「allows」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Mod:Mods - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

ssion life of the game.Steam WorkshopPlay as DinoThe Play as Dino mod allows you to live, fight, breed and survive as your favorite dinos in

Atomic_Shop/Utility - Fallout Wiki

Atx bundle repairandscrapkit.webpThis page lists all Atomic Shop utility items. These are objects or items with gameplay effects. They may e

Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

6/8/10% parry.Blood Aura: Replaced with Improved Blood Presence. This allows the death knight to keep the healing-from-damage-done bonus of

用語集 - Blender Cycles memo

ns of all vertices making up the object.Gimbal A pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a single axis.See also Gimbal o

Mek - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

ts: Fuel and Heat. Each stat has a corresponding icon on the HUD.Fuel allows for the Mek to carry out many of its abilities. As these abilit

Wagstaff_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

keeps me warm!"Beekeeper_Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "Its translucent mesh allows for closer contact."Feather Hat- "Attracting birds. Perhaps the

Atomic_Shop/Bundles - Fallout Wiki

ts • Vault-Tec Water PurifierCamp Structure Starter BundleThis bundle allows you to easily start creating a fantastic C.A.M.P. with these pr

Fallout_4_settlements - Fallout Wiki

ld out new settlements or even specialize them.Related perks[]Gun Nut allows for the creation of more advanced defenses.Hacker is required f

v0.15.12.0 - Barotrauma日本語wiki

legs slow the player down more.Talent system:- The new talent system allows you to unlock things such as special skills, buffs and fabricat

SAIL - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

aterials.Enable_Paint_Tool.pngEnable Paint ToolDetails:The Paint Tool allows you to colour many blocks different colours. I can enable it fo

ODST_battle_armor - Halopedia日本語版

center. There are no shoulder plates issued with this variant, which allows more freedom of the arm movement.Other Versions[]There are also

Fallout_4 - Fallout Wiki

ries.The player character, the Sole Survivor, obtains a Pip-Boy which allows the player to access a menu with statistics, maps, data, and it

Patch_3.2.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

Cheetah: Can now be learned at level 16.Deterrence: This ability now allows the hunter to parry spells and attacks from behind as well as i

FastTrack - なんでもある Wiki

sources, FastTrack employs the UUHash hashing algorithm. While UUHash allows very large files to be checksummed in a short time, even on slo

Principled Hair BSDF - Blender Cycles memo

air should have a minimum of variance between each strand. The shader allows for this by specifying two values, Random Color and Random Roug

A_Pillar_of_the_Community - Fallout Wiki

hreaten the player's life. It is possible to pass a speech check that allows the player to leave with all of their possessions, without caus

Learn to Play - arkham horror lcg

n the campaign, each investigator gains experience and insight, which allows them to develop in a variety of ways by adding powerful new hig

Fallout_2 - Fallout Wiki

, it is impossible to change, except by using the "Mutate" Perk which allows the player to change one Trait, but only once."Perks" are speci

Falloutシリーズ - Fallout Wiki

rest of the party. Fallout Tactics includes a multi-player mode that allows players to compete against squads of other characters controlle

Pegasus - マイリトルポニー Wiki

ns and Earth ponies cannot do so. Twilight Sparkle casts a spell that allows her non-Pegasi friends and herself to walk on clouds. Gilda, a

LSL関数 - セカンドライフWiki

and build, or land that doesn't allow outside scripts. This function allows a script to find out if it's in danger of getting deleted or di

比那名居天子 - 東方Project Wiki

e in a remote area as long as it's inside Gensokyo. This ability also allows her to cause disasters such as subsidence or mudslide.Also, onl

天はすべて許し給う - ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ Wiki

天はすべて許し給うAll That Heaven Allows監督ダグラス・サーク脚本ペグ・フェンウィック製作ロス・ハンター出演者ジェーン・ワイマンロック・ハドソン音楽フランク・スキナージョセフ・ガーシェンソン撮影ラッセル・メティ配給ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ公開image:テン

ウェポンアップグレード - DESTINY ウィキ

、追加弾薬が付与され、リロード速度が上昇する。Light WarheadThis compact, lightweight warhead allows you to carry many more in reserveLightweight.png軽量Lightweightこの

Power_armor - Fallout Wiki

uit to unfold to accept an occupant, then reseals itself. Power Armor allows its wearer to not only have superior strength bonuses but its a

Shaun - Fallout Wiki

bove, he is not only open to recruitment of talented individuals, but allows them to gain high positions, like with Madison Li. He also does

転生 - Idle Slayer Wiki

これは転生アップグレードの単なるリストであり、何をどの順序で購入するかについての推奨事項については 転生ツリーティアリスト参照.敵を倒すことで得られるソウルをスレイヤーポイントに変換することであり、本ゲームで最も重要な要素です。獲得したスレイヤーポイントを消費して、以下の転生スキ