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期待どおりに機能しない可能性があります。このページの下部にあるコメント欄かHabitica 日本語訳ギルドで現在の状態に関する情報を確認してください。



Alt InterfaceHabiticaデータと相互作用する代わりの手段。
Display Customization公式Habiticaウェブサイトを利用するユーザー向けの表示方法の変更。
Display Customization - StylishStylish または Greasemonkeyを用いた、公式Habiticaウェブサイトを利用するユーザー向けの表示方法の変更。
CLIコマンドラインインターフェイス; コマンド・プロンプトからコーディング環境なしで動くことができる。


Alpha Habitedex表示のカスタマイズ-スタイリッシュブラウザー(IEとEdge以外)Gotta Hatch'em All! Find 270 fully animated Pokémon (plus hidden shinies!) all while staying productive! *Designed for use in conjunction with Final Habitica VII.
Anki Extension代替ののインターフェースフラッシュを使うブラウザーAnkiは、無料の、オープンなソース・フラッシュカード・プログラムで、ちょうどそれを忘れそうな頃カードを間隔をおいて繰り返し表示させ、それによって学習効率を最適化する。
BookmarkletsReportingBrowser (most)Simple javascript to add to your bookmarks to show previous and all Habitica notifications and create links suitable for Markup.
Boss Button CSS ExtensionDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Hides all the gamified Habitica images to leave a professional impression. Runs on Stylish and may be easier to install than the Boss Button Extension.
Boss Button ExtensionDisplay CustomizationBrowser (Chrome, Opera)Hides all the gamified Habitica images to leave a professional impression.
Challenge Data ToolReportingBrowser (most)A tool that helps you analyze your challenge, allowing you to view all challenge partipants, analyze how often they click/complete tasks, export chat (with or without system messages for parties), and choose winners, including random winners and more.
Challenge Data WranglerAlt InterfacePythonData analysis tool for quickly selecting a Challenge winner. It treats the challenge like a multi-event sporting competition where the winner is the participant with the highest average place across all tasks.
Chrome Chat ExtensionAlt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)Alternative Web chat client for Habitica
Chrome ExtensionIntegrationBrowserMonitors browsing habits to motivate users to stay focused. Users lose Health Points for lingering on bad websites, and gain Experience Points and Gold Points for using good websites. The Chrome Extension also allows users to set the hours and days of the week that need to be productive and integrate browsing habits with HabitRPG to improve overall productivity.
Dark Energy ThemeDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)CSS Style that replaces almost every element on every page with a darker counterpart.
Data Display ToolReportingBrowser (most)Shows you certain information from your Habitica account, including: Task Overview, Task Statistics, Tasks Untagged, Habit History, Habit Trends, Dailies History, Dailies Incomplete, To Do's with Dates, To Do's Completed, Drops Received Today, Quest Progress, Damage from Dailies, Stats and Streaks Backup, Unallocated Points, Missing Equipment, Current Appearance and Gear, Equipment Recommendations, Skills and Buffs.
Data Display Tool White on BlackDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)CSS style for the Data Display Tool. Shows white text on black background, with grey charts.
Emacs Extension for HabiticaAlt InterfaceEmacs (MELPA)Emacs extension to view, add and update tasks for Habitica.
Final Data VIIDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)CSS style for the Data Display Tool based on the Final Fantasy VII menu system aesthetic.
Final Habitica VIIDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)CSS style that redesigns Habitica pages based on the Final Fantasy VII menu system aesthetic.
Firefox ExtensionIntegrationBrowserMonitors your browsing habits to divvy points to your Habitica character.

Lose Health Points for lingering on bad websites, gain Experience Points and Gold Points for hanging out on good websites. Set the hours when you want to be productive and integrate your browsing habits with Habitica to improve your overall productivity.

GitHub IntegrationAlt InterfaceBrowserScore a Habitica Task when GitHub commits are pushed. Uses the Heroku platform.
HabashCLIBashA (very minimal) Habitica terminal client written entirely in Bash.
Habitica Command Line ToolCLIPythonCommand line tool for interacting with Habitica.
Habitica Dark ThemeDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)A theme that changes the Habitica UI to something more comfortable to the eye, especially at night.
Habitica Darker styleDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)This is a simple CSS modification that can be installed via Stylish.
Habitica Launcher (Chrome_Extension)Alt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)A simple extension for Google Chrome that opens your Habitica dashboard.
Habitica Magic WandAlt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)A Chrome Extension that automatically does certain things when Habitica is loaded or refreshed.
Habitica SitePassAlt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)A website blocker that plugs into Habitica and limits you from visiting websites that you decide. You can opt to visit these sites by spending gold.
Habitica-TodoCLIPythonThis is intended to be a two-way sync of Habitica and todoist. Any tasks that can't be found in both services should appear on the others, with the same status. If you complete a task on one service, it should appear as completed on another. Tasks that are created on Habitica should be sent to the 'Inbox' project on Todoist.
Habitica To-Do アクション for IFTTT統合ブラウザ (IFTTT ウェブサイト)IFTTTユーザーが選択したIFTTTトリガーを介してHabiticaのTo Doリストにアイテムを追加できるようにするアプリケーションです。
Habitica ToDo Chrome ExtensionAlt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)Provides users with a shortcut to add current webpages to their To Do list.
Habitica Webhook EditorAlt InterfaceブラウザメインサイトにないすべてのWebhookオプションとWebhook APIのバグの回避策を含むHabitica Webhooksの代替エディターです。
HabitiFitIntegrationBrowserA small, one-page web application that combines FitBit tracking data and Habitica Habits.
HabitRPG CalendarDisplay CustomizationBrowserTakes your To Do's from Habitica and displays them in calendar format.
HabitRPG CLI Client - PHPCLIPHPA CLI client for HabitRPG created using the HabitRPHPG PHP library.
HabitRPG MetroAlt InterfaceWindows AppA windows app to access Habitica that can be used on PC or Phone
Hide Level NumbersDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)A simple CSS style that hides the bar in the bottom right of an avatar (the bar that shows the player's level, buffs, and rebirth status).
Hide Reward ItemsDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)A simple CSS style that hides reward items on the tasks page.
Home Assistant IntegrationIntegrationPythonEnables you to track name, level, class, gold, XP / next level XP, HP / max HP, and mana / max mana in Home Assistant (Hass).
Inbox Display & Export ToolReportingBrowser (most)A tool to show and export the contents of all the messages in your inbox along with information such as the sender's User ID and username, date/time posted, and whether you were the one who sent the message.
Large Print HabitDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)A simple CSS style that increases the font size for many aspects (but not all) of Habit and increases the size of emoji. It is easy to adjust if an even larger font is needed.
Merfy's HabitRPG: Custom Compact EditionDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Stylish CSS add on that allows Hide completed Dailies, Display compact Dailies, To Do's and Habits, Hide unused task controls, Hide tags, Animate avatars, mounts, and pets, Change the header background, Change the task area background, Lighten text (for dark backgrounds), Remove game-like images for work-safe environments.
Android アプリ版 : HabiticaAlt InterfaceAndroidThe official Habitica Android mobile app.
iOS アプリ版 : HabiticaAlt InterfaceiOSThe official Habitica iOS mobile app.
Mount Fade Out ExtensionDisplay CustomizationBrowserA UserScript that causes mounts to temporarily disappear when you hover your mouse over an avatar.
Multi PM - Workflow ExtensionIntegrationiOSA tool that allows a person to send a message to multiple user IDs through Workflow.
OmniRPGIntegrationAppleScriptAppleScript that counts the number of tasks completed over the last day within OmniFocus, then sends it to a set Habit within Habitica.
Org-ModeIntegrationEmacsLispThis is a quick hack to integrate org-mode and Habitica.
Party & Guild Data ToolReportingBrowser (most)A tool that helps you analyze what is going on in your guild or party.
Pebble Watch App: Habitica TasksAlt InterfacePebbleAccess your Habitica tasks and mark them as completed on your Pebble watch.
Phobia Protection ExtensionDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Hides pets, mounts, and quest bosses for snakes, spiders, rats, and bees on the website so that players with phobias about those creatures can use the site with safety.
Push Todos with Duedates to Top ScriptCLIPythonMoves active tasks with duedates to the top of the To Do's list (excluding todos with future due dates)
Remove Group Damage NotificationsDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Hides damage and buff notifications in the Party chat. BUG: Also hides any chat messages in which the current user has been tagged (with the @username markup). This bug cannot be resolved at the moment.
Reverse To-Dos Color ThemeDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Changes Yellow-Red color sequence in To Do's to a more soothing Yellow-Blue sequence.
Spider Squisher ExtensionDisplay CustomizationBrowser (Chrome, Opera)A Chrome extension that squished spiders and rats so that you don't have to see them. The extension hid spider and rat images on the old habitrpg.com site only. It does not work on the new habitica.com site.See: Phobia Protection Extension
Task AdjustorAlt InterfaceBrowserA webpage, maintained by a Habitica mod, that displays your tasks and allows you to modify some of their settings, such as difficulty, tags, dates, and attributes. The tool is intended for making similar changes to several tasks at once.
Tasker-habitrpgIntegrationJavascriptA Javascript and example scripts that empower the Android Tasker application to interact with Habitica's API.
Todoist SyncIntegrationNodeJSCommand-line client for syncing your Todoist tasks to Habitica.
TogglIntegrationBrowserIntegrates the Toggl timer service with HabitRPG.
Ultra Compact Animated StyleDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)A restyling of the Habitica site focused on maximizing your screen real-estate.
Unscroll Habitica Chat MessagesDisplay Customization - StylishBrowser (except IE, Edge)Allows for long messages in Parties, Guilds, and Tavern Chat to take up to 600 pixels in height, so you can read more of the entire post without the limited scrolling area that Habitica uses by default.
WunderHabit - Wunderlist ExtensionIntegrationBrowserLevel up in Habitica by completing To Do's in Wunderlist.
Zapier統合ブラウザこのHabiticaアプリ統合により、Google Sheets、Rescue time、Evernote、Trello、Githubなどの他のZapierアプリと統合し、Habiticaで発生する情報に基づいて他のアプリでアクションを実行したり、その逆を行うことができます。

更新停止 / 古いアプリと拡張機能

GitHabit - GitHub WebhooksIntegrationJavascriptGitHabit is a way to make work done on GitHub count for daily Habits on Habitica. This helps keep developers motivated by automatically counting contributions towards leveling up, and can be easily set up to be used with multiple repositories on GitHub.
Google Calendar Integration Linux ScriptIntegrationShellCodeImports your Google Calendar events for tomorrow into your Habitica To Do's.
HabitRPG .NET Simple ClientAPIWindows (.Net)Simple .NET HabitRPG Client Library.
HabitRPG Android clientAlt InterfaceAndroidDeprecated unofficial "HabitRPG" mobile app by MagicMicky. They are no longer recommended for use. They have been replaced by the new Android アプリ版 : Habitica
HabitRPG deprecated official Mobile ClientAlt InterfaceAndroid, IOSDeprecated official "HabitRPG" mobile apps. They are no longer recommended for use. They have been replaced by new apps:

HabitRPG InteractiveAlt InterfaceBrowser (Chrome, Opera)Open source chromium extension that allows you to easily view and interact with your Habitica lists without having to go directly to the page.
HabitRPG Java ClientAPIJavaHabitRPG Java Client is very simple to use!
HabitRPG-CLI - WindowsCLIWindowsA Windows application written in AutoIT that allows you to send an "up" or "down" message for a habit through the HabitRPG API.
HabitRPGAppletAlt InterfaceCinnamon (Linux desktop environment)An applet for Cinnamon (Linux desktop environment) that will let you access your Dailies from the panel.
Hrpg command lineCLIPerlCommand-line client for Habitica. Supports viewing status, listing tasks by types, creation of new tasks, scoring tasks up or down (incrementing/decrementing), unticking all Dailies, API debugging, and more.
Join Challenge FormAlt InterfaceBrowserThis form provided a workaround for habitica 問題 #1471 (now closed).
Munin PluginsIntegrationPHPPlugins for Munin to graph users' XP, HP, MP, GP, open Tasks and open Dailies.
Habitica PHP API WrapperIntegrationPHPA PHP wrapper for Habitica's API V2
PHP Character WidgetReportingPHPA widget displaying a player's user name, current appearance and select stats (level, class, health, XP and mana) that can be placed on the player's own website.
PlanHWIntegrationBrowserA homework planner for the modern student, including natural language recognition.
QuickToDoAlt InterfaceWindowsA simple Windows application that allows users to quickly add To Do's to Habitica without having to visit the website or use the mobile apps.
Remember the Milk SyncCLIJavascriptCommand-line client for importing your Remember the Milk tasks into your HabitRPG To Do's. When you complete your HabitRPG To Do's and run the client again, it marks those tasks complete in Remember the Milk! Start getting XP for completing those tasks, and stop entering them manually!
Webservice::HabitRPG - Perl APIAPIPerlA full-featured Perl interface for Habitica.
Wordpress PluginReportingBrowserA widget displaying a player's user name, current appearance and select stats (level, class, health, XP and mana) that can be placed on the player's own website.

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これは特集記事です!このページはWiki Wednesdayシリーズの一環で特集されました。Habiticaのスタッフは月に1回、生産性・健康・最適化などHabiticaの使い方についてヒントを載せた...


魔のウーパールーパーHP500強さ1.5巻物魔のウーパールーパーは クエスト名と同じ名前のモンスターがボスのクエストです。 このボスを倒すとウーパールーパのクエストペットがアンロックされます。クエスト...




フロストペンギンHP400強さ1.5巻物霜の鳥は 「フロストペンギン」という名のモンスターがボスのクエストです。 このボスを倒すとペンギンのクエストペットがアンロックされます。クエストの巻物は市場で4...


雷雄羊HP300強さ1.5巻物雷雄羊は クエスト名と同じ名前のモンスターがボスのクエストです。 このボスを倒すと羊のクエストペットがアンロックされます。クエストの巻物は市場で4ジェムで購入可能です。雷...


難易度は習慣、日課、またはTo Doがあなたにとってどれだけ完了するのが難しいかを表します(例えば、家をペイントするのは歯磨きをするより困難です)。難易度のレベルはちょろい、かんたん、ふつう、むずかし...




防御の薬‏‎すべてのタスクを初期値(黄色)に戻し、体力を全快します。購入額4 防御の薬‏‎は、チャレンジではないタスクの値をすべて初期値(黄色)に戻し、プレイヤーの体力を全快します。 本効果は即時に現...


銅頭鉄額の甲虫HP800強さ2巻物このクエストは「銅頭鉄額の甲虫」という名のモンスターがボスのクエストです。 このボスを倒すと銅の魔法のたまごがえしの薬がアンロックされます。クエストの巻物は市場で4ジ...






金の騎士HP1000強さ3巻物金の騎士 is the second part of the 黄金騎士シリーズの第2部の装備シリーズクエスト でボスは金の騎士です。クエストシリーズを完了すると究極の報酬...


連続実行は日課を予定通り完了した回数や、カウンターのリセットまでの間に習慣を行った回数を記録しています。目次1 連続実行回数の増加と消失2 連続実行実績3 連続実行回数を調整する4 過去の連続実行回数...


これは特集記事です!このページはWiki Wednesdayシリーズの一環で特集されました。Habiticaのスタッフは月に1回、生産性・健康・最適化などHabiticaの使い方についてヒントを載せた...


96c696a0-7f8f-11e2-9bf9-5e67f9e4ed85.gif Habiticaでは、メンバーからの貢献に感謝して、ごほうびを授与しています! このページでは獲得できるごほうびを紹介...




謎のタイムトラベラー謎のタイムトラベラーは、三か月以上有料会員を継続し、神秘の砂時計を受け取ったプレイヤーが呼び出すことができます。目次1 有料会員の特典2 スチームパンクセット3 スチームパンクな背...


これは特集記事です!このページはWiki Wednesdayシリーズの一環で特集されました。Habiticaのスタッフは月に1回、生産性・健康・最適化などHabiticaの使い方についてヒントを載せた...