

an overview of China's stealth armor in the Fallout series of games については、Chinese stealth armor をご覧ください。
Operation: Anchorage armor set

Chinese stealth armor

Icon stealth armor.png

Chinese stealth armor




999400 (シミュレーション版)


+15 Sneak
+5 ステルスフィールド (しゃがみ時)

+5 Sneak







base id

xx003a02 (sim version)

Icon_cut.png 中国軍ステルスヘルメット




99940 (シミュレーション版)







base id

xx003a03 (シミュレーション版)


ヘイ・グイ (中国語表記"黑鬼"/Fallout 4内では"海龟"表記)中国軍ステルスアーマーは、Fallout 3DLC、Operation: Anchorageに登場する防具です。



Chinese stealth armor was used during the Chinese invasion of Alaska and was the Chinese solution to invasion by U.S. forces in power armor. It was available to elite Chinese Crimson Dragoon troops as well as the Black Ghost counter-insurgency/terror units before and during the Great War.

Earlier Hei Gui models were also used during raids against the Hoover Dam secret laboratory and Limit-115 laboratory.


The armor is a form-fitting armored jumpsuit, with stealth camouflage system embedded. It generates a modulating field that transmits the reflected light from one side of an object to the other, making a person much harder to notice (but not completely invisible). The technology was the basis for the unstable "Stealth Boy" wrist units developed in the U.S.

It has a Damage Resistance comparable to recon armor, but also increases Sneak by 15 and the stealth field stat by 5 when crouching.


It can only be obtained after the Operation Anchorage simulation. It is in the armory which can be opened after completing the simulation. This is the only one throughout the game.


  • The stealth field activates whenever the wearer sneaks; this is true even if the wearer is a companion or a regular NPC.
  • The stealth field bonus does not appear in the Pip-Boy unless crouching when looking at it. Otherwise, the only bonus shown is +15 Sneak.
  • The clear, see-through texture produced by stealth armor is slightly different than that of a Stealth Boy, and can be compared by hot-keying a Stealth Boy, and activating it while sneaking.


  • Icon_pc.pngIcon_xbox360.png If the armor breaks while the player has the stealth field activated, there is a possibility that the stealth field will stay active even after changing to a different piece of clothing or exiting sneak mode. This can be fixed by repairing the armor and toggling sneak mode while wearing it, or loading an earlier save. [verified]
  • Icon_ps3.png When a companion has the armor equipped and is crouching (activating the stealth field) you can trade items with them and swap the armor with another clothing article and when exiting dialogue the stealth field will remain whenever the companion is crouched. This is useful if you want to sneak through areas with a high concentration of enemies, (such as Evergreen Mills) without the possibility of the death of the companion. [verified]
  • Icon_pc.pngIcon_xbox360.png If you pickpocket a stealth suit from a Crimson Dragoon, the stealth field will not activate when crouching, and the suit's stats are identical to those of the recon armor. Additionally, it lists under effects on the Pip-Boy as "Initiate's Armor". [verified]
  • While performing the perk "Mister Sandman" with the stealth suit the lower part of the will be detached from the player character's skeleton. [verified]
  • Icon_ps3.pngIcon_pc.png When picking up the armor, it will spin when being held, making full circles, until it is dropped. This may be due to selecting the rounded face plate of the armor when it is on the ground, selecting the back or bottom of the armor allows it to be moved normaly. [verified]
  • If you stare at the ground and swing a knife while crouching in first person view, a part of the suit will clip into view. [verified]
  • Icon_ps3.png Sometimes when equipping enclosed headgear like a power helmet, switching to the stealth armor, and removing the headgear will seem to have made the player character's head vanish. [verified] (To fix this bug, remove the helmet and the Chinese stealth armor, and then reequip it again and the helmet should be back)


Location in the Outcast outpost's sealed armory
Chinese stealth armor concept art
Glitch that allows compatibility with other head gear, even while cloaked
This glitch also allows for the compatibility of eyewear to be worn along with certain head gear
Concept art by Adam Adamowicz
Operation: Anchorage
Quests/achievementsAiding the Outcasts · The Guns of Anchorage · Paving the Way · Operation: Anchorage!
LocationsOutcast Outpost (VSS) · Anchorage Reclamation simulation (U.S. Army field headquarters) · Bailey's Crossroads · Bailey's Crossroads Metro
Weaponsジンウェイのショックソード · ガウスライフル · トレンチナイフ · Signal flareIcon_cut.png · Smoke grenade ·
Armor陸軍メカニックジャンプスーツ · 中国軍ステルスアーマー · General Chase's overcoat · General Jingwei's uniform · ニューロ・インターフェイス・スーツ · アウトキャスト・スクライブローブ · 中国軍ジャンプスーツ · 冬用コンバットアーマー · 冬用T-51bパワーアーマー · The Peepers Icon_cut.png
Other itemsOperation: Anchorageのホロテープ · Recruitment marker · Requisition holo
CharactersOutcastsProtector McGraw · Defender Sibley · Defender Morrill · Specialist Olin
U.S. ArmyBenjamin Montgomery · Constantine Chase · Thomas Morgan · Adrienn Adami · Quartermaster · Strike Team · American soldier · American grease-monkeys · American war correspondent · Patterson
Chinese ArmyChimera · Spider drone · Chinese soldier · Crimson Dragoon · Chinese technician · General Jingwei
PerksCovert Ops
Otherパルスフィールド · Outcast distress signal
Armor and clothing in Fallout 3
パワーアーマー軍用パワーアーマー · Brotherhood power armor · Enclave Hellfire armor · Enclave power armor · Lyons' Pride power armor · Outcast power armor (Linden's Outcast power armor) · Power armor (Ashur's power armor, prototype medic power armor, tribal power armor) · T-51b power armor (winterized T-51b power armor) · Tesla armor
コンバットアーマーCombat armor · Ranger battle armor · Security uniforms · Talon combat armor (Lag-Bolt's combat armor) · Winterized combat armor (winterized medic armor)
その他のアーマーLeather armor (Wanderer's leather armor) · Merc outfits · Metal armor (gamma shield armor, samurai armor)  · Raider armors · Raider commando armor (Leather Rebel) · Raider iconoclast armor · Raider ordinance armor (Bombshell armor) · Raider paingiver armor · Raider throwdown armor (Metal Master armor) · Recon armor (Chinese stealth armor)
Advanced radiation suit · AntAgonizer's costume · (Dirty) Chinese jumpsuit · Colonel Autumn's uniform · Doctor Li's outfit · Elder Lyons' robe · Enclave officer uniform · Environment suit · Eulogy Jones' suit · General Chase's overcoat · Grifter's Fit · Kid's outfits (Blast Off pajamas, kid's cave rat outfit, Mayor MacCready's outfit)· Mechanist's costume · Mysterious Stranger outfit · Neural interface suit · Oasis robes (Maple's garb) · Paulson's outfit · Pre-War outfits · Pre-War businesswear · Radiation suit · Repairman jumpsuit (Red's jumpsuit) · Regulator duster (Sheriff's duster) · Roving trader outfit · Scientist outfits (Lab coat, Lesko's lab coat, The Surgeon's lab coat) · Scribe robe · Sexy sleepwear (All-nighter nightwear, Naughty nightwear) · Slave outfits (laborer outfit) · Spacesuit · Tenpenny's suit · Tribal garb · Vance's longcoat outfit · Wasteland outfits · Winterized Chinese jumpsuit (General Jingwei's uniform) · Workman's coveralls
Vaultの服Armored Vault 101 jumpsuit · Tunnel Snake outfit · Vault jumpsuits (child's Vault 101 jumpsuit, Vault 77 jumpsuit) · Vault 101 utility jumpsuit (Dad's wasteland outfit, modified utility jumpsuit) · Vault lab uniform · Vault 101 security armor
頭装備Bandana · Button's wig · Chinese commando hat (Hat of the People) · Confederate hat · Eulogy Jones' hat · Head wrap (Three Dog's head wrap) · Hockey mask (Ledoux's hockey mask) · Lincoln's hat · Oasis druid hood (Poplar's hood) · Party hat · Pint-Sized Slasher mask · Police hat · Pre-War baseball cap (kid's baseball cap, Takoma Park little leaguer cap) · Pre-War bonnet · Pre-War hat (shady hat) · Sheriff's hat (Paulson's hat) · Stormchaser hat · Wig · Winterized Chinese commando hat
HelmetsAntAgonizer's helmet · Brotherhood power helmet · Combat helmet · Enclave Hellfire helmet · Enclave power helmet · Eyebot helmet (Crow's eyebot helmet) · Lyons' Pride power helmet · Mechanist's helmet · Metal helmet (samurai helmet) · Motorcycle helmet · Outcast power helmet · Power helmet · Raider arclight helmet (Torcher's mask) · Raider blastmaster helmet · Raider psycho-tic helmet · Raider wastehound helmet (Boogeyman's hood) · Ranger battle helmet · Recon helmet (composite recon helmet) · Rivet City security helmet · Supervisor helmet (filtration helmet) · T-51b power helmet · Talon combat helmet · Tesla helmet · Winterized combat helmet · Winterized medic helmet · Winterized T-51b power helmet · Welder's mask  · Vault 101 security helmet
EyewearBiker goggles · Ghoul mask · Glasses (Cryptochromatic spectacles, Desmond's eyeglasses, Lag-Bolt's shades, Lucky shades, Three Dog's glasses)
Italics denote armors only available through add-ons. Headwear is found in articles of matching armor where possible.

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