
A Pillar of the Community
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ロケーションCharles View Amphitheater
提示Brother Thomas
base id000c5093

A Pillar of the Communityは Fallout 4マーク無しクエストです


Quick walkthrough[]

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必要な項ですが、まだ十分ではありません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。

Detailed walkthrough[]

The leader of this cult, Brother Thomas, will try to convince the Sole Survivor to join their group. He will make grand statements about improving the lives of everyone in the Commonwealth. If the player agrees to join the group, Thomas will take the player character into the back room of the amphitheater and ask him to forfeit all of his worldly possessions in favor of the Pillars of the Community.

If the player questions this, Thomas will reveal his true intentions as a con-man, and threaten the player's life. It is possible to pass a speech check that allows the player to leave with all of their possessions, without causing a fight. If the player refuses Thomas's proposition, he and all of his followers will immediately become hostile and attack.

If the player character does kill Brother Thomas and his followers, Thomas will respawn during the quest Emogene Takes a Lover. There is a speech check that allows the player to intimidate him, saying that they "killed the last guy running this scam".

Quest stages[]

必要な項ですが、まだ十分ではありません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。


If the Sole Survivor has completed the quest Emogene Takes a Lover before first meeting Brother Thomas, this quest cannot be started or completed as Brother Thomas will simply refuse to talk to the Sole Survivor. There is an exception to this: if you completed Emogene Takes a Lover by using stealth approach (i.e. sneaking into the room where Thomas holds Emogene and freeing her without anyone noticing Sole Survivor) you still can start this quest later on.

この記事は「A Pillar of the Community」の情報を十分に提供していません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。
メインクエスト第1章War Never Changes · Out of Time · Jewel of the Commonwealth · Unlikely Valentine · Getting a Clue · Reunions
第2章Dangerous Minds · The Glowing Sea · Hunter/Hunted · The Molecular Level · Institutionalized
サイドクエストCambridge Polymer Labs  · Confidence Man · Curtain Call · Dependency · Diamond City Blues · Emogene Takes a Lover · Here Kitty, Kitty · Here There Be Monsters · Hole in the Wall · Human Error · In Sheep's Clothing · Kid in a Fridge · Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution · Mystery Meat · Order Up · Out in Left Field · Painting the Town · Pickman's Gift · Public Knowledge · Pull the Plug · Reveille · Short Stories · Special Delivery · Story of the Century · The Big Dig · The Devil's Due · The Disappearing Act · The Gilded Grasshopper · The Memory Den · The Secret of Cabot House · The Silver Shroud · Trouble Brewin' · Vault 75 · Vault 81
コンパニオンクエストBenign Intervention · Emergent Behavior · Long Road Ahead · Long Time Coming
その他のクエストArt Appreciation · Atom Cats · Botany Class · The Cleaner · The Combat Zone · Detective Case Files · Diamond City's Most Wanted · Fallen Hero · Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain · Fly Fishing · Giddyup 'n Go · Gun Run · Hazardous Material · Meet Ness at the Crash Site · Nuka Cola Needs · Pool Cleaning · Prep School · Traffic Jam · Treasure Hunt · Vault 81 Tour · Virgil's Cure
マーク無しのクエストA Pillar of the Community · Bill Sutton · Brother Against Brother · Familiar Faces · Fertilizer Woman · Holly · Lucy Abernathy · Maintenance Man · Quality Assurance · Supervisor Brown · Supervisor Greene · Suspected Synth · Wedding Day
没クエスト20 Leagues Under the Sea · The Enemy of My Enemy · Off the Grid · The Replacement
B.O.S.メインクエストFire Support · Call to Arms · Semper Invicta · Shadow of Steel · Tour of Duty · Show No Mercy · From Within · Outside the Wire · Liberty Reprimed · Blind Betrayal · Tactical Thinking · Spoils of War · Ad Victoriam · The Nuclear Option
サイドクエストA Loose End · A New Dawn · Cleansing the Commonwealth · Duty or Dishonor · Feeding the Troops · Leading by Example · Learning Curve · Quartermastery · The Lost Patrol
ミニッツメンメインクエストWhen Freedom Calls · Sanctuary · The First Step · Taking Independence · Old Guns · Inside Job · Form Ranks · Defend the Castle · The Nuclear Option
サイドクエストAbernathy Farm: Retribution · Clearing the Way · Ghoul Problem · Greenskins · Kidnapping · Out of the Fire · Raider Troubles · Resettle Refugees · Returning the Favor · Rogue Courser · Taking Point · The Sight · Troubled Waters · With Our Powers Combined
レールロードメインクエストRoad to Freedom · Tradecraft · Boston After Dark · Underground Undercover · Operation Ticonderoga · Precipice of War · Rockets' Red Glare · The Nuclear Option
サイドクエストA Clean Equation · Burning Cover · Butcher's Bill · Butcher's Bill 2 · Concierge · High Ground · Jackpot · Lost Soul · Memory Interrupted · Mercer Safehouse · Randolph Safehouse · To the Mattresses · Variable Removal · Weathervane
インスティチュートメインクエストInstitutionalized · Synth Retention · The Battle of Bunker Hill · Mankind-Redefined · Mass Fusion · Pinned · Powering Up · End of the Line · Airship Down · Nuclear Family
サイドクエストA House Divided · Appropriation · Building a Better Crop · Hypothesis · Plugging a Leak · Political Leanings · Reclamation · Pest Control
AutomatronMechanical Menace · A New Threat · Headhunting · Restoring Order · Rogue Robot

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