, and an Elemental Burst. Sometimes, a Vision will grant a character the ability to take on the form of their element while they sprint (see Mona and Ayaka). These vary by character, weapon, ascension phase, and constellation. Some characters momentarily go invisible as part of their attacks, such as Keqing, Lisa, Hu Tao, and Rosaria, allowing them to pass through enemies and projectiles briefly. This may be an ability that uses a Vision, as these characters visually disappear and reappear with a flash of their element.
The Traveler and the Archons are the only characters that do not use Visions to resonate with an element. Venti and Zhongli have items on their person that look like Visions and behave like other characters' Visions in most gameplay. While the Raiden Shogun has three items bearing the Electro symbol on her clothing (one tied to her obi, one embedded on the pauldron on her left shoulder, and one affixed to a fan on her back), none of these appear in the shape of a standard Inazuman Vision. All three glow faintly in a manner similar to a Vision or the Traveler's clothing when her Elemental Burst is available.
All fully charged Aimed Shots from bow users (like Amber) and all attacks by catalyst users (like Lisa) are infused with their element. Some attacks that normally deal Physical DMG can deal elemental damage instead if Elemental Infusion occurs. All Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts deal elemental damage. There are a few that deal significant amounts of Physical DMG instead, but even they also deal elemental damage.
The Elemental Skill is activated by tapping the keybind for it (default on PC: E) or by tapping the skill on-screen. If the current character has a secondary Elemental Skill, or if the primary Elemental Skill has a duration, then the button can be held down.
The Elemental Burst is activated by tapping the keybind for it (default on PC: Q) or by tapping the colored skill on-screen. This will convert energy built up by the character to the element in question.
Individually, elemental damage can be insignificant but combined, they can be more powerful. See Elemental Reactions for more on this.
Some non-playable characters or non-playable versions of characters also have additional abilities beyond their talents as playable characters. For example, the Golden House boss Childe has more abilities and attacks than the playable character. Zhongli is seen creating a far wider Jade Shield that lets him protect a number of characters from attacking miners in the Historia Antiqua Act II character quest. Mona is also shown to be capable of teleporting herself and people near her short to medium distances during her story quest and the Unreconciled Stars event. In the manga, Amber and Kaeya are shown with abilities that they do not have as playable characters, such as creating a Pyro shield and many Cryo constructs.
Noelle's Vision giving off a Geo symbol-shaped glow
When switching to a character whose Elemental Burst is ready, their Vision will briefly give off an elemental symbol-shaped glow, and a specific sound effect corresponding to the character's element will play with an exception of Raiden Shogun.言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 神かみの目め Kami no Me | Eye of God |
中国語 (簡体字) | 神之眼 Shénzhīyǎn | Eye of God |
中国語 (繁体字) | 神之眼 Shénzhīyǎn | |
英語 | Vision | — |
韓国語 | 신의 눈 Shin-ui Nun | Eye of God |
スペイン語 | Visión | Vision |
フランス語 | Œil divin | Divine Eye |
ロシア語 | Глаз Бога Glaz Boga | Eye of God |
タイ語 | วิชั่น Wichan | — |
ベトナム語 | Vision | — |
ドイツ語 | Göttliches Auge | Divine Eye |
インドネシア語 | Vision | — |
ポルトガル語 | Visão | Vision |
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